Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 917 Poisonous Smoke

"We might still catch a big fish along this line..."

"The old guy always said that I have no military merit, isn't this the military merit that was sent to the door? If you can control this military merit well, you may not be able to go all out..."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Just thinking about it makes my blood boil... This kind of exciting and inexplicable thing... We have to do it! We have to expose this spy's hypocrisy!"

"Hmph! You have to teach that guy a lesson. He dared to show his teeth and claws in front of me. Even I dared to blackmail him directly. You have to let him do a good bloodletting!"

"No...what kind of smell is smells there something wrong..."

"Why do I feel hot all over?"

Xiao Shuai yelled as he spoke, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

The current situation... how it came to be, he couldn't understand at all.

It can only explain one thing, beyond his expectations.

He took two steps forward, as if he wanted to investigate something, and when he saw the rising smoke from the kitchen, Xiao Shuai's gaze gradually changed.

The scent is...very special.

It was far from what he expected.

In other words, there are some different feelings in his heart. He doesn't know where these different feelings came from, but there is one thing, at this moment, he gradually has a relatively clear microcosm in his mind.

Reflecting this miniature in front of your eyes, it seems that everything in front of you becomes clear and transparent.

"The spiritual energy in my dantian has actually increased... What's going on? Can anyone tell me?"

"Damn... this smoke is poisonous!"

"Ji Ye, you... do you feel anything in your body? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"I... why do I feel like I'm about to break through!"

Xiao Shuai struggled for a long time, but he couldn't help but tell the truth. What happened right now even made him feel inexplicable.

What exactly happened, he really doesn't know...

Xiao Shuai's gaze quickly scanned the surrounding area, and finally fixed on the Enlightenment Incense in front of him. It was brought back from Fang Qi's grocery store, and it always felt evil...

The fragrance emanating from it had a special attraction, forcing him to choose to inhale it into his lungs.

What surprised him even more was that this scent could be transformed into the aura in his dantian, which greatly improved his cultivation.

These particularly vivid feelings made his eyes sharpen involuntarily, and even his breathing was full of scorching waves...

If this is the case, then this Enlightenment Fragrance can also improve one's cultivation?

In addition to feeling the changes in the aura, Xiao Shuai also felt that he had felt another brand-new way... He was desperately comprehending it, trying his best to perfect it...

Enlightenment... To him, this has been said a long time ago, and he has not felt the breath of Tao for a long, long time...

Xiao Shuai took two steps forward, retracted his hands unnaturally, and subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, gradually sweating on his forehead...

This is the sweat of excitement, but also the sweat of excitement.

It is true that he is a dude, and it is true that he does not like cultivation, but this does not mean that he does not like the feeling of being promoted.

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