
Vol 9 Chapter 78: Spiritual journey

Chapter 78—Mind Course

Hades, Dasao Holy Court, Changjing.

Outside a huge palace, a large number of strong men were guarded at great distances. A big deal.

The gate of the main hall is closed. Inside, a huge ice block is placed in the center of the main hall. The ice block is green, as if faintly cold, and the ice block is looming.

At this moment, within the ice cube, there was a man sitting cross-legged.

The original time and space leader, falling stardust.

Luo Xingchen shed his hair, his face was exhausted, and his whole body seemed to be suffering greatly. He could not escape, but could only endure the pain in silence.

Sitting cross-legged, ignoring outsiders constantly confused.

In the main hall, in addition to this `` ice block '', there is another person, the commander-in-chief of the General Wu Jinyiwei, Liu Wushuang.

Liu Wushuang sat on a chair, staring at the stardust, frowning while drinking tea.

"It's been a month, and the Holy King asked me to persuade you, can't you cooperate a little? Like wood, don't say a word!" Liu Wushuang said silently.

A month ago, Zhong Shan suddenly explained that Liu Wushuang persuaded Luo Xingchen to join Dasao and got this task. Liu Wushuang was really excited for a while. Such a major task was not given to Yi Yan or Xiao Wang. Handed it to me?

This month, Liu Wushuang made every effort, but Xingchen was just like a wood, without saying a word. Liu Wushuang held him, scolded him, despised him, praised him, but Xingchen He didn't even say a word, and didn't even move his eyelids.

Liu Wushuang is completely speechless, who is this!

"It's a piece of wood, no wonder Chen Xiaoqian betrays you!" Liu Wushuang reluctantly, ironically.

No wonder Chen Xiaoqian betrayed you. This sentence is more effective than the previous month's words. The other words Luo Xingchen did not listen to, but this sentence seemed to deeply hurt Luo Xingchen's heart.

Luo Xingchen's dead heart, for some reason, suddenly tingled.

Lips moved slightly, and blue fists appeared on the back of the fist.

This slight change immediately caught Liu Wushuang's attention.

"Well? Did this wood react?" Liu Wushuang thought in surprise.

"Falling Star Dust, Chen Xiaoqian, don't bother, why are you still reluctant?" Liu Wushuang came over with a smile.

But Stardust still said nothing. Heart is dead, what else to say?

But Liu Wushuang can tell from the previous reaction of Luo Xingchen that this breakthrough point is here.

"Chen Xiaoqian betrayed, are you uncomfortable? I said, what's wrong with you?"

"Chen Xiaoqian wasn't your woman at first. He was originally an acquaintance with Chen Zihao. It was Chen Zihao who dedicated his woman to you in order to seek your time and space.

Falling Stardust remains silent.

"Well, I don't understand you, I don't know what sulking you are, and you were wearing a green hat by Chen Zihao? Are you you?"

Falling Stardust is still silent.

"In my opinion, not only did you not lose, you made money!"

"Chen Xiaoqian was originally Chen Zihao's woman. In mortal terms, she was someone else's wife. You have been sleeping for almost a thousand years. What else can you think of?"

"It's such a big deal, and it's a loss. Are you still a man?"

Liu Wushuang kept counting.

"Stop!" Luo Xingchen suddenly burst out.

Even the falling star dust of the wood couldn't stand it anymore, and the heart that was dead was also burned by Liu Wushuang.

Although Liu Wushuang was telling the truth, he could not listen to Stardust, and could not hear it anymore. Booming out of nowhere.

The falling star dust is in the green ice, his eyes are glaring, his forehead is blue, and if he is not trapped by Zhongshan, he must jump out to find Liu Wushuang at this moment.

Liu Wushuang wiped his forehead with sweat: "My mother-in-law, I'm exhausted, and after a month, you finally spoke."

It was not easy for Liu Wushuang. After one month, it seemed like he was talking to himself. He didn't say a word of Stardust in front of him. Now he finally spoke.

Luo Xingchen stared at Liu Wushuang.

"Don't look at me like this. What I'm talking about is not a fabrication. It's a fact. Why does my husband suffer from a wife? As long as you are willing to join my wife, what kind of woman do you want in the future?" Liu Wushuang said.

Luo Xingchen looked at Liu Wushuang for a while, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Where is she?"

"Who? Chen Xiaoqian? You still think of her?" Liu Wushuang frowned.

"Where is she?" Luo Xingchen asked again.

Liu Wushuang's eyes brightened, "She's in my uncle's prison!"

"Day prison?"

"Yes, heaven prison, as long as you are willing to join Dasao, I can ask the Holy King to give you Chen Xiaoqian!" Liu Wushuang said.

Xingchen looked at Liu Wushuang, a stunned smile appeared on his face.

"Let her go!" Luo Xingchen bitterly said.

"Leave? Why should you let it? Why should you let it go? What qualifications do you have to talk to us about it? You are a prisoner yourself, how did you let her go because of you?" Liu Wushuang said in a deep voice.

Liu Wushuang found that he seemed to have grasped the handle of Luo Xingchen. This Chen Xiaoqian? She is the weak point of falling stardust. It seems that what the Holy King confessed is about to be completed?

At this time, Luo Xingchen felt deeply that he seemed to have nothing.

"I can tell you that my uncle's tenacious environment is not good. Chen Xiaoqian's delicate body doesn't know how long it can support!" Liu Wushuang continued to play Jin Yiwei's vicious way.

"Dare you hurt her a sweat!" Luo Xingchen coldly.

"Why not dare?" Liu Wushuang got it.

Looking at Liu Wushuang coldly, Luo Xingchen seemed to suddenly find that he really couldn't do anything, and couldn't do a little. Chen Xiaoqian? What will they do to her? Heaven prison? Never born? Bullying of barbaric prisoners?

"Ma'am, rest assured, I will give you the best life!"

"Fu Jun, I'm at ease with you!"

Although knowing that it was false, Xingchen did not know why he suddenly thought of the old scene again.

"Falling Stardust, what are you hesitating about? As long as you join Dasao, not only you can ***, but Chen Xiaoqian can also ***. What are you hesitating about? Join Dasao! "Liu Wushuang suddenly advised softly.

Luo Xingchen bit his roots, and his heart continued to tremble. ***? The real ***, the *** of the soul, and the proud *** that joined Dasao. The original star dust would rather die than submit to anyone, but now.

One side is her arrogance, the other side is her favorite woman.

Luo Xingchen's teeth bit into a slight noise. My heart is suffering like fire.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Liu Wushuang added the fire: "As long as you join Dasao, I will be the master and give you Chen Xiaoqian's people!"

One hundred of Luo Xingchen's hearts were unwilling, but for the woman who didn't love herself, Luo Xingchen's heart finally couldn't stand it. Heroes have been sad about beauty since ancient times!

With his eyes closed, Luo Xingchen shivered all over. arrogant? Or save the woman who doesn't love herself?

Chen Xiaoqian? There was a tender tear in the corner of Luo Xingchen's eyes.

Liu Wushuang looked at it excitedly, and after falling down in the air for a while, Luo Xingchen finally made a decision.

With a look of frustration and a trembling mouth, I was about to say something. Suddenly, a voice sounded in the hall.

"As long as you join Dasao, I can give you the heart of Chen Xiaoqian!"

The sound of Zhongshan.

Hearing Zhong Shan's voice, Liu Wushuang worshiped immediately.

The falling star dust was dazzled by Zhong Shan's words.

Just now, Luo Xingchen was ready to use his pride to exchange Chen Xiaoqian's ***. But Zhongshan's words suddenly made Luo Xingchen's heart more shocked.

Chen Xiaoqian's heart? For some reason, the falling star dust suddenly had a look of hope.

Why did Zhongshan suddenly appear, because Zhongshan thought that the time had come, or Zhongshan had been paying attention to this place, just a moment ago, Zhongshan found that the pride of the falling stardust was finally 'dropped' and saw the falling stardust Zhongshan knew that Luo Xingchen was ready to wrong him and complete Chen Xiaoqian.

But Zhongshan is not satisfied with this, Zhongshan needs Xingchen to dedicate himself to the grandma. So at this moment interrupted the drop of Stardust, and put a huge bargaining chip into Dasao.

"What did you say?" Luo Xingchen's eyelids stared at Zhongshan.

Seeing Zhongshan in spirit, Luo Xingchen felt his failure, but these were not enough to erase the words just heard.

heart? Chen Xiaoqian's heart?

Falling Stardust didn't expect this thing originally, but it doesn't mean that Falling Stardust doesn't desire this thing, but does it desire to be useful?

"How many times can I have love in my life, Chen Xiaoqian's heart, don't you want it?" Zhong Shan smiled.

Luo Xingchen's eyelids jumped, looking at Zhong Shan, watching ten days, his hearts mixed with emotions, I don't know how to describe his emotions.

"In order to show the sincerity of Grandma, I will make a decision to give you the heart of Chen Xiaoqian, and then you will join Grandma!" Zhongshan solemnly said.

Luo Xingchen's lips moved, and he didn't speak.

Looking at the falling star dust, Zhong Shan knew that what he wanted was about to be obtained.

With a finger of his hand, the huge green ice in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the star dust suddenly disappeared.

And Liu Wushuang only found out in horror at this moment that the iceberg he was facing this month turned out to be just a fantasy?

"Good job!" Zhong Shan said to Liu Wushuang.

After receiving praise from Zhongshan, Liu Wushuang said with a smile on his face: "Xie Shengwang! This is what I should do!"

"Well, Chen Xiaoqian and Chen Zihao are still in prison today?" Zhong Shan asked.

"Yes! With a large number of guards and guards, they reseal their seals every three days. Those who cannot escape are in the prison!" Liu Wushuang said immediately.

"What have you done to them?" Zhong Shan asked.

"No, the Holy King issued a strict order at the beginning, and no one dared to embarrass them, just sealing and repairing them, and imprisoning them! We have not searched even what they have." Liu Wushuang solemnly said.

"Well, lead the way!"


***: I still have 500 votes.

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