Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 253: Peacock Ancient River Totem Mirror

 “Black Desert?”

 Sure enough.

 Hearing these words, Oona's attention was immediately attracted.

You must know that the Black Desert is not a good place. It is a place where devils are rampant and evil spirits are rampant. Even the gods in heaven are unwilling to come to protect you.

 “It should be the windy season now, right?”

 “Go to the Black Desert at this time and have a narrow escape from death!”

Oona frowned slightly, her face full of disbelief.

 She followed Atta and went to the Black Desert several times. Even those few times left an indelible impression on her.

 Even many years later.

 In the middle of the night, I would often be awakened by horrific scenes.

 Even she, Atta, as a wizard of the Uighur clan, has all kinds of abilities beyond recognition, she does not dare to take risks easily.

 Before each departure, one must repeatedly perform divination and pray for the blessings of the gods.

But even so, the dangers experienced are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


 “Please also ask Miss Oona to lead the way for us.”

Chen Yulou cupped his hands and said warmly.

  In the firelight that filled the sky, he could already see Wu Na's appearance.

 About 27 or 28 years old.

 It’s just because I have been trapped in this dark dungeon all year round.

She looks much fairer than the Turkic women she saw before, and her facial features are closer to those of Uyghur women. Her nose is straight and her eyes are deep. Years of ghost life have not dulled the sparkle in her eyes.

At this moment, the beautiful eyebrows are slightly frowned.

 There is a bit of the red girl here.

 “It would be dangerous.”

Oona raised her head and her eyes fell on Chen Yulou's handsome face.

 For a moment, I was shocked by his temperament.

 But it was soon replaced by a look of sadness and worry.

"I know."

 Chen Yulou’s eyebrows are still gentle.

  He had expected this day when he set out from Xiangyin, or the moment he encountered Partridge Whistle at Pingshan Yizhuang.

 Jingjue Ancient City and Kunlun Temple.

He knows better than anyone how dangerous it is.

Did the trip to Danping Mountain and Zhelong Mountain go anywhere easily and casually?

 “Then you still want to go?”

 Oona's eyes widened and she was even more puzzled.

 Wait a few more months and the windy season will come. Although the Black Desert will still be dangerous and unpredictable, it will at least be much simpler than setting off today.

 “The arrow is on the string.”

 “Please ask Miss Oona to lead the way.”

 Chen Yulou shook his head.

 He can afford to wait.

 But Hua Ling couldn’t wait any longer.

Since that day in Kunmo City, when she suddenly discovered the red spots on her body, in just ten days, her body has become thinner and thinner, and she has suffered double torture.

As for the Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner, they look the same as before.

 But the breath cannot be hidden from others.

Especially for an old foreigner, you don’t need to look closely to see bloodshot eyes all over his eyes.

 It’s not because I’m tired from the journey.

 It is difficult to enter concentration, which is caused by repeated practice.

 “Oona, Brother Chen has a close relationship with the clan. If possible, please go there.”

 See this situation.

 Wutuo spoke again.

 “When is the departure date?”

 Seeing that the patriarch had already mentioned this, it was hard for Oona to refuse.

What's more, even if this hadn't happened, she would have walked to the Black Desert herself after coming out of the underworld.

 That is the journey that every wizard must pass.

Go deep into the black desert to find the sacred tree, and then hunt a snow leopard with your own hands.

 Make your own Dharma drum.

 Just now we have taken the first step to becoming a wizard.

She has been facing the wall here for many years, and it is not that she has achieved nothing. On the contrary, for more than ten years, she has continued to ponder and practice the art of shamanism and witchcraft, and she has reached a very high level.

 “Of course, the faster, the better.”

Seeing that she was interested, Chen Yulou did not delay.

"Okay!" Oona's eyes flashed, and she finally made up her mind, "I agree."


 Three days later.

 A long line of people.

Leaving the walled city, we headed north along the coast of the endless sea of ​​​​fish.

In the middle of the team, apart from Chen Yulou and others, there was also a slender figure, wearing a traditional Turkic robe and a felt hat.

 It is surprisingly Oona who came out of the underworld purgatory.

Comparing with that day when we first met, her face is obviously a little brighter now.

 Her long hair is **** in a traditional Turkic style.

However, unlike other women who like to use colorful and colorful decorations, she hardly wears makeup, and there are almost no accessories on her body.

 The felt hat covered his forehead, and his face was wrapped with a black gauze to protect him from sand and dust.

 Only one pair of eyes is exposed.

 The eyes are clear, deep and calm.

At this moment, she was riding on a camel, with a scimitar hanging from her waist, making her look indescribably heroic.

In addition, there is a long vertical willow box hanging diagonally on his back.

  The box was locked tightly, so it was not clear what was hidden inside.

However, looking at Oona's rarity, one can guess that it is definitely a treasure of the clan.

“Thirty to fifty miles along the lakeshore, there is an abandoned stone city, where is the ancient channel of the Kongque River.”

 Oona can also speak Chinese.

It's just that he is not as proficient and clear as Wutuo and Poli. Fortunately, it does not affect communication. After all, there is Parhat who understands Turkic in the team.

 I really encountered a sentence pattern that I couldn’t understand.

 Even with a guess, he can barely communicate.

 Peacock River? !

 Hear this familiar place name.

Not only Chen Yulou, but also the three brothers and sisters of Partridge Shao were also moved.

  Kongque River, Shuangheishan.

These six words have long been engraved in their bones, and I am afraid they will never forget them in this life.

That's where Mount Zagrama is.

 This trip is a journey to break the curse and to find one’s roots.


Chen Yulou’s eyes also flashed slightly.

Early in Jiayuguan, they discussed the itinerary and finally decided on this route. Now they have finally reached this point.

Nodding towards Oona, he took a look at Zhang Yunqiao, who was riding a camel not far away and safari around.

 “Go to the front and talk to the leading brothers.”

 “Yes, always the leader.”

After his trip to Zhelong Mountain, he now has a strong aura, and when he looks around with his eyes, he looks a bit like a tiger or a leopard.

I saw Chen Yulou and ordered me to come down.

Zhang Yunqiao didn't dare to delay. He raised his hands and drove the camel under him to quickly move forward.

 The mighty team looks like a black dragon walking around the lake from a distance.

 Especially in the snowy winter.

 This feeling is even stronger.

 Above the gate tower of the city wall.

Po Li was guarding the entrance with a long bow on his back. His figure was like a spear. The cold wind swept across his angular face, making him look even more stern.

 Looking at the team that had gone away, he couldn't help but have a flash of regret in his eyes.

Originally, Po Li also wanted to accompany him.

Although he is the most outstanding young man of this generation, he has caught dragon snakes in the sea and hunted snow eagles in the mountains, but he knows almost nothing about the black desert.

 Such a good opportunity now.

 Unfortunately, it was directly denied by the patriarch Wutuo.

 Now that the mountains are closed by heavy snow, it seems peaceful, but this is also the time when bandits are most rampant.

 They are almost the best targets for plunder.

After all, as a nomadic people, they have only built cities and lived for a few hundred years. In fact, the blood of living by water still flows in their bones. The surrounding city walls may seem tall, but they are vulnerable to impact.

Poly must be kept on guard. Po Li sighed secretly and looked away from the team that was disappearing in the distance. He turned his head and looked at the highest point of the gate tower.

There are two figures standing there.

  Just standing in the wind and snow.

Although they are old, the two of them are standing upright at this moment, as if the strong wind cannot blow them down.

 “Have the things been delivered?”

Until the team could no longer see clearly, Azhiya reluctantly put away his gaze and turned to look at Wutuo aside.

"I sent it away long ago. Oona's knot in her heart has been relieved. You old thing still wants to save face and suffer the consequences."

Wutuo curled his lips.

I have known the old guy next to me for decades.

 Only he dared to joke unscrupulously in front of Azhiya.

“What’s the point of saving face? Aren’t you afraid to face her?”

 Azhiya sighed.

Originally, Oona promised to leave the underworld and purgatory. He was so excited that he couldn't sleep well, but looking at his emaciated daughter, it was like a steel needle piercing deep into his heart.

If it hadn't been for him back then, with Wu Na's talent, she would have become a Wu Dayou long ago.

“Okay, now that she has accepted the magic mirror, you still don’t understand what it means?”

I could hear the loneliness in his voice.

Wutuo rarely had any rebuttal.

 Just patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

 “I hope so.”

 Azhiya nodded.

Shamanism has been passed down and maintained in the tribe for hundreds of thousands of years. As a shaman of this generation, he possesses witchcraft tools left by generations of ancestors.

 The divine mirror mentioned by Wutuo.

 It is actually an ancient bronze mirror.

It has a history of more than two thousand years. It is said to be a gift from the gods. It can restrain evil spirits and ghosts and has unimaginable abilities.

Azhiya was able to go back and forth in the black desert last time without any harm, which was largely due to the power of the divine mirror.

 Oona has been in purgatory for so many years.

 As soon as he came out, he had to go to the dangerous black desert. How could Azhiya be at ease?

 So, Wutuo was asked to give her the magic mirror to carry with her.

 “They’re all gone, don’t look anymore.”

“Let’s go, let’s go, I still have a few jugs of good wine. You old guy hasn’t left the house or said a word in these years. I can’t find anyone to have a drink with me.”

 Pull the collar.

Wutuo breathed out.

 As soon as it enters the air, it quickly condenses into a line of white frost.

What's the point of standing on the city gate and freezing on such a cold day? Of course, it would be a comfortable day to go back and cook a mutton pot and drink some strong wine.

 “I still want to…”

 “Stop talking nonsense, it’s been how many years since we got together?”

Just as Azhiya was about to speak, he was interrupted by Wutuo, who grabbed his wrist and dragged him downstairs.

Seeing this, Po Li couldn't help but grin.

Only the wizard Azhiya can make the clan leader do this.

 Two old guys, a combined age of more than a hundred years, disappeared side by side into the wind and snow.

Po Li took advantage of the situation and put his thoughts away.

 Start to patrol around the walled city.

 A few hours later.

Chen Yulou and his party crossed the dry river beach and scattered lakes and seas, and finally saw the stone city that Oona mentioned.

 In fact, it is a stone castle buried in yellow sand, with only half of the roof remaining.

 In addition, you can also see earthen houses and towers.

It’s a pity that they were all abandoned long ago.


“This sea of ​​sand is really weird, the sand is full of these things.”

The kid jumped off the hump and tried to dig through the yellow sand with his hands, wondering if he could find some information about this ancient city and village. However, the yellow sand was always flowing, and as soon as he moved, the surrounding area collapsed quickly.

 A half-meter deep hole has just been dug.

 It was quickly reflooded.

With no choice, he could only grab a handful of yellow sand.

 But after taking a closer look, I quickly noticed something was wrong.

“Shopkeeper, please take a look.”

Hurry back to the team, the kidnapper frowned, spread his hands, and brought the handful of yellow sand in front of everyone.

Chen Yulou looked down and saw countless black gravel mixed in the fine sand.

 “It’s iron ore.”

 He saw the doorway almost at a glance.

It’s no wonder that ordinary people can’t enter and leave the Black Desert at all. The iron ore with such a high content greatly affects the magnetic field Xuanji, making it impossible for Sinan and the compass to be used.

 After all, not everyone understands Tianxing Feng Shui.

 Be able to identify the direction in the vast sea of ​​​​sand with the help of the stars in the sky.

 “No wonder it’s called the Black Desert…”

 “So that’s what happened.”

Yang Fang stretched out his hand and twisted a handful of yellow sand, his face full of astonishment.

I thought black referred to unknown dangers, but I didn't expect it to be so casual.

“Miss Oona, is this the ancient channel of the Peacock River?”

Partridge Whistle was thinking about the Kongque River, but looking around, the sky was filled with yellow sand. Apart from the sand dunes and the submerged ancient city, there was almost nothing else in sight.

 For a moment, a trace of hesitation flashed across his eyebrows.

"This is."

 Unlike him, Oona's tone was extremely positive.

“The black desert is moving all the time, and the rivers have long been flooded. I can see that there are no dead Populus euphratica trees, which originally grew on both sides of the rivers.”

 “Then how to identify the route?”

Looking at the sharp branches, the old foreigner couldn't help but take a breath.

On this road, the most common ones are Populus euphratica and Haloxylon ammodendron trees.

 Mature Populus euphratica can generally grow to about fifteen meters.

Now only a few treetops are left outside.

  Doesn’t it mean that the sand here is at least ten meters thick?

“Don’t worry, these dead trees are actually points.”

Oona has been here several times. Although this is the first time to take the lead, what Atta once taught her is still vivid in her mind. At this moment, she is full of confidence.

 If you can't even get into the outermost area.

How can we cross the entire black desert?

  “I’ll leave everything to Miss Oona.”

Chen Yulou sat on the hunchback and cupped his hands toward her.

 Then he motioned to everyone to rest for a while, wait until they were full and full of food and refreshed to set out again.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Oona was alone and climbed up the sand dune to a tower. She seemed to be looking for a way, but she was a little distracted and hesitated for a moment. In the end, she couldn't help but take down the box behind her.

 Place it horizontally between your legs.

The latch opens with a click.

 At the moment when the box is opened.

 A bronze mirror with a simple shape, narrow at the bottom and wide at the top appeared in front of her.

 Looks like a fan.

The mirror seemed to have not been used for a long time. It was covered with patina, and you could only faintly see your own reflection in it.

Pick it up and hold it in your hand, turn it over and see that the back of the mirror is engraved with ancient patterns, condensing from the outside to the inside, eventually forming something like an eyeball.

 Looking at each other.

Oona's heart trembled, and she felt an inexplicable sense of fear.

 It is as if the eyeball is not a dead thing, but has been given life. It is hidden in the bronze mirror, watching the sky and the earth all the time.

 “This is...a divine mirror?!”

Forcibly avoiding the gaze of that eyeball, Oona bit her lip and couldn't help but exclaimed.

 She had heard Atta talk about it once.

 It is said to be a sacred object of shamanism.

unknown origins.

 But the bronze mirror has many incredible abilities, able to foresee the future and ward off evil spirits.

When setting out before, the Wutuo clan leader hurried over and handed the wooden box to her. Oona only regarded it as an ordinary protective object, so she put it away without thinking too much.

did not expect.

Atta actually handed over the divine realm to himself.

 “Everyone, get some rest.”

 “It’s getting late, let’s set off as soon as possible!” (End of this chapter)

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