Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1091: a force

Chang Heng, Yu Mo and Kuang Dao have joined together. Looking at Wang Zhong's corpse, Yu Mo frowned.

"There is a strange power in this wound."

"What power?"

"Gorefiend's power."

Yu Mo and Gorefiend have fought against each other, so they are very familiar.

"Gorefiend?" Crazy Blade was shocked. He also participated in the battle at the beginning. Naturally, he knew the power of Gorefiend, but wasn't he trapped in the ghost world?

Looking at Crazy Blade's eyes, Yu Mo had already guessed what he was thinking, and said worriedly: "This means that what happened in the ghost world, we just don't know. As for the pavilion master, he may have escaped from the Vajra Demon Demon Formation."

The pavilion master has made countless calculations, and I am afraid that he did not expect to kill a person, which would lead to exposing himself.

"The pavilion master left the ghost world?" Kuang Dao stared at Yu Mo blankly.

He was well aware of the seriousness of the matter and what it meant.

"Hey, when I set up the King Kong Demon Demon Formation, I thought that the pavilion master would definitely not be able to escape. I also verified this, but now he still escapes, there is only one possibility." Yu Mo said in a low voice.

"What is possible?"

"Someone helped him by breaking the King Kong Demon Demon Array from the outside. The King Kong Demon Demon Array has only this shortcoming."

"Does the pavilion have accomplices? Could it be that Fengdu City Lord found him? Saved him?" Kuangdao asked quickly.

Yu Mo shook his head, he couldn't guess.

"The pavilion master escaped from the ghost world, will he come to us? Should we be prepared?" Mad Saber asked worriedly. He was very aware of the power of the pavilion owner. After the pavilion owner and the blood demon are combined, his strength is only Strong or not.

"We have to be prepared, but not for the pavilion master, but for the ghost world. Even if the city lord of Fengdu rescued the pavilion lord, he would not let him leave easily. Since the pavilion lord is back, there must be something elusive. Purpose. Based on my superficial understanding of Fengdu City Lord, I guess he is probably trying to find a way to break the space ban."

Yu Mo spoke in a succinct manner, but Crazy Blade was confused.

This is beyond his knowledge.

Yu Mo's guess is not groundless, it is the result of his accumulation over time, and I have to say that his guess is very accurate.

"We can't go to the ghost world, so we can only find a breakthrough from the pavilion owner, use all our power to find the pavilion owner. He is too conspicuous, as long as he shows up, he will definitely expose himself, we must hurry up." Yu Mo decided. say.

Although Crazy Blade couldn't figure it out, he still happily took the order: "Yes, I'll arrange it."

Yu Mo stayed in Changheng for two more days, and went to Changheng Mountain at night, but he didn't dare to enter the soul fog.

He dared not take the risk.

He was outside Changheng Mountain and didn't see any clues.

During the day, he climbed Mount Changheng.

Since there is no sign at night, try your luck during the day.

Although he did not hold out much hope, Quan should be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Crazy Saber passed with him, and when the two of them went up the mountain, they also found many ordinary people going up the mountain along the way.

They all carried incense paper money and seemed to be going to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Yu Mo didn't care too much and went straight to the platform on the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, a humble temple appeared in front of me.

He was sure it wasn't there before.

Seeing his puzzled face, Crazy Blade explained: "This temple was built with funds raised spontaneously, because isn't there a miracle going up the mountain some time ago? Many people come here to make a wish, which seems to be very effective, attracting more and more people. People, and finally built this temple."

When the miracle was mentioned, Crazy Blade also laughed.

Both he and Yu Mo knew that this so-called miracle was the movement made by Yu Mo.

Therefore, the initiator of all this is still Yu Mo.

Yu Mo also understood, he laughed dumbly, touched the bridge of his nose, shook his head and said, "I didn't expect this to happen."

Crazy Blade said: "It's okay, Quan should give them some psychological comfort. After all, Chang Hengshan has always been regarded as ominous by them, which has added a shadow to their hearts. Now, because of you, the shadow is gone, which is not a good thing. ."

Yu Mo walked straight to the temple. He was curious to see what the temple built because of him looked like.

There are people burning incense in the temple, worshipping and going in and out, and the incense is not bad.

Yu Mo and Kuang Dao walked into the temple and saw a stone statue sitting on top of the main hall, but the face of this stone statue had no facial features, it was an ordinary stone.

Yu Mo was surprised and asked, "Why are there no facial features on the face?"

"Because they don't know the appearance of immortals, they only made a rough appearance without carving the facial features. I think this is the smart thing, anyone can imagine it for themselves, which is more interesting. Of course, if someone saw it at the beginning With you, then this stone statue must have facial features, and that is what you look like."

Crazy Blade was joking, Yu Mo could only smile bitterly.

He stared at the stone statue.

Suddenly, he felt a slight fluctuation above the stone statue.

"A force."

Yu Mo's pupils shrank, and he recognized it.

But this power is very strange, not like True Yuan, but a power he has never seen before.

"This is a new and simple temple, how can this mysterious power appear? It all seems to make no sense." Yu Mo murmured in his heart, and quickly glanced at the crazy knife, and found that he did not find this power.

He didn't rush to tell Crazy Blade, and decided to explore this power first.

He hurriedly used his skills, grabbed his big hand from the air, and his power shrouded this mysterious power.

The mysterious force didn't resist, but instead cheered and jumped straight over. Before Yu Mo could react, it rushed into Yu Mo's body with a swish.


Yu Mo was shocked, he really didn't expect this.

He just wanted to probe the bottom of this power, but he didn't expect it to rush directly into his body.

He hurriedly tried to block it.

But this power is overwhelming, and there is nothing to stop it. Whether it is true essence, internal force, or even robbery force, it can't stop it.

Yu Mo has used the power of robbery many times to save himself from danger, but this time, the power of robbery has also failed.

The shock in Yu Mo's heart can be imagined.

"I shouldn't have been negligent, this is a big trouble."

Yu Mo couldn't defend at all, he could only watch it rampage in his body.

The strange thing is that it did not rush to the sea of ​​​​qi, nor did it destroy his meridians, but drove straight in, straight to the black prison in his mind.


It flew through the sword of one of the gods.

Suddenly, the sword of the gods seemed to come to life, and there seemed to be some magical induction, and the sword light was brilliant, filling my mind.


Yu Mo couldn't help screaming and hugged his head firmly.

Kuang Dao was startled, he quickly supported him, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yu Mo didn't answer, his mind was on that mysterious power.

It passed through the sword of God, swish, and rushed into the black prison.

The black prison is a black hole, no matter how much power enters it, even a splash of water cannot be shocked.

But this time is different.

This force entered the black prison, and the black prison trembled violently.

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