Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 202: The God-nourishing Kung Fu is completed

Chapter 202: The God-raising Skill is Completed by Jiao Gong

 Peng Daozong originated from Taoism.

Therefore, although Qixingheng Qigong is known as a martial arts body training method, it is actually integrated with Taoist practice.

 The first stage of gas recovery method.

It is very similar to Xuan Dao's Conquering Qi and Building Foundation Skills.

 Calm your mind and breathe in and out.

 The only difference is the method of gas collection.

 There is a theory of congenital nasal suction and acquired oral suction.

 The former is also called the Dantian breathing method. As the name suggests, breathing is guided by the Dantian breathing method three inches below the lower abdomen.

The latter is called the Breathing and Inhalation Gong. When inhaling, the palms of the hands are upward, the body leans forward, the arms slowly separate, and go straight to the Baihui point on the top of the head. When the breath is full, then the tongue touches the roof of the mouth, and the breath is introduced from the top of the head through thoughts. Dantian, this is the acquired qi replenishment.

 Want to get started with Hengqigong.

 The first step is to master Qigong Gong.

Old Shen looked serious and did not dare to miss a single word. After explaining it several times, he sat cross-legged and motioned to Kunlun to take a closer look.

 I saw him extending his right hand with his palm facing the sky.

 Then he closed his eyes slightly.

 After entering samadhi, he raised his head slightly and took a deep breath like a whale drinking water. In an instant, the breath all over his body surged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 Wait until the air is introduced into the body.

Kunlun could clearly see the rise and fall of his lower abdomen.

 Like a bag filled with water.

The air flow is like mercury flowing slowly, and you can even faintly hear the sound of clear mountain springs falling into deep streams.

 The energy sinks into the Dantian.

Old Shen is like a duckweed in the wind, swaying gently in the wind.


 At this moment, the courtyard is extremely quiet.

Only an occasional breeze blows through the ancient trees overhead, bringing with it the sound of rustling and the sounds of children playing outside the courtyard gate.

Kunlun frowned and didn't even dare to breathe too loudly for fear of disturbing Master Shen.

 But suddenly.

 He seemed to hear the sound of a heavy drum beating.

Subconsciously, he widened his eyes and followed the sound, finally landing on Old Shen's chest.


It’s not like Kunlun has never seen other people practicing martial arts.

 But never have I encountered such an astonishing momentum.

Even the old foreigners who follow the same path of horizontal training are just gurgling streams flowing slowly.


 “Look at it.”

 In his confusion.

 A deep sound suddenly exploded in my ears.

Kunlun subconsciously put away his distracting thoughts and looked up, only to see that Old Shen had opened his eyes at some point and was staring at him with slight dissatisfaction.

 “Yes, Master Shen.”

 Swept away by him.

Kunlun was rarely nervous.

Seeing him like this, Old Shen nodded secretly.

Although this transfer of skills is more like a transaction, for him, he may never meet a good prospect like Kunlun again in his life, so he should do his best.

 In order to become a disciple, he worked hard in the mountains for more than half a year.

 Carrying water, chopping firewood, doing laundry and cooking.

You have to do all kinds of dirty and tiring work, and finally you can impress the master and get into the inner door.

 But this is only the first step.

 After getting started, I was not able to directly come into contact with spiritual practice.

 Start from standing in the stance, gradually strengthen the muscles and bones, hone the physical body, and repeat until you can stand up like a horse without falling, then you can get the formula of Qi gathering method.


At that time, there were dozens of brothers and sisters in Peng Daozong.

It is impossible for the master to explain it word for word like him. He just walked through it once and then understood it on his own.

  Has no basic understanding.

 It is often difficult to get started after sitting for many years.

Today, he has no reservations about Kunlun and treats him as a successor.

 Without too much delay.

 Old Shen’s arms dropped to his sides.

 Slowly open your mouth.

  Different from the previous whale swallowing.

 The vomiting and nabbing power is more casual, but the momentum is not reduced at all, and is even more amazing.

 As he opened his mouth, he swallowed.

There seemed to be invisible winds blowing in the courtyard, spreading from all directions, and then an invisible cyclone was set off outside him.

Then the cyclone condenses into an air current, is swallowed into the abdomen, and then goes all the way down from the tip of the tongue, through the Tanzhong point, the eight extraordinary meridians, and finally flows into the Dantian.

 Exhale and inhale.

 The energy between movement and stillness is like a waterfall.

At this time, the sun had already risen and was hanging in the sky. The blazing light slanted down from the broad leaves of the treetops above and fell on him one after another.

 When we first met yesterday.

He has a cigarette stick tied around his waist, his face is deeply wrinkled, and his hair is gray. Time has left too many traces on his body. He is always stooped and looks gloomy.

 If you don’t know his origin.

 It is hard to imagine that such an old man had been a monk and a Taoist monk in Emei Qingcheng for decades.

  also relied on a pair of fists.

 At the boundaries of Changsha City, no one dared to provoke anymore.

But at this moment, he was out of breath and mysterious, and he didn't have the slightest sense of aging and twilight.

 “Do you understand?”

Seeing that Kunlun was thoughtful, Old Shen didn't say much and just asked softly.

"about there…"

Kunlun nodded.

If it were anyone else, Old Shen might have scolded him. The first level of Qixingheng Kung Fu was so obscure that it took more than a month for the one with the best talent among their brothers to figure out the Qi. .

 But he had an inexplicable trust in Kunlun.

 Perhaps he has a natural reassuring temperament.

 “Okay, then I will practice the second step for you.”

 “This level is the Huntian Yiqi Yangshen Gong.”



 Hand deep in the cliff of a hundred feet.

The fire from the earth rose into the sky like a prairie fire.

In the open space next to the fire cave, there are three stoves that are six or seven people tall.

 Looking down from a high place.

The molten iron in the iron-making furnace was boiling and rocking back and forth. From time to time, a cloud of molten iron gradually rose up and sprinkled on the ground, causing a sizzling sound. It was not until the temperature dropped for a long time that it condensed into fine black particles.

 It is different from the fact that it has already entered autumn outside and the temperature is getting colder.

 In this earth dragon, the high temperature remains at dozens of degrees all year round.

  Even if you get even slightly closer, you will feel the discomfort of being roasted.

 Li Shuguo was shirtless, with beads of sweat falling from his forehead. He hadn't slept for an unknown number of days, his eyes were red, and his hair was in strands.

 But he didn't care.

Just staring at every move in the stove.

 It’s not just him.

 The same goes for the guys behind them, nervous and expectant, as if they are waiting for something.



 As the ground fire burns repeatedly.

 The furnace that had poured countless secret gold, materials and rare ores finally boiled completely, and molten iron kept rising from the furnace like bubbles.

 “The time has come.”

 “Take the big ribs!”

Li Shuguo’s eyes lit up and he shouted loudly behind him.

The guys who had been waiting for a long time didn't hesitate at all after hearing his instructions. They quickly opened the jade box behind them and took out a big tendon from it with the help of their vaginal claws.

 Although it has been sealed for a long time.

 But Dajin shows no signs of being spoiled by staleness.

On the contrary, it was filled with evil spirit, and there was a **** smell that reached the sky.

This is the demon tendon on the black dragon's body that was taken from the ancient building's sutra curtain.

 It is more than ten meters long.

Three or four guys lifted it over their heads, which seemed to be quite laborious.

 “Give me the bow.”

Li Shuguo put the cigarette rod into his waist and stretched out his big hand to the side.

 At his side.

 A young and tall figure stands as tall as a pile.

The Taoist robe on his body has long been soaked with sweat, and his long hair is randomly tied into a knot on his head. If it weren't for the big bow on his body, it would be almost impossible to recognize him as an old foreigner.

 From early that morning.

Five or six days have passed since I followed Li Shuguo and others from Chenjiazhuang to Shijunshan.

 Food and accommodation are all in the mountain.

How can I still have the same gas state as when I walked around the rivers and lakes in the past? He has to get up early every morning to carry materials from outside the mountain. He has climbed the 100-foot ladder on the cliff behind him more than thirty or forty times in the past few days.

 Being in such a cave of fire.

 The Taoist robes on my body have almost never been dried.

 In addition, it is not easy to get water here, so the workers have to bring it in little by little from rivers or mountain springs at the foot of the mountain. It is not enough for daily drinking, and there is no extra for washing.

 Usually he still can't figure it out.

 Why do the guys who go into the mountains always smell like sweat?

 After coming here for a few days, he finally felt it.

 Having a busy day during the day.

 At night I almost fell asleep.

 Sometimes I have to get up in the middle of the night to add various materials to the stove, making sure not to make any mistakes.

 According to shopkeeper Li.

 The melting points of gold, silver, copper, iron, and mineral gold are different.

What's more, the three pieces of armor cast this time can almost be called magic weapons, and there is no room for sloppiness.

The old foreigner has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. With the help of the Taoist Zhudan and the blood of the great goblin, the southern Yunnan group forcibly broke through the door bottleneck, and now they have entered the realm of Qi refining.

He was still a little unable to bear it.

 Let alone those ordinary mountain men.

 So most of the time, Li Shuguo does things himself.

 Getting up from the shop in the middle of the night is very common.

 After coming here for five or six days, he hardly had a good night's sleep, but Li Shuguo never complained even once, and he seemed to have endless energy.

 We have been together for a long time.

 The old foreigner admired Shopkeeper Li from the bottom of his heart.

That person is simply made of iron.

 “Oh, here it comes.”

At this moment, I heard Li Shuguo mention the big bow.

 The old foreigner quickly took it off his back and handed it over.

 Compared with before, today's Qinchuan Bow has been greatly changed and completely different.

 The Qinchuan Bow was made by Taoist monks from the previous generation.

The most astonishing thing among them is just the tendons of the Qinchuan cattle. As for the other materials, due to the constraints of the conditions at the time, they were all ordinary things.

The style is also extremely ordinary.

 It is made according to the hunting bow.

However, Qinchuan's bow is extremely powerful and light, with a total strength of thirty stones. Even on the ancient battlefield, it can be regarded as one of the best bows.

 He has inherited Qinchuan Gong for many years.

 Haven't been able to fill it up.

 It was not until he entered Zhelong Mountain and washed the marrow and cut the bones with the demonic blood of the green-scaled python that he was able to do it.

However, as the strength became more and more astonishing, Qin Chuan's bow seemed a little weak.

 That's why he proposed to recast it.

In the past few days, while smelting materials, Li Shuguo specially took out a piece of secret gold and made a bow body for him.

   Fully three feet and three inches long.

 It weighs more than ten kilograms in the hand.

The bow body has a cold light, and you can faintly see the cast patterns of the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and swamps.

  It makes him look heavy, but also gives him an indescribable sense of mystery.

But Dajin has never gone too far.

 So the bow string is only temporarily replaced with a hemp rope.

Li Shuguo took it and glanced down. Even he could not hide his satisfaction.

   It has been many years since I made a strong bow for others.

 Unexpectedly, the skills have not been lost.

He did it all by himself during the whole process of drawing and finalizing the shape. He did it all by himself. It took him three days to cast the bow body.

Everything is ready now.

 Only a piece of demon sinew is missing as a bow string.


 When he holds the big bow.

Several guys have already appeared on the top of the iron-making furnace on the wooden ladder.

Li Shuguo shouted lowly.

 In an instant.

 The group quickly threw the potion into the furnace.

 If it is ordinary animal sinew, it can only be soaked in potion to achieve the level of continuous toughness.

 Throwing it directly into the fire.

It doesn't take a moment to melt into a pool of blood, and then the water vapor will form and dissipate.

But the dragon's demon sinew...can't be cut with ordinary swords.

Smelting it in the furnace in this way will not only not damage it, but also stimulate the demonic power contained in the tendon to the greatest extent.


 With the demon tendons thrown into the furnace.

The demonic energy surged up from the big ribs, and one of the black shadows could be faintly seen roaring up to the sky, as if trying to break free from it.

A few guys can’t see clearly with their naked eyes.

 Just feel an inexplicable coldness rushing to the top of my head.

It was clear that the earth dragon beneath him was still burning, and for a moment he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Several people couldn't help but look at each other with fear and uneasiness on their faces.

 They only knew that this piece of ribs was brought back by the shopkeeper.

  Used for making weapons.

 But what exactly it is, I have no clue.

At this moment, feeling the cold air that was almost overwhelming the fire, they finally had some guesses.


 The same word appeared in the minds of several guys at the same time.

But this idea just came up.

  A low roar exploded in my ears.



 After some tempering.

 The **** smell from Dajin was swept away.

The whole body is translucent, as if carved out of jade, and the whole body is faintly shining with a misty luster, making it look mysterious and unusual.

The group of people looked at it in amazement.

 They never thought of it.

 Entering the iron-smelting furnace, a piece of animal tendon not only did not burn to ashes, but felt like it was reborn from the ashes.

 This is simply a fantasy.

“Four feet three inches, old foreigner brothers, please don’t let your hands shake.”

Li Shuguo, who was holding the bow, glanced at the old foreigner and said seriously.

The dragon's tendons are difficult to break with a sword.

 So, they specially brought Chen Yulou’s bone knife with them on this trip.

 The dagger from Pingshan Xuan Palace.

Although it was only a short-range weapon, its ferociousness was no weaker than that of Kunlun's halberd. The blade was stained with countless human lives and blood.

 After that, it was specially recast, blended with the blood of the great goblin, and completely transformed into a goblin soldier.

 No more than that.

Chen Yulou has too many tricks nowadays.

  Basically, dragon scale swords are used to slay demons and conquer demons, but this bone knife seems a bit useless.


 The old foreigner’s eyes flickered.

He held the bone knife in his backhand and walked straight forward. He walked among several guys and tried to compare their positions.

 Then without any further hesitation, he slashed it with his backhand.

 I saw a flash of cold light.

The dragon's tendons split into two instantly.

The portion, which was less than one-tenth, was held in the hands of the old foreigner. Even though he had been dead for a long time, holding it in his palm, the big tendons still gave him a feeling of life.

 It seems that what he is holding is not a demon tendon.

 But a python that has become a climate.

 “Tie the two ends tightly, just like the elastic thread of an ink fountain.”

Li Shuguo was holding a big bow, and he had already taken off the hemp rope that he had tied casually before.

 Several deep marks were carved into the string grooves on both sides of the bow body.

  It is used to bind tendons.

Not to mention that the two of them had practiced it several times before. The old foreigner had been using bows for so many years and knew the structure of the bow body very well.

 Where do I need Li Shuguo’s reminder at this moment?

Taking a deep breath.

  Quickly wrap one end into the cable trough for a few turns, then grab the other end and pull it hard, with a very familiar movement.

 When the demon tendons are stretched into a straight line.

 The old foreigner subconsciously flicked his finger.


 A clanking sound like a dragon's roar suddenly rose from the big bow.

 Although he has not nocked an arrow.

However, the invisible bow force was rushing towards the surroundings like a tide.

Eventually it condensed into a shadow, passing over a falling stone not far away.

 Only a loud bang was heard.

The rocks were blasted from the outside inward into a pile of debris!

 “What a domineering dragon bow!”

 (End of this chapter)

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