Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1409: Blind!

Nether Profound Stone!

Yu Mo frowned. He had never heard of this kind of stone. Under the gaze of the soldiers, he bent down and a stone fell on his back.


Yu Mo staggered, almost unsteady.

This Nether Profound Stone is too evil. It doesn't look big, but it is extremely heavy, like a hill pressing on his back.

The soldier was not surprised and smiled: "Hahaha, your body is not good, you look strong, why is it so difficult to carry?"

Yu Mo snorted, gradually getting used to the weight of the Nether Profound Stone, and slowly straightened his body. The soldier's eyes widened in surprise, and he was amazed: "Hey, your strength is not bad."

"Be careful, this Nether Profound Stone is very heavy." He reminded Gu Ziqing in a low voice.

Seeing Yu Mo's appearance, Gu Ziqing was already mentally prepared, but when the Nether Profound Stone fell on her back, she was still bent over. She took a deep breath and slowly got used to it.

Yu Mo was determined to find out the origin of this Nether Profound Stone, so he got close to the soldiers and took the opportunity to ask, "What is the origin of this Nether Profound Stone, and why is it so heavy?"

Yu Mo could see from the reactions of other ghost cultivators who carried the Nether Profound Stone on their backs. Not everyone knew the origin of the Nether Profound Stone, so he would not reveal his identity when he asked.

The soldier did not hide his secrets and said, "This is the cornerstone of our Fengdu world. The city lord has great courage to build an altar with Nether Profound Stones, and then he can lead us out of the Fengdu world."

"The cornerstone of the Fengdu world!"

Yu Mo was stunned in his heart. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he also knew the extraordinaryness of this Nether Profound Stone.

"The city lord has even used the cornerstone. He is really determined to build an altar, and he must be confident that he can use the altar to go to the world." Yu Mo's heart sank, knowing that the situation was far more serious than he expected.

"Let's go, don't linger." The soldier urged.

Yu Mo and Gu Ziqing walked side by side, Yu Mo glanced at the Nether Profound Stone on her back and asked, "Ziqing, can you hold it?"

Gu Ziqing nodded: "Don't worry, I'm fine. The city lord of Fengdu really worked so hard to even touch the cornerstone of the Fengdu world. Isn't this speeding up the destruction of the Fengdu world?"

Yu Mo said in a low voice: "This does not mean that the situation in Fengdu World is far worse than we expected. Therefore, Fengdu City Lord will take the risk and use the Nether Profound Stone."

"Could it be that the soul fog spreads so fast that it will soon cover the entire Fengdu world?" Gu Ziqing made inferences from one case, and immediately thought of the key point.

"It is indeed possible." Yu Mo nodded in agreement: "I have an idea, this altar is not finished, so they can't use it. If we cut off the raw materials of the altar from the source, wouldn't that make their plan fall short? ?"

"You mean the Nether Profound Stone?"

"Yes, this Nether Profound Stone must have come from somewhere. If we go there and try to destroy it, maybe we can be done."

Gu Ziqing thought thoughtfully and asked, "Can't we start with the altar? As long as the altar is destroyed, it is almost impossible for them to build another one."

Yu Mo sighed: "It's not that I didn't think about this method. But look at how heavily guarded this place is, and there are a large number of ghost cultivators. If we do it, it's impossible to succeed."

Gu Ziqing looked around, it was true, the altar was too heavily guarded, and it would be difficult to get to the sky if you wanted to do something here.

Unless you have absolute strength, you can defeat so many opponents by yourself.

What's more, the city lord of Fengdu is definitely in the city of Fengdu. If there is any trouble, the city lord of Fengdu will definitely take action. At that time, Yu Mo's identity will naturally be seen.

The new hatred and the old hatred are added together, and Yu Mo will surely die.

"Then we have to find ways to get to the source of the Nether Profound Stone." Gu Ziqing said.

Yu Mo agreed and said, "Let's transport the Nether Profound Stone up first, and then find a way."

Carrying the Nether Profound Stone on their backs, the two of them spent a lot of effort, climbed the stairs, and finally came to the top of the altar, only to see a scene of fiery excitement unfolding in front of them.

The ghost cultivators showed their magical powers and built the mysterious mysterious stone on the altar, and the height of the altar increased little by little.

Yu Mo's pupils shrank and saw two powerful figures.

"Ghost King!"

There were actually two ghost kings guarding the top of the altar.

Yu Mo and Gu Ziqing looked at each other and understood that they really couldn't do it here. Moreover, the ghost king was too powerful, and those two pairs of eyes were like headlights, and they looked around vigilantly.

Fortunately, their attention was on the Nether Profound Stone, and they didn't care about Yu Mo and Gu Ziqing, so they avoided the risk of being seen through.

The two were about to get off the altar, when suddenly, a ghost repairer stood unsteadily on the edge of the altar and fell from the sky.


Ghost repair screamed, as if falling off a cliff, and immediately stopped moving.


A pair of eyes focused on the place where Gui Xiu fell, panicked and sad, but no one said anything.

Yu Mo murmured in his heart.

Ghost cultivators have extraordinary strength, even if they fall from the altar, they will not have the advantage of life.

The ghost king was not surprised, and said coldly, "Building an altar is the greatest project in the Fengdu world. If a few ghost cultivators die, what is wrong. Whatever you are still doing, make me move."

Suddenly, the ghost king pointed at Yu Mo and said, "Come here and take over his job."

Yu Mo was actually named to take over the job of the fallen ghost repairer.

Yu Mo was surprised by what the Ghost King had said earlier. It turned out that the ghost cultivator was really dead. Once he fell from the altar, he would definitely die.

He hadn't figured out what was going on, but when he heard the ghost king's name, he was stunned and was about to run away.

But reason triumphs over impulse.

He kept his head down and walked towards the working position of the dead ghost repairer.

Gu Ziqing panicked and kept winking at Yu Mo, but Yu Mo didn't seem to see it.

She had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk down the altar, hoping to carry the second Nether Profound Stone on her back as soon as possible so that she could meet Yu Mo.

Yu Mo didn't say a word, quietly looked at the movements of the other ghost cultivators, and figured out a way.

These ghost cultivators used their supernatural powers to build up this quick Nether Profound Stone, so that the Nether Profound Stones became a whole under the action of supernatural powers, and they were no longer isolated individuals.

"What are you still doing, work!" The Ghost King gave Yu Mo a dissatisfied look.

For some reason, looking at Yu Mo's figure, the ghost king had a feeling of deja vu.

But he didn't delve into it, thinking that this must be his own delusion, after all, he has a high position, and how can this ghost cultivator interact with him.

Hearing the urging, Yu Mo was about to do the same, but found that he had never practiced the method of ghost cultivation at all, and his supernatural powers were naturally unable to integrate the Nether Profound Stone.

He secretly murmured that something was wrong, and immediately felt a sense of being blinded.

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