Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1386: Bear Heart Leopard Gallbladder

When Emperor Yan spoke, Yu Mo gradually became enlightened. It turns out that the Demon Realm still has such a tortuous history.

In particular, the Holy Maiden can make it difficult for so many demon gods and demon races to turn to worship her. This must be extremely difficult to do, but she succeeded.

You can see how powerful she is.

Yu Mo smiled wryly, and how could he be able to win the favor of the Holy Maiden.

"The Heavenly Demon Ancestor and the Holy Maiden gradually became opposites, and the fire and water were hard to bear. In order to maintain his authority in the demon world and restore the worship of all beings, the Qingtian Demon Ancestor started to attack the Holy Maiden. As for how to do it, I don't know what to do. Clear." Yan Di said.

Yu Mo nodded secretly, and his heart moved: "I only own a simple temple in Changheng Mountain. After the believers worship him, they can generate the power of faith. What a huge number of beings in the demon world, they have a lot of faith in the ancestors. Will such worship also generate the power of faith?"


Yu Mo's eyes lit up and he took a deep breath, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Because this can explain what Tongqingtian Demon Ancestor did.

The power of faith is very important to the God of Heaven. The Holy Maiden builds a sanctuary and attracts more and more believers, which will naturally generate the power of faith.

But this power of faith belongs to the saint, and is used by the saint.

With this change, the power of belief in the Demon Ancestor will be reduced, which is equivalent to taking food from the rice bowl of the Demon Ancestor.

What a serious act this is!

How could the Heavenly Demon Ancestor accommodate the Saintess.

Yu Mo was stunned secretly, the Holy Maiden really dared to take risks, knowing this, and daring to do it, she was simply a hero among women.

"After Ziqing recovers her memories of her past life, I must interview her how she thought and dared to make such a decision." Yu Mo thought.

"Emperor Yan, do you know the power of faith?" Yu Mo asked after pondering for a while.

"The power of faith!" Emperor Yan exclaimed, looking at Yu Mo in disbelief.

The other three were at a loss, as if they had never heard of these four words.

Emperor Yan's eyes changed suddenly, and he looked up and down at Yu Mo, with an indescribable sense of mystery.

Yu Mo looked at him curiously and said meaningfully: "It seems that Emperor Yan really knows the power of faith."

Emperor Yan did not answer, but asked in a deep voice, "How did you know?"

"There is nothing to comment on this." Yu Mo said mysteriously: "If my guess is correct, the Heavenly Demon Ancestor and the Holy Maiden are incompatible with each other because of the power of faith."

Emperor Yan's eyelids twitched wildly, he was really shocked.

Because this matter is too secret, only a few great devil emperors know about it, and they have worked hard to know that there is still the power of faith in the world. This is a more powerful power, far more powerful than their devil energy.

But they just heard about it, and haven't really seen the power of faith.

Regarding the incompatibility between the Holy Maiden and the Heavenly Demon Ancestor because of the power of faith, this is just the Devil Emperor's speculation, and there is no way to confirm it.

Emperor Yan stared at Yu Mo, as if he wanted to see him thoroughly.

A human being knows so much about the power of faith. This is information that only the Demon Emperor knows. How did he know it?


Suddenly, Emperor Yan had a flash of inspiration and thought of the Holy Maiden.

The saint must have told him.

This directly proves the close relationship between Yu Mo and the Holy Maiden. Immediately, his confidence has greatly increased. As long as he persuades Yu Mo, does it mean that the opportunity to cooperate with the Holy Maiden will be greatly increased?

Emperor Yan's mood became excited.

The three Demon Gods of Chaos looked at Yu Mo in confusion, and then looked at the shocked Yan Emperor. The three of them didn't know why, but they felt that Yu Mo was more powerful.

His casual words actually caused Emperor Yan's reaction to be so big.

Emperor Yan re-examined the importance of Yu Mo, and said in a deep voice, "Yu Mo, I know so much about the Saintess and the Demon Ancestor Qingtian. If you want to know more, you should ask the Saintess."

Yu Mo smiled contentedly: "I will naturally ask her."

"Then you should fulfill your promise now and take me to see the Holy Maiden." Emperor Yan asked eagerly.

"The devil world is such a big mess, can you walk away?" Yu Mo asked.

Emperor Yan hesitated and said, "The world is lacking in experience. I can completely delegate power to him. I just took this opportunity to give him some experience. I will go to see the Holy Maiden with you."

"What about Juntian Demon Venerable?"

"This..." Emperor Yan hesitated for a while and said, "I will save him when I come back."

Compared to the saintess, the value of Juntian Mozun pales in comparison, it is self-evident.

If Juntian Mozun heard the news, I don't know how he would feel.

The Demon God of Confusion was not excited when he heard the words, but looked at Yu Mo worriedly. He promised to get a new space law for Yu Mo. Now that he has not succeeded, Emperor Yan will go to the world with Yu Mo. Emperor Yan is not like Demon God of Confusion. When you go to the human world, the real situation of the human world will be revealed.

Emperor Yan will definitely attack the human world on a large scale and take the human world as his own.

The seriousness of this matter is well known to the Demon God of Confusion, and he knows that Yu Mo definitely doesn't want to see this happen.

Yu Mo and the Demon God of Chaos looked at each other and saw his thoughts, and his heart moved slightly, why didn't he know the seriousness of this matter.

Facing Emperor Yan's fiery gaze, he politely declined, "I'm sorry, I can't take you to see the Holy Maiden yet."

The anger in Emperor Yan's heart suddenly rose, and he said, "What did you say?"

"I'm just telling the truth."


Emperor Yan glared angrily and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"Where did I play you? I just promised to tell you where the saint is, but I didn't promise to take you to see the saint." Yu Mo argued.

Emperor Yan was burning with anger, his eyes seemed to be capable of killing people, and he stared at Yu Mo intently.

Yu Mo was not afraid and looked at Emperor Yan quietly.

Time seemed to freeze, and a depressing atmosphere emerged spontaneously.

The three Demon Gods of Chaos looked at Yu Mo and Emperor Yan nervously, fearing that Emperor Yan would act directly.

"Actually, if you really want to see the saint, it's not impossible."

Suddenly, Yu Mo's words changed, his hand.

Emperor Yan's eyes lit up and couldn't wait to ask, "What can I do?"

"As long as you pass the new space law to me, I will take you to see the saint, and never break my promise." Yu Mo's words were astonishing, and he even threw out this astonishing condition.

"What, you are so brave!"

Emperor Yan was stunned, he never thought that Yu Mo would propose this condition.

"You actually have the idea of ​​a new space law!"

The Demon God of Chaos looked as usual, but Zhantian Demon Venerable and Fuling had their eyes widened in disbelief, as if they were still in shock.

It is quite normal for other demon emperors to covet the new laws of space. I didn't expect Yu Mo's strength to covet the new laws of space. This is eating the guts of a bear's heart and a leopard.

Yu Mo faced Emperor Yan and said calmly, "This is my condition, whether you agree or not is up to you."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Emperor Yan was aggressive, and the overwhelming momentum swept over.

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