Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1176: I am Buddha

The golden light became stronger and stronger, completely bathing Yu Mo in it.

The image of Wufan Abbot in his mind gradually blurred, the Sanskrit sound receded, and the **** stopped spinning, quietly floating in his mind.

A picture came to my mind, and it was a memory, in which Abbot Wufan had not been shaved, but before he became a monk.

A vague woman appeared.

Yu Mo couldn't see clearly, but with a move in his heart, he already understood, isn't this the woman who owed a debt of love in his previous life?

I don't know where this world is.

This memory flashed away, and Yu Mo's attention was attracted by something new again.

He read the scriptures in order to find a way to have a Buddha in his heart. When he finished reading the scriptures, he had already gained something.

At this moment, the **** pattern was suspended in his mind. Immediately, his mind was clear and he had completely understood it.

When a person devotes one’s heart to the Buddha and earnestly comprehends these sutras, a Buddha will naturally appear in his heart.

This Buddha is not someone else, nor a certain **** race, but himself. You are your own Buddha, and you believe in yourself. This is the true meaning of Buddhism in Tianlong Temple.

Yu Mo inherited the Buddhist principles of Wu Fan, and it is not difficult to figure this out.


Yu Mo smacked his tongue secretly. The people who came up with this method and created these scriptures were too great. This completely cracked the plan of the Protoss.

"That person must have great wisdom, and, not only is he not the same as the Protoss, but he is also a thorn in the eyes of the Protoss, a thorn in the flesh. I don't know what happened to him in the end, whether he died in the hands of the Protoss."

Yu Mo immediately discovered that Tianlong Temple was far more mysterious than he expected, and there were still many secrets to explore.

The abbot must know a lot of inside information.

"These sutras are all about having a Buddha in your heart and believing in yourself, and I also have many believers in the temples in Changheng Mountain. These believers worship me, and they have the power of faith. This is completely different from the method of Tianlong Temple. A place where we can learn from each other.”

Yu Mo was slightly disappointed.

All of a sudden, the **** was made of golden light, but the golden light did not come out through the body, but went straight to Yu Mo's Qi Sea along the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

The facial features of the primordial spirit on the lotus leaf are clear, and the golden light drives straight in, directly falling on the primordial spirit.

Immediately, the primordial spirit turned into a little golden man, with the radiance of Buddha nature all over his body.

There is a Buddha in my heart!

Yu Mo was horrified and stared at the primordial spirit intently. He had inherited the memory of his previous life and fully comprehended the scriptures. Naturally, he would have a Buddha in his heart.

Could it be that your primordial spirit is the Buddha in your heart?

"When I faced the stone statue of the Protoss, when he burst out with divine might, I had an urge to worship. If I met a real Protoss, when his divine might burst out, even if I didn't believe in them, I would change my mind involuntarily. , worship them. From now on, it will be difficult for me to fight the Protoss."

Yu Mo looked at the golden primordial spirit, and his heart blossomed with joy.

"After I have a Buddha in my heart, I will believe in myself. Even if I encounter the Protoss again, I will not be deterred by the other's gods. This is the most important thing."

This is Yu Mo's speculation, but he thinks that in all likelihood, his speculation is correct.

The golden light dissipated, and the primordial spirit turned into a golden primordial spirit, and there was no sign of fading.

Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes. The next second, his pupils shrank suddenly, because he saw the abbot bowing to him.

The others were also stunned, looking at the abbot in disbelief.

The Buddha blurted out and exclaimed, "Abbot, what are you doing?"

The abbot turned a deaf ear and shouted excitedly, "Meet the Living Buddha."

"Living Buddha?" All the monks pricked up their ears, and when they heard these two words, they were astonished and stunned as if they had seen a ghost.

The Buddha did not expect that the abbot would point out Yu Mo's identity as a living Buddha in front of everyone.

Moreover, it is also possible to pay homage to the ceremony.

Tian Wang was stunned, his mind was blank.

Since Yu Mo has comprehended the scriptures, of course he understands what a living Buddha is. It is not wrong for the abbot to call him a living Buddha.

Because, he is the reincarnation of Wufan Abbot, Wufan Abbot is exquisite in Buddhism, he has already cultivated the Buddha in his heart, and he is a Buddha.

He is indeed the reincarnation of a living Buddha.

"Jiang is really old and hot, so he can see it." Yu Mo smiled bitterly in his heart.

But there is no doubt that this is a good thing for him. He quickly held up the abbot's hands and said solemnly, "Abbot, please."

Everyone's eyes were round, but Yu Mo didn't deny it. Wouldn't this confirm his status as a living Buddha?

Abbot ignored everyone's thoughts, looked at Yu Mo excitedly, and said, "Sect Master Yu is not only related to Buddha, but the reincarnation of living Buddha. You keep saying that you have a relationship with Abbot Wufan, is it the reincarnation of Abbot Wufan? "

Yu Mo hesitated for a moment, then nodded in recognition.

The abbot pointed out his identity, so it is not difficult to guess this, there is no need for him to deny it.

The abbot's eyes lit up and said, "The reincarnated Living Buddha has always existed in the scriptures. I never thought that Lao Na would have the opportunity to see it with his own eyes. This is Lao Na's Buddhist fate. Thank you Living Buddha."

Yu Mo smiled reservedly.

The abbot quickly turned around and said to the monks, "Aren't you coming to pay homage to the Living Buddha?"

All monks, look at me, I look at you, at a loss.

The Buddha was the first to react with a solemn expression. He walked up to Yu Mo, bowed down respectfully, and shouted, "Meet the Living Buddha!"

Others, willing or unwilling, bowed down in front of Yu Mo and shouted, "Meet the Living Buddha."

On the third floor of the Sutra Collection Pavilion, only Yu Mo was left, the abbot and the Heavenly King were standing, and the others bowed respectfully in front of Yu Mo.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

Yu Mo is very calm. After all, he is the leader of the faction, so naturally he will not be frightened by this battle.

He raised his hand gently and said, "Everyone, please get up."

The monks got up quickly, but they all looked at Yu Mo without saying a word.

Yu Mo didn't speak, his face was calm.

The abbot broke the silence and said, "Sect Master Yu is a living Buddha. I have many things to ask you for advice. Why don't we go downstairs first."

Yu Mo smiled: "I also have many questions to ask the abbot for advice."

With the identity of the living Buddha, the content of the conversation between Yu Mo and the abbot will definitely be more in-depth, and Fang Zheng will definitely provide a lot of things that interest him.

"Don't dare, don't dare!" The abbot waved his hand humbly, personally led the way in front, and went downstairs with Yu Mo.

The King of Heaven followed Yu Mo, his eyebrows danced, and he whispered: "Sect Master, you are so powerful, you are still a living Buddha."

Yu Mo smiled lightly: "This is a long story."

When they walked out of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, the other monks who did not go upstairs saw the abbot respectfully leading the way in front of them, all with suspicious expressions on their faces, looking at them in disbelief.

The abbot didn't say much, and went directly to his residence, made an appointment with Yu Mo, and the king stayed outside the door.

The Buddha also stayed outside the door, with a strange look on his face, as if he was still immersed in the aftermath of this incident.

The aftermath of this incident gradually spread to the entire Tianlong Temple. It didn't take long for all the monks in Tianlong Temple to know that Yu Mo was the reincarnated living Buddha, which caused an uproar.

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