Chapter 244 Kunmo City in East Tianshan

 The next two days.

 Everyone resumed their hurried journey again.

 Every day seems to be repeating itself.

Even the scenery seems to be carved out of the same mold.

 The sky is full of yellow sand, the endless wilderness and the Gobi Desert, except for the increasingly heavy snow, are so boring and suffocating.

 Until the fifth day.

 The sky is just getting bright.

The curtain door of a tent in the camp was opened from the inside out, and a tall figure walked out.

 It is Kunlun.

 Feeling the increasingly cold weather, I couldn't help but let out a long breath.

As soon as it merged into the air, it immediately condensed into a series of

 Looked around.

The tents were lined up one after another, spreading along the river for more than a mile.

 That’s right.

 Where they camped.

  is an ancient river channel.

It’s just that it has long since dried up. Only the pebbles buried in the yellow sand and the crooked dead trees on the river beach are still silently telling the story of the past thousands of years.

Looking around the camp, wooden stakes were inserted into the outermost river beach to form a simple fence to prevent wild beasts hunting at night from breaking into the camp.

 The center of the camp.

  It is a bonfire.

 Overnight, the bonfire was almost extinguished.

Several figures gathered around the bonfire, and it turned out that they were the guys who were responsible for keeping watch last night. They had stayed up for half the night and were so sleepy that they couldn't open their eyes.

 See the situation.

Kunlun couldn't help but sigh.

 This trip to the Western Regions is obviously much faster than the last trip to southern Yunnan.

 Hardly enough time to rest.

 Travel day and night.

Even the old guys on the mountain can’t bear it.

 But for some reason, the shopkeeper never stopped going, as if... he was competing with someone for time.

This thought flashed through his mind.

Kunlun didn't dare to think too much. He returned to the tent, took out his jacket and put it on. When he opened the door curtain again, a cloud of yellow sand fell down, spreading all over his body.

 In just one night, the top of the tent was covered with yellow sand.

 Although it has been a long time since we entered Western Xinjiang.

 This situation is often encountered.

 But Kunlun still found it difficult to get used to it. He shook his head and shook the yellow sand out of his hair.

At this time, he took steps to wake up the night watchmen.

 I thought I could take a nap for a while before everyone else woke up.


 Just took a few steps forward.

 His figure suddenly froze on the spot.

 The snow that had been falling for half a month actually stopped.

Looking up, he saw the snowflakes falling on his face, but he had no intention of avoiding it. Instead, he stared at the gradually dispersing fog and the reappearance of the sky, his expression full of wonder.

Kunlun couldn't remember how long it had been since he had seen the sky in the Western Region.

 In memory.

 It seems to have been like this since entering Hexi.

The whole world seems to be gray, and the green mountains and green waters that are common in Xiangxi are even rarer than gold in this Gobi Desert.

 As the wind and snow gradually subsided.

 A ray of golden sunshine also emerged from the clouds.

 The clouds and mist are dyed like gilded gold.

Kunlun stared blankly at this long-lost scene, and couldn't help but want to raise his head and roar, but looking at the still-still camp around him, he hesitated, and finally held back.


  When his eyes crossed the vast and endless horizon, as silent as water.

 The pupils suddenly dilated.

At the end of the vast Gobi Desert, a high mountain suddenly appeared.

 It is several thousand meters high.

 It is like a barrier that separates heaven and earth.

The sun falls on the top of the snow, reflecting a brilliant golden light.


 “It can’t be wrong, it must be!”

Looking at the golden dome in the distance, Kunlun felt as if there were countless voices screaming in his ears, and there was a constant thumping sound under his chest.

 From Mozigou it enters the boundary of the Western Regions.

 For so long.

That mountain range that only existed in legend finally revealed its true appearance for the first time like a half-hidden dancer holding a pipa.

 My heart is racing.

 He could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart.

He kept repeating the name of Tianshan in his mouth. In the middle of the camp, a few guys near the campfire woke up from their naps.

They looked nervous and uneasy at the beginning, then subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Kunlun, until they also saw the golden dome standing at the end of the sky and the earth.

 Unspeakable surprise burst out from his eyes.

 “Is it the Kunlun Mountains?”

 “What are you talking about, Tianshan, that’s Tianshan!”

 “It’s so **** majestic, even Pingshan Mountain is not big enough in front of it.”

Several guys were discussing loudly.


Some people came out of the tents one after another, but looking at the sky that had cleared up and the Tianshan Mountains, they suddenly woke up from their drowsiness.

 “Shopkeeper, look quickly!”

 Not long.

 A figure wearing a blue cotton robe walked out.

Kunlun looked like he had not yet awakened, with a face full of joy and pointing in the distance.

 “Eastern Tianshan…”

 Chen Yulou stayed up all night.

 The practice ends with meditation.

At this moment, looking at the mountain peaks stretching across the horizon, I felt confident.

Until last night, he was still wondering. According to the map, Mozigou was only four or five hundred miles away from Kunmo City. It should have arrived in five days, but there was no trace of the Tianshan Mountains.

For this reason, he was even worried that he was going in the wrong direction.

After all, in the vast desert, unless you are walking all year round, it is extremely easy to lose your way without a guide.

This is just the moment when I see the Eastern Tianshan Mountains.

 Chen Yulou completely let go of the last worry in his heart.

 “Let the brothers make a fire to cook.”

 “It’s a rare sunny day, try to get to Kunmo before noon.”

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”

 Everyone in the congregation has woken up.

Where will there be any further delays?

 There was no wind, no snow, and the sky was clear and clear. It was nothing like the horrible weather before.

 Almost no reminder is needed.

The guy in charge of burning the stove had already found dead trees from everywhere, while the others wasted no time in cleaning up the camp.

 Not long.

 The horse team, having had enough to eat and drink, continued on their journey.

 With accurate goals and routes in mind, the atmosphere was obviously much more enthusiastic than the previous days' sluggishness, and everyone's face was filled with smiles and expectations.

 As long as it is a town.

 No matter how big or small.

 At least you can have a hot meal and a roof over your head.

Instead of chewing tasteless dry food all day long, sleeping in the vast desert at night and falling asleep to the roar of wolves and beasts.

 Hurry and hurry along the way.

What Chen Yulou expected was that the cavalry entered the East Tianshan area in less than two hours.

From a distance, he could see a small city standing at the foot of the rolling snow-capped mountains.

There are only a few hundred low earthen houses, and the city walls are only two or three meters high. It looks cold and desolate. It is difficult to imagine that it was the capital of Hami Kingdom a thousand years ago.

 Not to mention Jin Zhangye, Yin Wuwei and Jiayuguan City that we passed through on our way here.

 Not even comparable to Chenjiazhuang.

But this was the first ancient city they encountered after entering the Western Region.

There are rivers that go around the city, with the water flowing to the southwest. There are also a few forests rarely located on the outskirts of the city. It is a pity that it is the severe winter season, otherwise it would be a lush and vibrant scene.

 The group entered the city through the east gate.

 Hand could not hide his curiosity as he looked around.

 When passing through the door.

 The same is true for the soldiers guarding the city.

After checking the road guide repeatedly and confirming that they were businessmen going to Central Asia and not those demons who killed a thousand swords, I let them in.

 Just look at the eyes of the cavalry.

They all showed surprise.

 After all, it has been more than a year and I have not seen any businessmen coming and going.

I heard people say that a group of sand bandits who escaped from southern Xinjiang occupied the Xingxing Gorge and cut off the trade routes. This led to the disappearance of the originally prosperous camel caravan.

Kunmo City is located on the ancient Silk Road.

 The residents of the city have relied on this road to make a living and support their families for generations.

Now that the trade routes are cut off, countless people have also lost their way of living.


 The team almost entered Kunmo City.

 Immediately, countless people flocked in, speaking vague Chinese, trying to win business.

         please go and ask, has anyone been to the Black Desert?”

I saw the comments on the previous chapter. I looked it up and found that my brain was really confused. I will retake those two chapters after I finish the third subject. Thank you for your tolerance.



 (End of this chapter)

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