Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 201: Peng Daozong's Huntian Qi Replenishing Method

Chapter 201 Peng Daozong’s Huntian Qi Replenishing Method

 That night.

Kunlun stayed in the courtyard.

Old Shen was worried that he would not sleep well, so he brought out a thick winter quilt to put under it, and also gave him an oil lamp so that he could have a light when he got up at night.

 Have done all this.

 He then went to the back room to rest with peace of mind, hands behind his back.

 But Kunlun was lying on the bed, tossing and turning all night long.

 He is just a bit cold-tempered and not good at words, but he is not unreasonable.

 Old Shen was not related to him, so he was able to do this because he regarded him as a disciple of the younger generation.

 Early the next morning.

It’s still dark.

 Old Shen got up early again and went to a street shop to buy some breakfast.

 “Tiger, be good.”

 “Go and call the guests to come for dinner first.”

Seeing his grandson staring expectantly at the steamed buns on the table, Old Shen couldn't help but darken his face, full of apologies and self-blame.

These few years.

  Even with him, I didn't have a good life for a few days.

 One is that the world is not good.

In addition, since he is old, he can only do odd jobs for others in exchange for a small income.

 In the past six months, in order to treat diseases with tiger seeds, I have even emptied my small savings.

 On weekdays, their grandparents can only cook some porridge.

Just a little dry rice had to be fired to his grandson to make up, he could only take a sip of pickles.


 The little guy secretly swallowed his saliva.

 Then he turned around and ran towards the house.

  But just after walking a few steps, his head bumped into a tall figure. Looking up, he saw that he was one of the four people who came to visit his home last night.

 He is young.

 Can’t remember much.

 But I was deeply impressed by Kunlun.

 Because he had never seen anyone so tall before.

Seeing him staring at him timidly, Kunlun couldn't help but smile gently and touched his head.

 In the past, this kind of behavior was almost impossible for him.

 Because I can’t speak.

 Looks different from ordinary people.

 Most of the children in the village were afraid of him.

Even if you sometimes want to improve the relationship, basically everyone will leave as soon as you see him approaching.

 As time went by, Kunlun became more and more autistic.

 Would rather stay indoors than interact with other people.

 “Are you... a giant?”


Kunlun was startled, and while he was still thinking about who this person was, Old Shen, who was standing under the tree waiting for the two of them to eat, reacted and quickly interrupted.

 “Stop talking nonsense.”

"Kunlun, children are innocent and have no ill intentions. Don't take it to heart."

Hearing this, Kunlun shook his head, indicating that he didn't take it to heart.

 Then he smiled gently at the little guy.

 “I am not a djinn.”

“But as long as you eat well and take good care of yourself, you will be as tall as me in the future.”


 The little guy’s eyes suddenly lit up.

He was often laughed at because he had been frail and sick since he was a child. Even at the age of six or seven, he was not as tall as the little girls in the alley.

Now I heard Kunlun’s words.

 He couldn't help but feel a bit of expectation in his heart.

 “Of course, I never lie.”

 See him say this.

 The little guy took a serious look at him and finally put aside his last doubt.

 See this scene.

 Old Shen, who was originally a little worried, couldn't help but show a touch of relief on his face.

 “Come, let’s eat.”

 Hello warmly to one person and one child to sit down.

 Having eaten.

 The voices of several children came from outside the yard.

Huzi suddenly became unable to sit still.

 Looked at Old Shen expectantly.

 “Go, don’t go crazy, remember to come back for dinner.”

"Know it."

The little guy quickly opened the door and left.

 Wait until the yard becomes quiet again.

Kunlun hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but ask, "Master Shen, what's going on with Huzi?"

 Listen to him and ask.

Old Shen’s expression was full of sadness.

He took out his tobacco stick and lit it, took a few puffs, and then slowly spoke.

 He was ignorant when he was young.

  After hearing some stories about knights and knights, I devoted myself to martial arts and looked for people everywhere to learn from me.

But most of the people walking around the streets are charlatans and charlatans, and they have nothing but fake tricks.

After studying for half a year, Old Shen heard that there was a real person on Mount Emei, so he left his newly married wife and ran to Mount Qingcheng to become a monk and become a Taoist.

 I thought I could transcend this world.

 But who would have thought that things are unpredictable, and once the master dies, the mountain gate will quickly become lonely.

 Seeing all the fellow disciples descending the mountain one after another.

He was unwilling to go home like this.

He then went to Qingcheng Mountain, a hundred miles away, and stayed there for a few years.

The skills taught by his master were getting better and better year by year, but Old Man Shen found that he could not survive the world of mortals and could not become the legendary real person.

 So he went down the mountain again.

 But over the years, things in the family have changed.

 Spent a long time asking.

Only did he know that not long after he went up the mountain, his wife gave birth to a son, and he raised him by himself with great difficulty. Unfortunately, he did not wait until he had a family and established a career before he passed away.

 The only son is also struggling in the world.

 With no one to help him, he can only do hard work and make a living by unloading goods at the dock.

  I didn’t marry a daughter-in-law until I was in my thirties.

 After looking forward to it for several years, I finally have a wife.

  That is, tiger.

 But the woman’s body and bones were not in good condition and she was unable to survive the difficult delivery.

As a result, Huzi was born with insufficient roots and was frail and sickly after birth.

  His son lost his wife in middle age, and he was very sad. He also had to earn money to support his son's illness, so he had to work hard, and his body was badly damaged.

 When Old Shen finds them.

 He was terminally ill.

 After learning all this, Old Shen was so sad that he wanted to die.

 But Hu Zi is only a little over a year old. If no one takes care of him, you can imagine his fate.

 Originally, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man away.

Old Shen was already despairing.

With no choice but to retreat from the world, he only thought about raising the tiger.

“Wait a minute, Master Shen, how old is Huzi this year?”

 Listen to him talking intermittently.

Kunlun also looked sad.

It's just that yesterday at the Jinlou building, he heard Uncle Jiu say that Old Shen had fought all over Changsha's borders more than ten years ago. It seemed that the time was not right.

 “You will be ten years old after the New Year.”

 Ten years old?

 Hearing this number, Kunlun's heart sank.

The little guy looks like he is only six or seven years old, but he is already this age. It is no wonder that he is looking forward to growing taller.

 “What about his illness?”

“The old Chinese doctor who came last time said that if you take care of yourself slowly, it shouldn’t be difficult to stay alive, but if you want to cut off the root…”

Old Shen blew out a cloud of smoke.

 The face full of wrinkles showed a trace of pain that was too thick to be resolved.

  Although I haven’t finished speaking yet.

 But the meaning is self-evident.

“Master Shen, if you believe me, when this is over, can you let me take Huzi to Chenjiazhuang?”

Kunlun hesitated for a moment, but still spoke.

"My shopkeeper has the power to reach heaven and earth. When the time comes, I will go and ask him to take action, and I will definitely be able to remove the poison from Huzi's body."

“You mean Mr. Chen, the shopkeeper?”

Old Shen has been traveling around the world for many years, and has come into contact with people from all walks of life.

I have heard about the Chen family in Xiangyin.

Especially after Shopkeeper Ninth invited a great doctor to come out and save Huzi's life, he even asked someone to inquire about it.

Just known.

The long-famous Jinjin Building in Changsha City turned out to be the property of the Chen family.


 I have always heard that the Chen family was engaged in fighting to make a living. When did it involve treating illnesses and saving people?

"It's him."

 Speaking of the shopkeeper. Kunlun's expression became much more solemn.

 For him, Chen Yulou is the most capable person in the world, and there is nothing he cannot do.

Like him, he had not been able to enlighten himself for more than 20 years and could not speak. The shopkeeper only used a short two hours to let him loosen the golden rope on his body and tear off the shackles in his heart.

There is also Yuan Hong.

It’s just a wild monkey in the mountains.

Now he can read and write, can speak well, and can even practice Taoism.

 The shopkeeper’s methods can be said to turn decay into magic.

It can be said that it couldn't be easier to remove the poison from Huzi's heart.


 He is full of confidence.

Old Shen became more and more confused.

Even the great Chinese doctor at that time was helpless and said that he could only use big medicine to warm and nourish him. He really didn't dare to bet on whether the shopkeeper Chen Jiashao, whom he had never met before, could do it.

“Master Shen, don’t worry.”

"The shopkeeper has been practicing in the mountains since he was a few years old. He has already crossed the dragon gate and built the foundation of the road."

Although Kunlun has never practiced Buddhism.

 But I have been with Chen Yulou, Partridge Shao and others for so long.

 You still have a clear understanding of how to collect and refine qi and breathe in and out.


 Hear this word.

 Old Shen’s hand holding the tobacco stick shook, and he felt his heart pounding.

The reason why he went to Emei and Qingcheng in the first place was not just to find those real people who had seen the dragon but not their tail, to worship under their sect, to refine their Qi and practice.

Unfortunately, traces of the real person are elusive, and it is rare for ordinary people to see him in his lifetime.

 He then settled for the next best thing.

 Stay in the mountains and practice martial arts.

“Shop Master Chen actually has such a good connection.”

Old Shen has already become convinced.

 After all, Longmen is just refining qi, collecting nutrients and building foundations. If you are not a cultivator, you have no way of knowing.

He has been in the mountains for many years and has only heard about it.

  “Then please take care of me, tiger.”

 Putting the dry tobacco pole aside, Old Shen stood up, holding his fists, and said seriously.

 “Master Shen, you’re welcome.”

Kunlun was startled when he saw that he was a man of sixty or seventy years old and actually bowed to him. He quickly stood up and took half a step away. He held his wrist to prevent him from bowing.

 “It’s just a piece of cake.”

 “And... Huzi and I hit it off right away.”

do not know why.

 He seemed to see the shadow of many people in Huzi.

 There is him, there is also Huamaguai, and even the red girl.

 That's why he proposed treatment.

 He said it simply, but Old Shen felt relieved.

Hu Zi could say it was his lifeblood, and all his self-blame and regret for his wife, children, and family were poured into him.

 Close your eyes.

 The biggest wish is to see my grandson be safe and well.

 “Stop talking about this.”

 Old Shen closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then exhaled all the pent-up energy in his chest.

 Then he looked towards Kunlun on the opposite side.

   said in a serious voice.

“Since you are here to learn Qixing Heng Qigong, you are pressed for time and should not be delayed.”

 “Kunlun...come with me!”


Kunlun, who had been waiting for these words for a long time, didn't waste any time. He stood up in a hurry, followed Old Shen, and walked step by step towards the open space behind him.

 Wooden man stakes, martial arts stones, and overlord bricks.

  At a glance.

They are all tools for practicing hard Qi horizontally.

 “Try the wooden dummy first, let me see your skills.”

Old Shen pointed to the polished wooden mannequin in front of him, which was as tall as a man, and gestured towards Kunlun.


Kunlun didn’t waste any time and went straight forward.

 He had seen the wooden mannequin on the mountain.

But I’ve never tried it before.

 This is the first time.

I briefly recalled the brother's technique from the lower mountain. Before I could take action, Old Shen's voice came again, "Don't think too much, just punch hard and try."

Hearing this, Kunlun nodded immediately.

 Clenched his five fingers and punched out at will.


This seemingly simple punch contained unimaginable power. The force of the punch shot through the body and made the air tremble.


 Punch down.

The wooden mannequin that had been standing here for almost ten years could not withstand the huge force. Several cracks spread rapidly in all directions, and crackling sounds were heard.

 Then, in Old Shen’s extremely shocked eyes.

 The wooden mannequin he made with his own hands broke into two pieces and fell to the ground with a crash.


 Old Shen looked like he had seen a ghost.

It has long been known that he is a good candidate for practicing horizontally.

But little did he know that the power of Kunlun's fist was so terrifying that it could even break a wooden dummy with one punch.

You should know that this thing is usually made of elm or locust wood.

  It is because of its tough texture.

 It is then soaked in tung oil and dried repeatedly until the inside and outside are integrated.

With all these methods, the wooden dummy can withstand thousands of heavy blows without breaking.

 He has been driving piles for nearly ten years.

  It only left a few rough and uneven marks on the pile.

 This guy is pretty good.

  One punch and he was destroyed.

“Here, Master Shen, don’t hold back your strength, or I’ll pay for it...”

 Seeing him staring, he was speechless for a long time.

Kunlun was also a little confused.

 In the past, it might have been a bit difficult to interrupt, but since I started practicing spear, my blood and energy surged like the tide of a river.

 Don’t talk about such a wooden pile.

Even the overlord brick next to it can be easily broken.

 “Give me your hand.”

 He also wanted to explain a few words.

Old Shen finally came to his senses, grabbed his wrist, and placed his fingers between the pulse lines.

 Feel it carefully.

The expression on his face became increasingly complicated.

 “Have you never practiced hard qigong before?”


 “Where is the inner strength and mental method?”


“Is this a natural divine power?”

The more Old Shen looked at it, the more shocked he became. Judging from the pulse, Kunlun's qi and blood were surging, and the meridians were self-operating. Apart from natural divine power, he could not think of another possibility for such a physique.


 Kunlun was rejected several times in a row.

Finally nodded this time.


Old Shen shook his head violently and looked at Kunlun with eyes burning like fire.

This is not only a good seedling, it is simply rare to see in a hundred years.


  Why has such a person never practiced martial arts before?

How does he know?

Chen Yulou has always wanted him to practice Taoism, but this kid has a very stubborn personality and is not good at marksmanship. He is unwilling to switch to Xuandao to build the foundation.

 As for the past, it was enough to defeat all laws with one force.

 There is no need to practice martial arts.

 She sighed secretly in her heart. Old Shen was extremely excited at this moment.

 Such seedlings are sent.

 The next day I went underground and met my master and all the ancestors of the past generations. They all had to offer me tea.

"Come on, Kunlun, sit down and listen to me tell you."

He pointed to the stone bench beside him.

Old Shen sat down on his shoulders.

 Then he said with twinkling eyes.

“Do you know the origin of the Qixing Heng Qigong practiced by our lineage?”

 Hand without waiting for Kunlun to answer or shake his head.

Old Shen continued.

“Emeishan martial arts all come from Peng Zu. It is said that Qixingheng Kungfu was passed down from him, so our sect is also called Peng Daozong.”

“And Qixing Hengqigong practice has three levels and eleven forms.”

At this moment, Old Man Shen had a sharp look in his eyes and could not hide his pride in his words.

“Today I will teach you the first trick, which is called the Seven Star Cross Beam Qi Collection Technique, also known as the Huntian Qi Replenishment Technique!”

 (End of this chapter)

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