Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 929: Words

These things seem quite random to him. Now that he has made up his mind, he is unlikely to make changes under normal circumstances.

Now that you have decided to use Ren Dong, you should trust him.

After half an hour.

"Three transformations... I have been promoted! I have been promoted to three transformations..."

"So fast... so comfortable!"

"Thank you, master!"

An hour later.

"Four transformations..."

"Five transformations..."

"Seven transformations!"

Ren Dong yelled until the end, even his breathing became short of breath.

It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous at all, it comes from the heart, with this sense of urgency and tension.

Who knows how long he has been looking forward to this day!

To be honest, the ghost knows how much time and energy it took him to be promoted to the second level.

It wasn't until today that he realized how easy it is to be promoted.

It took so little time to advance from the second transformation to the seventh transformation?

All these years of penance suddenly seemed meaningless.

There was hope in the corner of Ren Dong's eyes, he knew very well who was responsible for the reason why he had this day.

Ren Dong's eyes gradually turned to Fang Qi, who had brought him too many surprises and help in his life.

The aggrieved and angry feeling of being forced to be a war slave turned into nothingness in an instant. Now he only has one feeling when he sees Fang Qi, as if he saw his greatest benefactor.

"Master... Thank you for the grace of reinvention!"

Ren Dong knocked his head on the ground several times, the smiles on his face gradually piled up, and the excitement he showed couldn't be explained in words.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the grace of regeneration.


"It's good to be promoted, go to do odd jobs."

Fang Qi waved his hand, with a casual look on his face, if others saw it, they would be shocked, what the hell, is the handyman in your house a strong man of the Seventh Transformation Dao Realm?

This is a great master in the late stage of transformation!

Such an existence, in Boundary City, can be regarded as a master.

Entering the army, at least he is also the commander of a regiment with thousands of troops.

With such an identity here, there is no need to talk about unnecessary nonsense.

But in Fang Qi's place, the so-called late-stage cultivation of the Dao, the so-called rank of regiment leader, none of them work! He doesn't recognize this at all!

"Old Baitou, don't you have any ideas? When we earn some fairy stones, we can all be promoted."

Fang Qi walked over and gave Old Baitou a cigarette.

Speaking of which, among these people, Fang Qi had the best relationship with Lao Baitou.

His life can be preserved to this day, at least half of the credit is due to the old white head.

If there is adversity, is it possible that we cannot share the blessings? Isn't this bullshit?

"Hey! I'm an old bone, do I still care about this?"

"In your kid's eyes, is it possible that I have such an image?"

"You boy! I'm just uneasy and kind! I'm not that pedantic yet! Don't worry!"

"Put your heart in your stomach! Me! With such a cigarette, I am satisfied in my heart. As for the others, I really don't care!"

The old white head waved his hand with a calm expression on his face.

Immediately, he fiddled with the cigarette again, and smoked it bang bang, with a gesture of enjoyment.

Fang Qi chuckled, secretly thinking that he really thought too much.

If Old Baitou was really that kind of person, he wouldn't be friends with him to such an extent...

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