
Vol 7 Chapter 39: The first step

Chapter 39. The First Step

Zhongshan took a anger and walked out of the door of Tianjia.

The serious injury of Wei Taizhong and the humiliation suffered by Zhong Shan all ignited the fierce fire that had not arisen in Zhong Shan's heart for a long time.

Tianjizi's contempt, and Tianjizi's attitude, Zhong Shan knew that it would be useless to continue. Yu Qi continued to be humiliated at Tianjia, so let's come out earlier. Get ready early.

Zhongshan knew that it would be difficult to ask Yinglan this time, but he did not expect Tianjizi to be such a person.

Leaving Tianjia, standing at the endless group of ghosts in Hell, Zhong Shan took a deep look at the huge area of ​​Tianjia again.

"Your Majesty, before you said‘ Xian Li ', what would you do if you did n’t make it? ”Wei Taizhong looked at Zhongshan anxiously.

"Behind the soldiers!" Zhong Shan exclaimed.

"Back soldiers? Are you going to fight against the sky soldiers? Are you crazy?" Yin sunset screamed.

"Uh?" Zhong Shan frowned and looked at Xiangyin sunset.

"Just now, in addition to the heavenly machine, I felt four breaths that made me feel threatened. The heavenly machine, the woman's heavenly man, and the four breaths. On the bright side, the heavenly family has at least six days. And Tian Xiao, who is going out, and the Seven Heavenly Polar Realms, are you going to be a soldier in the sky? "Yin Yang cried out in an incredible way.

Seven heavens? How many heavens are there in the whole world, there are actually seven of them on the bright side of this heavenly family. This, this is going to Tianjia trouble? Aren't you obviously looking for death?

"The Seven Heavenly Polar Realms? Are there many?" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice, his eyes flashed a cold light.

Yin sunset: ".........".

"Your Majesty, if you don't ask for more opportunities, Ying Lan can hold them, absolutely nothing can happen." Wei Taizhong worried again.

"It's impossible. Tianjizi is too proud. In his eyes, all the people in the world are grass and mustard except the children of the Tianjia family. It is impossible to beg him as a slave!" Shook his head.

"Then what are you going to do? Tianjia is the Seven Heavenly Extremes. How are you going to do it? Do you want to find someone from the sun to help? There is that Xuan Yuan, Xuan Yuan is strong, and it is at most one level with Tian Jizi. What about the rest? "Yin sunset frowned.

"Yangjian? No, there are still a lot of strong guys in the underworld." Zhong Shan Shen said.

"Hell?" Yin setting the sun slightly.

"I want to make the Tianjia chickens and dogs restless, and the sky is turned upside down. I want to make the Tianji overwhelmed. A group of strong men will come to the Tianjia and make the Tianjia fragmented. This process requires your cooperation!" Zhongshan Shen said.

"I can't beat the sky, and the other threats of the sky are only stronger than me, not weaker than me." Yin Setting Sun shook her head immediately.

"I don't need you to fight!" Zhong Shan cried.

"Eh? Don't I go?" Yin sunset was surprised.

The pillar of the Tianjia family is the group of celestial realms. If you don't let me go, how can you deal with them?

"Your Majesty, the minister's secret method may be useful!" Suddenly said Mr. Corpse.

"You? Buddha zombie? No, although the Buddha zombie was a celestial realm before his death, but the strength of the zombie sacrifice is only about the empire." Zhong Shan shook his head.

"No, it's not a zombie, it's a ghost!" Mr. Dead solemnly said.

"Heavenly ghost?" Everyone looked at Mr. Corpse in doubt.

"I just got the immortal corpse recently. I used the immortal corpse to sacrifice ghosts, which can make hundreds of millions of ghosts aggregate to form a powerful heavenly ghost, but this method hurts the heavens." Mr. Corpse said slightly.

"Heavenly strength?" Zhongshan frowned.

"Should not be weaker than Yin Yin!" Said Mr. Zhen Shen.

On the other hand, the setting sun is weird. What is the origin of this person? Not only does he know a lot about the things in the world, but what ‘heaven’? What is a ghost?

"Okay, okay, okay!" Zhongshan took a deep breath.

"But it will take three months!" Said Mr. Shi.

"I'll give you three months!" Zhong Shan cried.


At this time, Zhongshan took out another piece of jade bamboo slip, entered a piece of information, and then gave it to Wei Taizhong.

"Too loyal, give this piece of jade to 'Xuanyuan' and tell him, Jingbochi, I found it, and I will break into Jingbochi together in the future!" Zhong Shan said in a stern voice.

"Good!" Wei Taizhong responded immediately.

"You found the Jingbo Pool? How did you find it?" Yin sunset was incredible.

"Just when I entered Tianjia!" Zhong Shan said truthfully.

Zhongshan has a large number of ***, no one can reach the hidden method. On the way to search for the static wave pool, it is the formation method. The average person is impossible to find, but who makes the shadow body immune to the formation method? However, when I found the static wave pool, I met a peerless powerhouse in the heavens.

The strong man was dedicated to guarding the static wave pool, and the moment when Zhong Shan appeared, the strong breath of that man was forced to Zhong Shan. Zhongshan could only retreat.

Yin sunset looks strange to Zhongshan, is it really fake? Aren't you with us just now? How could you find out?

Zhongshan certainly wouldn't say anything about ***.

"Okay! Lord Yin, let's go, let's go find the peerless powerhouses. Be sure to bring in a group of peerless powerhouses within three months and stir the family together!" Zhongshan said from his own channel.

"Three months? Looking for a group of peerless powerhouses? How do you find it? Do you know how big this world is? It takes half a year from Dasao to here. How many can I find in three months. Will others come?"

Five days later, Mr. Zong used ‘Immortal Sacrifice of Heavenly Ghosts’ in hell, Wei Taizhong sent a letter to Xuan Yuan for Zhong Shan, and Zhong Shan and Yin Yin returned to the previous city. Still the restaurant.

"Thank you, thank you very much, the price of Xu Mi Shi has skyrocketed!" Said the shopkeeper excitedly.

"Oh? The price of Xu Mi Shi has risen to a very high level?" Zhongshan unexpectedly said.

"Yes, it fell a few times during the period, but it came up again. It was dozens of times before. It was crazy. It was all crazy. Now everyone in the city is grabbing Xumi Stone." The shopkeeper said excitedly.

"Oh? It seems these days have reached the climax?" Zhongshan frowned.

On the side of the setting sun, she already knows the old days collapse plan. Now listening to the shopkeeper, her heart is even more strange and abnormal.

"Kaiguan, you say, do you want me to sell Xumi Stone?"


"Rising at such a high price now, I'm afraid of panic, it's dozens of times, I'm afraid of falling down!" The shopkeeper worried.

"It's okay, when there are no more orestones on the market, you can throw them!" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Hey, I listen to you!" The shopkeeper shouted in excitement.

"Don't let people bother me!" Zhong Shan said.

"Okay, okay, the guest officer rest assured. Starting today, our restaurant will not be open, and we will serve you exclusively!" Said the shopkeeper happily.

"Uh?" Zhong Shan froze slightly.

"This time the guest officer's food and accommodation costs, I asked, the guest officer rest assured!" The shopkeeper said boldly.

This time, the shopkeeper bought the Xumi stone in the blood, and at the same time, earned a value that can be earned for hundreds of years. All of this is because of Zhongshan, not worthy, just a little bit of the guest in front of you, It also earns more than the restaurant opened its doors. There is also a fart restaurant, it is enough to serve this grandpa.

"Treasurer, please help me." Zhong Shan said.

"Guest, please!"

"My piece of jade bamboo, I would like to ask you to make 10,000 copies for me, and to recruit me, spreading the dynasty of the stars, and the dynasty where Tian Xiao is now. Can you?" Zhongshan handed out a piece of bamboo.

"This?" The treasurer frowned slightly.

"This is just some facts, just spread it out, of course, I will pay you accordingly!" Zhong Shan laughed.

After the shopkeeper left, Yin sunset looked at Zhongshan again: "What's in that jade bamboo?"

"On that day, the sea of ​​blood came and went! Of course, proper grooming!" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Are you going to pull up Star Fight?"

"Not only Xingtai Dou, but also the elders, Master Shenxiu!" Zhong Shan solemnly said.

"Xing Taidou may be willing to go, but aren't the old people and Shenxiu willing? They have the last failure, are they still willing to go?" Yin Luo sun frowned.

"Xing Taidou I will persuade! After all, everyone else is here, and they have once again fought with the Heavenly Family. Well, the Lao World people, huh, huh, since the Lao World has chosen to contain the Starly Heavenly Family, it means that they are ready to fight against the Heavenly Family. Moreover, this Isn't it here again? As long as you catalyze a little bit, you can fight with our enemies! "Zhongshan solemnly said.

"What about Shenxiu? He is not an old man, and it is rumored that Shenxiu is very afraid of death. Will he go?" Yin Luo sun frowned.

"Isn't that ready just now?" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Things of blood and blood? How does that work?" Yin sunset frowned.

"I let the events of Shen Fuxuehai spread to the Tianjia family with a little modification, and this succeeded for less than a half. If it spreads all over the world, then the show must go!" Zhongshan affirmed.

"Why? Although Shenxiu arranged a feng shui array in the past, wouldn't she go to Tianjia desperately?" Yin Luori did not understand.

"But there is a dawn in Feng Shui array!"

"Tianxiao? I don't think he is the kind of careful person?"

"Tian Xiao is not careful, and his vision is extremely wide. However, he had to be careful about this, he had to find trouble with Shenxiu, and even led the whole family to kill Shenxiu at all costs!"

"No way? How is this possible? Victory or defeat is a common practice of soldiers. It is impossible for Tianxiao to make such a big deal, who is not growing up in frustration?"

"You still don't understand, Tianjia, the first force in the world on the bright side, and Tianxiao is the intended heir to the owner. This is like the prince of a country. Before he inherited the throne, the prince was paid attention by countless people. .Tianjia in particular has been passed down for more than 100,000 years. Tianjizi is so old that it is obvious that he will be robbed. Who will be the owner of that time? Tianxiao has the greatest opportunity, but Tianxiao is not the only one in Tianjia. There is a chance. There must be others staring at the owner. "

"What do you mean?" Yin sunset seemed to think of something.

"The first step is to let the biggest heir's" despect sweep the floor. "Zhong Shan took a deep breath.

"Sweep hope?"

"If you want to rule the Heavenly Family, virtue is the most important thing. It will be difficult for Tianxiao to balance the huge Heavenly Family, and the Heavenly Family's first place in the world must also have absolute virtue. I think Heaven Xiaobi knows that before he can become a homeowner, his journey must be the smoothest. The sweep of virtue will make him lose too much. To make up for the sweep of virtue, he must kill Shenxiu. "

"Our purpose is to let Tian Xiaode sweep the floor, arouse Shenxiu's fear, and then arouse Shenxiu's counterattack?" Yin Luori finally understood.

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