Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1410: Thousands of armies have passed through!

Seeing that Yu Mo was indifferent, a ghost king waved a long whip in his hand, and with a snap, the whip made a crisp sound in the air.

Yu Mo was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

"You still dare to be lazy and play slippery, right? Hmph, you don't even look at what this place is!" The Ghost King reprimanded.

Yu Mo glanced at the other person from the corner of his eyes. He used to have a relationship with all the ghost kings, but now he has his head down, and his aura is completely different from the previous one, so the ghost king recognized him without a glance.

If the ghost king is allowed to approach, he will definitely reveal his identity.

When other ghost cultivators saw that Yu Mo was indifferent, they all felt awe in their hearts. He even dared to act rashly under the eyes of the ghost king. This is really not afraid of death.


The long whip almost swung to Yu Mo's ear, like a spirit snake sticking its tongue out, about to attack him.

The ghost king's face was ashen, and he shouted angrily: "If that's the case, then go to hell, Feng doesn't need a ghost cultivator like you!"

The ghost king was about to kick Yu Mo off the altar with a whip, but the other ghost cultivators didn't dare to stop him at all when they saw this, but instead retreated in awe.

Yu Mo faced the Ghost King's anger and sighed in his heart.

It was difficult for him to hide his identity, but he did not expect to be forced to such a point by the ghost king, so no wonder he was ruthless.


The sword light flashed!

The blood blade slashed into the air, and the sword light suddenly disappeared. In the next second, there was a sword mark on the ghost king's neck. With a puff, the ghost king's head fell from his neck.


There were exclamations everywhere, and no one expected that it would evolve to this step.

Ghost Xiu retreated, distanced himself from Yu Mo, and looked at him in horror.

Yu Mo ignored them at all, but turned around and rushed under the altar.

He had no choice but to act, which led to his identity being exposed. The other ghost king would definitely fight back and would never give him another chance.

What's more, Yu Mo also knew that he could only be unexpected, and solve a ghost king as quickly as possible, and then he could only run for his life.

Therefore, he ignored the other ghost repairers and the remaining ghost kings.

The ghost king had already reacted, and when he saw his companion's head was in a different place, he felt a sense of anger, and his anger erupted like a volcano. He stared at Yu Mo's back fiercely, and roared: "Bold, you dare to kill the ghost king, who are you?"

Where would Yu Mo answer, he plummeted and jumped directly from the altar row.

The whistling wind sounded in his ears, the gloomy wind swept past, and his speed was extremely fast, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

He was awe-inspiring.

Ghost Xiu would die if he fell off the altar, but Yu Mo felt that his power was not affected by the altar in the slightest, so even if he jumped from the top of the altar, he would not have to worry about his life at all.

The ghost king and other ghost cultivators chased after him.

They simply did not dare to jump directly from the top of the altar.

Yu Mo turned his head and glanced at it, a flash of light flashed in his heart, and he was relieved.

"I know, this altar only affects ghost repairers and ghost kings, but it can't affect me. Therefore, my skills have not been discounted by half, but they are not their peak strengths at all."

Yu Mo was not bad as expected.

This is the power of the Nether Profound Stone.

Precisely because it is the cornerstone of the Fengdu world, it can affect everything in the Fengdu world, every grass, every tree, and every creature, when it acts on the ghosts, its combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

This is also why it is so difficult for ghost cultivators to carry the Nether Profound Stone, because their skills have already been affected, and the Nether Profound Stone is extremely heavy.

With the two-pronged approach, you can imagine the feelings of ghost repair.

Yu Mo's face was cold and he said in his heart, "No matter what, I can't be caught by them, because it's not only my safety, but also Ziqing and the three ghosts."

The speed of the ghost king is not slower than Yu Mo, just a little later, a distance behind, but still in the air, the ghost king has already shouted: "Catch him and kill him!"

The ghost repair and the soldiers on the ground were stunned instinctively, not knowing what happened.

But seeing this scene, they quickly reacted.

Something big must have happened at the top of the altar.

Since the Ghost King has an order, they can execute it without compromise.

As a result, many ghost cultivators and soldiers on the ground sacrificed magic weapons, especially the few close to the altar, eager to try, and aimed their spear at Yu Mo, which was bound to intercept him.

The murderous intent flashed in Yu Mo's eyes, he firmly held the blood blade sword, and instinctively wanted to swing the blood blade sword to kill the group of enemies under his own sword.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a violent muffled sound, and I saw a figure flickering at the bottom of the altar, passing through the group of ghost repairers and soldiers, and then only a series of explosions were heard.

The ghost repair and the soldiers actually exploded and died.

Then, all eyes saw only a solitary figure standing under the altar.

Without a doubt, their companions all died at the hands of this man.

Yu Mo's eyes lit up, and he looked at Gu Ziqing in surprise. All of this was done by Gu Ziqing. At the critical moment, she suddenly burst out, unexpectedly, and used Thousand Illusion Magic to clear the way for Yu Mo.

"Good job!"

Yu Mo secretly praised him, landed on his feet, and stood side by side with Gu Ziqing: "Thank you for your hard work."

Gu Ziqing said unsmilingly, "Let's go."

Yu Mo nodded knowingly and rushed out with Gu Ziqing.

"Kill them!"

When the ghost king saw this scene, he was furious, but he didn't expect that his subordinates hadn't stopped the other party, but instead lost soldiers and generals, causing many casualties.

This is simply a disgrace!


The crowd was furious, and they rushed towards Yu Mo and the two of them together.

Yu Mo took the lead, guarded in front of Gu Ziqing, the blood blade opened the way, and a sword light rippled, how could the ghost repair and the soldiers rushing in the front were his opponents, and he was killed with one sword.

This sword shocked the mind and made many opponents' movements sluggish.

What Yu Mo wanted was this effect, and he didn't want to fight. He took Gu Ziqing and passed directly through the team. Anyone who dared to stop them would die under the sword of blood.

When the ghost king chased after them, they broke out of the encirclement, making the enemy stunned, and they all speculated on who the two were, and how powerful they were.

When did Fengdu have such an enemy?

Isn't Feng all always monolithic?

Almost all the ghost repair capitals are under the city lord of Fengdu, and there is no master who dares to go against the city lord.

Therefore, the two guys who suddenly appeared made them puzzled.

The ghost king was also puzzled for a while. He saw Yu Mo's repeated tactics, which opened his eyes. He instantly knew that this guy had a lot of background, so he couldn't let him escape.

Otherwise, the city owner will definitely ask him.

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