Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 254: Ghost Ant Frenzy Treasure Stealing Team

 Hear the cry.

 When Oona came back to her senses, she immediately put the mirror back into the box.

It can be seen that this wooden box was specially prepared for it. A long slot was carefully carved on the bottom of the box, which could just fit the bronze mirror into it.


Hunting the box on her back, Oona turned around and saw a slender figure standing on the edge of the sand dune in the distance, looking at her with a smile on her face.

Seeing this, Oona felt inexplicably nervous.

 Even his eyes never looked at the wooden box once from beginning to end.

But Oona's hand holding the rope subconsciously tightened a bit.

 Getting along with each other for a few days.

 She already knew the name of the man in front of her.

 Chen Yulou.

 Just like his name.

 Hundred gold and uncut jade, beautiful buildings and jade houses.

Even the most outstanding-looking young man in the walled city is not as good as him.

Especially his temperament, which is completely different from the roughness of the Turks. He is gentle and gentle. He talks slowly to everyone and never gets angry easily.

 This can be seen even more from the attitude of other Han people towards him.

 He controls the whole team.

 But for some reason, Oona always felt that this man was not as simple as he seemed.

Especially those eyes as clear as water, which seem to be able to see through people's hearts.

 “Girl Oona, we are about to set off.”

Chen Yulou seemed not to have seen him, and just pointed to the prepared team behind him.

 “Oh, here it comes.”

Oona was secretly relieved.

Hurry around the stone castle and walk to the front of the team. The camel, who is well versed in human nature, had already half-knelt in the sand, letting her sit on the back of the camel saddle.

 Have a brief exchange with the leading guys.

Soon, the team started to set off, moving along the ancient channel of Kongque River.

Not far behind her, Chen Yulou, who was sitting on a hunched back, had a look of surprise on his calm face at this moment.

 “Ghost cave relics.”

Oona thought he didn't see it.

 In fact, with his current state, he cannot see through this strange desert.

 Every move in the team cannot escape his observation.

 A bronze mirror hidden in a wooden box.

Although the style is different from that ancient Legalist mirror, it is equally ancient.

 You can see some of it from the patina.

As for the patterns on the back of the mirror, he had never seen anything exactly the same before.

It is very different from the Shang, Zhou and Warring States periods.

  It reveals a strong Western style.

In this sea of ​​sand, there have been too many ancient countries. Just along the Kongque River, there have been thirty-six countries, such as Huhu, Loulan, Milan, Niya, Luntai, Gumo, Xiye, and countless others. Sporadic county-states and city-states.

Just like fireworks, they bloom for a short time and then disappear without a trace, buried deep in the yellow sand and no one knows.

 But the reason why he was sure it was a relic of the Guidong tribe.

  It is deduced from that eyeball.

The only problem now is that we can’t figure out whether it comes from the Demon Kingdom or the Jingjue.

 It may also be the reincarnation sect.

  After all, from ancient times to the present, they are the only ones who regard the eyes of the snake **** as a totem.

“The Demon Kingdom should be temporarily negated.”

Chen Yulou held the reins with one hand, and his body rose and fell slightly with the camel.

 The biggest difference between camels and horses is here.

As for horses, even his dragon colt, which is very spiritual, would have a hard time maintaining such a stable speed in such a flowing sea of ​​sand.

The Demon Kingdom is really too old.

 Appeared in ancient times.

Eluohai City, the capital city of the Demon Kingdom, was swept and destroyed by King Gesar and all the snow-covered countries, and the Central Plains entered the era of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

 At that time, the Demon Kingdom would have been able to create such exquisite bronze vessels.

I'm afraid it won't be the turn of those small countries to exist in the future.

From the mottled rust, it is estimated that the bronze mirror is probably between 1,500 and 3,000 years old.

  If you calculate it this way.

It is most likely to come from the ancient Jingjue Kingdom or the Samsara Sect.

 “By the way, the sacred tree.”

While thinking, Chen Yulou suddenly remembered something.

In the village before, the patriarch Wutuo had mentioned several times that Azhiya had gone deep into the black desert. It was said that every generation of wizards would look for sacred trees and build Dharma drums for themselves.

So, is there any connection between the sacred tree and the Kunlun sacred tree?


Turkic shamans of all ages found the ruins of an exquisite ancient city in the vast desert.

 The sacred wood used to make the Dharma drum and the bronze mirror were all taken from it?

With these thoughts together, I felt a little unstoppable.

The more Chen Yulou thought about it, the more possible it became.

 Subconsciously, he raised his head and glanced at the back figure at the front of the team.

Oona once followed Azhiya to the Black Desert.

 As long as this trip passes through the place of the past.

 It will definitely show something.

 And he will be able to make judgments based on the situation.

“Shopkeeper, is there really an ancient city in the sand?”

He took a long breath and came back from his thoughts. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Huamaguai riding a camel slowly approaching, looking out at the endless sea of ​​sand, with a face full of Suspicious.

This guy is still thinking about digging an ancient city in the black desert.

 But I have gone this way.

 In addition to yellow sand, it is still yellow sand.

 Occasionally seeing a dead ancient Populus euphratica tree can make me excited for a long time.

 This place is like a lifeless place.

  Can't detect any vitality at all.

 “Why, you don’t have confidence in your shopkeeper?”

Chen Yulou smiled faintly.

“That’s not true. In such a large desert, wouldn’t it be like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the ruins of an ancient city?”

Huamaguai scratched his head.

Just now along the way he also tried to use a compass to find his position.

But this ghost place is extremely strange.

As soon as I took it out, the pointer started to spin wildly. Not to mention the route, even the most basic north and south directions could not be determined.

Under such circumstances, he really had no confidence in his heart.

 “Don’t be impatient.”

 “We’ll meet you soon.”

 Chen Yulou shook his head.

 According to the current itinerary, it will take at most three to five days to reach the ancient kingdom of Xiye.

Although Xiye is a small country and is not conspicuous among the thirty-six countries in the Western Region, it is rich in jade, so it is famous all over the world.

  I really found the ruins of the ancient city.

 As a royal city of Zihe, there must be a lot of beautiful jade hidden underneath.


Huamaguai frowned and hesitated.

 He always felt that the shopkeeper was just comforting himself.



“You’re big, you have so much time to think about it, you might as well go check out the route.”

Seeing his confused look, Chen Yulou couldn't help but laugh and curse.

 The next three days.

As the team continues to go deeper into the Black Desert.

The invisible power of heaven and earth has become more and more intense. The howling wind has rolled up countless yellow sands straight into the sky. From a distance, it looks like an earth dragon straddling the sky.

 The most difficult part is at night.

 At night, the temperature drops sharply, sometimes even to dozens of degrees below zero.

 The cold wind penetrates everywhere.

Even if you are wrapped in the thickest quilt, you will still shiver from the cold.

 Fortunately, most of the people who came with me on this trip were young and energetic people. Young people are very angry and can withstand the cold a little.

 Plus, after walking for so long, they also learned some skills from the locals.

 For example, before going to bed, take a sip of strong wine.

 It is best to be slightly tipsy so as not to become unconscious.

After all, although the Black Desert is known as a lifeless land, there are actually wild animals living there, and there are not a few of them. Groups of sand wolves are extremely ferocious and start looking for food at night.

   I really wanted to break into the camp. It is common for people to be chewed into a pile of bones while unconscious.

In addition, the simplest way to keep warm is not to dig out a fire pit to burn a fire, but to wrap yourself in fine sand and rely on the desert itself to stay warm and prevent hypothermia.

But even so.

Every time they wake up, most of them emerge from under the yellow sand in a state of embarrassment.

 The most serious incident was when the entire camp was covered with sand and dust.

 Fortunately, no one was injured after being discovered in time. Otherwise, over time, the air would be exhausted and the people buried under the sand and dust would have to be trapped alive.

 In a blink of an eye.

 On the fourth day.

 The sky is still covered with lead clouds, and yellow sand is flying between the sky and the earth.

Even Chen Yulou and Partridge Shao.

 Sixteen characters learned.

 It seems to have lost its effect in such a ghost place.

Day and night are reversed, and there is no light.

 The only celestial phenomenon that has any effect is that the stars cannot be seen for several days.

On the contrary, Oona could identify the general direction just from the direction of the wind and the poplar trees buried deep in the desert.

 This made everyone who was still slightly suspicious of her.

 Has completely dispelled doubts.

It has to be said that the Turks were able to survive in this desert for thousands of years and they did have their own methods.


  In the afternoon.

The camel team was in a valley formed by quicksand, sheltered from the strong wind, and rested briefly to replenish their energy.

Oona carried the box on her back and a cane made of poplar branches in her hand, and strode to the top of the sand dune. She said she wanted to go to a high place to observe the downwind direction so as to determine the route.

 But it hasn’t been a while since I climbed up.

 Suddenly I heard an exclamation from her.

"what happened?"

 Chen Yulou raised his eyebrows.

After getting along with her for a few days, she realized that although Oona is a woman, she shows great sophistication.

This is the first time I have seen her like this.

The people looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of solemnity on their faces.

 “Let’s go up and have a look.”

Worried that something had happened, Chen Yulou did not dare to delay, so he greeted a few people and quickly followed them.

The quicksand could not stop a few people from moving forward.

Looking from a distance, several people jumped up on the cliff that was almost 60 to 70 degrees, and appeared beside Oona in the blink of an eye.

 “Look…there’s someone!”

 “Is there someone!?”

Oona had no time to marvel at the skills of these people.

 Just raised his hand and pointed in the distance and said quickly.

These two words seemed to have some kind of magic power, which made the few people who had just settled down not even dare to breathe, so they looked in the direction of her finger.

I saw rolling sand dunes, connected together, and large snowflakes mixed with yellow sand falling down.

 It is definitely a rare sight.

But these things, they almost vomited in the past few days, and no one paid much attention to them.

All eyes fell on one of the sand dunes.

Looking from a distance, six or seven figures were passing through the sea of ​​sand.

  No, to be precise, I ran past.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, the anxiety and fear shown in their actions could not be hidden from the eyes of a few people.

The key is.

 In this hellish place, there are no camels or horses, so just relying on your feet is basically a dead end.

 “Strange, what danger is there in this sea of ​​sand...”

 The old foreigner said thoughtfully, holding a long bow.

  At least they didn’t see many dangers except wind, snow and sandstorms along the way. They only saw deathly silence and a boring and boring journey.

 It’s far different from what it was back in the village.

 It is as terrifying as what the patriarch Wutuo, the wizard Azhiya and others said.

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Chen Yulou frowned slightly and suddenly said.

Even though they are far apart, he can still vaguely see something with his eyesight.

Moreover, this was the first group of people they encountered after entering the Black Desert.

 At least let’s find out the situation first.

 “Shopkeeper Chen, I’m going.”

When the old foreigner heard this, he couldn't bear it any longer. He immediately took the initiative to ask for help, holding the Jiao Shooting Bow tightly, with a pair of piercing eyes.

"I am coming too."

Yang Fang is not willing to lag behind.

 “Okay, no need to fight, let’s go together.”

Chen Yulou waved his hand.

As he spoke, he took one step forward and rushed there without hesitation.

 The remaining people followed quickly.

"Hey, you are crazy. Those people are most likely bandits and are dangerous."

Seeing a few people, he rushed out like this.

Oona was stunned for a moment, her expression full of disbelief.

“Miss Oona, don’t worry, let’s take a look.”

 Chen Yulou's calm voice came from afar.

Seeing this, how could Oona stay? Before coming, the clan leader had made it very clear to her.

 Escort the team safely through the Black Desert.

How could she just watch them take risks now?

Clenched his teeth, threw away the wooden stick in his hand, and quickly chased after him.

 A moment later.

When she finally climbed over several sand dunes and finally caught up with a few people, before she could get excited, a strong smell of blood hit her face.

 Look at the people beside you.

 The faces all showed solemnity.

Oona's heart sank, she took a deep breath, and looked down the mountain through a Haloxylon ammodendron tree in front of her.

 Only seen in the sandy valley.

There were more than ten corpses lying in various directions.

 In addition to people, there are also camels and dogs.

 Died not from internal fighting, but from countless ants.

 An ant with a fiery red body and the size of a fist.

At this moment, they are devouring the corpses crazily. Wherever the ants pass, in just the blink of an eye, the camels weighing more than a thousand kilograms will be left with only bones in a blink of an eye.

 “It’s a ghost ant!”

Oona's eyes suddenly widened and she couldn't help but whisper.

She finally understood why Chen Yulou and others looked so ugly.

In the shaman's rumors, ghost ants are transformed from black desert devils. They feed on blood, are cruel by nature, and are highly poisonous. They can easily kill prey dozens of times larger than themselves.

Even if it is just one head, it will be extremely troublesome.

What's more, there are tens of thousands of them in the sand valley right now.

At a glance, as the ants crawled over, the sand and dust looked like a river of molten lava flowing through the sand, making people feel numb and cold all over.

 As for the few people I saw from a distance before.

 Such a blink of an eye.

 There are only two left.

They looked different from the people from the Western Regions, with white skin, yellow hair, and green eyes. While running away desperately, they kept cursing loudly in unintelligible words.


"Discovery team."

 Listening to the familiar voice of Fake, Chen Yulou couldn't help but twitch a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

 Before coming here, he also speculated whether he would encounter foreigners who came here to rob the land, but he didn't expect it to come true.

"Do you want…"

Seeing that the two people were about to fall into a desperate situation, they would soon be overtaken by the ant wave and eaten into two white bones. The old foreigner's hand holding the bow exerted a little force and couldn't help but look around.

 But his words trailed off.

No matter shopkeeper Chen or senior brother, their eyes did not move once from beginning to end.

 Seeing this, he immediately understood.

In such a situation, rushing to save people with great kindness will only drag them into death.


 With two screams.

 The last two people were quickly overwhelmed by the ant tide.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the smell of blood in the valley became stronger again.

“What is the expedition team that Brother Chen is talking about?”

"Thieves who came for the treasures of the ancient city under the sea of ​​sand!" (End of this chapter)

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