Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 281: The sword is like rain peeling off the dragon formation

 Almost the moment I received the news of the attack.

The Partridge Whistle saw a bright fire burning out of the corner of his eye.


 He took out the twenty-ring mirror box with his backhand, and without even thinking about it, he raised his hand and fired.

 A bang of fire.

 The lantern thrown out instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire and hit the giant snake directly.

The snake mother's reaction was also extremely shocking. She waved her tail and scattered the wind lantern that hit her head-on.

  Sparks fell like rain.

Those black snakes who were still desperately fighting for the big fish had no time to react.

The flames crash into the tide of snakes.

Soon, a series of inhuman and shrill screams sounded one after another.

 Ordinary black snakes cannot resist flames at all.

Even the evil spirit in the body.

 Not only failed to stop the spread of flames.

 Instead, it became a combustion accelerant.

 The wind blows the fire, and the fire moves with the wind.

 In an instant, sparks of light soared into the sky.

The shrill sounds came one after another.

 Looking at hundreds of black snakes, they were instantly killed in the sea of ​​fire.

 But the snake mother seemed not to have heard of it.

  From beginning to end, I never even looked back.

Just holding his head high, his huge body seemed to stand upright, and his huge vertical pupils scanned the surroundings.

 The air in the cave seemed to be frozen.

 The cold air is like a waterfall.

The partridge whistle let out a breath and stepped **** the boulder in front of him with his right foot. With the force of the shock, the whole person jumped up like a roc.

 ‘Bang bang bang! ’

next moment.

 The fire from the two guns poured out towards the giant snake.

By the time it hit the ground, the bullets in the double magazine had been emptied.

The barrel of the gun was red, and when it came into contact with the cold air around it, it actually made a hissing sound.

  It's like a freshly-baked weapon inserted into a quenching furnace.

The pungent smell of fire permeates the air.

Partridge Whistle didn't care, and just stared at the giant snake.

 His marksmanship is superb, and his shots are always flawless.

 On normal days, he would not even look at it.

 With two guns, there is death but no life.

 But what we are facing now is unusual after all.

 Snake mother, great demon.

 No matter which label he is given, he must be extremely cautious.


 The snake mother seemed to be aware of the danger.

There was a rare look of concentration in those huge pupils.

The eyelids blinked slightly to protect the pupils, and the black scales on the body were surging layer by layer, like a wave, covering the whole body from top to bottom.

 It was like being covered with a thick layer of iron armor in an instant.

 The bullets shot through the air, as if they were hitting gold and stone, and there was a constant dull and loud sound.

"how come?"

 Seeing this scene, Partridge Whistle's pupils couldn't help but stagnated slightly.

 These two twenty-gun guns have followed him to this day.

 Almost never misses.

The only time was in the Black Dragon Pond, when facing the released black dragon, the bullets could not break through the dragon scales at all.

 But Jiao... is born like this.

  The path taken is the path of physical enlightenment.

 Illegal weapons and sacred objects are difficult to penetrate.

 The results of the shooting were acceptable.

But the snake mother recorded in the clan seems to be not physical, but ... a strange poison.


 In his moment of doubt.

A roar like a thunderous roar suddenly exploded.

next moment.

A blazing sword light lit up in the darkness, splitting into two, then into four, and in an instant it turned into thousands, like a rain of swords, heading straight for the big snake.


 Looks like a light sword flower.

But it carries an earth-shattering momentum.

So much so that one moment the giant snake was shaking its scales with disdain, and the next moment its pupils stood up instantly, like an upright amber-gold almond.

  It sensed an unprecedented threat from the sword light.

The soul is trembling, and the will of death is shrouded in it.

Without even a moment's hesitation, the snake's tail rolled up a boulder and swung it in front of him.


 Just a moment.

 Sword light passed by.

The rock was easily penetrated like tofu and turned into a pile of powder. Fine stone chips fell on the ground. A few black snakes who were tired of running for their lives became unlucky and were smashed into a pile of flesh by the rocks.

at the same time.

 More sword lights went straight towards the giant snake without any obstruction.

 Seeing that there is no way to avoid it.

 The solemn look in the giant snake's eyes became even stronger.

The snake's body twisted and twisted into a ball.

He actually planned to use this method to carry the sword.


 It still underestimates this sword too much.

 Let’s not talk about breaking through the golden elixir realm.

  Kuanglu Mountain and his entourage.

Other than the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique, Chen Yulou’s biggest gain was the Lu Zu Jie Sword Stone.

The sword intention of Lu Zu contained in it is the most powerful and sharp thing in the world.

With the help of the sword-breaking stone, the Dragon Scale Sword was maintained for three months or nearly a hundred days.

 This is the first time it has been taken out of its sheath.

The sword's power is ten times better than before.

Let alone it, even if Fuxian Lake Zhou Jiao appeared in its true form, I wouldn’t dare to say that it could catch it without any damage.


Hundreds of tiny sword lights passed by overwhelmingly.

 Scaly armor that bullets cannot penetrate.

At this moment, it was as brittle as a piece of paper. In the blink of an eye, it left countless wounds on the giant snake's body.

 Pitch-black blood mixed with billowing poisonous mist filled the air.

Those wounds may be small, but the sword energy contained in them is the key. It is like a cyclone that keeps drilling into the snake's body, and the pain it brings is enough to kill.

The key is.

 The sword energy constantly consumes the evil spirit.

 The damage caused has become increasingly horrific and irreparable.

The giant snake raised its head and howled incessantly. Even though it was astonishing in size, it could not withstand hundreds of sword energies, as if it was being cut into pieces by a thousand swords.

 “Old foreigner, fire!”

 “Yang Fang and Kunlun raiding formation.”

 “The rest of the people peel off the dragon formation!”

Chen Yulou held the dragon scale sword in his hand and jumped on the boulder in front of him.

His eyes are focused, as still as still water.

  Lay out the roads in an orderly manner.


 Falling down following his order.

A response like a roaring mountain and a tsunami suddenly came from outside the stone gate.

The old foreigner broke into the door with several people, and the dragon archer bow finally came into use. The sound of whizzing through the air was constant, but what was attached to the string was not an iron arrow, but a torch wrapped with kapok.

 Scattered down like rockets.

Like a fire dragon, it sealed all the gaps in the cliffs around the cave.

Those black snakes had already crossed the rocks and were about to escape back to their nests from the cracks in the mountains. However, under the light of the sky-high fire, they all stopped.

 Don't dare to cross the thunder pool even half a step again.

  He held his head high and made an impatient cry.

 For a moment, it was like a headless fly scurrying away.

Kunlun and Yang Fang were on the left and right, stepping on the cliff to occupy the secret passage, clearly to seal the giant snake's escape route.

 As for the remaining bandits from Xiling.

  Not in a hurry to rush into the battle, but took out the dagger from his waist with his backhand.

The Peeling Dragon Formation is an ancient formation of the Xiling sect.

 Specially used to deal with giant snakes and zombies in tombs.

 They are all old people who have lived in the mountains for many years.

  We are all too familiar with this.

The short knives are connected to each other, supplemented by bone spurs and steel nails, and are arranged all the way around the island in the middle of the lake.

The big snake and python travel across the mountains and ridges, coming and going without any hindrance. Wherever the snake's body passes, it can forcefully twist and uproot even hundred-year-old trees.

 It will forcefully charge into the formation during this trip. Unless you can grow wings, you will have to climb over the Dragon Peeling Formation.

The first dragon array was mainly based on bamboo sticks and trees.

 Not to mention the dragon-peeling array set up with daggers and bone spurs.

 The power will only be more amazing.

The snake and python are frightened. Once they break through, the entire abdomen will be split in two by the blade.

 That is, the trip is too far and cannot carry too many items.

 Otherwise, according to the character of the Xiling bandits, venom anesthetic would be specially applied to the Dragon Peeling Formation just in case.

  The big python walks by and feels no pain until it dies.

That is the real dragon peeling formation.

 If you are lucky, you can peel off the snake skin completely without damaging the snake's gallbladder, orifices, and flesh.


 At present, the Dragon Peeling Formation is being set up.

 There is only one purpose, and that is to surround and kill the giant snake.

The gang of thieves were very quick. In a short time, they buried a circle of steel knives around the underground lake.

Those black snakes were forced back by the sea of ​​fire and were scurrying around. Once they strayed into the formation, they could not hold on for even a moment. They were cut into two pieces almost in the blink of an eye.

 A pair of giant pupils were cut open from it.

As for the snake mother, she was already busy crossing the river with the Clay Bodhisattva. She couldn't take care of it. She could only watch her sons and grandsons being killed one by one, but there was nothing she could do.


Looking at it for just a moment.

Once the thorns of the Anta and the Turkic Ministry of Wizards were extremely difficult to thorn black, they were forced to be so dead by a group of people, and Ua's face standing at Shimen was incredible.

 She once thought that Chen Yulou and others would most likely suffer losses if they were so reckless.

did not expect.

 In today’s busy figure.

 I am the most laid-back one.

Even with the Dragon Peeling Formation, she couldn't help at all.


 Looking at the surrounding strangulation formation, it is about to be completed.

 The giant snake dare not delay any longer.

 As the patron saint of the ghost cave, it has intelligence far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Now, the only chance of survival is to escape back to the snake nest, enter the ghost cave, and ask the snake **** for divine power to get a chance to survive.

these people…

 Compared to the group that came before.

  It is really too much stronger.

 Even it can't do anything about it.

Throwing up its head and letting out a roar, the giant snake twisted its body, ignoring the severe pain, and plunged into the underground lake, making a splash and countless splashes.

 “Brother Chen, it wants to escape...”

Partridge Whistle’s expression changed.

 Subconsciously, I want to rush out and block its way.

At that time, countless warriors in the clan died before he killed them. He really didn't want to see the same mistake happen again.

 “Brother Dao, don’t worry.”

 “At the end of the battle, it can’t escape!”

 Chen Yulou shook his head.

Under the dragon peeling formation, even a giant python that walks in the water will be killed.

What's more, the sword energy just now had seriously injured her. No matter how powerful the snake mother's vitality was, there was no way she could stand a chance under such a heavy encirclement and killing formation.


Partridge Whistle is always worried.

After hesitating for a moment, he put away the two twenty-ring mirror boxes, and what appeared in his hands was a vajra prong engraved with Tantric scriptures.

 This tantric weapon.

 Even the dragon can be suppressed.

If it really doesn't work, he would rather give up this magic weapon than watch the scene of letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

  Leap forward and rush out in one step.

The Partridge Whistle was so fast that he crossed the underground lake one step ahead and appeared next to the old foreigner.

The vajra prong in your hand.

It seems that he also sensed the evil spirit, with golden light flashing and runes intertwined.

The giant snake dived through the biting lake water, hesitated for a long time, and finally chose an unguarded direction to go ashore.



 Just after crossing the deep pool.

There was a sharp pain in the lower abdomen that penetrated the bone and penetrated into the marrow.

In the past, even the Dragon Peeling Formation would not have been able to be accomplished in such a short period of time with scale armor for protection.

 But Chen Yulou’s previous sword.

 It is equivalent to breaking its golden body.

Today it is just a dilapidated house with leaks from all directions, and a water bag full of holes.

 The Dragon Peeling Formation can easily cut through its scales.

Due to the continuous severe pain, the snake's body twisted even more alarmingly, trying to crawl forward, but the more it did, the heavier and slower the snake's body became.

 A long trail of blood trailed behind him.

 It’s just as dark as ink.

With a strong and pungent fishy odor.

 Even because the blood was highly poisonous, a deep ravine was carved out of the ground.

If you were a human being, you would definitely know how to retreat once you entered such a desperate situation.

 But the journey of snake and python is progressing but not retreating.

Rather than retreating into the underground lake, the snake dragged its scratched body and squirmed among the sharper bone bayonets. Within ten steps, its abdomen was completely torn open.

 The scales shattered.

 Leaving scales and...flesh all over the ground.

 “Is he dead?”

Yang Fang was tense and clutched the magic whip tightly.

 The giant snake was three to five meters in front of him.

From such a close distance, he could even clearly smell the fishy stench emanating from it.

Fortunately, before coming down, Chen Yulou reminded them to put on their headscarves.

He also put a medicine stone in his mouth to purify poison.

 This will prevent you from being poisoned.

  But people are sober, but they cannot suppress their shock and uneasiness.

Especially the pair of cold pupils on the top of the giant snake's head, one look at it makes people feel like they have fallen into an ice cave.

I always feel like it will suddenly pounce on me.

 “Is this still possible?”

Hearing him talking to himself, Kunlun, holding the halberd in his hand, couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

 The big python in the lake that day.

 One of the shopkeepers killed him.

The body was dismembered, the skin and scales were peeled off, the brains were cut open to remove the sinews, and the eyes and guts were removed. To this day, he can still recall the taste of roasted python meat.

It's a pity that the monster in front of me is full of poison.

  Even if you kill them, you cannot get the meat.


 At the moment when he was slightly startled.

From the corner of his eye, Yang Fang suddenly tensed up and raised the magic whip in his hand.

Kunlun’s heart sank.

Immediately looked up.

I saw that the giant snake, whose abdomen was completely scratched, was not completely dead yet. Its drooped head slowly raised up again, and there was a heart-wrenching sound under its neck bones.

The pupils were no longer as clear as before, and became bright red, with blood almost oozing out.

  But the ferocity remains undiminished.

Emitting a chilling light.

 “Not dead yet?”

Kunlun frowned.

His eyes fell on a slightly protruding bone at the back of its neck.

 Wrapped in heavy scales, if you don’t look carefully, you can easily be ignored.

 But at this moment, its scales have lost their previous luster, and the bones are much more conspicuous.

 Snake Pass!

Kunlun remembered that the shopkeeper had said before that the seven-inch snake was not a fabrication, but a real thing.

That is also the genus of snake and python, where the essence, blood and life are hidden.

 After confirming the Snake Pass.

 He took one step forward without any hesitation, and waved the halberd heavily.


 A cold light passed by.

Like cutting tofu, the euphorbia easily penetrated the heavily covered scales and broke open the bone. With a pop, black blood spurted out, nailing it to the ground.

This time, the giant snake had no chance to struggle.

His head dropped.

 The last dim light in a pair of pupils was completely extinguished.

 Becomes as dim as ink.

The sight of this halberd made Yang Fang's blood surge with passion, but Kunlun just calmly took out the halberd and glanced at him.

“If the shopkeeper wants it to die, it will definitely die!” (End of this chapter)

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