
Vol 9 Chapter 77: Wang Jingwen

Chapter 77

The southern part of the runner's territory, the Godsend Palace of the Sanctuary of No Phase!

The third prince rushed back from the runner hall with a group of subordinates, and as soon as he was outside the house, a subordinate rushed up.

"His Royal Highness Three!" Said his respectfully.

"What's wrong?" The third prince wondered.

"Ten days ago, the Holy King sent a messenger, and at the moment is in the courtyard of Tianci House!"

"The messenger?" The third prince fainted a little, then waved his hands, and the next man retreated.

Soon, the third prince walked into Tianci Mansion with several subordinates.

At the moment, in the courtyard of Tianci House, there is a gazebo. There is a pond in front of the gazebo, and there are a lot of ornamental fish swimming in the pond.

In the gazebo, at this moment was sitting a white robe elegant man, with a pair of guqin in front of him.

On the side stood two servant men, lighting the incense burner. The man played the guqin gently. The sound of guqin was very quiet. The fish in the pond seemed to have forgotten to swim, and they moved together without moving.

The third prince looked at each other with officials. The third prince frowned, not disturbing.

And the man in the white robe playing the piano also played Guqin by himself.

There is a faint white mist of water vapor floating on the lake. The white mist suddenly gathers and disperses with the sound of Guqin, which is very wonderful. Even condensed images of mountains and rivers.

After a joss stick.


Facing the last pop-up, the white mist on the lake disappeared instantly, and the fish in the lake became more vivid in a flash, swimming quickly.

The man in the white robe exhaled for a long time and gently got up. The man immediately gave him a white towel. The man in the white robe wiped his hands gently and returned the white towel to the man.

Then, the white robe man turned his head and looked at the third prince and others.

"In the next King Jingwen, meet His Royal Highness the Third Prince!" The man said slightly respectfully.

Although worshipping the third prince, it is difficult to hide the temperament of that wise man. Proud of Ling Ran, don't fall into the world!

"Wang Jingwen? Wuxiang Shengting new science champion?" Third Prince frowned slightly.

Regarding Wang Jingwen's display, the third prince is naturally not very comfortable, but the third prince is not a reckless person. Although he does not practice the way of the emperor, the way of power is mastered. Some people have already printed what they have done. .

"Exactly!" Wang Jingwen calmly said.

"Why are you here?" The third prince asked.

"A few years ago, the news of the three princes reached the phaseless territory, and the Holy King attached great importance to it. The northern part of the runner's territory, the space-time dojo and the battle of Daxun's court. Jing Wen smiled lightly.

It should be Zhongshan Sheng, the Great King of Dalai!

Hearing this sentence, the third prince shrank his pupils, and several officials behind him also showed horror. How did he know? You know, everyone hurried back on the very day that the Battle of the Wheelhouse ended. This news can be said that in the southern part of the runner's territory, the earliest known is himself.

But how does Wang Jingwen know now?

Wang Jingwen's strength is not good. Even now it is mortal. This has been cited as a good story in Wuxiang Shengting. With the corpse of mortal high school Wuxiang Shengyuan new science champion, this is big news.

The speed of mortals cannot be as fast as one's own!

But did he know? That impossible result, he guessed?

"That's right, it's Zhong Shansheng! How did you guess?" The third prince Shen said.

"Guess? I don't need to guess. These days, I looked at the materials of Dasao's court, and the layout of Dasao's court over the years." Wang Jingwen shook his head.

There was no speech for all the officials. Just look at the information?

"Why did the Lord send you an account?" The third prince took a deep breath.

"There is a large court of juveniles in the territory of the runner. The king sees from all signs the extraordinaryness of the large court of juveniles, which may even threaten Tianci House here. The special party came to help the third prince. This is the hand of the holy king. Please also look at the third prince! "Wang Jingwen solemnly said.

During the exploration, Wang Jingwen handed out a roll of imperial edict!

The third prince took it immediately and looked at it carefully. Looking at this imperial edict, the third prince frowned deeply, then took a deep look at Wang Jingwen.

"The Holy King sent you to assist me?" The third prince wondered.

"Yes, the next step will be to fully assist the Prince, to strengthen the power of the Holy Trinity in the runner's territory!" Wang Jingwen gave a small gift.

Looking at Wang Jingwen in suspicion, after a while, the third prince chuckled and laughed slowly: "Okay, with the help of a gentleman, Tiancifu's status in the territory of the runner must be solid.

"Do your best!" Wang Jingwen nodded.

"Mr. Genius, you can see it in the scientific examination a hundred years ago. I don't know how to deal with the situation at the moment?" The third prince asked.

"In these days, the geography of the territory of the runner, and the distribution of forces are carefully studied. In the north, the strong expansion of the Datong Holy Court is inevitable. The battle with Tianci House is only a matter of time!" Yi Ning Road.


"However, the courts from Xiaoqian World, no matter what, the bottom line is definitely not as good as us!" Wang Jingwen said.

"Mr. is that wrong, the story? Is the story of Dasao Holy See really weak?" An official refused.

Wang Jingwen glanced at him, and said lightly: "The bottom line is not only strength, but also a lot, culture, acceptance, connections, people's hearts, and so on. Just strength is not the bottom line. Daquan has just opened up the world and the bottom line is natural. Inadequate, if you want to develop, you must absorb the talents of the non-Dalian holy court, that is, to attract a large number of talents from the territory of the runner to flood the big boss. This is not to increase strength, but to strengthen the foundation and make the daemon more integrated into the runner The territories make the hearts of the people of the world more sacred. Quickly strengthen the sacred heritage! "

Wang Jingwen said that everyone was in shock for a while. At the same time, several officials looked at Wang Jingwen for a while.

"Mr. is right, after defeating Stardust, Zhong Shan falsely accused the world and immediately carried out an imperial examination, and runners in the territories can participate!" Said the third prince.

Ma'am? It turns out that the imperial examinations are not only about recruiting talents, but also have a deeper meaning. Zhongshan, a great character!

Wang Jingwen nodded and said, "I have also studied Zhongshan these days. After defeating Stardust, Zhongshan can confess to the world at the highest moment, and we can see the talent of Zhongshan. Because this time is the best! , Inevitable! "

"Sir, what shall we do?" Asked the third prince.

"Baba is taking advantage of development, but the third prince is assured that we have our advantages. Our heritage is not comparable to that of Baba. In the first step, we have to pack up the four heavens around us!" Wang Jingwen said.

"These four celestial dynasties have always been a major affliction of Tianci House. For many years, they have been harassing us constantly. Clean up? It is easier said than done!" The third prince frowned.

"In a word of Passover, if the third prince handed over the soldiers to me, within five years, I could completely calm down the four heavens!" Wang Jingwen said in a deep voice.

"Five years? How is that possible?" Another official disagreed.

Looking at the official, Wang Jingwen shook his head and said, "The third prince decides!"

"Five years? It's incredible. How confident are you?" The third prince frowned.

"I have no good sanctuary. With such good innate conditions, how difficult is it to win the four heavens in five years? Ten percent!" Wang Jingwen said.

The third prince's eyelids jumped. Other officials are also weird.

"What then?" The third prince did not answer, but continued to ask.

"Then? Of course, it is the southern part of the runner's territory. I think that by then, the Datong court will almost dominate the northern part of the runner's territory! North-south confrontation, and then we will fight against the Datong court."

Dominance runners south? Is it so well integrated?

Everyone looked at Wang Jingwen full of weirdness, and the third prince was also very unbelievable. Looking at Wang Jingwen, Shen said, "How can you guarantee?"

Wang Jingwen looked at the three princes and smiled slightly: "Guarantee? The sanctuary without phase is the best guarantee. I have the strongest heritage here. When the war is over, talents will not come quickly. Heaven, do you still need to guarantee? "

Wang Jingwen said in a set of words, and the officials said that they had no room for contentment. How ridiculous this area that he had saved after his hard work now seems to Wang Jingwen.

Taking a deep look at Wang Jingwen, the third prince suddenly laughed and said, "Ha ha ha ha, okay! I believe you, starting today, Tiancifu Sifang City's troop strength will be assigned to you, but before deployment, you must Show me your plan! "

"Yes, I must do my best to assist the third prince!" Wang Jingwen nodded.

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Dasao Holy See, Changjing!

Changjing is a huge floating giant island like the sky, and the location of the imperial examinations is located below Changjing.

In the Hall of Immortality:

"Holy King, after the Eight Heavenly Dynasties were suppressed in many ways, they are now in peril. As long as they win and pursue, they can calm the Eight Heavenly Kingdoms!" Yi Yan solemnly said.

"Huh!" Zhong Shan nodded on the throne.

"But, the minister suddenly had an idea. At this moment, should we stop troop logging? Entering the truce period?" Yi Yan asked.


The ministers in the hall were also an accident. At this time, shouldn't they win and chase, and calm down the eight heavens in one fell swoop?

"Although the Eight Great Heavenly Dynasties have been defeated, the thin camels are larger than horses. We blindly attacked them, and they will definitely cause them to retaliate and lose more than they pay. Moreover, if the Eight Great Heavenly Dynasties are destroyed, we will face more heavenly dynasties. Too fierce, but they will twist them into a ball, which is not good for me! "Yi Yan said.

"Good!" Zhong Shan nodded.

"The minister wants a temporary truce. The weakness of the Eight Heavenly Dynasties will surely cause the Quartet's Yun Chao to be jealous. It is better to hand over the task of destroying the Eight Heavenly Dynasties to the Quartet's short-sighted? Fisherman's benefit! "Yi Yan said.

"Second opinion!" Xiao Wang said immediately.

"The minister seconded!" Zhao Suoxiang also seconded immediately.

"Secondary ministers seconded!" A large number of ministers have seconded one after another.

"Jun Zhuo!" Zhong Shan answered.

***: At the end of the month, please ***! Yesterday *** was so powerful, thank you all!

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