Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 916 Get to the bottom of it

Grand Commander's Mansion.

"Don't tell me, this fragrance smells pretty good...not bad...smells not bad..."

"Ji Ye, have you checked all the news you asked you to check? How is it? Is there any news? Is there a deep figure behind that guy?"

"Our city lord is not a fool. I haven't seen him value anyone so much in so many years, but he just performed a little better on the battlefield, and promoting a captain or something is the limit. "

"It's actually directly conferred as the deputy commander of the city guards... What the hell... I can't figure it out!"

"Labor and management have been in the City Guard Army for so many years, but have not been promoted. What do you think is the reason?"

Xiao Shuai waved his hand unhappily, feeling extremely upset in his heart.

Even if he is a dandy, he must aspire to be a promising and respected dandy.

Getting a half-time official in the City Guards is a reputation if you say it.

It's just that the city lord hates the children of the rich and powerful to go to the city guards for gold plating.

It's okay if you have some ability, but if you're a fool who doesn't know anything, to be honest, you're useless.

Such an existence is clearly a shameful existence.

Even if Xiao Shuai is the biggest second generation ancestor in the city guard army, if the city lord doesn't nod his head, no one dares to press the general kung fu on his head openly!

Ji Ye, who stood by without saying a word, couldn't help curling his lips. What's the use of complaining here?

As long as you have some ability, you won't be able to mess around like this, right?

There is such a good father, and his roots are red, no matter what, he will not be reduced to this...

To put it bluntly, I actually made it myself...

Great resources cover the whole body, and after so many years of cultivation, he is a waste in the late stage of Taoism...

Such a waste snack... who can appreciate it?

Saying that trash really likes him...

A monk in the late stage of Taoism is the minimum condition for becoming a soldier.

Now even such conditions are not met, as for the others, let alone, they are not very useful.

An ordinary monk in Boundary City will almost have such a cultivation level when he becomes an adult...

What is their cultivation environment like? Elixir? resource? What do you want...

The only son of your majestic Grand Commander, you can give him whatever you want. He has been fed by the treasures of heaven and earth since he was a child, and he is only a monk in the late stage of Taoism. How wasteful is he?

Those heavenly materials and earthly treasures can be regarded as blind!

Of course, Ji Ye only dared to keep these words in his heart and babble, if he really wanted to say it, he wouldn't even dare to lend him three guts!

"Master, the deputy commander named Fang Qi came from the Obsidian Mine. It is said that he has not been in the Obsidian Mine for a long time. As for where he was before, I don't know. I can't find out. This person appeared out of thin air, and was picked up by a mine head in the Obsidian Mine."

"Later, he became a miner in the Obsidian Mine. It didn't take long. During a battle against the attack of the Red Rock City army, because of his proper command, he became a supervisor."

"Then the war between Hongyan City and our boundary city broke out, and we all know what happened next..."

Ji Ye briefly introduced Fang Qi's origin, without deliberately digging deeper, but he did not deliberately reduce it.

"Eh? There is something wrong with this person's background...he suddenly appeared, could it be a spy from Red Rock City? It's very possible...following this line..."

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