Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1385: Demon History

Seeing Yu Mo's admission, Emperor Yan said with a smile, "Of course I won't bring her back, I'll just invite her back."

Yu Mo sneered: "The devil world is at stake, and it may be destroyed at any time. Do you want her to come back to be buried with her?"

Emperor Yan looked awe-inspiring, shook his head and said, "Of course not, didn't I comprehend the new laws of space? I can take everyone to a new home."

Yu Mo was horrified, the so-called new home must be the world.

Emperor Yan really had the idea of ​​hitting the world.

How could Yu Mo just sit back and ignore it.

"What if I stop you?"

"Then we are the enemy." Emperor Yan said with a half-smiling, murderous aura.

The atmosphere between the two parties became subtle, and the Demon God of Chaos was taken aback, and quickly advised: "Father, Yu Mo, don't get angry first, there is still room for negotiation on this matter."

Yu Mo took a deep breath, looked at Emperor Yan and asked, "Then what do you want the Saintess to do?"

"Simple! I want the saintess to help me, unify the demon world, and lead everyone to a new home." Emperor Yan finally revealed his true purpose.

"Once you go to the new home, does that mean that the new home will repeat the same mistakes as the devil, and one day it will be destroyed by your hands." Yu Mo asked.


Emperor Yan gave a thumbs up, shook it, and said, "The same mistake can't be made a second time. The demon world has been destroyed by our hands, and the new home naturally cannot repeat the same mistakes."

"Then how do you guarantee that?"

"Just me alone cannot guarantee this, but with the Holy Maiden, it's not difficult to do it." Emperor Yan said with oath.


Yu Mo frowned, as if he didn't understand the deep meaning of Emperor Yan's words.

Emperor Yan said: "You don't understand the value of the Holy Maiden among all beings in the demon world. There are countless followers of her in the demon world. Once I join forces with the Holy Maiden to unite the demon world, you will be the righteous Lord of the Demon World. Get rid of the old stereotypes and vices, avoid war, and the new home will not repeat the same mistakes and go to ruin, you understand?"

Yan Di's eyes flickered, and it was obvious that he had no doubts about these words.

Yu Mo was suspicious and turned his head to ask Zhantian Demon Venerable and Fuling: "Does the saint really have such a high status in your hearts?"

Fuling shook her head and said, "I just heard about the Holy Maiden. Many demon gods and even demons worshiped her. I don't know about the rest."

Zhantian Demon Venerable sighed and said, "I have the right to speak on this point. Emperor Yan is not wrong. Although the Holy Maiden has no real power, she has a high prestige in the demon world and has many believers."

Yu Mo was astonished, took a deep look at the Demon God of Chaos, and remembered the reaction of the Qingming Demon God when he saw through Gu Ziqing's identity as a saint.

It seems that although the saintess have high prestige and many believers, these two are obviously not among them.

"Yu Mo, you may not understand how high the prestige of the Holy Maiden is. But there is a sanctuary in the demon world, among which there are experts like clouds, they are the most loyal believers of the Holy Maiden. Once the Holy Maiden returns, the sanctuary will cooperate with me. , unifying the demon world is just around the corner." Yandi said earnestly.

He didn't know anything about Saintess' current situation, so he naturally wanted to win Yu Mo's full support.


Yu Mo asked in surprise, he had never heard of it, and even Gu Ziqing had not recovered his memory in this regard.

"What is the sanctuary?" The Demon God of Chaos asked in surprise.

Yu Mo looked at the Demon God of Chaos in surprise and asked, "You don't know about the Holy Church?"

The Demon God of Chaos smiled wryly and shook his head: "This is the first time I've heard of it."

Zhantian Demon Venerable and Poria also said in unison, "I don't know either."

Yu Mo frowned suspiciously, stared at Emperor Yan, and asked, "Emperor Yan, everyone doesn't know about the Holy Church. Could it be that you just made it up?"

Emperor Yan sneered: "How important is the sanctuary, except for the great demon emperors, I don't know about others. This is a secret power in the hands of the saint, and it was formed by the saint herself. Among them, she collects the most loyal ones. Believers, this matter has always been very confidential. Later, when Qingtian discovered that the Holy Maiden was secretly forming a church, he would attack her."

"Qingtian?" Yu Mo pricked up his ears, and the name attracted him again. He quickly asked, "Who is he?"

"Father, do you mean the Heavenly Demon Ancestor?" The Demon God of Chaos exclaimed.

Emperor Yan nodded: "Qingtian Demon Ancestor is the strongest of all beings in the demon world to follow their beliefs. He is the ancestor of the demon world. At the beginning, he unified the demon world and shocked all directions. Later, he discovered the secret of the sanctuary, and the saint was forced by him to not know it. After that, Qin Tian Demon Ancestor disappeared without a trace and never appeared again, which led to the fragmentation of the demon world, and the various demon emperors formed their own formations, and wars broke out everywhere."

Yu Mo was amazed. It turns out that the demon world still has this history, and even three or four demon gods who are confused by the world are concentrating on it. Obviously, they don't know all about this history.

The Demon God of Chaos asked curiously, "Father, why did the Heavenly Demon Ancestor persecute the Holy Maiden? Is he the one who can't accommodate the church?"

Emperor Yan's eyes were subtle, and he said, "This is a high-level struggle, how could I know."

The Demon God of Chaos sighed regretfully.

Yu Mo didn't think so. He stared at Emperor Yan, and saw a clue from his delicate expression.

Emperor Yan must know the inside story, but he deliberately did not reveal it.

This inside story is definitely not simple, and Emperor Yan would keep it a secret.

"Emperor Yan, don't play dumb riddles with me. Why can't the Heavenly Demon Ancestor be tolerated in the sanctuary? Is the disappearance of the Saintess directly related to him? If you hide it, there is no need for us to talk about it."

Yu Mo has a tough attitude and asks.

This matter concerns Gu Ziqing's past life, Yu Mo can't ignore it, she hasn't remembered everything in her past life, especially about this matter, Yu Mo must plan ahead and think carefully for her.

He had an intuition that the Heavenly Demon Ancestor was definitely not dead. If he found out that the Holy Maiden was still in the world, he would definitely not let it go, then Gu Ziqing would be in danger.

Emperor Yan stared at Yu Mo in dissatisfaction.

Yu Mo's expression was firm, and he looked at Emperor Yan without flinching.

Emperor Yan thought for a long time and said, "If I tell you the inside story, will you take me to see the saint? You only have one chance. If you refuse, I will find a way to find the saint, but it just takes a little more time. "

Yu Mo hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I promise you that."

Emperor Yan nodded in satisfaction, his voice became deeper, and said, "The saint was born of the devilish energy of the devil world, and the devil world is equivalent to her mother, she is born strong."

"Mozu Qingtian is the ancestor of all living beings in the demon world. He is the most powerful existence in the demon world in history, even stronger than the saint. All beings in the demon world worship the ancestor of Qingtian, but since the devil gave birth to the saint, many demon gods and demons gradually Worship the Holy Maiden, regard the Holy Maiden as the only belief..."

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