Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1275: embarrassed

A "kill" resounded throughout the world.

At the same time, the blood-blade sword underwent an earth-shaking change, and the first sword of the gods was fully activated.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

Dao Shen's complexion changed greatly, and he couldn't help shouting.

This fearful sword power made him feel a sense of despair, and he thought to himself that facing this sword, he had no power to defend against it, and he was undefeated.

Why does Yu Mo still have this backhand?

At the beginning, in the battle of Lingshan, why didn't he use it?

Of course, the God of Swords did not know that during the battle of Lingshan, the first sword of the gods was bleak, and Yu Mo did not have enough faith to drive it, so of course he couldn't use it.

The others looked sideways, all surprised by this sword.

The exclamation of the Lord of God resounded through the sky, and his shock far surpassed everyone else.

"What, this is that person's swordsmanship."

Others are confused, isn't this Yu Mo's swordsmanship? How did it become someone else's swordsmanship again, who was that person he called?

However, Yu Mo knew that the person the God Lord said was Tang Zheng.

He was indeed right.

This is Tang Zheng's swordsmanship.

Yu Mo used the power of faith to drive one of the swords of the gods, using Tang Zheng's swordsmanship.

"The Lord of God is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and he has even seen Tang Zheng's swordsmanship. He seems to know many secrets, so he must be taken down and his mouth opened."

One of the gods swords soared into the sky, and wherever the sword light came, it was invincible, and nothing could resist the divine might of this sword.

Boom boom boom!

The sword net disintegrated, riddled with holes, then shattered and vanished.

Jianguang drove straight in, with invincible divine might, heading straight for a towering mountain peak.

Just now, when the Lord of God saw the sword of the gods, he exclaimed in surprise, and did not hide the source of his voice. Yu Mo clearly recognized that the sound came from this mountain. Point to the target.

Jianguang sank into the mountain, and suddenly, a series of loud noises came from the inside of the mountain, mixed with the screams and screams of the gods.

"Ah! Tang Zheng, why are you still haunted, it's your swordsmanship again!"

The angry cry of the Lord of God resounded through the sky, making people shudder.

Everyone looked at Yu Mo.

The power of this sword is too strong, even the Lord of God can't resist, so miserable, if they are, they don't have to think about the end, because it is self-evident.

The look of the God of Swords looking at Yu Mo changed subtly.

He was only afraid of Yu Mo's poison technique, but at this moment, the last bit of luck in his heart was gone.

Yu Mo doesn't need poison, just straight and upright, and he can defeat him with such a sword.

So what else does he have to do?

His eyes dimmed, and he sighed in his heart: "Perhaps, this is my destiny. I want to go back to the Tianwu world again. The matter of seeking revenge for Yu Mo is like a castle in the air. It only exists in fantasy and is not realistic at all."

At this moment, he actually had the idea to follow Yu Mo faithfully.

Yu Mo's expression remained the same, and his energy was calm. It seemed that this sword was just easy for him, but in fact his legs were weak, his internal organs were shaking, his arms were numb, and he could hardly hold the blood blade sword.

But there is one thing that makes him happy.

Compared to the last time he used the Sword of God, his condition was much better.

The last time he used the sword of the gods, it was the end of the shot, anyone could kill him, but now, he thinks he still has the strength to protect himself.

"Maybe it's because my skill has improved, and this time my faith is more powerful, so I won't be completely exhausted."

Yu Mo hurriedly looked at the sword in front of the black prison, and he almost cheered.

One of the Gods Sword was not as bleak as last time.

This shows that the extra power of faith is not needed to activate the Sword of God.

It's just that the remaining power of faith in Yu Mo's body is not enough to support him to use the sword of the gods again, so one of the amulets was used up this time.

Others don't know the real situation of Yu Mo, and they subconsciously think that he can still perform this trick, and they all show joy.

"There is hope now. With this move, any God Lord will be vulnerable."

"Brother, you should use this move earlier, that God Lord can't be so arrogant."

"This is a big killer, how can it be used easily."

Yu Mo smiled incomprehensibly, looked at the mountain where the Lord of God was hiding, and said, "Let's go to meet the true body of the Lord of God for a while."

"it is good!"

The crowd cheered in unison.

The nine peaks have fallen back to the ground.

The voice of the Lord of God was still echoing in the mountain peak, and several people rushed to the mountain peak quickly.

The God of Swords seemed to rush to the front for the sake of performance, but did not notice that Yu Mo's footsteps were swaying behind him.

Phoenix and Yu Mo walked side by side, saw a clue, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with you?"

Yu Mo smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's okay."

The Phoenix was suspicious and sighed: "You are still hiding such a big move, it's really hidden."


A group of people rushed up the mountain quickly, only to see a big pit on the top of the mountain, and there was a man standing in the pit, gray-faced, very embarrassed.

He suddenly looked up and saw everyone, his figure flashed, he rushed out of the big pit, stood on the other side, and confronted several people.

"You are the Lord of God." Yu Mo stared at the other party and said.

The other party was a middle-aged man, neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, with long hair, and the gorgeous robe on his body had many holes, which greatly reduced the aura of the God Lord.

However, there was still a mysterious aura about him.

When everyone saw it, they just wanted to bow down, and they didn't dare to think of resistance.

"What's going on, the aura on him is so weird." Yu Shengzhi said incredulously.

Others also nodded, and his thoughts were exactly the same.

Only Yu Mo, the abbot and the Buddha's son were indifferent, because they comprehended the true scriptures, and I am a Buddha, and I will not be deterred by the aura of the Lord.

Yu Mo explained: "The aura on his body is that of the Protoss."

The aura of the gods!

Everyone was startled, shocked, and looked up and down at the Lord of God curiously.

Is this the aura of the Protoss?

Could it be that the Lord of the Gods is also a Protoss?

Yu Mo guessed what they were thinking and shook his head in denial: "He is not a Protoss, he is a human. It's just that something must have happened to him that he has the aura of the Protoss."

The God Lord looked at Yu Mo in disbelief and exclaimed, "How do you know so much?"

"How much?" Yu Mo shook his head in disapproval.

"Since you recognized it, aren't you afraid?" The Lord asked suspiciously.

Yu Mo shrugged and asked, "Why should I be afraid?"

"This is the imposing manner of the Protoss, and it is God's blessing to me. When all beings in the world see it, I will bow my head and bow down, why are you not afraid?" The God Lord asked angrily.

The aura of the Protoss was the capital he was proud of, but it didn't deter Yu Mo, making him angry.

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