
Vol 7 Chapter 38: Make the world upside down

Chapter 38 Turning the Heavens Upside Down

The female Tian Lao stared at Zhong Shan. Zhong Shan was speechless for a while, Tian Lao.

However, the arrival of the elder of this woman also gave Zhongshan a chance, and at the same time gave birth to a temptation.

"Tian Lao, it really has a lot to do with me!" Zhongshan replied.

"Oh? Hehe!" Nu Tianlao smiled strangely. But Tianjizi sneered.

"But it's not you!" Zhong Shan cried.

"Oh?" Nu Tian Lao revealed a hint of doubt.

"Heavens and earth, gods and ghosts, heaven and earth, the old man, the old man, the former Da Luo Tianchao emperor Fengshui master, old man, I do n’t know if you know?" Zhongshan laughed.

"People who live in the heavens are still dead?" Female Tian Lao frowned.

"Sure enough, there is the Tian family, my Tian family's pulse in Yangjian is not broken yet?" Tian Jizi smirked on his face, and there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

"Did Xiao forget to tell you?" Zhongshan frowned.

"Xiao forget?" Tianjizi stared.

Obviously Xiao Wang has never mentioned it, of course, only a few people know Yang is elder.

"What is the relationship between the old man in the sun and the Lord?" Zhong Shan looked at the female old man.

"There are five families in Tianjia, naturally each has a master. I am Tian Lao, and he is also Tian Lao!" Shen Tian Lao said.

"You saw Tian Lao, what did that old man give you that day?" Tian Jizi stared at Zhongshan Road suddenly.

"Stuff?" Zhong Shan frowned.

"Heavenly family, there must be that thing. Is there?" Tianjizi glared at Zhongshan.

In that look, it seemed to have a madness.

"Hahaha, the lord of the house joked. I have only a few relationships with the old man in the world. What can he give me? Or, I have met with the lord of the house, can you give me anything valuable? "Zhongshan immediately laughed.

Tianjizi's crazy look? For what?

Hearing Zhongshan's words, Tianjizi's excitement eased slightly.

"Homeowner, since the child in the heavenly family claims to be 'Tian Lao', then he is the master of Feng Shui, not the master of life, he cannot have it." Female Tian Lao said to Tian Jizi.

Hearing the words of female Tianlao, Tianjizi took a deep breath and then looked deeply at Zhongshan. There was a reluctance in his eyes.

"Looking at the lord of the heavens, it seems that the yangjian tianjia has a very valuable thing. I don't know what it is, let me see if I know it?" Zhong Shan stared at the celestial machine.

Tianjizi took a deep look at Zhongshan Road: "Forget it, it's useless to say more."

"Homeowner, do you still want that thing?" The female heaven old frowned.

"I'm the owner, and that thing should be in my control. I can't think that the heavenly house in the sun is not extinct, and there are people." Tianjizi took a deep breath, and there was a hint of discomfort in his eyes.

Zhong Shan's eyes narrowed for a moment, where is the heavenly machine, where did the original heavenly machine that ignored the life? It's so exciting for one thing? What's in the heavens? Heavenly Order?

Is it heavenly? There was only one celestial master who left himself and Linger in that year, and the priest once said that the celestial secret was hidden in the celestial order. Even if the immortal was born in the celestial family in the past, he did not understand the secret. Is that heavenly order?

Of course, depending on the appearance of Tianjizi in front of him, Tianjizi would definitely not miss the feeling of the Lord of the Heavens. If he took out his heavenly order, he would be robbed immediately and even kill.

Heaven? Heaven's House! There was another coldness in Zhongshan's heart.

"Tianjiazhu, in fact, this time we are only here for my loved ones. We also asked Tianjiazhu to raise your expensive hands and let my loved ones reunite with me!" Zhong Shan said again.

"No, let's go!" Tian Jizi shook his sleeve.

Tianjizi is very ruthless and doesn't give Zhongshan face at all.

"Oh, in fact, I was still with Tian Lao for a while, I remember that Tian Lao had been attached to something in the past!" Zhong Shan said.

"Oh?" Tianji Zi eyes brightened.

Female Tianlao also stared at Zhongshan.

"As long as the Lord of Heaven returns my loved ones, Zhongshan will tell the Lord of Heaven everything about the heavens!" Zhongshan took a deep breath.

Hearing Zhongshan's threat, the Lord of Heaven's eyes narrowed, and snowflakes suddenly flew around. Moreover, a threat of death was approaching Zhongshan.

"You don't have the right to bargain. Say, what is Tian Lao obsessed with?" Tian Jizi stepped forward.

The heavenly machine took a step forward, and an immense force was oppressed. The original heavenly machine that converged was suddenly sharp, and the powerful air machine was directed at Zhongshan. This breath was like the one emitted by the former God Crow Tao King. In general, extremely strong.

Even with the setting sun of the sun and the sky, I can't help but jump.

Zhongshan seemed to be ashamed of being oppressed.

"Well, Zhong Shan will tell you first, I just hope that the Lord of Heaven will give a letter of approval to Zhong Shan's relatives after I have finished speaking!"

Under the control of Yinglan, Zhongshan had to make a concession.


"Purple cotton kapok, the nine treasures of a Buddha in the past in the Yang Dynasty, but I was finally found and given to the old man!" Zhong Shan Shen said.

Then, Zhongshan's magic spell showed the appearance of purple cotton pupa.

"Do you dare to lie to me?" Tianjijing stared, apparently this was not what he wanted.

"Homeowner, he didn't lie to you!" Nu Tian Lao said suddenly.

"Oh?" Tianjizi frowned.

"He wants to sacrifice the living Buddha soul, and refining a treasure of my feng shui vein." Female Tian Lao said truthfully.

"Huh!" Tian Jizi snorted coldly. Then looked at Zhongshan again.

"Tianjia, Zhongshan should have said everything. He also asked Tianjia to release his relatives in the Jingbo pool. If Tianjia is in trouble, Zhongshan would prefer to go in person." Zhongshan said again.

"Well, Jingbochi, is this the place you can go to? Without my homeowner's order, anyone who has gone is dead. As for you, Tianjia doesn't welcome you, let's go!" Tianjizi said coldly.

"What about my loved ones?" Zhong Shan chuckled.


As if thinking of Yinglan, Tianjizi produced a kind of radon, which was provoked by Yinglan. Do not know why!

"Tianjia, supervising Xiaoqian World, this is admirable, but don't treat the world as a mustard because of Tianjia's arrogance. Tianjia is only part of this Xiaoqian world, not the master of this world!" The mountain finally broke out.

Tianjizi, accustomed to the first high position, sees that there has been a deviation in people. Such people are no longer worthy of Zhongshan's good words.

"So what?" Tianjizi said coldly.

"There is no long-lived family in the world. If the Lord of Heaven is the same again, the first place of the Heavenly Family will be replaced!" Zhong Shan Shen said.

"Replace it? Hahaha, replace it? Tianjiazi has stood in the underworld for more than 100,000 years, who can replace it?" Tianjizi sneered.

However, Tianjizi's anger at this moment seems a little bit smaller, because Tianjizi suddenly thought that his son 'Tianxiao' had said exactly the same thing.

But who can replace Tianjia? The inside story of Tianjia is never beyond the reach of outsiders.

"What about the other day?" Zhong Shan sneered.

Hearing Zhong Shan's words, Tianjizi stared, and just about to speak, Wei Taizhong suddenly knelt down.

"Heavenly Lord, Ying Lan is my niece and granddaughter, please let Ying Lan reunite with me, please!" Wei Taizhong knelt down and looked up desperately.

Because Wei Taizhong saw it, His Majesty was completely connected with Tianjizi, and it was impossible to maneuver. In this case, Tianjizi was even less likely to release Yinglan, so he could be his own relative.

Seeing Wei Taizhong suddenly knelt down bitterly, Zhong Shan's nose was sore. In addition to Wei Taizhong, when did he ask someone so?

"Who are you? The clown jumping clown is also worthy of directing me!" Tianjizi stared.


Wei Taizhong's repair was too low, and everyone could withstand the oppression of the heavens, but Wei Taizhong couldn't, a burst of blood spurted out.

However, Wei Taizhong still scratched his head in tears, regardless of his injuries.

"Tianjiazhu, please release Yinglan. I can give you whatever you want." Wei Taizhong cried sadly while scratching his head.

"Enough!" Zhong Shan sang coldly.

With a cold drink, everyone sipped.

"Too loyal, get up, this kind of person isn't worth your knees, Tianjia? Haha, Tianjia? Let's go!" Zhong Shan screamed angrily.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, but, Your Majesty! Ying Lan, she ........." Wei Taizhong climbed up hard, his body was oppressed by the breath of the heavenly machine, as if he was very hurt.

Tianjizi sneered.

"Let ’s go back to Yinglan today, and we will come again!" Zhongshan took a deep breath.

"But, Your Majesty ...!" Wei Taizhong was still reluctant.

"You don't use it anymore, even if my son Tianxiao conquers you, you are not allowed to step into the Temple of Heaven again!" Tianjizi sneered coldly.

Zhong Shan looked up and took another deep glance at Tianjizi: "God of Lord, I will confirm my words. In a few days, Zhongshan will come to Tianjia again, and I will let you know, what is regret, what Turned upside down! "

"Do you want me to be turned upside down? Okay, look if you have that ability!" Tianjizi smiled with a disdain.

"Yes, I will come back to Zhongshan. Not long after, without your homeowner's order, I will enter the quiet wave pool by myself!" Zhongshan snorted.

Turning his head, Zhong Shan stepped out of the hall.

Yin sunset helped Wei Taizhong, and Mr. Shi followed. The crowd came with expectation, and left with shame and hatred.

Yin Sunset frowned, and his face was slightly overcast, I don't know why Zhong Shan was stale with Tianjizi, but Mr. Zhe was expressionless. In most eyes, he showed a little compassion to the children of the Tian family around him.

Because Mr. Zombie already knew Zhongshan's horror, Zhongshan was angry, and Zhongshan had to do what he said.

Watching Zhongshan and others leave, Tianjizi showed a slight disdain: "Is this the person Tianxiao is looking for? Flashy and arrogant!"

The girl Tianlao took a deep look at the four back figures, leaving a flash of worry in her eyes. There was a bad feeling in my heart, but she was immediately rejected by the elder. How many waves can these people make?

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