Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 843: Emergency 1

Void Central Starfield. Ω 『

The huge gray-white air flow, as if the sea water flooded the beach, slowly covered one shining port after another.

The light blue star gate with blue light flashed, one corner was eroded by the gray air, and suddenly burst into explosion.

A blazing blue fire exploded inside the star gate, and instantly turned into countless blue currents, spreading in all directions.

The nearby planets were struck by the aftermath of an instant and exploded, creating a chain reaction.

Pale yellow, reddish white, pure gold, all the explosions light up continuously.

Each light represents the slow extinction of a planet.

Even the billions of souls above him died.

Huh! !!

On the edge of the star gate, a pure white shuttle-type battleship suddenly flew over like an arrow, and passed by the side of the star gate explosion.

The battleship wobbled and was balanced by the aftershocks, but was not affected by the degree. It was astonished that it was far away from the serial explosion behind it, and the gray air impacted.

Inside the battleship driving hall.

Dragon snake and Jiuquxianweng stared staringly at the fan-shaped driving glass ahead.

There are dozens of monks in different clothes in the entire cab. Some of them are staring at the glazed windows, while others are carefully watching and learning how the Daomen in the driver ’s seat manipulate the battleship.

An old gray monk, with a trembling hand holding a fluorescent writing brush, was slowly writing something on a piece of yellow paper in suspension. Looking from the side, it looks like something like a testament.

The two beautiful female nuns held hands tightly to each other, their eyes were still red and swollen, apparently just crying. The body was also damaged and wounded, and even the long sword carried on his back was broken.

In addition, almost all the monks present were traumatized, or they were depressed, died in silence, and almost lost hope.

"Without the Star Gate ...... Without the Star Gate ... we have to span the distance of millions of spirits! This time is really dead!"

An old man with a bleak face wailed in wailing.

"Poor my bitter grandson and Xiao Hong ..."

The dragon snake looked at the depressed people around him, and his heart was helpless.

As soon as he and Jiuqu received the notification from Lin Xin, they immediately started to gather a lot of friends, and quickly got on the spacecraft, intending to jump back to the star gate.

However, it was unexpected that a star gate broke down halfway through, causing them to plan their journey halfway, and they were suddenly delayed.

So, after just such a delay ... The raging explosion swept through.

Just now, a star gate they had to pass was eroded by the gray air and finally exploded.

This also caused the original hopefuls to lose hope almost instantaneously.

"Without this star gate, we have to return to the Umbra, and have to fly at least 21 million spirit miles!" Dragon Snake estimated, and his heart was helpless.

Compared to the spread of the calamity, it is a bit slower. It's okay for me and Brother Jiuqu to leave, but it's hard. "

The dragon and snake knew that in the big catastrophe, all kinds of vital energy in the void had tidal riots, which caused their celestial energies to be adjusted.

The luminosity is also greatly reduced.

And the impact is rapidly changing.

"Before the last minute, cheer me up!"

The dragon and snake screamed loudly, sounding like Hong Zhong, directly awakening everyone present.

"Nice!" Jiuquxianweng also said, "It's not enough to reach the end of the mountains and rivers. Besides, the disaster is the first wave of impulse, the degree is amazing, and then it will slow down.

As long as we can avoid the first wave or rush to the Umbra before we are caught up, there will always be hope! "

"But without communication, there is no means of positioning. We don't even know where we are!"

A knowledgeable monk retorted, his face showing a deep despair.

"Who said that there is no way to locate it! As long as we are flying in one direction, we will be able to reach the Utopia!" Several others were reconciled.

"You do n’t know. If flying in the void, if there is no positioning. The spacecraft will be constantly impacted by tidal wind from external energy. It doesn't need much, and the error of the direction of the head will be enlarged by a huge distance in the end, and it will completely deviate. route!"

One could not help crying.


Jiuqu reached out and pressed.

The whole ship shuddered for a moment. Many of the immortals present were silent.

"Today's plan, there is only one way." He glanced at everyone, looking calm. "Life and death have destiny. I will wait together to add power to the spacecraft and add new impetus to the furnace. This will raise the degree to a point far ahead. Maybe we will find hope."

Everyone was suffocated. Rebuilding a spaceship is easier said than done, not to mention that the spaceship they are riding at this time is already the vehicle of Tianzun, and the technology has reached the highest level.

"Is there a good way for Jiuquxianweng?"

The Dragon Snake also had a headache at this time. His body was numb at any time and place. Strong inspirational alerts reminded him every second that he could be at risk of death at any time.

But he couldn't come up with any good way.

"I don't have a good way. The only thing I understand is that if we give up completely ourselves, then if we have hope, we will never fall on us!"

Jiuqu's sentence is decisive.

It also used psionic skills such as Lei Yin's ears, which instantly made all the monks present at the scene a fire of hope.

"Xian Weng's words are extremely true! If I wait for self-violence, I'm afraid that even the last hint of hope will disappear completely."

An old man immortal stood out loudly.

"The old grandson is still waiting for me to reunite in the Underworld, but I promised him to go home safely."

"Brother Duan ..." Jiuqu sighed secretly, and finally stopped this decadent pressure, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

boom! !!

Without saying a word, the whole ship suddenly trembled. As if something hit him from the side for a while, with a fierce roll, he flew across the distance.

The dragon and snake's consciousness unfolded, pushing away the chaotic void energy tidal wind around it, and stretched out in all directions.

The moment he saw the outside scenery, he shivered suddenly, his face turned red and white quickly, and there was no trace of blood.

Not only him, Jiuquxianweng, but also the earthly immortal crowd present, after the consciousness had dispersed, they were all quiet for a moment, dead.

Outside the spaceship, the vast void was filled with endless white mist from the side.

Looking closely, it turned out to be the same kind of gray causality!

"My life is gone!"

Jiuquxian Weng's brain is numb, looking at the huge white gas that is constantly invading, and the white gas tide that the rear is following closely.

"Diversion !!!!!"

The dragon and snake slammed violently, and the sound waves shook everyone in a sluggish state instantly.

He exploded in full force, the fiery red force field directly wrapped the spaceship, and twisted fiercely.

Turned the entire ship completely to the left and forward, and flew out.

Thrillingly avoided the white fog from the right side.

"Hurry up!!!"

The awakened crowd spread their true power, and together they gathered at the tail of the spacecraft, forming a huge explosive force, and the spacecraft flew.

Almost wiped the side, escaped from the white mist on both sides.

However, this time, the direction of the Umbra that was originally set is completely lost.

Umbra · Nether Palace.

"What !? There is still one incarnation of Master ?!"

Lin Xin, sitting on the throne, stared at the disciples of the two masters below.

Zhao Wumian, who came to report, endured the huge pressure field, and the scalp continued.

"Not only that, there is also Jiuquxianweng, and there is also an incarnation that has not arrived. It should be on the road with Dragon and Snake Heaven.

"Did I not notify you very early?" Lin Xin frowned and looked cold, apparently on the verge of anger.

"Notice is notified ... just ..." Zhao Wumian reluctantly wanted to explain.

"Let ’s explain this to myself."

Dragon Snake Tianzun and Jiuquxianweng incarnate together into the hall of the Nether Palace.

"Master, Xianweng! What the **** is going on?" Lin Xin asked in a deep voice.

Now the Underworld has prepared everything, but was told that Dragon Serpent and Jiuqu still have one incarnation, but they are still outside.

The dragon and snake wore a black robe with a solemn look.

"Before I planned to bring a lot of friends who were close to my subordinates to the U-world together, but I didn't expect that a star gate broke down on the way to the middle of the road. As a result, repairs delayed the time, which was affected halfway.

"That is to say, Master Incarnation is still halfway through, heading here?"

Lin Xinzheng said.


"But at this time, the entire underworld is covered with robbery. If the Master incarnation does not come, it is better to come, for fear that something will happen."

Euro was also present, worried.

"This is what I want to say. As a last resort, Lao Chen plans to dissolve himself and return to the star domain, just like this ..." Dragon and Snake helplessly said.

"No way!"

The prisoner of shadows suddenly made a sound.

The king of the cage is four meters tall and three meters wide. Like a thinner T-Rex, he has a long thick giant tail behind his back, and his mouth is full of fangs.

This is his true essence.

Coming from the shadow world this time, he also pressed everything on the underworld of Umbra.

Not only because of Lin Xinlifan ~ ~ but also because of Daozu's saying that the Great Saint must have vitality.

Not only him, but many of the strongest players in the field were actually holding such an idea before joining in the Umbra.

"What advice does the prisoner Wang Dayou have?"

Jiuqu Xianweng looked at the other and wondered.

"It's true, there are city owners in my shadow world, trying to choose this method to avoid the calamity.

However, it was not expected that all the patriarchs of the Celestial Lord who had done so had completely died, and even the destiny stars in the astral area exploded directly and disappeared without shadow. "

The cage king recalled the news notification he had just received, and his face was extremely ugly.

"how come!?"

"how is this possible!?"

The dragon snake and the nine songs, as well as the rest of the Celestial Masters present, all changed their looks. (To be continued.) 8

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