Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 301: The Five Elements of the Yunlu Ancestral

Chapter 301 The Five Elements of the Yunlu Ancestral Talisman are mutually exclusive

This whip is too fast.

Let the evil spirit have no power to dodge at all.


Compared to Yang Fang's four-edged steel whip.

Chen Yulou's whip is the real whip.

Specializes in fighting the soul.

Regardless of demons, evil spirits, ghosts or tangible and incorporeal spirits.

Just like the five elements are in conflict with each other and the blood is suppressed.

The six-winged centipede cultivated into a heavenly demon was no match for the angry Qing Shenji.

So at this moment, the black spirit body rolled to the ground, and he felt a sharp pain coming from all over his body.

The kind of pain that penetrates into the bone marrow and soul.

So much so that it was clearly just a ball of viscous black liquid, but in Chen Yulou's view, it seemed to have an extra pair of eyes on it, staring at him full of resentment.


"Do you know it hurts now?"

"Wasn't he very arrogant just now?"

At present, the Partridge Whistle and others are not here, and Chen Yulou is too lazy to hide.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

His eyes swept across like knives.

The evil spirit clearly heard the disdain in his tone and roared lowly, with a strong murderous intent mixed in its resentment.


At this moment, it didn't dare to act rashly.

His mind was always staring at the golden light not far away from him.

Although I don't know what it is.

But from that golden light, it felt a threat from the soul.

Never before.

That doesn't seem accurate enough.

At least, there is one in the underground cave outside Thunder Mountain.

But that one has been sleeping for countless years and almost never wakes up. As long as it doesn't deliberately seek death and go to other people's territory and lair to provoke others, it can live in peace.

But at this moment, when the golden light just fell on him.

But it made it suddenly feel like waking up from the depths of the mine for the first time, and feeling panicked when faced with the evil spirits and gods in the sky.

Even a strong wind in the endless purgatory can make its soul fly away and turn into flying ashes.

However, after endless years.

It is no longer as weak as it was before. It cannot be blown away by the wind, cannot be extinguished by thunder, cannot be melted by fire, and cannot be dissolved by water. It is fluttering everywhere in the vast black desert.

Finally, we found Shuangheishan, the land of dragon veins.

With the help of his innate magical power, countless black crystal ores were moved from the mine and stacked on top of each other, eventually forming the Thunder Mountain and becoming its home base.

So many years have passed.

Under Shuangheishan, people and horses of various ethnic groups came and went.

Some people have also come here.

Offer sacrifices to it and to the One deep in the ghost cave.

But no one has ever been able to threaten it!

Chen Yulou's move is absolutely unprecedented.

How to prevent it from burning with hatred and wanting to eat its flesh and sleep on its skin.

"It seems I'm still not convinced."

Feeling the gaze of the strange black liquid, Chen Yulou shook his head and smiled.

At the same time, his mind moved.

next moment.

The ghost-beating whip in his hand turned into a shadow again, flashing with a dark luster, passing through the air and heading straight to the corner of the tunnel where the evil spirit was.

This long whip was struck several times faster than before.

The evil spirit screamed and instantly turned into a black shadow. Only the mist could be seen rolling in. It disappeared dozens of steps away in the blink of an eye, but when it came out of the mist.

Only half of the body was left, and half of it was cut off again.

The dark liquid slid down like rain.

Drops fell to the ground.

In the silent tunnel, the ticking sound of ticking could still be heard faintly.

Although it was fast, it was still one step behind when escaping, and was touched by the ghost of the whip.

Although it has never completely broken its spirit body.

But it also made his injuries worse again.

The strong evil spirit had weakened by at least half. In it, Chen Yulou noticed for the first time the existence of something called fear.

Even Luofu, who had grown two feathers, couldn't bear the ghost whip once.

This evil spirit was beaten twice alive and yet it has not completely disappeared. One can imagine how powerful it is.

"No chance."

"If you beat the ghost whip, even the big snake in the ghost cave can't escape."

Chen Yulou held a long whip in his hand and walked past step by step.

A cold voice sounded slowly.

He knew that the evil spirit could understand, and... what he said now was not to be arrogant, but to hurt his heart.

If a dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall.

When a lion fights a rabbit, he also uses all his strength.

How could he dare to despise such an evil spirit that had existed for countless years?


Almost the moment the words "Ghost Cave" and "Orochi" were spoken.

The vicious and murderous eyes of the evil spirit on the ground were immediately replaced by a strong look of shock.

He actually knows about the snake god? !

You know, it has been outside the ghost cave for so many years, like a **** sitting on top of the clouds, calmly looking at the world, watching the clouds rise and fall, and the changes in the sea.

It can't even remember how many people have been here.

But only a group of people have ever gone deep into the ghost cave.

Even the exquisite queen who unified the thirty-six kingdoms only offered sacrifices outside the cave and did not go down to the ground, let alone see the remains of the snake god.

But the person in front of him seemed to know all about it.

There is a transcendent confidence in every word and every sentence.

It seems like everything is under control.

This made him feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

He had never thought of a way to deal with that whip, but now everything was part of his plan.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you."

"Chen came here just because of that big snake. As for you..."

Speaking of this, Chen Yulou looked at it with even more disdain.

"It's just an addition."


This sentence.

Finally, the evil spirit was completely angered.

It is a ghost after all.

It has been worshiped by various ethnic groups and eaten with incense.

He even became the **** of various tribes.

Now in Chen Yulou's mouth, it is only worthy of being an appetizer. How can this not make him angry?

Screams were replaced by growls and roars.

The sticky body kept changing its shape, and finally turned into a humanoid shadow, but the face was blurred, and the facial features could not be seen clearly, only a pair of scarlet eyes on the top of the head.

And, under the black liquid, the thunder continued to flicker.

Being in the thunder mountain, it swallowed up countless thunder and lightning.

Although he is an evil god, if he is placed in the customs, he may not be able to be enshrined as the righteous **** of Zhou Tian by successive dynasties, and he can enjoy building temples, statues and monuments.

How could he, an ant, be able to judge at will with all these things?


Feeling the rising momentum within the evil spirit's shadow.

Chen Yulou's expression remained unchanged, but his heart shuddered, giving rise to a strong sense of vigilance.

He knew that such a strange existence would definitely have a back-up plan.

If he had acted rashly just now, with the idea of ​​taking advantage of his illness to kill him, he would probably have fallen into the pit dug by the evil **** for himself.

Bang bang bang!

It was almost the moment the idea came to his mind.

In the mist shrouding the tunnel, countless falling rocks appeared out of thin air and hit him hard.

Those fallen rocks were completely black and shimmering with a strange luster.

It was reflected in his pupils, constantly dilating.

The evil **** who controls minerals.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yulou couldn't help but think of the description of it in King Gesar's poems.

Compared with those who practice Taoism and martial arts, its various methods are really weird and difficult to figure out.


His mind was spinning, but he didn't dare to delay at all. With a flick of his wrist, in an instant, he pulled out dozens of golden lights and shadows from the long whip.

Bang bang bang loud noise.

resounded in the tunnel.

The rocks that appeared out of thin air couldn't even hold a breath under the whip, and instantly turned into dust all over the sky.

As for the evil spirit, he took this opportunity and plunged into the mist behind him without hesitation.

It's clear that he doesn't intend to continue spending it.

Two long whips have already damaged its soul. If it continues like this, it will fall into a deep sleep even if it doesn't die.

"Want to leave?"

A ray of Chen Yulou's consciousness always fell on it.

How could the evil spirits' movements at this moment escape his detection?

A cold snort.

Without even thinking about it, he held the magic whip in his hands, moved his heart at will, and drew his fingers through the air. next moment.

A complicated and obscure town character appeared in the mist.


The sound is like a loud bell.

One word fell.

Zhenzi ripped through the thick fog and chased after the evil spirit.

Golden light flows.

The speed is as fast as thunder.

Soon, Chen Yulou heard a muffled sound coming from the front.

He immediately understood that this was the suppressive character that had taken effect.

The Thirteen Runes of the Cloud Book.

When he obtained it for the first time that day, he saw the power to destroy the world.

It can be said that the thirteen heavenly book runes were prepared for the snake **** from the beginning, and now a suppressing rune has been refined to deal with it.

This is already a great deal of emphasis on evil spirits.

As for the so-called adding a head, it is naturally just to hurt people's hearts and make them angry.

He is not so conceited yet.


Golden lights intersect in front of him, and smoke and dust rise everywhere.

The last piece of black mountain stone was also whipped into a pile of debris by the ghost-beating whip, splashing everywhere like rain.

Chen Yulou took a deep breath.

Take off the black cloth covering your eyes.

In the clear and deep eyes, a wisp of green wood spiritual energy floated.

Sweep around.

The darkness suddenly became visible in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, he stepped out in one step.

The figure moves through the mist like smoke.

Even if it passes through a narrow area, it cannot be blocked at all and there is no stagnation.

A moment later.

In the mist ahead, a rune the size of a compass appeared.

The golden light reflected in the tunnel that was originally like frost was shining brightly.

The runes were intertwined, and it turned out to be an ancient town character.

"Got you!"

Chen Yulou shouted coldly.

He took a big step and appeared outside the town in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the evil spirit was like a puddle of mud, unable to move at all.

In those blood-colored eyes, the color of resentment was even more intense.

In addition, there is a deep sense of fear.

It never expected that a little person whom it regarded as an ant and played with at will could force itself into this position.

"Evil spirit body."

"It's simply a natural weapon spirit."

Chen Yulou looked at it calmly. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the black dragon that was suppressed under the longitude and latitude of the ancient building.

After beheading him that day.

Apart from the scales, bones, essence and blood, the biggest harvest was undoubtedly the Yin spirit of the dragon.

He was integrated into the dragon scale sword.

It also transformed an ordinary sword into a monster-level weapon.

Now such an innate spirit body is in front of him.

How could he bear to miss it?

The evil spirit seemed to understand what he meant, and for a moment, the blurred face became even more frightened.

Struggling desperately, trying to escape.


The Zhen characters wrapped around it are like five-finger mountains, making it impossible for it to move at all.

"Don't waste your time."

"If you can break free from the Book of Heaven, you won't be just an evil spirit anymore."

Seeing this situation, Chen Yulou shook his head and smiled.

You must know that the Yunlu Heavenly Book was given by the gods and is now passed down by all parties, whether it is Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Nuo, witchcraft or sects large and small.

As long as it's runes.

They are all derived from this Yunlu Tianshu.

Although the thunder talisman in his hand has been refined for countless years, it can only be called ancient, but the heavenly book and cloud can be called ancestor.

Thirteen ancestral talismans may even be able to suppress the eight ancient gods.

Not to mention a mere evil spirit.

While talking.

He slowly closed his eyes, took a breath, and then opened them again.

The murderous intent deep in his eyes could no longer be concealed.


The ghost whip was suddenly drawn out.

Accompanied by a shrill scream, the suppressed evil spirit was like a broken glass lamp, shattering into countless pieces in an instant, and then evaporating and disappearing out of thin air.

There was only a shadow in the distance.

His face was still blurry.

But there was no sinister or malicious look on that face, only a look of hollowness and confusion.

"Evil spirit thoughts!"

The moment I saw it.

Surrounded by Chen Yulou, his calm eyes also caused a stir.

The innate Yin spirit is born from heaven and earth.

It was infinitely superior to the Kunlun fetus he brought back from Zhelong Mountain.

Ordinary people, let alone a lifetime, would never see such strange objects even if they reincarnated countless times.

Almost subconsciously.

Chen Yulou stretched out his hand to grab it, and a wisp of green wood spiritual energy floated in his palm.

As in his hand, he did not dare to hesitate, and quickly took out a jade box and sealed the Yin spirit inside. Chen Yulou still did not dare to relax until the jade box was closed.

Then he cut his fingertip and squeezed out a drop of blood.

He used it to draw a seal around the jade box to confirm that the Yin spirit's aura would not be leaked at all, and then his hanging heart finally fell back into his stomach.

"It's up to you."

"This trip to Shuangheishan is not in vain."

Chen Yulou had surprise on his face and said to himself.

At his level, it is actually very difficult for ordinary herbs and elixirs to improve the realm of cultivation, which is only possible with such natural elixirs and wonders.

But this time, in addition to it, there is also a thousand-year sacred tree planted on the island in the center of the underground lake.

Once the spiritual energy in the sacred tree is completely devoured and refined.

There is a cave in the golden elixir.

It's not impossible.

But all good things come in a long way.

Before that, we have to go and meet the snake **** under the ghost cave for a while.


He breathed a long sigh of relief.

Chen Yulou carefully put away the jade box with his backhand.

He also carried the ghost whip and the dragon scale sword behind him.

After doing all this, he turned around and walked away in the direction he came from.

After a while.

A bright light flickered in his sight.

After crossing the cave door, the wind flowed across his face gently, making his whole body feel relaxed. The murderous intent and indifference on his dusty face also disappeared, becoming calm and calm.

"Brother Chen..."

"The shopkeeper's!"

"Shopkeeper Chen, shopkeeper Chen, you are finally out."

The few people who were still leaning forward to look deep into the tunnel looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them. They were startled at first, and then their faces showed surprise.

"Shopkeeper, how are you? Are you okay?"

Kunlun looked anxious.

"I've already reassured you kid."

Chen Yulou smiled and shook his head.

Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of the situation, he put away the euphorbia he was holding tightly.

The subtle actions did not escape Chen Yulou's eyes.

He estimated that if he didn't come out, Kunlun would definitely rush in regardless of his personality.

"Brother Chen, what is in the tunnel?"

Hear this.

The three people from Kunlun all looked at the partridge whistle.

"Remember what I said before?"

"Magaman Ningdun."

"The evil **** Mahakala!"

(End of chapter)

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