Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 324: Cutting the Dragon Veins and Breaking the Feng Shui and the Weird Blood Sacrifice

 Since the ancient secret art of Feng Shui.

The most difficult thing is to change the pattern.

This not only requires a profound knowledge of the heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, and the movement of stars, but also requires a subtle understanding of details.

A little careless.

Not to mention turning death into life.

Maybe it will go the other way, and a good thing will turn bad.

At least, he has only seen one person achieve this step since he entered the world of fighting.

The mysterious high priest who designed the heavenly palace for King Xian.

Although I don’t know his last name, I can get a glimpse of it from the cinnabar book buried with him.

There is a high probability that he is the descendant of the slave from the Western Zhou Dynasty who was buried for the Emperor of Zhou.

That is, one of the real ancestors of the Touching Gold lineage.

As a time traveler, he almost failed to complete the plan in advance. It was difficult to find the hole, and he successfully entered the Calabash Cave, which is the entrance to the Tomb of King Xian.

One can imagine how terrifying that person's attainments in Feng Shui are.

It is also because I have seen such mysterious and miraculous Feng Shui secrets.

After returning from Zhelong Mountain.

Only then did they go to Kuanglu Mountain, find Elder Chen, and join his disciples to study the sixteen characters.

It can be said.

He didn't know how strong Mr. Zhang's Feng Shui skills were.

After all, they are not from the same generation.

Only his name is heard in the world, but his person is not seen.

But he had personal experience with the handiwork of the high priest.


Now it is less than half a year later.

He actually saw another way to change Feng Shui.

"Change the trend?"

Listen to what he said coldly.

Partridge Whistle felt as if his heart was beating like a drum, which was beating continuously.

The sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique, so far, he has only come across the sixth chapter of the first volume, which is about heaven, earth, humans, ghosts, gods, and Buddhas.

Tian Xing Feng Shui, Xiang Xing Du Di, Eight Mansions Mirror, Netherworld Ghost Mansion, Corpse Exhumation and Zen Feng Shui.

As for the good and bad luck of the star pulse in the seventh chapter, we have not yet touched upon it.

It can be seen that the Jiazi Valley at the bottom of the mountain is strange, and it is also because the terrain veins are in the wrong direction, which obviously does not conform to the ups and downs of the Dragon Vein.

Now I saw Chen Yulou reveal the truth with just one mouthful.

Partridge Whistle couldn't hold back the shock.

Among the sixteen characters, the most mysterious and difficult to understand is the Hua Zi Pian.

I thought they both joined Master Chen at the same time.

This matter is not about spiritual practice.

The stupid bird flies first. If you think about it day and night, you won't be left too far behind.


He just knew it.

Talent is really the most helpless thing in the world.

Hard work alone can't make up for it.

He looked helpless.

Partridge Whistle felt as if a huge boulder had been pressed against his heart, making him unable to breathe.

In the past, when he traveled around the world, he always regretted not being born in Mr. Zhang's era. Unexpectedly, he still looked down upon it.

There is no Mr. Zhang in this era.

But compared to that one, Chen Yulou next to him can be said to be better than his predecessor.

Even Zhang Xiaobian might be glad that he was not born with Chen Yulou. Otherwise, how would he have a chance to stand out?

"Severing the dragon's veins and dispersing the dragon's energy is really a good method."

In his wild thoughts.

Chen Yulou's voice beside him came again.

Partridge Whistle was shocked and quickly put away his distracting thoughts.

The Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique.

The Hua Zi Pian is also called the Yi Long Jing.

Unlike the Sutra of Suspicious Dragon and the Sutra of Shaking the Dragon, a word "Yi" is described in detail in the book.

Change the course.

The emphasis is on a change.

If the dragon vein wants to change its situation and change its situation, it needs to change at least nine acupoints around the earth vein.

While in Insect Valley, Chen Yulou could detect something strange in the vast mountains and forests.

Based on the acupuncture point facing the mountain bank of the Nine Turns Circle, we calculated backwards and finally found all the acupoints.

But here…

Jumped off the horse.

Ignoring the howling cold wind behind him and the snowflakes billowing from the bottom of the mountain, Chen Yulou stood on the edge of the cliff and looked up with strange expressions on his face.

Ordinary people should change their ways.

It will only change from bad to better.

But now this place is doing the opposite. It is obvious that we are in the ancestral land of Dragon Vein, and there is no right person in the world. Logically speaking, fighting in such a place is something that no one can refuse.

But if there is a dragon emerging from the mountain, its momentum is amazing and it is a treasure of Feng Shui.

Now it is cut off from life.

Even though he is well-informed, he still can't figure out why?


Chen Yulou shook his head secretly and said a few strange words.

Seeing this, the partridge whistle on the side couldn't help but frowned, "Brother Chen can't figure it out?"

"Can't see through."

Chen Yulou breathed out.

He actually didn't say a word.

That is, he even suspected...that the person who cut off the dragon's veins had a deep grudge against the original owner who was buried here. Otherwise, how could he act like this?

You must know that Feng Shui is closely related to luck.

The dragon's veins are cut halfway.

Invisibly, it is equivalent to cutting off the luck of future generations.

This kind of thankless task was not a blood feud. He couldn't think of the second possibility.

Dong Dong Dong—

Just as he hesitated.

The sound of rapid horse hooves on the mountain road also brought him out of his daze.

He looked back at Partridge Whistle, who also looked puzzled.

"Rather than playing around here."

"It's better to go down and find out."

"Brother Dao, what do you think?"

Partridge Whistle was startled, then nodded, "Yes."

In this moment.

Tur had already led several brothers from the hunting team down the mountain first.

Walking through the heavy snow.

Gradually approaching the mountain forest below.

"Let's go, let's go take a look too."

Chen Yulou got on his horse, said hello, and then headed straight for Jiazigou without looking back.

Among a group of people.

Apart from the two of them, only Yang Fang, who was the successor of Mojin, could see some clues.


Jin Abacus has always adhered to Mr. Zhang’s legacy.

Only the first volume of the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique was taught to him. As for the second volume, he had never touched it.

So he could only tell that something was wrong with the clamp groove.

But what the reason is is unclear.

"What's going on with your kid?"

"I listened to you talking to yourself all the way."

The old foreigner patted his horse and caught up with him, walking side by side with him, joking in a low voice.

It was as if she didn't hear the chuckle in his words.

Yang Fang shook his head, rarely serious.

"It's nothing, I just don't feel right."

"You don't need to tell me that it's freezing cold and there's not even a flake of snow to touch. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Doesn't a three-year-old child understand this?"

"That's not what I meant..."

Yang Fang raised his eyebrows and tried to explain, but he couldn't understand. He mumbled and finally waved his hand.

"Forget it, it seems like Shopkeeper Chen and your senior brother have figured it out, and they will probably have the answer later."

"So evil?"

The old foreigner had just focused on the figures of Tour.

Both are hunters.

He was curious about how these top hunters of the Kizi tribe should hunt in this kind of forest.

Therefore, the expressions of shopkeeper Chen and senior brother changed.

He really didn't notice it.

After muttering, he saw that Yang Fang ignored him and went straight to the two figures in front of him. He did not dare to delay. He slapped the horse's back, and the horse under him suddenly neighed. The horse's hoofs stepped on the snow, splashing countless mud dust.

It didn't take a moment.

The group of people entered the forest.

Following the horse hoof prints left in the snow, all the way deeper, the night has completely fallen, the forest is filled with mist, and the straight and tall fir trees seem to reach the sky.

Gradually. There was fire in the mist.

When they passed by, they found that the Tul people who had arrived first had dismounted, were holding torches, and were whispering something in Kizi language.

This all seems perfectly normal.

But the few people who came here, without exception, happened to be the top group in the world.

Something was wrong at a glance.

There is obviously nothing ahead.

But the figure of the five people in Tour was as tight as a bow, and their backhands were all pressed against the long knives fastened to their waists.

Even the horses tied aside kept turning back and forth on the spot, sneezing and neighing lowly.

They were riding old horses.

He follows several people for hunting and herding all year round.

The sense of smell for danger is extremely keen.

"It's a clip ditch!"

Seeing this scene, several people reacted instantly.

Except for that weird rift, not even beasts would let them do this.

"Kunlun, the old foreigner and brother Yang Fang."

"Leave the queen behind and look around."

"In case of emergency."

Chen Yulou jumped off the horse, casually picked up a wind lantern from the side of the horse's back, and then quickly walked towards Tour and the others.

"Yes, from the shopkeeper."

"Good shopkeeper Chen."

"rest assured."

The three of them said in unison.

Remaining on the horse without moving a step, Partridge Xiao, Hua Ling, Red Girl and Yuan Hong dismounted one after another, each holding a torch or a lantern, following closely behind.

"Is there a situation?"

Wait until you arrive behind Tur.

Several people were so focused on the rift in front of them that they didn't even notice his arrival. Suddenly they heard a voice coming from behind, and the five of them looked visibly nervous.


"Brother Chen, look... below."

When he turned around and saw it was him, Tuer was secretly relieved.

He raised his hand to make a silent gesture.

At the same time, he nuzzled his mouth into Jiazigou.


Chen Yulou frowned and subconsciously looked in the direction of his finger.

I saw that the Jiazi Valley was deeper and more dangerous than expected, at least more than ten meters long. There were cliffs on both sides that were as sharp as a knife, and the terrain was extremely narrow.

Looking down.

It makes people feel dizzy and trance-like.


Just a glimpse.

His attention was drawn.

Dozens of meters away, deep in the Jiazi Valley, there were more than a dozen beasts gathering among them. The leader was a gray-haired snow wolf, and the rest were blue sheep, bison, and unknown beasts.

If it were somewhere else.

With the ferocity of the snow wolf, those cattle and sheep would probably have disappeared long ago.

But the weird thing is.

Now they were next to each other. Instead of escaping, one after another... they were lying on the ground with their front legs bent, their heads lowered, unable to hide the fear in their eyes.

What does it look like you are kneeling towards? !

This thought together.

Around Chen Yulou, there was also a strange look in his eyes.

It's weird enough for wolves and sheep to coexist.

The beast kneels.

It's even more unheard of.


Turning his body sideways, Chen Yulou found a closer angle. The Jiazi Valley was winding and winding. The terrain happened to be curved, and his line of sight was blocked.

There was no way those beasts were kneeling for no reason.

In his opinion, maybe he encountered a more terrifying existence?


When he struggled to look past the herd of beasts and see clearly into the depths of darkness.

To his surprise.

It was actually a body of water.

To be precise, it was a dark, pitch-black pool with no bottom.

His sight was severely blocked on the ridge before, and his mind was attracted by the severed dragon veins. He really didn't notice that there was a deep pool in Jiazi Valley.

Now that he suddenly saw it, Chen Yulou felt indescribably weird.

Is a pool worthy of a herd of beasts?


Just when he wanted to continue looking.

Suddenly there was a sound of rushing water in the darkness, which spread very far in the silent night, as if something had fallen into the pool.

"Wolf...that wolf jumped into the water!"

Yuan Hong's exclamation came from behind.

Chen Yulou's expression changed. He was still guessing whether it was a falling rock. This answer was obviously unexpected.

"Wolf dive?"

These two words seem completely impossible to combine.

At this moment, it is really happening.

Not only the snow wolf, but after it, the blue sheep, bison, and the remaining ten beasts jumped into the pool one after another, neatly and orderly, but tremblingly, as if they were crazy.

Sacrifice? !

Saw this extremely strange scene in the night.

Chen Yulou suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Judging from their fearful looks, it was clear that they were forced to commit suicide by something.

In such a situation, the only thing he could think of was that besides blood sacrifice, there seemed to be no other possibility.

"Brother Chen, we can't stay here any longer."

When the last beast fell into the deep pool and disappeared, everyone in Tuer breathed a sigh of relief, but their faces were as ugly as ever.

Compared to passing through that forbidden area during the day.

Almost more so.


Chen Yulou's eyes were still on the deep pool. When he suddenly heard these words, the corners of his eyes twitched.

"We've hit a ghost pool."

"It is a pool of water that swallows blood and life."

"In the past, I have only heard rumors from the older generation. I didn't expect... We were not very lucky. We managed to avoid the Demonic Forbidden Land and encountered this ghost again."

"Listen to my advice. If you want to survive, it's better to leave as soon as possible."

Tu'er sighed, his face also not very pretty.

I thought this trip was just to give someone away.

Unexpectedly, these strange things happened one after another.

He was already thinking about where to camp.

But I never expected it.

Chen Yulou, who had never objected to his opinions along the way, actually shook his head this time.

"Still not leaving."


Tu'er looked up suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

A pair of eyes stared at him.

It seemed that he wanted to see something from Chen Yulou.

"I said, since we bumped into each other, it was fate."

"It's a pity that I didn't see the Demonic Forbidden Land. If I don't take a look, wouldn't my trip be in vain?"

Chen Yulou smiled faintly.

There was no trace of panic in his calm tone, and he seemed to be just talking about an ordinary little thing.

Even after laughing it off, he didn't forget to look back at the Partridge Whistle and the others.

"What do you think?"

"Haha, Brother Chen has exactly what I want."

"This is the first time I've seen a beast commit suicide. Boss, this is a strange thing in the world."

"Brother Chen wants to go, so I will go too."

The three of them also showed a calmness that made the people of Tour almost feel like they were seeing ghosts.

"In that case, then come with me to meet him."

The smile in Chen Yulou's eyes grew stronger.

"By the way, Brother Tour, please wait here, let's go back quickly!"

While talking.

A few people were left stunned.

Chen Yulou held the wind lantern and jumped up. His figure was like smoke, and he appeared at the bottom of Jiazi ditch in the blink of an eye by relying on the knife-like stone wall.

The Partridge Sentinels also used their own methods.

Fast as lightning.

Followed closely.

Wait for Tour and others to come to their senses.

Several wind lanterns suddenly appeared outside the deep pool in the distance. (End of chapter)

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