Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1175: golden body

Yu Mo didn't expect the abbot to rate him so highly. He looked at the abbot in amazement, seeing that he didn't seem to be joking.

Yu Mo's heart is awe-inspiring, this must be because of his previous life.

The skills of the previous life will come back to him little by little, and the true scriptures that he comprehended in the previous life will naturally come back, so he can explain the Buddhist theory so thoroughly.

The King of Heaven looked at him admiringly and said, "Sect Master, you are too powerful."

No one refuted, and the eyes of the monks looking at Yu Mo were full of admiration.

The abbot had no intention of reciting sutras and preaching Buddhist principles, but looked at Yu Mo with a burning gaze, and said, "Yesterday I heard Xuanxin mentioning your experience of reading Buddhist sutras, and I was quite curious, you can go and do your work, I'll just be a quiet audience. , won't bother you."

The abbot said these words bluntly, Yu Mo's heart moved, and he glanced at the Buddha. Obviously, his performance yesterday was too eye-catching, and even the abbot could not ignore it.

That's why, today, the monks were called together, and there was a huge crowd to watch.

Yu Mo didn't care, and said lightly, "Then I will continue to read the scriptures."


The other monks gradually understood the intention of the abbot. Although the abbot didn't mention a word, the monks were very savvy people, so it was not difficult to guess.

Yu Mo smiled lightly, took out a book of the scriptures, and read it without any distractions.

Immediately, a pair of eyes gradually became round, and many people opened their mouths wide, with a hellish expression.

For a long while, they looked at each other, as if it was hard to believe what they saw.

The Buddha's heart was bitter, and the corner of his mouth showed a helpless smile.

The abbot's eyes flickered, and naturally he could see the reactions of the monks.

Where does this look like to comprehend the scriptures?

This is clearly a child's nonsense.

But with the previous episodes, the Buddhist principles in the real scriptures that Yu Mo has learned is unparalleled, so no one dares to question that Yu Mo is making a fool of himself.

Many people looked at the Buddha. After all, he was by Yu Mo's side the whole time yesterday, and he knew Yu Mo's situation best.

But the Buddha's expression is not surprising.

The monks froze in their hearts.

It seems that Yu Mo is not pretending to be mysterious or bluffing, but that he can really comprehend the true scriptures in this way.

How does this compare?

The monks bowed their heads in dejection, and had a feeling of being slapped in the head.

The abbot stared at Yu Mo brightly, without the slightest emotion fluctuating because of his reaction. Instead, he encouraged the monks, saying: "Sect Master Yu has the root of wisdom and Buddha nature, and everyone can see him comprehend the true scriptures with their own eyes. It is a great luck, everyone must think carefully and study hard.”

When the abbot issues an order, do not dare to obey.

However, the Buddha understood the abbot's good intentions a little. The number of people is great. The abbot wanted the monks to observe Yu Mo and read the scriptures, hoping to see any clues.

A pair of eyes stared straight at Yu Mo, and his every move could not escape the eyes of the monks.

Yu Mo seemed to be completely transparent.

The King of Heaven looked at Yu Mo nervously. He wanted to help but was helpless. He only looked at the monks indignantly.

However, Yu Mo was indifferent, forgetting things and I, and immersed himself in the scriptures.

A little bit of golden light appeared in the black prison, and the pattern woven by the golden light gradually took shape.

Yu Mo was thirsty, as if a thirsty person saw food, a book of truth was food, and he devoured it and stuffed it into his stomach.

The sutras on the bookshelves were swept away by Yu Mo, and the monks seemed to be as numb as the Buddha, unable to complain about his abnormal speed.

"He has seen the last scripture." The sun leaned westward, and the Buddha reminded in a low voice.

When everyone came back to their senses, Yu Mo even forgot to eat and slept. He didn't even eat lunch. He kept reading the scriptures. It was a race against time.

Others were also brought to the rhythm by him, completely forgetting to eat, and watched helplessly as he saw the last scripture.

Many people's eyelids jumped violently.

There are hundreds of scriptures on the third floor. For the monks of Tianlong Temple, they could not fully comprehend them after spending their whole lives.

Even many monks fail to read it in a row.

Yu Mo, however, had read all the scriptures in just two days. With his performance, he must have understood the Buddhist principles in the scriptures.

Their minds went blank, and if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would definitely not have believed it was true.

The most important thing is that they didn't find any clues, and they didn't figure out how Yu Mo comprehended the scriptures.

Is this just a matter of flipping through the flowers to read the scriptures?

They ask themselves that they can't do it.

So they looked for a day and found nothing.

Many people looked at the abbot subconsciously, but found that a blushing of excitement gradually appeared on the abbot's face.

This is not in line with the abbot's usual style.

The abbot has always been the one where Mount Tai collapsed and his color remained unchanged.

The Buddha was thoughtful and remembered the words of the abbot's reincarnated living Buddha, and his heart moved. Could it be that the abbot really believed?

Yu Mo didn't know the thoughts of outsiders. He carefully read the last page of the scriptures and closed the scriptures gently.

Then, he closed his eyes.

In the dark prison, the last bit of golden light appeared, and it converged with the previous golden light to form a complete pattern—swastika.

Just looking at this pattern, Yu Mo felt that it contained Buddhist principles, which made people feel calm and restless.

Suddenly, the **** moved, changed rapidly, and rushed out of the black prison. The moment it rushed out of the black prison, the image of a monk appeared in Yu Mo's mind.

It is the Abbot Wufan.

The abbot sits cross-legged, and the Buddha statue is solemn.

Unconsciously, Yu Mo also sat down with his knees crossed, his hands clasped together, and he proclaimed the Buddha's name.

Swastika flashed golden light in Yu Mo's mind, and bursts of golden light appeared on the surface of Yu Mo's body immediately, as if it was a golden Buddha statue.

Everyone was immediately stunned, looked at Yu Mo in disbelief, looked at each other, and muttered, "This is the golden body!"

The only way to cultivate a golden body is to obtain an eminent monk, and no abbot can do this. The monks have never seen it before.

But the abbot has seen him, his master, the previous abbot, cultivated a golden body.

The abbot burst into tears with excitement, clasped his hands together, and said, "Amitabha!"

Others looked at Yu Mo, as if they saw a Buddha, a living Buddha, sitting in front of them.

The previous underestimation of the heart disappeared, and no one dared to underestimate him again.

Instead, he respectfully bowed to Yu Mo with his hands folded and shouted, "Amitabha."

The King of Heaven was already dumbfounded and excited, he clenched his fists and almost danced.

The golden light on Yu Mo's body is getting stronger and stronger, and the **** in his mind is getting bigger and bigger, almost occupying his entire mind.

A burst of Sanskrit sounds spit out from Abbot Wufan's mouth.

Yu Mo's ignorance of the Buddhist principles in the sutras immediately appeared in his mind, and they were deeply imprinted on them, and they never lingered.

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