Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1092: The power of faith

The black prison fluctuated violently, like a well, as if something was about to spew out.

Crazy Saber looked at Yu Mo's appearance, called and didn't respond, was really startled, and subconsciously wanted to grab Yu Mo's shoulder and resolve the crisis for him.


As soon as his hand fell on Yu Mo's shoulder, a majestic force slammed into his palm fiercely, and he staggered back a few steps to stabilize his body.

He looked at Yu Mo in horror, and then looked at the palm of his hand, the majestic power made him linger in fear.

"What happened to him, how did he become like this?"

A huge question mark appeared in Crazy Blade's mind, but he had no way of knowing the answer.

Yu Mo didn't know anything about the outside world. His mind was on that mysterious force, and the black prison shook. This force rushed into the black prison.

"It can actually escape the shackles of the black prison. The reason why the black prison is called this is because once it is sucked into it, it is difficult to escape from the black prison. What is the origin of this power, and it is not necessary to follow this principle."

Yu Mo's heart trembled.

After this force left the black prison, it has been hovering in front of the black prison, leaning next to the sword of the god.

At the same time, there was one more piece of information in Yu Mo's mind.

The power of faith!

This is the name of the mysterious power.

Yu Mo was startled. He had never heard the name before, but he was a smart man. He subconsciously looked up at the stone statue on the main hall. Could it be...

A bold idea popped into his mind.

This power comes from the top of the head of the stone statue, and it is also called the power of belief, and it is indeed easy to generate infinite reverie.

Could it be that the power of faith comes from those who worship the stone statues?

This is Yu Mo's guess!

He was also taken aback by his own guess. Is there really such a thing as the power of faith in the world?

Unseen, unheard.

If his guess is correct, then this power of faith will continue to appear, because as long as someone pays homage to the stone statue, it will generate a new power of faith.

"The power of belief has always been on the top of the stone statue. I don't know how many people come here.

Yu Mo is self-aware and doesn't think it's because of his overwhelming luck. There must be a deeper reason.

"Crazy Blade is still joking that this temple was created because of me, and all their so-called miracles are because of me. Could it be that the stone statue they worship is me? If I stand up, it is naturally me who is enshrined, so only I can mobilize the power of faith."


Yu Mo sucked in a breath, and was really frightened by his own inference.

He couldn't help staring at the stone statue, his eyes a little lost.

He looked at other people who worshipped the statue and felt extra kind.

"Sect Master Yu, what's wrong with you?" Crazy Blade's cry interrupted his thoughts and pulled him back to the real world.

Seeing him looking at him in a panic, Yu Mo smiled bitterly: "I'm fine."

He moved in his heart and asked, "Crazy Blade, you have a lot of knowledge. Have you ever heard of the power of faith?"

"The power of faith?" Crazy Blade asked suspiciously, "What is that?"

Yu Mo shook his head and didn't say much, it seemed that Crazy Blade didn't know either.

"You were so strange just now that I touched your shoulder, but was shaken away by a majestic force. I have never seen such majestic force, which makes people palpitate." Crazy Blade said in a heavy tone.

"Really." Yu Mo was stunned. He didn't have a clear feeling about the power of faith, because it didn't cause him any harm.

But Crazy Blade's words made him realize the power of faith.

Although it was only a little bit, it was powerful enough to make Crazy Blade's heart palpitate.

If there is more power of belief, such as a steady stream of true essence, how powerful will it be?

Yu Mo was so excited that he didn't dare to imagine.

Seeing Yu Mo, Kuang Dao hesitated to speak, but he didn't ask any further questions. He changed the subject and said, "Let's go to other places and see if we can find anything."

"it is good."

Yu Mo took a deep look at the stone statue and left the temple with Mad Saber, but he made up his mind that this temple was very important to him and must not be destroyed.

On the contrary, if he wants to protect this place well, he must ensure that the incense is more prosperous, and the more people come to worship, the more the power of faith will be, and the more his benefits will naturally be.

He had a flash of inspiration, and when the night came, the soul mist enveloped Chang Heng Mountain, and this temple was no exception.

But if the temple can stand out from Changheng Mountain and not be affected by the soul fog, then the reputation of the temple will naturally be louder, it is a real miracle, not as illusory as rumored.

In this way, there will naturally be more believers, the incense will be more prosperous, and the power of faith will be more.

Yu Mo was excited.

But the top priority is how to keep the temple from being affected by the soul fog.

Jie Li can dispel the soul fog, but Jie Li can't leave Yu Mo too far for too long, so he can't use Jie Li to protect the huge temple.

The power of faith is a mysterious power no less than the power of robbery. I wonder if it is effective when facing the soul fog?

But it's daytime, and there's no way to experiment.

"I will come to Changheng Mountain tonight, and I must try it out." Yu Mo decided to take the risk, because the power of faith was too tempting to him.

If he fails, he can't get out of the soul fog, and once the day dawns, he will go to the ghost realm, and the one who greets him will be doomed.

"Crazy Blade, from now on, you can send people to watch more of this temple, don't let them destroy it." Yu Mo urged.

Crazy Blade was stunned and said, "Is this temple important?"

Yu Mo couldn't explain it, he could only shake his head and remained silent.

Crazy Blade is a smart man, he changed the topic and said, "No problem, I will protect it."

The two checked the mountain again and found nothing suspicious.

Crazy Blade was a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Yu Mo comforted: "Crazy Blade, don't worry, Wang Zhong will not sacrifice in vain, I will definitely find out."

Kuangdao smiled bitterly and said in despair, "My master is useless, I am ashamed of him."

Yu Mo sighed secretly, not knowing how to comfort him.

When night fell, Mount Changheng was shrouded in soul fog again, and all the living people had withdrawn from Mount Changheng. At this moment, Mount Changheng belonged to the world of the dead, and the living stopped.

Yu Mo stood in front of the soul fog, frowning in thought.

He didn't tell Crazy Blade that he wanted to re-enter Changheng Mountain to prevent him from worrying.

This is his own adventure.

"Chang Hengshan, I'm here again. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, I don't have the bottom line, so let's give it a shot."

Yu Mo whispered to himself, his eyes became firm.

He mobilized the power of calamity, spread all over his body, and took a step forward gently. He had already entered the mountain and was in the fog of soul. Although it was only a small step, when he turned back, the scene behind him had undergone earth-shaking changes. Fog, no city lights.

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