Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 243: Falling stars are like rain, but they don’t stay overnight

 Infected by a few words from Chen Yulou.

 The team’s morale was obviously much higher along the way.

 After all, in the world of martial arts, who can refuse fame and fortune?

This is the case with the Golden Abacus.

Before he decided to go to the Longling Cave, the calculations he had carried with him for many years collapsed, his heart palpitated, and ghosts and gods issued warnings to him.

But in the end, I still couldn't escape the temptation of leaving my name in the world. I ignored it and went forward resolutely. Unfortunately, I ended up dead in the end.

 Half an hour later.

Yuan Hong, who was at the head, jumped onto the rock in front of him.

He stretched out his hand and built a shelter to avoid the cold wind blowing from the valley entrance and to prevent snow particles from hitting his eyes. Then he stood on tiptoes and looked far into the distance.

 Just across the Black Mountains.

 The undulating mountains disappeared, and the world became vast again. Instead, what appeared was the endless Gobi Desert shrouded in yellow sand.

 See this scene.

Yuan Hong’s eyes couldn’t help but light up.

This section of Mozigou seems to be only four or five miles long, but it took countless hours.

Now that it has finally passed safely, it is responsible for the scout duty, and its hanging heart can finally fall back into its stomach.

“Ahead is the border of the Western Region.”

 “Brothers, work harder!”

Looking back from the distance, Yuan Hong looked down at the winding team under his body, and couldn't help loudly.


“It should be, this **** wind is blowing so hard that I can’t even open my eyes.”

Hearing this, everyone who was trekking raised their heads one after another, but the cold wind carried snowflakes and gravel rushing from the mouth of the valley, like stones hitting them.

Even though they have rough skin and thick flesh, they can’t bear it.

 You can only press the brim of your hat.

However, everyone’s joy can also be heard from the laughter and curses.

This section of the road between Hexi and Dongjiang cannot be described as dangerous at all.

 In just a few days, they felt it deeply.

It’s no wonder that those merchants preferred to stay in Jiayuguan for half a year. They had all the goods in their hands and were so anxious that they didn’t dare to take the risk of setting off.

to be honest.

 The Gobi Desert is fine during the day.

 At best, it’s wind, snow, sand, dust and robbers.

 But at night, the nightmare begins.

The ferocious beasts in the desert are out in force, hunting for food. The campfire must be kept burning outside the camp. Someone patrols all night, but the energy is exhausted by traveling during the day, so they can only take turns.

 In addition, once it gets dark, the temperature will drop sharply.

 They are accustomed to the hot and humid climate of Hunan, how can they withstand this temperature difference.

 Many people have experienced symptoms of mild or severe dehydration.

Hold it all with one breath.


 Finally passed the first difficulty and entered the Western Region.

How can you not be so excited?

One by one stepped subconsciously, rushing out of the mouth, rushing out of the mouth, the narrow eyes suddenly opened up, so that everyone who had walked for half a month in the Hexi Corridor could not help but be in place.

  Looking blankly at this strange world.

I just felt that the depression under my chest surged up to my throat. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs to let out all my worries.

The same is true for the Partridge Post and a few others.

He led the horse and stopped where he was, looking at the vast and endless Gobi Desert in front of him.

 A feeling of desolation and desolation comes over my face.

Even Yang Fang, who has been walking on both sides of the Yellow River all year round and has seen the northern Shaanxi Plateau, was shocked and speechless by the scene in front of him.

 Only Chen Yulou looked calm.

 He glanced casually, then raised his head to look at the sky.

From a high place covered by wind and snow, an invisible figure passed across the sky.

 It is obviously Luofu.

 After swallowing the Shijun Mountain Fire Cave and taking a step back to its ancestors, it has almost completely broken away from the category of mortal birds.

 In order to stimulate its soaring habit.

Starting from Chenjiazhuang, along the way, except for camping and resting at night, Chen Yulou let it fly freely in the sky most of the time.

 Except for a few people.

 The average person doesn’t even know it exists.

At this moment, a ray of spiritual consciousness swept across, and Chen Yulou calmly gave it an order.

 This is the domineering aspect of the spiritual contract.

Even if the dome is hundreds of feet deep, one can connect with one's mind in an instant.

 “Take a rest for a while.”

 “Get some rest before setting off.”

Looking back, seeing a group of people still looked at it, Chen Yulou couldn't help laughing.

 Hear the words.

 Everyone just woke up from a dream.

They all retreated to the foot of the cliff of Black Mountain and found a place away from the wind and dust. They didn't care too much and sat down on the ground.

 Find out water and dry food, and seize the time to replenish and restore your strength.

Chen Yulou approached Kunlun and motioned for him to open the map.

 It is an album made of sheepskin.

You can tell by looking at the traces that it has been there for some time.

 A few days ago, when they were supplying at Yumen Pass, they bought it from a merchant traveling on the Silk Road.

 Although it is not as detailed as the official system.

 However, due to the vast territory of the entire Western Region, real unification has almost never been completed in countless years.

 So, there should be no truly complete and detailed map so far.

Even if there is one, there is a high probability that it is hidden by someone, and it can be regarded as a treasure that cannot be exchanged for a lot of money.

 The sketch in my hand now cost a lot of money.

 Chen Yulou glanced over.

 Where they are now is at the junction of rivers and borders.

The environment in this place is so harsh that except for a few descendants of the Huns or Mongolians and Huihui living here, there is almost no human habitation.


 Go further about three to five hundred miles.

 It is Kunmo City.

It is the nearest big city and belongs to the Eastern Tianshan region. Before the Han army entered this place, it was Yiwulu under the court of the Huns, also known as the Hami Kingdom.

 Then in a thousand years.

Kunmo City has been repeatedly jumping between the Han Dynasty and the Hun Dynasty.

Until the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the commander of the Hami Kingdom was granted the title of King Zhongshun and was given a gold seal. From then on, Kunmo became a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty.

By the time they reach Kunmo, they will have truly entered the hinterland of the Western Region.

 There is no departure from the route they had previously imagined.

"Okay, put it away and find a place to rest. You kid...can you sweat even in the winter?"

 I silently calculated the route in my mind.

 After knowing what to do.

Chen Yulou looked up at Kunlun and smiled, but before he finished speaking, he saw beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

You know, it's already midwinter now, and it's still freezing cold even in Xiangyin.

 Let alone this place.

The guys on the mountain, which one is not wrapped in a thick wool robe with a felt hat, but even so, one by one is still frozen.

 Even he put on a cotton robe.

Kunlun only added a jacket.

"not cold."

Kunlun grinned.

 After washing marrow, cutting bones, and cultivating Qi, his whole body is now like a furnace. Even though the sky is covered with snow and the winter is as cold as hell, he still doesn't feel too much chill.

Hearing this, Chen Yulou didn’t say much.

He just found a place to sit down and rest, picked up a bottle of wine, and took a sip.

 The refreshing drink rolled down his throat and into his stomach.

Not long after, a burst of fire swept through the body, dissipating a lot of the cold air.

 Most of the guys next to me are like this too.

 In addition to water and dry food, I always carry a bottle of strong liquor with me. I take a sip from time to time to avoid hypothermia and freezing.

 After resting for a while and regaining their energy, the group set off again.

 The long cavalry slowly disappeared into the yellow sand and snow.

 And the distance is more than ten miles away. Xingxingxia Pass.

At this moment, beacon towers have been built on the top of Fengkou Cliff. In addition, there are piers every three to five miles.

 Especially at the pass.

There is also a gate tower.

 The door is closed.

 There are at least dozens of figures on the mountain and down the mountain.

 “Damn it, those **** have learned so much, how long has it been since they opened?”

“Whoever says otherwise, if no one comes, the brothers will all be chewing sand.”

“Our brothers have been drinking the northwest wind here all day long, and the group of people on the top are quite comfortable. Grandma, there are still women who are keeping the bed warm at this time, and they don’t care about our life or death.”

“Shhh, keep your voice down, you’re crazy, you’ll be heard later, but it’s not as simple as life or death.”

 At the gate of the pass.

Several bandits were leaning against the wall, their spears raised to one side. They were holding drinks in their hands. They took a sip from time to time, feeling the whistling wind above their heads, and cursed angrily in a low voice.

 They came from southern Xinjiang.

 Originally, it was good to have a good meal here.

 It was indeed okay at the beginning. Just by robbing the passing merchants, I made a lot of money and my mouth was full of oil.

 It’s just that the good times didn’t last long.

In just less than half a year, merchants who heard the news turned around and even hid in Jiayuguan to avoid the limelight.

Especially this year, you may not meet a group of people in a month.

Most of the stolen gold and silver were devoured by several commanders, and hundreds of their brothers grabbed some leftovers from between their fingers.

 But those commanders are still extravagant all day long and have no influence.

 Such a cold day.

There was always good wine and good meat, and the women who had been snatched away were waiting on them. They ate and slept in the open all day long, and no one had any anger or grudges in their hearts.

It’s just that I dare not be angry and dare not speak out for the time being.

 “Hear what you hear.”

"What did I say wrong? Damn it, we can't share adversities or wealth. What do we think of our brothers?"

A man in his thirties was holding the wine bottle tightly, his face was full of anger, his brows were knitted together, and the stubble on his jaw was shaking.

 Hear the words.

The people next to them pursed their lips, looked at each other, and finally shook their heads without saying much.

 They also have complaints in their hearts.

Now someone is speaking out for them. They can only sympathize with each other, so how can they stop them.

 After all, those on top don’t care whether they live or die.

 Besides, in such a cold weather, do you still expect them to come out of the stone castle and take a walk?

A few people kept their heads down and vented their anger into strong drinks.

No one noticed.

A black shadow was swooping down from the clouds and mist at this moment. Almost in the blink of an eye, it had grown from a grain of yellow sand to the size of a millstone.

The flames were billowing all over his body, like a falling meteor.

 Until it appears more than ten feet above the head.

After the wall was stacked, someone finally noticed something was wrong. They stood up dizzy while holding on to the wall, subconsciously wanting to open their eyes wide to see what it was.

 But his vision was soon obscured by snowflakes.

 “Mom, you drank too much and you can’t even see clearly.”

 He ​​rubbed his eyes vigorously, and when he looked again, the flash of fire had disappeared. He couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.


 Haven’t sat down again.

 A stream of fire suddenly descended.


In just an instant, the gatehouse was completely swallowed up, and the few people on the roof were burned into a pile of ashes without even making a cry for help.

 Phoenix is ​​so popular!

 Even the secret gold can be melted.

 How much more flesh and blood?

Luofu screamed, golden light flashed in his eyes, and his expression was full of indifference.

 It only received one order.

 That means destroying this place.

The chirping sound resounded, suppressing the howling wind between heaven and earth. The next moment, countless streams of fire poured down like rain, covering the entire Xingxing Gorge in the blink of an eye.

 Suitai, stone castle, pier.

 They were all thrown into the flames.

The sand bandits who were patrolling around looked at all this in a daze, and they were buried in the sea of ​​​​fire before they even had time to react.

 As for the commander who was hiding in the stone castle to have fun.

He didn't even know what was happening outside, so he died in a state of dissatisfaction.

 Not long.

Feeling that there was no breath of life in the canyon that stretched for more than ten miles, Luofu withdrew the real fire, spread his wings, and the fire floated outside his body.

  turned into a shadow, breaking through the sand and snow in the sky.

 Chase in the direction the cavalry left.

 Six or seven miles away.

Partridge Whistle, who was riding on horseback, holding a map and lowering his head to study, seemed to have noticed something, and turned back to look at the direction they came from.

 But the wind and snow between heaven and earth are like waterfalls.

 Once we passed the Montenegro Mountains, the snow was more than doubled.

 With his eyesight, it is impossible to see through it.

After thinking for a moment, I realized that I really couldn’t tell the difference, so I simply stopped thinking about it and continued to look at the route on the map.

  It was Yuan Hong who was wearing a cloak and covering his whole body under his robe.

It was almost the moment when fire swept through the pass beacon.

 It becomes alert.

 A pair of eyes full of horror.

 Other than Chen Yulou, he is definitely the one who knows Luofu the best.

Not only because when he was in Chenjiazhuang, he practiced cultivation across a courtyard wall, but more importantly, as a psychic beast, he was born with a keen sense of danger far beyond ordinary people.

Especially after refining twenty mandrill bones.

The mandrill’s bloodline’s innate magical powers are also awakening little by little.

 That is the integration with the mountains.

The mandrill is the ghost in the mountains, and the dragon is the **** of the river in Sichuan.

 One can sense earth veins, and the other can detect water veins.

 That is the innate ability engraved in the bones.

At that moment, it first felt the vibration of the Black Mountain veins, and then the Fengniao suppressed its bloodline.

 It is not difficult to judge from the two.

 Luofu must have taken action.

And it has always done whatever it wants, never been restrained, and only obeys the orders of its master.


Thinking of this, Yuan Hong couldn't help but glance secretly at the figure sitting on the horse's back not far away, undulating like the wind.

The master really does what he says.

The gang of bandits provoked him, which was like stepping into the palace of the king of hell.

 Just when it was thinking wildly.

Yuan Hong suddenly paused and looked up. His master had turned back at some point and glanced at him calmly.

That gaze was gentle and calm.

  But it makes it feel like falling into an ice cave.

Upon noticing this, Yuan Hong quickly lowered his head, not daring to think too much.

 And that look went away as quickly as it came.

 It seems to be just unintentional.

But as he retracted his gaze, the huge pressure that shrouded it like a landslide dissipated in an instant.

Yuan Hong swallowed hard.

 There is already 100% confirmation in my heart.

The master signaled and Luofu took action. The bandits blocking the road in Xingxing Gorge were probably perished in the sea of ​​​​fire.

  It’s true that hatred cannot last overnight.

 Compared with the chieftain's mansion back then, now even the report back on the return journey has been insufficient.

It can even be imagined.

If there are still people alive, or some herdsmen see it from a distance.

 There is a high probability that such a paragraph will be left in local chronicles or records of ghosts and gods decades later.

At the beginning of the Republic of China, meteors fell like rain in the snow, and all the beacons in the gorge were destroyed. Hundreds of people were not alive. (End of chapter)

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