
Vol 4 Chapter 110: Zhongshan's strongest advantage!

Chapter 110: Zhongshan's Strongest Advantage!

Da Luo Tianchao, imperial examinations!

The purpose of the Imperial Examination is to select the best talents for the Da Luotian Dynasty, to fill the vacancies of Da Luotian Dynasty officials, and to be a chance for various practitioners to join the Da Luotian Dynasty.

The Da Luotian Dynasty, the strong one, was divided into two types: literary test and military test.

The martial arts test is very simple. As long as you are strong enough, you can be selected, but you can only enter the third place.

The imperial examinations are divided into three top ranks, one of which is only three, the number one champion, role model, and flower explorer. Belongs to the best three.

Second, sixteen, are both civil and military, slightly inferior.

The top three, seventy-two, belong to the partial branch, or the strongest martial arts, or the person who wrote a beautiful article.

Zhongshan Xiuwei, Jin Dan's sixth priority, such a low level of cultivation, the best results are only two possible, or not in the third place, to persuade everyone with Wencai, if not to write a shocking work, peerless shocking Overriding its practice, people ignored it and reached the first rank.

However, regardless of the talents of the first class, it must face at least three people who are equal to themselves.

Deal with the three cultivations that are equivalent to yourself? Zhong Shan is full of confidence.

On the day of the imperial examination, there was a grand gathering in the world, and the strong men gathered. These strong men were not only those who rushed to take the exam, but also many hidden practitioners who came to watch the imperial examination scene.

Because every imperial examination, some amazing talents are born.

First of all, the martial arts test.

Zhongshan has a name of self-knowledge. Naturally, it will not rush repair first, but directly choose the essay test to challenge the top one.

To challenge the top one, first of all, you must defeat three people with the same strength.

In front of a huge platform, there were a large number of spectators, and Princess Qianyou, Ada and Aer also watched patiently. In a remote corner, Zhong Zheng also looked at the center with great admiration.

In the center of Huantai, four people stood by Zhong Shan, surrounded by three men in purple robes.

The three men in the purple robes were just recruited from the army. Because they challenged the first class, they were never lower than the Yuan infant period. What kind of fun did the Jindan period people make? so small.

With a knife in his hand, Zhong Shan was indifferent. Three Jindanqi strong men surrounded him. If he changed individuals, he must be careful, because all three were soldiers and all of their strength were killed. The sixth strength is also murderous.

The three men grabbed their swords and looked at Zhongshan in the center coldly. The identity of the soldiers reminded them that they must not be taken lightly at any time.

"Start ~~~" the referee yelled.

The referee shouted. I saw four people moving at the same time!

"Boom ~~~ Boom ~~~ Boom ~~ Boom ~~~ Boom ~~~"

After a series of loud noises, countless thunders and lightnings fell from the sky, and in all directions, countless currents poured down, completely covering the entire center of the ring. A large number of thunder and lightning overflowed, making the people watching outside quickly retreat. Quickly back. The site was emptied in a blink of an eye.

Because the site is made of special materials, there is no loss, but the momentum is a bit daunting. This is the sixth power of Jin Dan? Jindan peak, right? What kind of exercise is this?

There were so many thunder and lightning that covered the interior scene. Let everyone be amazed for a while. Except for those who specifically watch this game, most of them are Jindan period, very few yuan infant period, because this game can not enter the eyes of the strong.

But, can I cope with this “weak” battle that shocked everyone present?

"嘭 ~~"

The endless thunder and lightning exploded, showing the internal scene again. Just like before, Zhong Shan was holding the knife and was surrounded in the center. The three people around him were all slightly black at the moment, and their faces were cold and sweaty. DC, holding the big knife in his hand, was slightly trembling, not afraid, but his hands were exhausted.

"Assign!" Zhong Shan closed the knife and said softly.

Everyone outside was staring, looking at Zhongshan in the center, was he stupid?

"Thank you for your mercy!"

The referee asked with a hint of doubt: "Zhongshan wins!"

Zhong Zheng smiled with excitement and retreated, and Princess Qianyou was also extremely excited holding her fists. Only those who were not good at the outside, stared and looked at this incredible scene.

one move? One move is over?

With a slight smile, Zhong Shan took the jade card handed by the referee and retreated to Princess Qianyou.

Away from the crowd, Zhong Shan flew to the Quartet Ring with some pointing eyes. Watch how others do.

Mr. Water Mirror also chose the text test to directly defeat three people who are equivalent to their own cultivation. Seeing Mr. Shui Jing walked down indifferently, Zhong Shan smiled slightly, and Mr. Shui Jing was also ambitious.

Mr. Shuijing Huangji Realm, if he does his best, there is absolutely no problem in entering the second tier, he gives up, he just has to show his literary talents, the way of writing. His ambition is the three places in that one.

In this way, Mr. Water Mirror also concealed his true strength. No one knows how strong Mr. Water Mirror is, maybe only the Holy Spirit can see it.

Never let people know everything about you, especially everyone knows that the more mysterious and safe you are, the more public, and the more dangerous you are. Zhongshan has known this for a long time, and Mr. Water Mirror naturally knows it, so it ’s shown to outsiders It's just a certain limit.

"Congratulations to Mr. Water Mirror," Zhong Shan laughed.

"Tong Xi, Tong Xi, met the princess." Mr. Shui Jing said immediately.

"Water mirror, do you want to challenge the number one?" Princess Qianyou laughed.

"Just try it!" Mr. Shui Jing shook his feather fan modestly.

The crowd talked as they walked towards the other platforms.

"You challenge one, for my sister, right?" Princess Qianyou laughed.

Mr. Water Mirror smiled bitterly, but said nothing.

"Actually, I am still very weird today. You never met my sister at that time. Why did you look for my sister with some rumors? Even after your sister became the princess, you were willing to commit to the Daxuan Palace. Have you met? "Princess Qianyou wondered.

"No." Mr. Water Mirror shook his head.

No? Haven't even seen my face before, and chase without regrets? Just by rumors?

"I have checked the history of Sister. Sister did not know you beforehand. Her memory has not been lost or sealed. Her life is very simple. It is only slightly complicated until she becomes a princess. Why do you see her? Rarely This kind of love, can you fall in love without looking at others? "Princess Qianyou wondered.

"Oh, princess forgive me!" Mr. Water Mirror smiled bitterly.

Seeing Mr. Shuijing's expression, Princess Qianyou also timely switched off the topic, but Zhongshan was a bit strange, as Princess Qianyou said. The emotion of Mr. Water Mirror is really inexplicable, but is it inexplicable?

Not long after, everyone came to a larger valley, outside the valley, surrounded by a large number of practitioners, and set up a formation, among the formations, Qi Tianhou Gulin, wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings and wearing a chain of gold armor Qi Tianhou looked arrogant as he stepped on his feet and walked in clouds, a dragon with purple dragons rolled in his hand, and a stick in one hand.

The three Yuanying strong men who besieged him all had swollen faces at this moment, apparently hit by Qi Tianhou's stick.

Qi Tianhou inserted the Dragon Dragon Purple Gold Stick to the ground.

"Boom ~~~"

The valley shook for a while, and the three around him were all pinched.

"Don't give up yet?" Qi Tianhou smiled proudly.

Seeing this, Zhongshan and his party fully understood that Qi Tianhou wins, but the cat and mouse game.

At this time, another valley in the distance was filled with a large number of practitioners.

For the game without suspense, the five people no longer watched it, but quickly flew over.

"Water mirror, what do you think of Gulin's recovery this time?" Princess Qianyou asked as she flew.

"Very strong, very strong, water mirror is not as good as it is." Mr. Water mirror shook his head and said.

"Oh? Mr. Water Mirror actually gave such a high evaluation?" Zhong Shan frowned.

"Yes, Mr. Zhong Shan, you haven't seen the strength of Gu Lin. I just saw it not long ago. This strength is not in force. His mana has not yet reached its peak. What I mean is his wisdom. There is also arrogance, but one thing you should see, his title. "Mr. Shui Jing laughed.

"Title? Qi Tian? There is only one heaven in the Da Luo Heavenly Dynasty, that is, today's Holy, Gu Lin was actually named as" Qi Tianhou ", isn't it in line with the Holy? Is there anything else in Qi Tianhou that conceals everyone? Zhongshan wondered.

"No, I have a guess, but it is not yet established and can only be seen later. However, Mr. Zhong Shan does not need to worry. Even if Qi Tianhou is stronger, he also has a weakness. This weakness is exactly the strongest advantage of his husband. "Mr. Water Mirror said.

"Oh? Mr. Water Mirror joked." Zhong Shan shook his head.

"I'm telling the truth, I don't know how this advantage is developed, even if I work hard for thousands of years, it is not as good as that of Mr., and makes him always invincible." Mr. Shuijing looked at Zhongshan solemnly Sighed.

"Oh? What? What made Mr. Everlasting invincible?" Princess Qianyou wondered.

Even Princess Qianyou didn't know what Mr. Shuijing was talking about.

"Mr. Shuijing laughed and laughed. I am doing this, and I have a slightly more flexible mind. I must have read it wrongly." Zhong Shan shook his head and pushed.

From Zhongshan's tone, Mr. Water Mirror can also see that Zhongshan deliberately did it. Zhongshan also knew his strongest advantage, but he did not want to admit it.

The Princess Qianyou also stared at Mr. Shui Jing, but asked Mr. Shui Jing to say.

In this way, Mr. Shuijing could only smile with a bitter smile: "Mr. advantage is not cultivation, not wisdom, but he is unwilling to admit it, and will not say more in the future."

Seeing Mr. Shuijing reluctant to say, Princess Qianyou looked at Zhongshan with a little doubt, what secrets does Zhongshan have? The more he learned, the more secrets he had?

Absolute advantage? Of course, Zhongshan has an absolute advantage. It is not status, wisdom, Moyu Fuyu, red lotus powder lotus, not a hidden avatar, nor a wolf contract. I didn't expect to be seen by Mr. Shui Jing, but if you see it, you can see it. Zhong Shan did not admit death, and no one would believe it. What's more, that's an intangible advantage.

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