
Vol 7 Chapter 48: Shizunami Pond

Chapter 48

"Hey ~~!"

Xuan Yuan's first dust was drawn out, and suddenly, the clouds of smoke at the formation method dispersed. Space cracks tear the Quartet.

"Booming ~~"

The mountains around the valley collapsed.

Clouds and smoke cleared, revealing the interior view, a simple hut, next to the hut was a small round pond with a diameter of eighty-one feet.

On the edge of the pond, there is a small stele with three red letters embossed.

Static wave pool!

When Xuanyuan broke the array, the shock caused a slight wave in the static wave pool.

The heavens and earth are turned upside down, the four sides are trembling, and even endless squalls are blowing towards the four sides, and they are becoming violent everywhere. Only this small pool is still light and light, with only a tiny wave of waves.

"Creak ~~"

The hut door slowly opened, and a white-haired and thin old man came out slowly from the inside.

After the old man came out, he looked at the sky, looked at Yunfeng, which had collapsed, and then looked at the strong man, the five earth gods, and the wicked heavenly ghost! The expression was not tense at all, as if the life and death of the family of this day had nothing to do with him.

Finally, they turned their attention to Zhongshan and his three.

Seeing Xuan Yuan's first dust, the old man was slightly surprised.

"The creation shrine, the palace master?" The old man said.

Xuan Yuan nodded.

"And you, the last time I broke in silently, I almost concealed it!" The old man looked at Zhong Shan, his pupils were frozen.

"Yin Supreme, Xuan Yuan, just stop him!" Zhong Shan said immediately.

The old man is light and light, and looks like an extravagant person, but how can Zhongshan have time to accompany him 'chat', it is useless to talk about it, or to break into the quiet wave pool first! What's more, you are here today to go to the Heavenly Family.

"Hum ha ha ha ha ~ ~!"

The old man was angrily laughed by Zhong Shan's words.

"You have turned the heavens upside down, and you want to break into the Jingbo Pool? Jingbo Pool, except the owner, who can only die!" The old man said in a cold tone.

But there was the sunset of Xuan Yuan and Yin beside Zhong Shan, and Zhong Shan ignored the old man at all.

Step to the quiet wave pool!

Seeing that the person in front of him ignored him at all, the old man's best care was also irritated, and his figure disappeared in place. At the same time, Xuan Yuan was also the same. Xuan Yuan instantly saw the purpose of the old man, his body disappeared in a flash.

"Boom ~~"

There was a loud noise, a powerful impact, the space was broken for a while, the old man did not move, and the Xuan Yuan did not move. The two palms began with a black hole. The space around them was oscillating. Xuan Yuan blocked in front of Zhong Shan. The strange thing was Between Xuanyuan's whole body and white light, the space where Zhongshan is located is not affected at all.

Behind Xuanyuan, a pair of heavy wings are soaring into the sky, and the powerful momentum is directly approaching the old man!

Yin setting sun stood by. Zhongshan is naturally assured.

No matter how strong the old man is, it may not be the twelfth weight of Tianji Realm. There is Xuan Yuan here, and Zhong Shan is assured. With the setting sun, Zhong Shan has no worries and walks directly to the edge of the Jingbo pool.

Quiet wave pool, weird quiet wave pool. Even in such a turbulent space, there are still microwaves in the quiet wave pool.

The quiet wave pool is water, and unlike water, it looks extremely weird.

Without any hesitation, Zhongshan stepped into the static wave pool.

There was no 'plop' sound that fell into the water, so we got into the interior strangely.

Zhongshan alone, just step in. The real core of entering Tianjia is.

This is not water. Entering Zhongshan has already confirmed that this is not water, but a polymer of space energy.

Space aggregates?

Zhong Shan watched with a constrained eyebrow, and then downward, Zhong Shan finally entered a so-called static wave pool through a strange channel.

Under this quiet wave pool, it is actually a weird space.

The space is dark, and the water is all below. The water is still like a mirror, and the waves are not shocked. In the distance, nearly a thousand lanterns with yellow light float. Within each lantern, there is a figure flashing. It is not a figure, it is a ghost, and the ghost captured by the house of heaven is all contained in the lantern. As if being overdone, weird.

On the water surface, there are also twenty-four futons. From left to right, the second, seventh, and ninth are empty, and the other twenty futons are sitting on it. A heavenly man.

Twenty-one, all wearing the robes of the Tianjia logo, put on various handprints, as if practicing, even if Zhong Shan entered, none of the twenty-one people woke up.

Twenty-one people?

Zhongshan was suddenly shocked, wouldn't it all be the celestial realm? If Tianjia really is so, that would be too scary. No, there are eight or twenty days outside? This does not count as three empty futons.

Zhongshan's scalp tingled for a while. Tianjia is too scary!

So many strong?

But strangely, why didn't these twenty-one people find themselves?

Watching this scalp tingling scene, Zhong Shan took a deep breath, and he had already come here. Is there any reason to shrink back?

She fluttered and shot down quickly.

The location of Zhongshan is only ten thousand feet away from the water. However, Zhongshan finds it strange that no matter how much he sinks, there is still ten thousand feet from the water?


The speed of Zhongshan increased again. After half a column of incense, Zhongshan suddenly found himself sinking only one foot, only one foot?

Close to the horizon?

Zhongshan finally knew what was close to the horizon. The rules inside this quiet wave pool space were very weird and could not reach the other bank. Even if he was fast and long, he couldn't fall on the water.

"Hello ~~!"

Zhong Shan roared.

However, it seems that the voice cannot reach a distance, and it cannot be transmitted at all, even if the consciousness is not far here. No wonder the 21 people did not find Zhongshan.

what's the problem? Application of space laws?

How to do? Consumption is not a solution, it must be washed down, even if it causes damage.

Having made up his mind, Zhongshan's pupils suddenly shrank, and then opened, the original dark pupils turned green again.

Zhongshan didn't find it. In fact, when Zhongshan entered this dark space, he sat cross-legged there, and the old man on a futon led by him had a slightly frown on his face. Obviously, he found the arrival of Zhongshan, but he didn't break it.

Zhongshan's pupils opened!

"Reincarnation passage, open ~~!"

Zhongshan yelled loudly, and suddenly, in the mid-space of this space, a black gas flowed leisurely. Then, at the center of the black gas, a green dot opened and quickly zoomed in. In a blink of an eye, it became a faint giant mouth. .

The huge suction lifted the Quartet space from the reincarnation channel.

The huge suction force finally changed the surrounding environment. If it is outside, the surrounding space is already broken. However, the internal space is extremely solid and just shakes slightly.

The surface of the water below, which was still as a mirror, suddenly produced a ripple.


A circle of ripples swayed to the 21 strong men in the distance.

"Hoo ~~"

Twenty-one people opened their eyes at the same time, opened their eyes, and a fierce ferocious rushed to Zhongshan.

Zhongshan was completely stiff, as if he could not move easily. Even if the reincarnation passage was suddenly retracted, the reincarnation passage disappeared without Zhongshan's presidency?

Too strong, the eyes of twenty-one people are too fierce. For a moment, Zhongshan could not move? Is this the Tianjia Strong?

Everyone stared at Zhong Shan, as if they could penetrate through the body of Zhong Shan with only their eyes.

Too strong, Zhong Shan felt that these twenty-one people seemed to have the strength of a natural machine. How could Tianjia have so many perverts?

Too perverted!

Reincarnation channel? I ca n’t move at all, even if it is hard to breathe, how can the reincarnation channel be used?

"Go out ten people and see what happened in the Tian family?" The old man, headed by, said.

"Yes!" The twelfth to twenty-first people stood up immediately.

Ten people flew past Zhongshan. They seemed to be free from the laws of space and went out in an instant.

Inside, there are only eleven Tianjia people.

"Who are you?" The head looked at Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan found that the surrounding space seemed to generate a strong entanglement force, entangled himself, and kept himself from moving. Suddenly, Zhong Shan found that his mouth could speak.

"I am the disciple of the Tianjia family!" Zhong Shan called immediately.

"Tianjizi's disciples?" The old man sneered.

"No, I'm Tian Xingzi's disciple!" Zhong Shan corrected immediately.

"What a bullshit, when did the master of the sky become a star?" The man on the third futon yelled.

The old man with his eyes narrowed, did not swear, but stared at Zhongshan Road: "Sky star?"

"Master has seen the token for me!" Zhong Shan said.

"Dash, are we so deceived? Do you know where this is? Don't even want to go out when you come in!" Said another man from Tianjia.

"Oh?" The old man looked at Zhongshan in doubt.

At this time, Zhong Shan found himself moving again.

Zhong Shan immediately urged the spell, and quickly displayed a token illusion in front of the spell.

The appearance of this phantom is the token ‘Tian Ling’ passed by Tian Xingzi in the past.

Tian Ling, Zhong Shan dare not take it out, but Zhong Shan is still okay with the imaginary Tian Ling of magic spells.

Originally, when seeing Zhongshan's magical manifestation of heavenly orders, a few people still showed disdain. After seeing the dignity of others, they took a closer look, and upon closer inspection, almost all of them had their pupils shrink.

"Tian, ​​Tian Ling?" One person exclaimed suddenly.

Then everyone took a deep look at Zhong Shan and looked at the old man together.

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