Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 930: The Crazy Rich Kid


The door of the grocery store was hit hard, and the door that had just been closed was violently knocked open.

As night fell, Fang Qi was ready to close the stall, but he encountered such an unexpected guest!

"what happened?"

"What are you doing?"

"Who...are there any rules! I don't know who knocked on the door!"

Ren Dong happened to be near the gate, and when the gate was kicked open, it almost threw him up, so his tone couldn't help but become a little more aggressive.

"It's me! It's me! We met before..."

"Xiao Shuai! Don't remember? I bought a shelf from you? Do you still remember it? The one that cost 10,000 immortal stones..."

"That... that kind of thing... Is there any Enlightenment Fragrance left? Prepare some more for me... I need it, I need it very much."

"Can you prepare some more for us..."

As soon as he arrived at the door of the grocery store, Xiao Shuai couldn't hold on anymore.

These things are so attractive to him that no other words can express them. From the bottom of his heart, he would have such an impulse.

There will be such thoughts in his heart, compared to himself, it is too normal!

"Oh? Do you need these things? The price is clearly marked, and they are all there..."

"The incense of enlightenment at the peak level of enlightenment, one stick of a thousand immortal stones. It can make your second great way perfect!"

"If you want to be promoted from the peak level of Taoism... then you need to make a certain degree of progress... You also need 502 glue at the peak level of Taoism, which costs a thousand immortal stones."

Fang Qi glanced at Xiao Shuai, all the visitors were guests.

Although this guy's attitude was really bad at the beginning, he had paid the price before.

He has already paid the fine of 10,000 Immortal Stones.

Now the relationship between them is actually very equal.

From Fang Qi's point of view, he never felt any unrest.

Fang Qi took two steps forward, his eyes flickering.

Is there a fairy stone that doesn't make money? He is not stupid.

"Two thousand immortal"

"Many...thank you, boss..."

Xiao Shuai tremblingly handed over the fairy stone, the fairy stone is dead, but the person is alive.

What is this fairy stone? For him, it doesn't bring him any real stimulation, it's just pocket money on weekdays.

But if you can improve your cultivation, you can make yourself a genius of Boundary City, a genius of Donghuang!

This is what excites him...

A dude like him is not born like this.

It's also because I feel that I can't find comfort the day after tomorrow, and I feel that everything in the future will be dark, so gradually I gave up on myself.

Now I finally saw hope, finally got rid of the name of trash, finally found a channel to open the buff, can I let it go at will?

Excited, impulsive, hard to let go.

As before, Xiao Shuai lit the Enlightenment Incense, and felt the smoke entering his respiratory system. He began to sit cross-legged, closed his eyes, and felt the vigorous aura of the Dao around him. His complexion changed more and more. Get rosy.

It's still the same feeling.

It's exactly the same as in the Grand Commander's Mansion!

The second avenue that he had just realized not long ago gradually became fuller, from a tender little snake to an adult python...

He could feel this transformation.

"Consummated! Completely enlightened!"

"The miraculous Enlightenment Fragrance!"

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