Immortal Sword Master

Chapter 844: Urgent 2

The whole hall was filled with noises for a while.

A few of the Celestial Strongmen who came to trust are fortunate at this time. Fortunately, they have received all of their avatars in time, otherwise they will not fall into the same situation as Dragon Serpent Celestial at this time?

"Is this true?" Lin Xin asked in a deep voice.

"If there is a falsehood, the Lord can dispose of his king as treason!"

The king of the prison cage cut the railroad.

"Photoshooting Sun" Lin Yaoyang said what he wanted to say.

Lin Xin raised her hand to signal that she didn't need to speak.

"Cause of cause and effect, judging from the consumption of the large array of feedback, the power is indeed horrible, which is equivalent to being attacked by a Tianzun at the same time in every square of spirit. This is still after the strongest first wave of shock weakens."

As soon as he spoke, everyone in the room snorted.

I am going to try and touch this so-called causality. Plan later. "

Lin Xinshen said.

He couldn't just watch Master fall into a fatal crisis.

"Extremely what the monarch said, I and other research institutes have begun to study the structure of hijack gas, but now it is still."

A monk on one side showed shame.

A large number of monks in Bihu Mountain gathered, and Lin Xin simply assembled the monks who were in charge of the research to form several similar departments.

The Academy is one of them.

"The Umbra has the support of the Taoist soldiers. In addition, it has stored a lot of energy stones before. It will not be short of energy for a short time, but it can try to analyze this so-called causality."

Lin Yi also spoke out.

"I just hope that the Lord will take the overall situation seriously and take care of the deities. You have a lot to do with the safety and security of countless fellow monks in the Underworld. You must not be impulsive."

As soon as he spoke, representatives of the main forces, such as Zhao Wumian and the King of the Cage, all came out to exhort one after another, asking Lin Xin to be careful about the body.

This kind of fierceness and aggression, once Lin Xin's incarnation has no problems, it will really be the result of death with everyone.

"I have something in mind, so rest assured. Okay, here we are for today's regular meeting."

Lin Xin waved his sleeves and flung, and the whole person suddenly disappeared into the seat with Lin Yaoyang.

Leaving aside the dragon and snake and Jiuqu, their expressions are helpless.

Over the Umbra.

The huge earth-colored large array of shields slowly flows with countless yellow streamers.

Quickly replenished the large array of shields consumed by the gray robbery.

Lin Xin floated in mid-air, and the whole person was almost completely trapped in the large shield.

The entire Umbra is her sacrifice place for gods. Although the stars have not been lifted up to enter the astral area, he himself is regarded as a part of the Umbra and naturally will not be rejected by the large array.

At this time, he was approaching by close range, using the power of a large array, to study the nature of this robbery.

Lin Xinfei stopped only one meter away from the big formation.

He looked at the grey anger and anger that was frantically distorting the flow of shock, and slowly reached out to grab it.

Suddenly, a small amount of hair and scourge rushed into the array and landed on his palm.

The robbery is like some kind of severe and corrosive poisonous gas. As soon as it comes into contact with Lin Xin's body aura, he quickly begins to assimilate and consume the energy of his aura.

It is only because the quantity is too small that the rate of assassination of assassination is extremely slow.

"While you assimilate, you also strengthen yourself?" Lin Xin observed carefully and found that this robbery could actually swallow any substance and transform it into something similar to itself.

The transformed white gas has a slightly weaker assimilation ability, but it is also only slightly. The part that was transformed quickly expanded and strengthened, and became exactly the same as the original one.

"The assassination of all material energy is truly terrifying. The running lotus is broken and everything is chaos. I am afraid it is the real card for sweeping everything out," Lin Xin thought.

"No Running Lotus"

He tried to perform the Taoist method, and he found that the higher-order Taoist method that could be exerted before was exhausted. Now, after the runes are condensed, there is no response at all.

"The Taoism is broken, and even the rules are completely gone. All energy blends into one, which is really terrible."

Lin Xin thought for a while, spreading the light in his body slightly, revealing a small hole.

He intends to see if he is able to withstand the causal erosion by the terrified flesh strengthened by the attribute point.

So far, he has accumulated more than 130 million free attribute points. In addition to killing, the remaining three attributes have at least one million points, and the defense is more than three million.

And the most terrible killings directly reached more than 11 million perverts!

The physical body strengthened by these attributes, even if standing in the place and letting the ordinary fairy cut, I am afraid that even the guardian's aura cannot be broken.

Even the ordinary Celestial Master, it is extremely difficult to break the defense.

The tens of millions of killing properties brought Lin Xin extremely terrible speed and strength.

With a random punch, he can break through several layers of heaven and reach the ninth day.

With a sword, you can catch up with the speed of light. At the moment when your opponent sees the edge of the sword, it has been a sword for a long time.

In other words, when others saw Lin Xin's sword, in fact at that moment, he was already dead.

This speed, this power. Has reached the point where there are no ancients and no comers.

Baiqi soon contacted Lin Xin's skin.

The flawless white skin surface does not even have the proper texture, and some are smoother and smoother than the strongest stones.

Baiqi burned frantically on the skin for a while, and a white smoke came out.

But weirdly, the amount of white smoke that came out was very small, as thin as a match stick.

He looked carefully, and the white smoke was not very corrosive to his skin, so he estimated it.

"Under the full erosion, at least one day and one night can be supported. Without the resistance of the true yuan."

Lin Xin's mind quickly estimated the bearing strength.

"not enough."

He looked directly at the long list of free attribute points.

"Plus physical defense."

In an instant, under the control of his great thoughts.

A large number of free attribute points frantically began to flood into the defense and physique columns.

The defense had 3.3 million points, and at this time it soared to 4 million.

Immediately followed by five million!

Six million!

Seven million!

Eight million!

Nine million! !!

Ten million! !! !!

Then comes the physique. The previous physique was only over one million. Lin Xin directly controlled the influx of countless free attribute points.

Just looking at the physique like a rocket, soaring upward with horror inertia.

In just a few moments, it reached five million.

After a while.

Physical fitness has also broken through tens of millions.

At this point, however, the attribute points only use more than 10 million points.

"Now that you have enough attributes, it's better to level out all four attributes on average."

Lin Xin has always been a little worried in his heart that the gap between single attributes and others is too large, which may lead to some unexpected consequences.

Now that there is a way to make up for it, naturally there is no need to delay.

He simply averaged all the attributes, and the remaining attributes were exactly 120 million, divided into four on average, that is, each attribute was 30 million!

He was standing in the air, adding a little bit of madness in the large array.

Because of a large array of barriers, no one can see the scene below.

Only Lin Yilin Wai and other Tao soldiers connected to Lin Xin's soul can feel Lin Xin's crazy increase speed like a balloon.

The four attributes are like slot machines with their shafts pulled, and the numbers on them are skyrocketing.

Lin Xin only felt that there was a huge, ancient, huge force like the ancient ocean volcano in the body, and he was pouring in from the veins of the meridians.

The meridians, bones, flesh, and organs of his body were all rapidly strengthened by an inexplicable force.

The structure of the body itself is constantly changing, and it seems to have been better optimized.

Huh! !!

Suddenly, Lin Xin cracked a golden crack on the right side of his cheek, near the neck.

In the crack, a golden yellow slowly appeared like a dragon's horrific pupil. It exudes a sacred, domineering, abyssal atmosphere.

He reached out and touched his golden eyes.

Everything seems to have changed slightly.

The golden eyes, like his third eye on his right face, can clearly and precisely control it, and blink at the outside world.

The world seen in this eye is completely different from the normal eyes.

In the golden eyes, thin golden lines spread all over the space. Only the white mist area is empty, and in the large array, in the Umbra, everywhere in the space is filled with countless golden lines.

"This is the physical power of natural awakening after the attributes reach an average of more than 30 million?"

Lin Xin reached out and touched the nearest golden thin line gently.


Just touching the thin golden line, he suddenly felt a slight pain in the golden eyes on his right face. Can't help but close it directly.

Everything is back to normal quickly, and the eyes can only see the traces of energy flow and space.

Nothing happened around it, and even the large flow was still the same, with no trace of energy to spread.

Just when he was puzzled.

Suddenly he woke up suddenly.

He actually saw that he was maintaining it, and his hand was just taking a slight white air gesture.

That white air is still outside the body's aura, and is constantly assimilating it.

And he tried Bai Qi's palm position before, leaving no trace at all.

As if that Baiqi had never touched his palm at all!

"Can this be !!!?"

For a moment, his heart surged.

"Come again!"

He first remembered the traces of flow around him, and then worked hard to open the golden eyes, endured the sting, and stared at the endless number of golden threads around him.

Then slowly reached out my hand ~ ~ and touched another gold thread.

Ding! !!

The gold thread trembled and disappeared instantly.

Lin Xin just felt his head tremble.

Everything blinked in the blink of an eye.

When he came to God, the large array around him had recovered the traces of the previous energy flow.

A stream of yellow energy flowing just before his eyes, in the shape of a familiar arrow, slowly passed through Lin Xin's side, and poured into the outermost defensive shield.

And such a scene, Lin Xin has just seen it once!


An amazing possibility flooded into Lin Xin's mind. (To be continued.)

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