
Vol 4 Chapter 111: war!

Chapter 111 Battle!

The valley was surrounded by a large number of practitioners and looked at the interior in horror.

When Zhongshan and Princess Qianyou approached, the test was over. In the valley, the three strong men were imprisoned and their bodies were slightly yellow. A gold-headed bald monk stood in the center.

The monk folded his hands and was very young.

"Jin Chan wins"

The bald monk won, took a jade card from the referee, slowly flew out of the valley, and flew into the distance. The man who followed him was also a man in a monk robe, and the man wore a lotus monk hat. , Holding a purple gold glass zen stick in hand.

"Princess, that, that, that is the mighty Tianlong Bodhisattva." Ah Er said with wide eyes and an incredible look.

Zhong Shan also looked at the monk who was going away, the monk with a zen stick in his hand, Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva, and who was the ‘Golden Cicada’ who had just won in front of him?

"Reincarnated spirit boy?" Mr. Shui Jing frowned.

"No, reincarnation spirit children are generally protected by Luohan, what is this? What is the protection of Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva? What is the origin of this golden cicada?" Princess Qianyou frowned.

"There are three possibilities for the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the bodhisattva. One is that his previous life has a good relationship with the bodhisattva. The second is that the bodhisattva is entrusted to people. The third is that the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the spiritual boy is no longer a bodhisattva. Buddha, "Mr. Water Mirror frowned.

"People of Bliss Pure Land actually came to participate in the Imperial Examinations of the Da Luotian Dynasty. I don't know if anyone else in the other three holy places participated. This time the Imperial Examination is getting more and more interesting." Princess Qianyou laughed.

"After five days, the text test, everything is clear." Mr. Shui Jing nodded.

Five days later, the essay test began. After today's essay test, the top three were ruled.

Test location, Wen Yuan Court.

Wenyuan Pavilion is located east of the ancient capital of the Taikoo and has a long history. The Daluo Dynasty was established for 8000 years, but the history of this Wenyuan Pavilion has reached 100,000 years. Before the Daluo Dynasty, other days of the Tian Dynasty An ancient holy place that exists, a holy place for literati.

Wenyuan Pavilion is a place, a super huge floating island floating in the mid-air, above it is Wenyuan Pavilion, and there is a circle floating around Wenyuan Pavilion. A thousand small floating islands, in a flat plane, float around Wenyuan Pavilion.

Under the floating island of Wenyuan Pavilion, 100,000 desks have been set up, spaced apart from each other, and surrounded by a large circle for candidates to take the essay test, and a repairman has already stood in front of each desk. Questions waiting for the essay test.

There are 100,000 people standing under the floating island of Wenyuan Pavilion, and thousands of repairers are standing above the floating island of Wenyuan Pavilion.

The thousand practitioners were able to stand on the floating island, not because of their precious status, but because of the thousands of pride that defeated three fellow practitioners during the martial arts test. Thousands of people got the jade.

Among them are Zhong Shan, Shui Jing, Qi Tianhou and Jin Chan.

The crowd stood neatly, waiting for the examiner's arrival.

Zhongshan watched around Wenyuan Pavilion. A large number of buildings are extremely quaint, and at the same time a very peculiar atmosphere, a sense of Confucianism. A feeling that can only be appreciated.

Around Wenyuan Pavilion, there are also a large number of statues, and each statue has a strange atmosphere. There are four thousand statues in total. After hearing the introduction of Princess Qianyou, each of these statues is the champion in each imperial examination, and each is a talented person with great wisdom.

After each statue of the champion is completed, a drop of essence blood will be dripped in accordance with the secret method. In this way, as long as the Wenyuan Pavilion exists, a continuous stream of Confucianism will flow into each person's body. The vastness is powerful, and to a certain extent, it can also scrub everyone's karma.

Although most of the champions of the statue have died, the statue has not been withdrawn. This is a spirit and a kind of heritage.

The crowd waited patiently, and the assistant officials were all in place, waiting for the final examiner.

Examiner, King Xuan!

While the candidates were anxiously waiting, there was a commotion in front of them. Following the commotion, everyone could see that there was a group of people coming from the air in the distance.

Behind is a group of Da Luo Tianchao officials in official uniforms. The front one is a domineering man.

The man was in a gold robe, infinitely noble, with long black hair, and draped over his head very smoothly. With a majestic face, he just walked in the air like this, and every time he took a step, his figure disappeared in place, as if the teleportation generally appeared far away in front. It didn't take long before I walked to Wenyuan Pavilion.

When he got close, Zhongshan could clearly see that the king ’s front bone was slightly protruding, the dragon was arrogant and proud, the Chinese character face, a pair of bright eyes, each had two pupils, and a heavy pupil ? At first glance, it seemed like a soul shaking.

Zhong Shan's heart was tight, so domineering eyes.

King Daxuan walked to the candidates and glanced at everyone, his eyes gazed at him: "Be in place!"

"Yes!" All candidates answered immediately.

Then, everyone in the square on Wenyuan Pavilion flew to a thousand small floating islands around Wenyuan Pavilion.

On each small floating island, desk pens and inks have already been placed. Wait for a while to take the test.

"A holy question, fight!" Da Xuan Wang said in front of Wen Yuan Pavilion.

The voice was not loud, but for some reason, it spread to a thousand small floating islands and the ears of 100,000 candidates below. It sounded to everyone's ears like a thunder.


Question from the Holy Spirit?


A golden ‘battle’ character with a silver painted silver hook slowly floated high above the Yuanyuan Pavilion and was shown to everyone. The character was vigorous and powerful, and it was obvious to everyone that there was a kind of golden horse and a battlefield on the battlefield.


All candidates were looking at the big 'battle' in the air.

Zhong Shan frowned slightly, looking at the word "War" at the top, and couldn't help guessing. Now the Five Emperors besieged the Da Luo Heavenly Dynasty, and the Holy Spirit was really angry.

war! Fight to the outside, destroy Quartet, fight Quartet!

Trying to understand the divine meaning can do more with less.

Literacy? Zhongshan admits that the literary style is not outstanding, and the literary style is ordinary. It is almost impossible to write amazing works. Even if Zhongshan can write some good verses, good verses may not be able to hold down the 100,000. Writers, are they bad at writing?

One thousand floating islands, coincidentally, Zhengdong is Qi Tianhou! Zhengnan is Mr. Water Mirror! Zhengxi is the mysterious Jin Chan! True north is Zhongshan.

Everyone didn't rush to write, but kept thinking.

Three hours of essay test, write articles related to test questions!

Gradually, someone has already mentioned the pen.

Zhongshan still frowned, remembering the most verbal words on the earth. To find the words of war, and to write the words of war, there are only those who really experience the battlefield, and also Connect with your own experience and make minor changes.

After two hours, Zhong Shan finally figured out what to write.

One word, but is it enough?

Grab the writing brush aside and look at the best paper on the table, white jade paper!

Taking a deep breath, the red magpie was running, and the eyebrows quickly filled the eyes, and suddenly, Zhongshan's world became fragmented again.

Heaven and earth rules, endless heaven and earth rules! Hidden from time to time. Floating.

What Zhongshan has to do is to write the next word he wrote next to the rules of heaven and earth, find their trajectory, and slowly write this word according to the way the rules of heaven and earth work.

However, the lines of the rules of heaven and earth are endless, and it is not easy to want the words to coincide with the rules of heaven and earth, and the rules of heaven and earth are still hidden and difficult to capture.

Zhong Shan looked at it patiently, and looked at it. The writing brush slowly dropped to Baiyu Paper. The speed was very slow and very careful. According to the rules of the day and the day, he wrote the article he wanted.

When Zhong Shan was writing, many people had already written their articles.

Suddenly, Qi Tianhou drew the last stroke just east of Wenyuan Pavilion.

Article into!

"Ang ~~~"

From the manuscript of Qi Tianhou, a golden dragon soared to the sky, the ghost of the dragon vanished, and was caused by illegal techniques, but it was arrogance. An article of soaring arrogance was born in Qi Tianhou's pen, but this arrogance was too strong It is so powerful that the paper can't restrain it. The momentum is intensive, and Qi Tianhou's internal energy is turned into an arrogant dragon, soaring into the sky.

An immense golden dragon ghost, hovering and flying above Qi Tianhou's article, is immense.

The people who finished writing all showed an infinitely terrified expression, because countless people saw that on Qi Tianhou's article, a proud golden dragon was pulling with it, soaring endlessly.

"Ang ~~~"

The golden dragon circled for a while, leaving a long groan, and rushed into the manuscript again. The manuscript of white jade paper suddenly became golden.

Qi Tianhou looked smug and looked towards the Quartet.

"Congratulations to Lord Wang, Lord Hexi, Qi Tianhou Hou Wenfeng, proud as a dragon, vast and invincible, will surely win in one fell swoop." An official slaps at Da Xuan Wang in front of Wen Yuan Pavilion.

"Shut up!" King Daxuan said coldly.

The **** smacked on the horse's legs, and the officer immediately shut up and stood aside, afraid to say more.

King Daxuan continued to look around.

Sure enough, just after Qi Tianhou's scenery, Wenyuan Pavilion is on a floating island in the west.

Jin Chan wrote the last pen. In one stroke, a rushing sound came suddenly, the river rushed, and the beast roared.

"Guru ~~~"

"Roar ~~~"

"Yin ~~~"

From above Jin Chan's manuscript, he suddenly rushed out of the realm of mountains, birds, and beasts, and saw the floating islands, endless mountains and rivers, and rivers torrenting, just like a memory crystal record.

It is getting bigger and more and more. The endless mountains and rivers are displayed. Splendid mountains and rivers, splendid world, splendid articles.

That momentum, compared with the sky-long Golden Dragon's ghost image, is more persevering and endless, which makes a lot of candidates who have written a good man's eyes widened.

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