Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 323: Unbounded Demonic Eyes Change Feng Shui

 Muddy mountain road.

The long queue passed silently through the heavy snow.

Chen Yulou reined in his horse and walked, with a calm expression on his face, and his figure undulated with the steps of the horse beneath him, as if he was resting his mind with his eyes closed.

But if you look closely you will find it.

He had a pair of deep eyes, and between opening and closing, there was a faint flash of lapis lazuli light.


No one can notice it.

Streams of spiritual consciousness erupted from his Niwan Palace, like invisible rain lines, passing through the snowflakes in the sky.

In an instant.

Kizi forbidden area.

That is, the dangerous cliff and rift valley was clearly reflected in front of him.


What surprised him was.

Only left for a short moment.

The glaciers that never melt all year round have been broken into pieces.

A deep mark spreads from top to bottom, from outside to inside, to the bottom of the cliff.

It looked like an immortal could cut off mountains and rivers with one sword.

But this place is wild and wild, with few human traces. How could an immortal be so bored?


Chen Yulou shook his head, with a trace of helplessness on his lips.

It is the only one who acts without scruples and always does what he likes.

Even that day, facing the snake **** who was about to wake up.

There is not even a hint of fear on it.

Not to mention a mere ghost mother?

Just a demon slave, a servant of the snake god.


She seemed to be aware of his aura.

Deep at the bottom of the cliff, a phoenix call suddenly sounded, faintly showing a bit of joy.

How could Chen Yulou be delayed?

His spiritual consciousness bypassed the collapsed cliff and headed straight down the mountain.

Soon, light and shadow intersected in the sight, and deep underground where the light could not cover, a wooden tower with a total of nine floors and more than ten meters high stood in the darkness.

On each floor sat a corpse sitting cross-legged.

Men, women, old and young.

But the clothes on their bodies are much the same.

Red and black robes.

Wearing a feathered felt hat.

All of them looked solemn.

It's just that it has been frozen for too long, and the ore in the cliff of the underground cave, the dim light flickers, and the faces reflected are as pale as paper.

Indescribably eerie and strange.

Even though he was miles away, Chen Yulou could not hide his amazement when he saw this scene.

The Ghost Mother as the daughter of the gods.

He has a transcendent status in the Demon Kingdom.

Except for Ni, the first monarch who was summoned by the snake **** and single-handedly created the Snow Demon Kingdom in Kunlun Mountain, every generation of ghost mothers is the supreme ruler of the demon kingdom without exception.

To be able to bury her.

Most people are not qualified.

From the way those ancient corpses were dressed, their identities were already apparent.

"The priest was buried."

"It's really a big gesture."

To know.

Regardless of the Demon Kingdom, the Reincarnation Sect or the Ancient Jingjue Kingdom, all believe in the snake god.

Except for the fact that the ghost mother is born with the ability to connect to the imaginary space and communicate with the gods because of her unbounded demon pupil, matters such as temples, missionaries, sacrifices, and divination actually fall on the priests.

It can be said.

In the Demon Country, these people are definitely inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Even if they don't have the terrifying magic power of the Ghost Mother's gang, which can easily move mountains and seas, they still have power that ordinary people can't imagine.


But they were willing to die for the ghost mother.

It can only be said that the allure of Lao Shizi's reincarnation is truly astonishing.

His eyes swept over the ancient corpses.

Chen Yulou looked over from bottom to top, waiting for his eyes to fall on the highest point of the nine-story demon building.

It is different from the cypress wood stacked underneath.

The top of the tower is actually made of gold, jade and precious stones. Even if there is no light and it is in the dark underground, it still can't cover up the precious light.

Among the golden domes.

Also sitting cross-legged is an ancient corpse.


Her whole body was crystal clear, as if carved from a piece of ice crystal. She was not covered by any clothes or robes, and her eyes could penetrate straight through.

Can't see clearly the facial features.

Because that face was covered with a golden mask.

Cover your face and eyes tightly.

I could only vaguely see...two will-o'-the-wisps, beating in the depths of the eye cave.

No, to be precise, it’s a struggle.

Or trembling uncontrollably.

At this moment, on top of the golden dome, a figure with blazing fire all over his body was looking down at him with a look of disdain on his face.

Countless distances apart.

Chen Yulou could feel the murderous intent in Luofu.

"Unbounded Demonic Eyes?"

He noticed the two groups of pulsating light under the golden jade mask.

A bold guess emerged in Chen Yulou's mind.

Every generation of ghost mothers dies.

What the people of the Demon Kingdom have to do is to look for people with natural demon eyes, bring them back to the temple to support them, and guide her to communicate with the gods and gain divine power.

This is the reincarnation that people in the Demon Country firmly believe in.

But one thing can be inferred from what the Reincarnation Sect does.

Unbounded Demonic Eyes.

More like a talent.

The ability to reawaken even after reincarnation.

It will not die when the body dies.

"Luofu, take off her eyes."


Thinking of this, Chen Yulou's heart skipped a beat.

When he left the ghost cave that day, he had a moment of regret, because as soon as he opened the Kunlun wooden coffin, Queen Jingjue's body turned to decay in an instant.

Without even thinking about it.

Chen Yulou sent a spiritual consciousness.

Now that the ghost mother's soul has been suppressed by Luofu, it is a great opportunity to take away the Unbounded Demon Eyes.

As for.

His 'sight' swept across the nine-story demon tower, and he could see countless stars and dim red lights all around the wooden tower.

It's clearly the Dap ghost bug.

That's the fire ladybug.

It's just that even this kind of terrifying existence is regarded as a demon and evil ghost.

Now after Luofu released the breath of the divine phoenix.

They were also suppressed.

Can't even spread its wings.

If this scene had happened thousands of years ago, people in the Demon Country would probably have their hearts broken.

After all, the Dap ghost bug is regarded as a **** bug by them.

Has two forms.

The immeasurable karma fire, blue flame, can instantly burn any living thing in the world into a pile of ashes.

It is Qiong Shenbing. Its flames are silver-white in color and can instantly freeze anyone who comes into contact with it, and then break into countless icy dust fragments.

Moreover, these divine insects have a lifespan that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

It is almost invincible.

Now, he couldn't even lift his head under the pressure of Luofu.

Let alone Taoism, I'm afraid even my faith will be broken.


Heard his arraignment.

Luofu, standing on the golden top, raised his head and cried.

In an instant, the sound of a phoenix that could penetrate the clouds and mists resounded in the huge cave.

At the same time, an endless aura exploded out in all directions with it as the center.


The smell of terror.

Turn into invisible wind.

The Dap Ghost Insect, which was still flickering slightly, was swept by the wind, and a flame suddenly appeared out of thin air outside its body. Then it was swallowed whole and turned into a pile of ashes, which fell in all directions with the wind.

A dark, lightless underground cave.

It was like a silent pantomime going on at the moment. Wisps of flame appeared out of thin air, burned, and disappeared.

in Apple pie order.

But there is an indescribable strange feeling, which makes people feel like they have fallen into an ice cave and feel chills all over their body.

Click click click—

In the terrible wind.

Outside the ice crystal corpse in the golden dome, invisible cracks appeared one by one, extending from the outside inward without any rules.

By the fire that ignites from time to time all around.

Make it look... like a piece of glazed porcelain that was cracked in a furnace.

But if you look closely you will find it.

Deep in the transparent ice crystals, there was a pool of blurry black mist, trying to escape frantically.

What a pity.

The ice crystal corpse that was originally stored has now become the biggest obstacle to its escape.

The cracks appear chaotic.

In fact, it is like a hellfire.

All roads are blocked and there is no way to escape.

As for the two dark fires under the golden mask, it was like seeing a nemesis at this moment, filled with fear and uneasiness.

Until the next moment.

It seems to have seen a more terrifying existence.

The dim firelight suddenly froze.

Like a pair of dilated pupils.

Deep in the eyes, a sharp claw gradually enlarged, and then... like cutting into tofu, he gently tore open the golden armor covering his face.

Two groups of ghostly fire.

He was caught in the palm of his hand by that sharp claw.

The flickering fire was extinguished and then turned into two jade stones.

"Jade eyes?!"

On horseback, the moment he saw the two jade stones clearly, Chen Yulou suddenly opened his eyes, a look of astonishment written on his face.

Those two jade stones.

They are just like two jade eyeballs, but they have been shrunk several times.

In addition, the jade eyes are as dark as ink, which is completely opposite to the milky white, and there are strands of gold embedded deep in the eyeballs, which looks mysterious and weird.

And the other side.

In the golden dome of the nine-story demon tower.

The ice crystal corpse that had its boundless demon pupils removed seemed to have lost all support at this moment, and small cracks spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The crisp clicking sound is endless.

The moment Luofu jumped out of the Golden Dome.

The entire ice crystal corpse shattered into countless pieces with a bang, leaving only a layer of ice dust.

"Brother Chen?"

"What did you say?"

Hua Ling has been following Chen Yulou.

Seeing him suddenly opening his eyes and his expression changing, I thought something had happened, so I subconsciously walked over to him with a worried look on his face.


"I just suddenly remembered something from the past."

Facing those clear eyes filled with worry, Chen Yulou knew at a glance that she was overthinking, and he shook his head casually.

Hearing this, Hua Ling just said "oh" and didn't ask any further questions.

Brother Chen and Senior Brother always seem to be like this.

She was no longer surprised.

"By the way, where are you now?"

Just now, all my attention was focused on the nine-story demon tower.

Now that he had turned around, Chen Yulou realized that the sky had turned dark in the blink of an eye, and there were signs of nightfall.

"We should have passed the pass."

Hua Ling didn’t dare to confirm.

Holding the reins, he patted the horse's back gently, "Brother Chen, I'll go ahead and ask."

While he was talking, the man had already rushed out on horseback.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou could only swallow back the words that came to his lips, and then raised his head to look high in the sky.

The thick lead cloud almost fell down.

Snowflakes as big as a palm fell.

However, these did not stop his sight at all.

Soon, a familiar figure reflected in the depths of his pupils, sending a message of thought, and Luofu responded with a soft hum.

"Brother Chen, three to five miles ahead is Jiazigou. The swaths of cedar trees can protect you from the wind and rain. You can camp there tonight."

Just when he recovered his mind.

A cheerful voice also came.

Looking up, he saw that Tu'er was coming on horseback. He was worried that he couldn't explain clearly, so he simply let a few brothers from the hunting team take the lead, and he and Hua Ling rushed over.

"Clamp ditch?"

He chewed the word silently.

Chen Yulou felt strange as never before.

Most likely it was taken by locals.

But since there are cedar trees, it should not be far from the central Kunlun Mountains.

Kunlun, located in northern Xinjiang, is crisscrossed by glaciers and the snow never melts all year round. Even fir trees can hardly survive. Only the most cold-resistant alpine cedars can be seen, and they are still sparse.

"That's fine."

"It's been a day of running, and a night of repair before setting off."

From the time we set out from the ancient city of Jingjue early in the morning to now, except for a stop in their village of Tours for more than half an hour, we have been almost without sleep along the way.

Even if nothing happened to him.

But there is no guarantee that everyone is made of iron.

Moreover, it is not a good thing to rush on a snowy night, especially in a place like Kunlun Snow Mountain. Even he cannot guarantee which danger or accident will come first.


He also wanted to find some time.

Study the Unbounded Demonic Eyes carefully.

"Okay, then I'll continue to lead the way."

Tull breathed a sigh of relief.

He is not afraid of encountering danger, but he is afraid of meeting that kind of master who has a stubborn character, can rely on his skills, and is not afraid of anything.

They have lived under the sacred mountain for generations.

I dare not say that I know it well.

The mystery of Kunlun Mountain is...indescribable.

Fortunately, Chen Yulou almost never refuted the opinions he raised along the way.

When we get along like this, he is happy to do things.

The journey of three to five miles is almost instantaneous.

When everyone climbed over a ridge, the view ahead suddenly became clear.

A large cedar forest is located at the foot of the snow-capped mountains. The sky and the earth are completely white, but... strangely, a black ravine passes through the mountains and forests.


Very conspicuous in the snow.

Looking down from above.

It's like a black dragon running across it.

"Is that the clamp ditch?"

Chen Yulou patted his horse and walked to Tour's side. At this moment, he was talking to several brothers. When he heard this, he immediately turned around and pulled down the felt hat that covered his forehead.


"Any idea?"

Tu'er was startled for a moment, then shook his head, "Then I don't know. Anyway, this is how it was passed down from the older generation."

I don't know if I see him.

Chen Yulou could only suppress his thoughts.

Then he looked at the people behind him.

At this moment, Kunlun and the others were all staring at the black ravine with curious faces, and there was a bit of weirdness in their eyes.

"It's strange that such heavy snow didn't cover Jiajigou."

"It's Xiehu. There shouldn't be a fire dragon underneath, right?"

"It shouldn't be. I've never heard of a fire dragon under the snow-capped mountains, or the saying that fire and water are incompatible?"

"That's not necessarily true. Otherwise, how can we explain that the snow melts as soon as it falls and the ice does not stick to it?"

The group of people argued in low voices.

The Partridge Whistle paid no attention, but reined in his horse and approached Chen Yulou, pointing down the mountain.

"Brother Chen, have you noticed it?"

"The terrain here is undulating, from low to high. It is clearly a water dragon, but the section in the middle is as if it was suddenly cut off. The dragon's veins are hidden and the momentum is weakened."

His voice was inaudible.

Only Chen Yulou can hear it.

"It's not like."

Chen Yulou shook his head and smiled coldly.

The partridge whistle can tell.

How could he miss it from his sight?

The Captain Touching the Gold looked up at the stars and examined the earth's veins.

The dragon veins flowing here are so weird, it's clearly been tampered with.

"Sixteen words, the formula of transforming words, changing the shape and situation, changing the situation. Taoist brother, we have met a master this time. There must be a fight under this folder ditch." (End of this chapter)

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