
 “Get out.”

"hurry up."

 The moment the big snake died, the snake's body rapidly decayed and decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The pungent fishy smell filled the surrounding area, filling the entire cave.

Sensing the danger, the school of white-bearded fish in the underground lake, which had managed to escape, was running away like crazy, causing waves of turbid waves under the dark pool.

Even the golden mayflies that were sleeping in the gaps in the cliffs and in the yellow sand and mud were fleeing for their lives.

 In the night, there was a constant buzzing sound.

Seeing this situation, Chen Yulou could not understand that everything was destroyed by a whale, but the death of the snake mother brought about a catastrophe that could be called a catastrophe.

Although this place is connected to a deeper underground river.

 The trend is changing.

 But the space is still too cramped.

 And there are too many of them on this trip.

 The most important thing is that the fire attack just now also consumed a lot of air.

 Fifty or sixty people were crowded into such a narrow place.

 If they don’t leave in time, those white-bearded fish and golden mayflies will be their fate.

 “This way!”

 Hear this.

Yang Fang, who was guarding the crack in the cliff, reacted immediately.

 The wind behind you is flowing.

 You can even hear the sound of gurgling water.

You don’t need to guess to know that there must be an underground river connected to the depths of the cave.

 The wind is coming along with the flow of water.


 See him waving his arms desperately.

The old foreigner who had just put down his Jiaoshe bow glanced around and saw a wind lantern hanging by his hand. Without hesitation, he immediately grabbed one and threw it.

A whooshing sound broke through the air.

 It comes almost instantly.

Yang Fang didn’t hesitate and reached out his hand to grab it like lightning.

But when the wind lantern was in his hand, he suddenly felt a strong numbness in his palm, and subconsciously activated his energy and blood to release the force.

 Until the whole person stands firm.

He then let out a sigh of relief.

 There was a bit of shock in his eyes.

 Among the group of people, he was the first to get acquainted with the old foreigner. That day, he took a boat across Dazhang Sanhu and then went down the river to Wuling. On the way, he happened to meet the old foreigner who was trying out his bow in the mountains.

 He walks in the rivers and lakes.

 What I like most is to discuss with others.

After observing for a while, he was really happy to see the hunting spirit. He immediately asked the boatman to dock and caught up with the old foreigner all the way.

 But at that time...the two were still equally matched.

Having competed more than ten times before and after, the winning hand is about 50-50.

After returning from Kuanglu Mountain, he followed Kunlun to practice Seven Stars Horizontal Qigong. Yang Fang thought that his strength had greatly increased and he might have reached the front of the old foreigners.

 But this happens randomly.

 He just knew.

 While making progress yourself.

 The old foreigner did not fall behind at all, and even had a faint tendency to be better.

 “Can’t be lazy anymore…”

 Shaked his head.

Yang Fang quickly put away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Lifting the cover of the wind lamp, as the wind flowed by, the original flame as big as a bean sprout jumped up, illuminating the surrounding area brightly.

It also exposes the gaps between the cliffs to everyone's sight.

 “This way.”


 See this situation.

The Xieling bandits who were originally hesitating whether to advance or retreat, no longer hesitated, tightened the scarves on their faces, and did not care about the dead giant snake in the dragon peeling formation, passed through the tip of the knife, and went straight to Leave where Yang Fang is.

 “Brother Chen, let’s go!”

Seeing everyone crossing the cliff in an orderly manner.

 Disappeared deep into the cave.

Partridge Whistle secretly breathed a sigh of relief, put away the vajra prong, glanced at Chen Yulou who was still on the island in the middle of the lake, and urged.

 “Brother Dao will go first.”

 “I’ll be right away.”

Chen Yulou's eyes were as bright as a torch, and there was a hint of worry in his brows.

 Dozens of people were like crucian carp crossing the river, but he never saw Oona.


Partridge Whistle hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

 Leave a wind lantern and leave directly.

 With Chen Yulou's strength, unless another snake mother blocks his way, there is no need to worry too much.

What’s more.

 He never does anything he is not sure about.

 There must be a reason for staying on this trip.

The situation deep in the cave is still unknown. Although Kunlun, Yang Fang and Lao Yangren are all leaders in the world, they are still not experienced enough in the face of unexpected dangers.

 Wait for him to leave.

 The surroundings fell into the previous silence again.

 There were only big fish prowling underwater and swarms of mayflies scurrying about.

As for the dead snake mother on the ground, she was already rotting to the point where white bones could be seen, with black smoke billowing from her body, and the dark poisonous blood corroding everything.

 Such situations.

 He had seen it twice before when he was in Pingshan.

The same is true for the six-winged centipede, and the same is true for the Pingshan Corpse King.

  It seems like a thousand years of vicissitudes of life have gone through in a blink of an eye.

 So it’s not a surprise.

As for the sacred tree on the island in the center of the lake, its whole body is shining with golden light. The poisonous miasma and evil spirits around it seem to have no impact on it at all. From a few meters away, you can feel its majestic vitality.

 Seeing this, Chen Yulou completely let go of his last worry.

Without further delay, he inserted the dragon scale sword into the scabbard behind his back, held the wind lantern and swept out in one step, stepping on the water with his toes, and landed at the stone door where they came from.

 The stone door that collapsed suddenly has been removed by the guys.

There are still countless messy claw marks on the stone wall.

  The two armored beasts left behind when moving the mountain.

 There were stone chips scattered on the ground.

 Seeing this scene, even he couldn't help but a flash of wonder in his eyes.

 Among the four factions, each has its own means, but only the Qianshan group has countless rare objects.

  That is to say, the inheritance of Taoism has been cut off, and the people of the clan have withered away.


Where is the place where people can find gold and unload mountains?

With his fingers lightly brushing, Chen Yulou walked through the doorway and looked around, and soon his eyes were locked in one direction.

However, looking at Oona's back, he couldn't hide his weird expression.

 A corner of the main hall.

 Oona knelt on the ground.

  It seems like some kind of mysterious prayer ceremony is going on.

 “Shaman? Witchcraft?”

 For a moment, Chen Yulou had various speculations in his mind.

Countless scenes along the way flashed through my mind.

He even suspected that Wutuo and Azhiya's original purpose was to build a plank road openly and covertly to infiltrate Chencang.


 That’s not right either!

 Unless there is the ability to predict the future.

 Otherwise, before they arrived at the village, whether facing Po Li, Wu Tuo or A Zhi Ya, he never revealed the purpose of their trip.

 Even in the end, Oona was only hired in the name of a guide.

Enter the ancient city of Jingjue.

  It was more of an impromptu idea.

 During this period, Oona raised several objections.

With all these things, it doesn’t look like they had a plan in advance.


Oona seemed to have finally finished and slowly stood up.

 But the moment he turned around, he saw him standing at the stone door, and a flash of panic flashed across his face.

Even though he tried his best to hide it, there was no way he could hide it from someone like Chen Yulou.

 “Miss Oona, what is this?”

Chen Yulou held up the lantern, pointed in the direction where she was just now, and asked lightly.

 Looking calm.

 But there seemed to be thunder hidden in his tone.


Oona avoided his gaze and shook her head. "Perhaps Chen didn't explain it clearly. After walking for so long, the girl has already guessed our identities with her intelligence."

 Chen Yulou was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

There is still a gentle smile on his face.

 But those who know him well know that the more this happens, the more murderous he becomes.


Oona didn’t hide it, but nodded.

Although she has been trapped by herself for many years, she has an extraordinary ability in judging people.

Having been together for so long, if she can no longer guess the identity of Chen Yulou and others, then she is not her.

Although the Turkic tribes have lived in seclusion near Yuhai for generations and rarely interacted with outsiders, this does not mean that they have never had contact with them. There were countless traders traveling between the Western Regions and Central Asia along the ancient Silk Road.

 There are no merchants doing business.

Having no fear when seeing dead bodies and bones,

Knowing nothing about the skin of the skin, it is proficient in opening the coffin and falling into the city.

 The most important thing is that their aura cannot be concealed from others.

 Advance and retreat together, and enforce orders and prohibitions.

Even when faced with terrifying monsters like Hachi Hei, the group of people did not see much fear, but rather a hint of anticipation and fighting spirit.

There is no other such merchant team in the world.

“Tell me, Miss Ouna, what do we do?”

 Seeing her nod, Chen Yulou became somewhat interested.



Hearing this word, Chen Yulou couldn't help but feel a little confused.

 “The name given to grave robbers in the Western Regions.”

 After hearing her subsequent explanation, Chen Yulou finally understood.

 There is no acknowledgment or denial.

“So, can you tell Chen what you were doing just now?”

After hesitating for a moment, Oona bit her lip. A rare hint of loneliness and pain flashed through her clear amber eyes. She pushed aside half a step and pointed to the shadow behind her.

“Shopkeeper Chen will know it after seeing it.”

Seeing this, Chen Yulou felt even more strange.

Without wasting any time, he held the lantern forward. The light dispersed the darkness, and soon everything in the corner of the stone hall was revealed to his sight.

 It was clearly a white skeleton.

 Appears to have been dead for many years.

When he was cleaning before, he saw many bones of guards and a large number of Western Region-style weapons scattered around, so it was not surprising to see dead people here.

 But soon…

 Chen Yulou noticed something was wrong.

  The white bones in the shadows are very different from those seen before.

Maintaining the posture of leaning against the wall, with his head lowered, the clothes on his body have not completely rotted, and the style is not armor, but a wool felt robe common in the Western Regions.

Hand stood a wooden staff.

  Looks a bit familiar.

As he watched, Chen Yulou couldn't help but have a bold idea in his heart.

"This...isn't a wizard from your clan?"

 According to what Wutuo said that day.

Azhiya has been coming here for many years, a dozen times. It sounds like it is not accidental. It seems that wizards of all generations have done this.

The figure and clothing of this person are very similar to Azhiya. Considering Oona's previous behavior of kneeling down, it is no wonder that he would make such a bold guess.


 “To be precise, she is my mother.”


Hearing this, Chen Yulou felt that his mind was like stone and would not be easily shaken by external objects.

 But at this moment, he couldn't help but frown, his expression full of disbelief.


how come?

 From beginning to end, he had never heard of this character from anyone.

Even when he heard Wutuo mention Azhiya’s past, he only thought that Ouna’s mother had died young, which was a very common situation.

“Back then, my father and mother were chosen by the gods at the altar and became wizards in the village. They fell in love for a long time, so they secretly got together.”


Hearing this, Chen Yulou suddenly noticed something unusual.

“I remember that the Turks don’t have many rules regarding men and women. When the hunting team returned to the village, many women threw tokens to them along the way.”

 “Why does this need to be done secretly?”

"Ordinary people do not have rules, but wizards...as people who serve the gods and represent the gods walking in the world, are not allowed to marry and have children."

Oona shook her head and explained softly.

Hearing this, Chen Yulou finally realized what he was saying.

Because this love affair was destined to end in vain, Mother Ouna chose to leave the village. After giving birth to her, she went to Jingjue Ancient City alone to look for the sacred tree.

 Azhiya adopted Oona in the name of the gods.

 In the next ten years or so.

While raising his daughter, he continued to go deep into the Black Desert.

In the eyes of the tribesmen, he was looking for materials to make magical instruments. In fact, only a few people knew that Azhiya's purpose was to find the whereabouts of his wife.

"Feel sorry…"

 Listen to her deep voice.

 Talk about this past event.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yulou's face was full of apologies.

“It’s nothing, I didn’t expect to see her in the stone palace.”

Oona shook her head.

  Although she said it easily, the heart-wrenching pain was something only she knew.

Although my mother’s whereabouts have not been found for so many years.

 Hope has become extremely slim.

 But his father Azhiya has always been unwilling to give up.

Now, the last spark of hope has been completely extinguished.

 “Then…do you want to help me trim the bones?”

 After she recovered a little, Chen Yulou spoke.

Although this place is originally an underground royal tomb.

 But it was her tomb after all.

 It seemed inappropriate to be exposed to the air like this without a piece of wood to cover myself.

 But Oona shook her head.

“Turkish people do not have the custom of burial in the ground, and burial in the sky is the best destination.”

"…All right."

“Shopkeeper Chen, why are you here to see me?”

 Seeing that she changed the topic, obviously not wanting to get too entangled in this matter, Chen Yulou naturally did not ask for trouble, and immediately briefly talked about the cave.

"In this case, we'd better set off as soon as possible, otherwise they will have to wait..."



 The two of them did not delay.

 However, the distance of less than ten meters seemed to Oona as if it were separated by the Tianshan Mountains, and every step was so heavy.

 Since she was a child, she has never seen her mother.

I didn’t expect that the first meeting would end like this.

 Raising his hand, he held a silver jewelry on his wrist.

 Even Chen Yulou didn't notice it.

That was a token of love from her parents, not it... Oona didn't dare to confirm the identity of the white bones.

 Go all the way to the doorway.

She looked back again. Even though the area was shrouded in black fog and she couldn't see anything clearly, she still couldn't help but think of that time more than ten years ago.

At that time, she and her father A Zhiya had already passed by the stone hall.

 But never thought about it.

 The person who is searching hard is in the darkness more than ten meters away.

This wrong body caused me to miss it for more than ten years.

 “Follow me closely.”

"Be careful."

Ahead, Chen Yulou held a wind lantern and walked quickly and nimbly through the rocks in the cave. Behind him, Oona's eyes were already soaked with tears.

 Go around the underground lake.

 Go through the crack in the cliff again.

In the secret underground tunnel, I walked forward for several hundred meters. Finally, pieces of fire flickered, and at the same time, figures were reflected.

Wait for the two people to approach.

It was then discovered that Partridge Whistle and others were standing in front of a fast-flowing underground river.

 Further forward.

You can still vaguely see a black stone bridge, flying over the raging river.

 Cross the stone bridge.

 On the other side of the river stands another underground cave.

However, there is a thousand-jin gate across the outside of the cave, which is suspended by six or seven iron chains as thick as an arm.

Looks amazing! (End of chapter)

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