
Vol 7 Chapter 49: Blood Shura

Chapter 49 Blood Shura

As the head of the old man, the highest hope is obvious. Obviously, on such a solemn occasion, the words of the old man represent the entire heavenly family.

Zhongshan's magic spell condenses the heavenly phantom. Suddenly, a weird scene happened. Zhongshan felt the phantom of the heavenly order in his hand, and slowly integrated with the surrounding space. A feeling of relief suddenly poured into Zhongshan's heart.

phantom? This is just Zhongshan's transformation from heaven, how could this be compatible with this space? Is this static wave pool related to heavenly order?

Zhongshan's puzzled consciousness was found out. Sure enough, Zhongshan was no longer blocked by space, as if only the phantom of heaven could only pass through the quiet wave pool.

Zhong Shan frowned, and there really was a big secret in the decree, and the weird lines on this decree must have some meaning.

"Tianchenzi, I have seen the Lord of the Yang Family!" The old man said lightly.

"Tianchenzi? Are you the last master of the underworld?" Zhong Shan was surprised.

According to rumors, did Tianchenzi, the last generation of the family, leave Xiaoqian World? How come here

"Good! Not yet consulted!" The old man nodded.

Zhong Shan's heart was tight. From the attitude of the old man, we can see that he has only respect and no fear for the heavenly order!

"Zhongshan!" Zhongshan said in a deep voice.

"The heavenly house in the Yangtze still exists?" Tian Chenzi stared at Zhongshan Road, his eyes as if piercing Zhongshan's heart.

"What do you say?" Zhong Shan laughed.

Zhong Shan was also slightly nervous, after all, I don't know what the other party's attitude was? However, on the surface, it is naturally a light cloud of confidence.

"Where's the real order?" Tianchenzi frowned.

"Naturally in the hands of the owner!" Zhong Shan smiled slightly.

"Do you know where this is?" Tian Chenzi reprimanded Shen Shen.

"Is this the illusion of heaven, can't I come yet?" Zhong Shan asked with a smile.

"Tianling is only known to Tianjiasu Lao. Those who can show the Tianling phase, such as the presence of the homeowner, and the static wave pool are induced. You are indeed a heavenly order. Appointment! "Tianchenzi said lightly.

The others frowned, but Tianchenzi spoke, and everyone stopped talking.

The yin and yang heavens are separated early? Zhong Shan suddenly picked a thorn from this sentence. What is early division? That is to say, the original was one, and the home decree was the heavenly decree. Zhong Shan smiled coldly.

"Yes or no, it's in your heart, I don't plan to ask for anything, I just want to return what belongs to me!" Zhong Shan said in a deep voice.

Hearing Zhong Shan's words, Tianchenzi's pupils shrank, while the others also looked intent, and an anger flashed in her eyes.

Uh? Zhongshan saw the response for a moment. What do you mean? What have you not said yet?

"What belongs to you? What?" Tianchenzi said coldly.

"One, no, I should say two ghosts coming down from the sun, the ghosts you are imprisoned here!" Zhongshan solemnly said.

"Uh?" Everyone froze clearly.

Everyone looked at each other, and the original anger suddenly dissipated. There was a weird, ghost in everyone's eyes?

"Just a ghost?" One of them couldn't hold his breath.

"Nature!" Zhong Shan nodded.

From that man's words, Zhongshan heard a strangeness, as if there was an important thing in the heavenly house.

The crowd was weird for a while, and finally looked at Tianchenzi together!

"I don't know if it's difficult?" Zhong Shan Shen said.

Tian Chenzi closed his eyes, as if pondering for a while, suddenly looked up and said: "Okay, the heavenly guest from the heavens, how can the heavens not sell face!"

"Thank you!" Zhong Shan laughed, and sighed inwardly. This is a little bit past.

At this moment, suddenly, a figure came into the world from the outside, his clothes were cracked, his hair was slightly scattered, and he rushed in with a look of anger. Heavenly machine!

As soon as Tianjizi came in, he suddenly saw Zhongshan.

"Is it you?

As soon as Tianjizi entered the static wave pool, he yelled at Zhongshan, and the sword was about to rush up.

"Presumptuous ~~!"

Tianchenzi yelled, Tianjizi stopped at hand. Turned to look at Tianchenzi.

"The elder is him, that is, the Tianjia he turned upside down. The five peaks of the Tianjia, Fengshui Peak, Yunfeng, and Jiyin Defeng, the three peaks collapsed, countless ghosts rushed into the Tianjia, and most of the Tianjia children were injured. A pile of ruins, he is the man he colluded with the world, this person is not dead, it is difficult to remove the hatred from my heart, this person is not dead, I am sorry for the ancestors of the family! "Tianjizi called and drank immediately.

"In the static wave pool, it's not your turn!" Tian Chenzi retorted in a deep voice.

Everyone else was waiting for Tianchenzi, and all looked at Tianjizi with dissatisfaction.

"Tianjia accident, you did not guard the Tianjia!" Tianchenzi yelled.

If Tian Chenzi had poured cold water into Tian Jizi, Tian Jizi would calm down immediately.

"Tianjizi, don't let your blood spurt people, why is there such a disaster in the Tianjia, isn't it what you want?" Zhongshan sneered.

"Jack, what do I want? When do I want it?" Tian Jizi angered.

"I knew you didn't want to admit it, I recorded it for you!" Zhong Shan laughed suddenly.


All of a sudden weird. Tianjizi glared at Zhongshan, and saw Zhongshan suddenly take out a memory crystal.

As soon as Mana urged, he suddenly showed the scene of seeing the sky machine for the first time that day.

"Tianjiazhu, I will confirm my words. In a few days, Zhongshan will come to Tianjia again. I will let you know what regrets and what turns the world upside down!"

"Do you want me to be turned upside down? Okay, look if you have that ability!" Tianjizi smiled with a disdain.

"Yes, I will come back to Zhongshan. Not long after, without your homeowner's order, I will enter the quiet wave pool by myself!" Zhongshan snorted.

In the picture, Tianjizi's disdainful performance is vivid and vivid. Zhongshan's words are heard in his ears, and Tianjizi's phrase `` Okay '' is extremely loud.

Tianjizi's face turned red immediately.

"How? Tianji, can I be wrong with you?" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Miscellaneous ........., do you dare to overdo me?" Tianjizi's eyes flushed.

"This is your underworld sky house, how dare I yin you? Tianjizi, please take care of yourself!" Zhong Shan looked at him with all his emotions.

"You ........." Tianji is going crazy.

"Enough!" Tianchenzi said coldly.

Tianjizi looked tight, but his face seemed to have something to say.

"Not enough shame? Stand aside!" Tianchenzi yelled.

Tianjizi looked, not only Tianchenzi, the group of elders in Tianjia, all of them looked bad, and when they saw the expressions of everyone, Tianchenzi knew it was not good, and went to the side with resentment.

"Two ghosts, this is what they look like!" Zhong Shan immediately spelled out the appearance of Wei Yinglan and Xuan Yuan's wife.

"Wei Yinglan!" An old parent suddenly exclaimed.

Not only that elder, but a few others glared at Wei Yinglan's illusion.

Seeing a few people's expressions, and thinking of Tianjizi's initial attitude, Zhong Shan's heart that had just been put down was raised again.

"What?" Zhong Shan immediately asked.

Several elders who were indifferent suddenly became sharper, only Tianchenzi was still light and light.

"You're late!" Tianchenzi said suddenly.

Hearing this, Zhong Shan felt a bad feeling in his heart, and at the same time, the whole person gradually showed a strong momentum.

"What do you mean?" Zhong Shan asked in a deep voice.

"In the past, she was sent to Jingbochi, and her talent was excellent. We were going to train her, but her talent was too strong!" Tian Chenzi shook her head and sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"She has a kind of attribute, which was enhanced when she took the Huangquan Road. On the day she entered the static wave pool, she seemed to have triggered her attribute. On that day, there was infinite power of blood in the body, and the power of blood was horrifying. The talent even exceeded our control, went straight to the sky, and even passed through the Xiaoqian World, which in turn attracted a Qianqian strong, forcibly took away Yinglan, ***, Lao Qi, Lao Ji, all died in In the hands of the peerless powerhouse. "Tianchenzi said.

"What are you talking about?" Zhongshan took a deep breath and disobeyed.

At this time, an elder suddenly took out a memory crystal, and there were some fuzzy images in the memory crystal.

In the picture, there is a giant figure with three feet, but there are a pair of huge **** bone horns on his head, his eyes are red, his body is covered with blood, and the skin is dark red. There are only four fingers in each hand. The huge Fang Tian painting halberd held a small bottle in one hand, and the small bottle sucked at a ghost, which was Wei Yinglan.

In a blink of an eye, the giant man lifted up Ying Lan, screamed in the sky, and was full of spirits!

"Blood evil spirit? I also have disciples, ha ha ha ha!"

The picture suddenly disappeared.

"Is he strong?" Zhong Shan asked in a deep voice.

"Tianxian Peak, the three elders in my family lost his hand, do you say he is strong?" Tianchenzi frowned.

"What is he?" Zhongshan frowned.

"A race in the world, Blood Shura!" Tianchenzi took a deep breath.

Was Ying Lan taken to Daqian World? Suddenly, Zhong Shan felt an empty feeling in his heart. Brow frowned.

"I will give you this memory crystal!" The elder suddenly dropped the memory crystal in the distance.


Zhongshan snatched his hand and said, "Thank you!"

Carefully put it away.

"Tianling?" Tianjizi screamed and looked in front of Zhongshan.

At this moment, Tianjizi noticed the tokens condensed by the spell in front of Zhong Shan. Although he didn't know them, he could think of the attitudes of the elders and immediately guessed the name.

Zhong Shan didn't bother with Tianji, but pointed to another woman: "And this girl, my friend's wife!"

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