Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1274: Jedi Counterattack

After Yu Mo calmed down, he analyzed another thing from the Lord's words.

What is the reliance of mother Su Qing?

Dare her to resolutely return to Shintoism.

But it was obvious that the God Lord did not intend to tell Yu Modo any more. The monstrous sword light erupted from the nine mountain peaks. The nine mountain peaks were spinning rapidly in the sky, moving with each other.

The sword light was like a net, and it was airtight and descended from the sky.

Under the sword net, several people were like a flock of weak birds, as if they were about to be wiped out by a net, and they would die without a place to be buried.

Yu Mo didn't talk nonsense, only saw the sword light and the Buddha light intertwined, you have me, and I have you, a sword light that penetrates the sky and rises into the sky.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the sword was thunderous and deafening, as if it was about to tear a hole in the sword net in the sky.

The God of Swords also waved the giant sword, the giant sword disappeared, and the most powerful sword in the world was suddenly used, and the world seemed to change color.

"Fenghuo Jiutian!"

A high-pitched phoenix cry came out of the phoenix's mouth, and it transformed into a phoenix's true body. It turned into a huge phoenix. With a flutter of its wings, it soared up, bringing a monstrous flame to the countless sword nets that were not there. .

Yu Shengzhi cut out the sword in his hand, the sword light was brilliant, like a dragon like a tiger, as if to destroy everything in front of him; Crazy Blade held the sword with one arm, and merged the Heavenly Sword and I Weebao Crazy into one, and went straight forward; Yue also used the phoenix fire to start a prairie fire, and the flame spewed from her palm, turning into a fiery fireball, facing the sword net.

The mallet in the Buddha's hand struck the wooden fish, but there was no sound, but there seemed to be a thunderbolt in the sky.

The Sanskrit sound burst from the abbot's mouth, the rosary beads in his hand flew up, and the rosary beads bloomed with Buddha light, dyeing the cassock on the abbot's body into gold, and the abbot's precious appearance was solemn, like a golden Buddha.

Whoosh whoosh!

The Buddha beads flew out of his hand, kept spinning, and the golden light was bright, and went straight to the sword net.

All of them showed their strengths and faced the Heaven-Shocking Sword Net together.

Boom boom boom!

At that time, there was a lot of light, loud noises came and went, the nine peaks in the sky landed with a bang, the sword net shattered, and a person flew out backwards, vomiting blood, and was in a state of embarrassment.

Yu Mo took the lead and resisted the most sword light. His five internal organs vibrated and shifted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out and fell to the ground. His face was pale and very weak.

He looked around, and his companions were all scattered around, and the situation was the same as him, and they were not optimistic.

Fortunately, everyone was only injured, no life worries.

The cassock on the abbot broke several holes, and the Buddha's light dissipated. He seemed to have grown a lot older, and sighed with a sullen expression: "Shintoism is really powerful."

At the same time, he was a little curious.

Why for so many years, Shintoism knew the existence of Tianlong Temple, but tolerated them instead of using Leiting to deal with them.

With the power shown this time, Tenryu Temple is by no means an opponent of Shintoism.

The abbot was full of doubts, looked up, and the mountains fell back to the ground, but the Lord of God was still missing.

From the beginning to the end, the Lord of God did not appear, but only heard his voice.

Yu Mo was also searching for the figure of the God Lord, but in the end he found nothing. He cheered up and shouted: "God Lord, why are you hiding? You haven't shown up until now? Do you always want to be a tortoise?"


The voice of the Lord of God sounded again, echoing between several mountain peaks, and it was impossible to tell where it came from.

Yu Mo frowned and said, "It's so mysterious, you just don't want us to find out where you are hiding, which shows that you have a ghost in your heart, maybe, you are not as powerful as you seem on the surface, as long as you find you, everything will be fine. It was solved."

These words lifted everyone's spirits.

Phoenix was the first to agree: "I just flew into the sky, and I haven't seen a trace of anyone on any mountain peak. He must be hiding in a certain mountain, hiding his head and showing his tail. He must have a guilty conscience. If he finds him, maybe it will end all this."

Others also nodded, agreeing with Yu Mo's guess.

"Hahaha, God Lord, have you heard? Are you afraid? You want to be a turtle with a shriveled head, then I will dig three feet into the ground, and I will also dig you out." Yu Mo laughed wildly, and the laughter was also in the mountains. reverberating between.

The Lord of God was furious: "What a bunch of nonsense, dealing with you shrimp soldiers and crab generals, no matter where you use me to show up, if I move my finger, you will die without a place to be buried."

Yu Mo smiled disdainfully: "What a big tone, the excuse you made is too reluctant."

"If you don't believe it, then speak with facts." The Lord of God roared, and the nine mountain peaks rose to the ground again, and the sword nets were intertwined in the sky again, falling from the sky and pressing on the heads of everyone.

Just now, they used their life skills, but they only blocked the attack of Jianwang.

Now they are all injured, where is Jianwang's opponent.

Once the sword net falls, they will definitely only end up being divided by five horses.

There was panic on everyone's faces, and they were at a loss.

Yu Mo stepped forward and said, "Don't worry everyone, I'll go meet him for a while."


He raised the blood-edged sword and faced the sword net that fell from the sky.

"Hahaha, I've already seen all of your skills. Do you think you're my opponent? The mayfly shakes the tree, and is beyond its own power!" The Lord of God sneered and mocked.

Yu Mo smiled and said, "Do you really think you have fully seen my strength?"

"Could it be that you have other skills, huh, I'll wait and see." The Lord of God obviously disagreed.

The others were also at a loss. The strength that Yu Mo had just displayed was already super powerful in their opinion. Could it be that Yu Mo could still display power beyond this level?

Many people will be skeptical.

The God of Swords also frowned.

He and Yu Mo had experienced a life-and-death battle, and apart from robbing the sword, it was the poison technique that impressed him deeply.

Now, there is no trace of the God Lord, the poison technique is useless, and his robbery sword is not an opponent of the God Lord, this has been verified.

Then what else does he have?

Yu Mo smiled mysteriously and shouted loudly, "Then you'll be optimistic!"

With a thought in Yu Mo's mind, the power of belief rolled like a tidal wave, surging, and poured into the sword of the gods. Immediately, the sword of the gods burst into a bright light.

Jianguang followed the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, swam to the palm of his hand, and then quickly merged into the blood blade sword.


The high-pitched sword cry of the blood blade sword, the sword light is brilliant, and mysterious changes are taking place rapidly.

Everyone's pupils shrank, staring straight at the blood blade sword.

Although the changes are not over yet, they have sensed subtle differences.

It seems that Yu Mo really has other skills, and it is not an ordinary skill, as can be seen from the more and more dangerous aura rippling from the blood blade sword.

The God Lord snorted, but still didn't take it to heart, and said disdainfully, "You dare to come out and show shame, kill!"

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