Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 302: Swallowing medicine and refining the ancient altar

 “Evil God?!”

Two simple words.

But it seemed to contain an indescribable magic power, which made several people's expressions change.

Although I can’t imagine what kind of existence it actually is.

But just from the name.

It can be roughly inferred that it is absolutely easy.

"A **** walking in evil?"

Yang Fang was thoughtful.

Among the few people, although he does not have the least experience in the world, his understanding of strange things is the shallowest.

Seeing that he was confused, he couldn't hide his curiosity.

Thinking that idleness was idleness, Chen Yulou simply explained.

"At the beginning of heaven and earth, there were two qi, black and yellow, which turned into yin and yang, filling Taixu."

"The two qi of yin and yang give birth to all things."

"In this world, apart from us humans, it is said that gods live in the sky, evil ghosts hide in purgatory, people exhale two qi and step into cultivation, and beasts are refined into monsters."

"Besides the two, there are many tangible and insubstantial or intangible and insubstantial things existing in the heaven and earth."

"Demons, ghosts, spirits, monsters, evil spirits, and evil spirits all fall into this category."

"Demons, evils and spirits are all tangible and insubstantial. Those who are born are evil spirits, and those who are acquired are monsters."

Briefly explained.

Chen Yulou changed the topic, "There is an innate Yin spirit in the Thunder Mountain, and evil spirits arise from themselves."

"In ancient dynasties, there were good gods and wild gods and evil sacrifices."

"Actually, it falls into the latter category."

Yang Fang listened carefully.

I thought I could clear up my doubts.

But for some reason, after listening to it, I became more and more puzzled.

The distinction between monsters and monsters made him feel confused, and it was difficult to distinguish. There were actually spirits, evil spirits, demons, righteous and evil gods in this world.

It's really two heads and one head.

"Don't understand?"

Sensing his frown, Chen Yulou couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and smile.


Yang Fang scratched his head.

"Shopkeeper Chen, why don't you tell me what happened to Lao Shizi's Mahakala Evil God?"

"What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, before Chen Yulou could respond, the old foreigner spoke.

In his words, there was clearly a strong confidence in him.

After knowing each other for so long, he has never seen shopkeeper Chen make a mistake.

At this moment, that face was calm and calm again, and he was strolling leisurely while walking.

It can only be said that Yang Fang still doesn't know shopkeeper Chen well enough.


Yang Fang was startled at first.

Then he slapped his forehead and suddenly realized.

Since he still had his mind on this, he took the trouble to explain to himself that the fate of that evil **** was actually self-evident.

Listen to the conversation between the two.

Chen Yulou was noncommittal.

It's not that the evil spirit is not powerful enough, on the contrary, in terms of breath and means, it is far better than the big ghost that came to Long Moye's land.


Things are like smoke.

Although it was only less than half a year.

But he is far from who he was before.

On that day, Chen Yulou was no more than a minor monk in Qi Lian Guan. He could barely reach the realm of contemplating memory and refining consciousness into divine consciousness. He didn't even reach the stage of opening the Xiyi Realm and bringing the five qi to the source.

But today, he has made a pot of water and fire to refine the elixir.

Just push the door and you can condense the cave sky.

The methods are no longer limited to Divine Walking, Water Dividing, Thirteen Cloud Talisman, Ghost Beating Whip, Dragon Scale Sword, Ancient Thunder Talisman and Aoki True Body.

That's why he was able to kill the evil **** with one person.

Next, we have to face the ancient gods.

When he was placed in Zhelong Mountain, he couldn't even think about all this.

It was just a big mountain ghost that was greedy for incense, which made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he did not dare to look directly at it.

Yang Fang did not experience any of this.

Naturally, there is no way to know.

As for the rest of the people, I don’t blame them for being inexplicably shocked. After all, in this age of the end of the Dharma, there is no one who is really practicing Taoism who has not practiced in isolation from the world, worked hard, and spent countless hours to gain a little enlightenment and a little improvement.

How can you be like him? It's simply unreasonable.

Breaking the situation is like drinking water.

It took just over a year.

From an ordinary person who has only practiced the Tao of Jianghu, he has stepped into the legendary golden elixir realm.

If word spreads, I'm afraid those practitioners in the world will be so ashamed that they wish they could kill them with a piece of tofu.

"Brother Dao, what's going on here?"

No explanation was given.

Chen Yulou glanced around and asked casually.

"There is nothing unusual at the moment."


Seeing him asking, Partridge Whistle quickly came to his senses, held up the lamp in his hand, and handed it over behind him.

The light of the fire is uncertain.

Although it couldn't illuminate the surrounding area, it also dispersed a lot of darkness.

They were currently on a large downward slope, halfway up the mountain, and the terrain became steeper as they went forward.

Almost three or four meters away.

The light can no longer spread forward.

It was as if it had been swallowed up by something.

"Huo Zhezi."

Seeing this situation, Chen Yulou whispered an order.

Kunlun on the side immediately drew the fire sickle, ignited the fire stick that had been prepared long ago, and then threw it forward with force.

Firelight cuts through the night.

Several people followed closely.

I saw two fire breakers one behind the other. As soon as they passed the end of the slope, deep darkness rushed towards them, as if they had fallen into boundless darkness.

"It's a ghost cave!"

Chen Yulou frowned.

Apart from the bottomless ghost cave, he could not think of any other possibility.


Almost as soon as he finished speaking.

The two fire folds suddenly disappeared.

Although they had been mentally prepared for it, when they actually saw such a situation, everyone's thoughts continued to sink with Huo Zhezi, and a feeling of depression accumulated under the chest, making people breathless.

"It seems there's no way to escape."

Fire lanterns cannot be detected, and neither can wind lanterns or Kongming lanterns.

Plan for today.

There is only one way.

That's what they're into.

According to the description in the sky brick corridor mural, there is an ancient plank road leading to the bottom of the cave.

So many years have passed.

It is not known whether the plank road has decayed or collapsed.

"Shopkeeper Chen, let me explore the way."

Hearing the hidden meaning in his words, the old foreigner immediately took the initiative to ask for help.

In his opinion, this trip to the Double Black Mountains was originally to help his family solve the ghost curse on them.

Whether it is Kunlun, Yang Fang or Xiling, there are hundreds of brothers.

You have given enough.

Not to mention that Chen Yulou walked between life and death several times and went into danger alone. The fact that he and his senior brother were able to reach this place all depended on him.

He felt really sorry.

Nowadays, the old foreigners really don't want them to be involved in such small things as exploring the road.

"I'm with you."

The old foreigner just finished speaking.

Partridge Whistle followed closely and spoke.

However, looking at the two brothers and sisters scrambling for the first place, Chen Yulou shook his head and said, "The ghost cave is bottomless. According to my calculation, it is at least a few hundred or even a thousand meters."

"There are only five of us now. If we are divided again, it will be no small matter if we are in danger."


Hear this.

The partridge whistle and the old foreigner couldn't help but look at each other.

They think simply.

Chen Yulou had just finished a fight, and he was still a terrifying being like the evil god. It didn't take much to guess that he must have consumed a lot of energy.

No time to rest now.

Going deep into the ghost cave again.

Where can this be done? Chen Yulou waved his hand, "A deep cave of several hundred meters will probably be difficult to reach the bottom in a while. With this little consumption, I can regain my walking strength."

This is the most domineering aspect of Aoki's longevity technique.

when and where.

You can practice while walking, sleeping, meditating, or reading.

What's more, he has refined his spiritual consciousness and is able to do two things at once.

In addition, when setting off from Chenjiazhuang, he took this into consideration and specially asked Hua Ling to twist all the large herbs collected from the Ping Yam Wall and the cliff at the top of the Water Dragon Halo in Zhelong Mountain to make elixirs.

Take out a few at will.

Swallow it into your belly.

With his current state, the furnaces and cauldrons in the golden elixir can be refining together. In an instant, he can swallow up the spiritual energy of the great medicine and replenish the deficit in the elixir field.

Therefore, the worries of their senior brothers are completely useless.

"How about... take a rest for a while?"

Partridge Whistle hesitated for a moment, but insisted.

Hearing this, the old foreigner also echoed.

"Yes, Shopkeeper Chen, a trip to the ghost cave is no small matter. Just in case something changes."

Seeing this, Chen Yulou really couldn't hold the two of them down, so he had to ask Kunlun to take out the herbal elixir he carried with him and choose two from it, namely Polygonum multiflorum and Laoshan ginseng.

They are all elixirs that have been used for hundreds of years.

If placed outside, it would at least be a life-extending elixir worth thousands of gold.

No matter how many people broke their scalps, they couldn't get a single plant.

If I had seen him so casually throwing up his head and swallowing the food in one gulp, I would probably have beat his feet and chest, and then cursed him as a prodigal.

In the eyes of several people.

Chen Yulou did not waste any time. He sat cross-legged on the ground, fell into meditation instantly, and activated the Qingmu longevity skill.

In an instant.

There seemed to be the sound of gurgling water coming from that slender figure.

The depths of the Dantian that they cannot see.

A bright golden elixir hangs in the sky like a star.

In the endless sea of ​​qi, a silhouette of a furnace cauldron stood, and the two medicine pills swallowed inside were constantly blending and refining under the invisible water and fire qi.

Transformed into wisps of pure and majestic spiritual energy.

Like gurgling water.

Continuously flowing into the sea of ​​​​qi.

In the eyes of a few people, they only saw a faint golden light flashing across Chen Yulou's handsome and pure face.

Immediately, the aura that was still slightly weak began to rise rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Among the four.

Yang Fang has the least experience in cultivation.

Kunlun specializes in physical horizontal exercises.

Although the Qixing Gong also has the theory of collecting Qi and replenishing it, it is still slightly different from the real Taoist breathing method.

The two of them could only feel that the energy and blood in Chen Yulou's body were as calm as well water.

It gives people an indescribable sense of tranquility.

But Partridge Whistle and the old foreigner were both Qi-training monks. In their eyes, Chen Yulou's changes were comparable to a miracle.

They might not be able to catch up with Chen Yulou's breathing in a night's time.

This is really the right way.

Rather than some demonic devouring magic?

The two junior brothers were stunned when they saw it, their faces full of shock.

They were still amazed.

In the blink of an eye.

Chen Yulou had slowly stood up and breathed a long sigh of relief. He felt that his whole body was comfortable and full of energy. The lost spiritual energy in his Dantian had now become full again.


"I think I can get off this time."

After glancing at the people who were still in shock, Chen Yulou spread his hands.


Alarmed by his words, Partridge Whistle came back to his senses and nodded seriously.

However, the wonder in my heart lingered.

Xuan Dao's Qi Convincing and Foundation Building Technique is already regarded as a great Taoist skill.

According to the record on the coffin wall, it was given by an immortal, and Qingchi Taoist used it to soar in the daytime and become an immortal by turning into a rainbow.

But even this technique.

The speed of their breathing was not even one-tenth of Chen Yulou's.

It is really hard to imagine what kind of method he practiced?

"Cheer up, this place must not be left behind."

"If you are not careful, you will be in danger."

Taking a wind lantern from Kunlun, Chen Yulou glanced at several people and gave serious instructions.

Walking on the ancient plank road.

It's like dancing on the tip of a knife.


"Took note of Shopkeeper Chen."

Seeing that several people agreed, Chen Yulou nodded and walked straight down the slope.

In such a dangerous place, it is most appropriate for him to take the lead.

Otherwise, it may be difficult for the old foreigner to react if something happens.

Seeing the shopkeeper leaving, Kunlun did not hesitate and followed quickly with a euphorbia and a portable wind lantern on his back, followed by Yang Fang and the old foreigner, with Partridge Whistle at the end.

A group of five people.

Viewed from overhead.

The lights flickered like torches.

Like a fire dragon, it dragged its body and crawled deep into the ground.

As soon as they passed the slope, Chen Yulou was keenly aware that the terrain in front seemed to be broken, and it collapsed from all directions to the middle.

The flowing wind formed an invisible barrier in front of him.

Look at it intently.

It's like a big open umbrella.

Looking down, I saw endless darkness beneath me. It was truly dark, silent, and lifeless, just like the legendary purgatory.

Follow his footsteps.

Several pieces of gravel fell down beneath him.

The pebbles cut through the fog, but the sound soon disappeared, and the sound of falling to the ground was not heard for a long time.

He subconsciously separated a ray of consciousness.

Trying to catch up with the stone.

But what shocked him was that a moment later, even his consciousness disappeared out of thin air.

I don't know if it exceeds the limit of detection by spiritual consciousness.

Still being swallowed by something.

But no matter which one.

They all indicate one thing.

This ghost cave may be scarier than imagined.

After exhaling softly, Chen Yulou looked away, his calm face already showing a bit of solemnity.

"Brother Chen?"

"What's wrong?"

As if hearing his sigh, Partridge Whistle opened his mouth to speak.

"We found the entrance to the plank road."

Hearing this, Chen Yulou's heart moved. This was good news.

It turned out that when he was observing the ghost cave, the Partridge Whistle and the others were also busy. They walked around with wind lanterns and walked around the ghost cave, and finally found something on a cliff.

Follow him.

Wait for Chen Yulou to arrive.

From a distance, I saw a cave dug into the cliff.

There are stone niches among them.

A large snake is enshrined.

The cave is littered with bones.

There is also a stone pool next to it.

You can still faintly see the brown color of dried blood.

A few people knew at a glance that this place was clearly the altar where the ancients worshiped the ghost cave.

It's just that thousands of years have passed, and the cave has long been covered with dust. Coupled with the heavy moisture, being inside gives people an indescribable feeling of eeriness.

Outside the cave.

It is connected to a black ladder.

It's embedded in the stone wall.

It is somewhat similar to the Huixian Palace they saw on Zhelong Mountain that day. The plank road hangs in mid-air and spirals down.

The old foreigners who came first had already arranged the hook and rope device.

There are more than ten bundles of long ropes, twisted and tied together.

One end is tied to the shrine.

The other side was thrown into the depths of the ghost cave.

Seeing his appearance, Kunlun, Yang Fang and the old foreigner were all eager to give it a try and seemed to be impatient.

Even Chen Yulou was somewhat affected by the emotions of several people.

Couldn't help but chuckle.


"Let's break into this ancient god's lair today!" (End of this chapter)

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