Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1049: Broken Temple (Third)

"Yeah!" Three pecking shots were nailed to the back, left eye, and wings of the King of Hell, and the King of Hell screamed, turning his body and planting it down to the ground. Intent on letting it go, he shot a few fireballs mixed with the black flames of the Demon Realm and burned the Dark Lord in the air to ashes.

"Big bird, let's go." Guan Heng patted the head of the golden-eyed finch, and hissing for a while and flew to the distance again, taking Guan Heng to chase Merty.

After a moment, Guan Heng rides the golden-eyed bird to the front of a ruined wall in the west of the fairy forest, a hundred miles away. Guan Heng looked around and said, "It looks like this is the broken temple, big bird, you Come back and rest first. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng retrieved the gold-eyed finch with his magic pet, and then shouted, "Merty, I'm here, where are you?"

"Coo, sigh ..." Guan Heng just shouted, and heard the sound of the green dragon screaming behind the broken wall not far away, and Guan Heng hurriedly ran over.

"Why, why are you alone? Merty?" Guan turned across the broken wall around the corner, only to see the solitary little green dragon calling there, but Merty's trace was not seen.

"Will this girl be in an accident?" Guan Heng was startled, looked at the Green Dragon again, and smiled suddenly: "It seems that Merty is not in danger, otherwise you would not stand here leisurely . "

"Oh, quack!" The little green dragon then pulled the horizontal placket with his front paw, then pointed to the broken temple door in the distance, and Guan Heng nodded intently: "I see, you are Said Merty had gone in to check, and let you wait for me here, right? "

The little green dragon nodded, and Guan Heng hugged it: "Let's go, let's go and find Merty."

At the same time, in the corridor of the broken temple, Merti stepped on the broken bricks covered with moss and wormwood, stepping forward, just now, while she was waiting at the entrance of the temple, she suddenly felt the temple There is a strange force surging slowly.

"I don't know what happened. As soon as my head was hot, I let the little green dragon wait for the elder brother on the spot, and I came in without permission."

Merty suddenly supported the wall and stopped. She murmured to herself: "Well, I feel that power is here. If I can feel a clearer step, that's fine."

"By the way, my brother said that once I was summoned by mysterious forces, I could put on the turquoise flower crown and hold the scepter to see how it reacted."

Merty thought of this, and quickly took the corolla out of the space ring and put it on her head, then carried the goddess's scepter and continued to move forward. At this time, Merty heard the howl of the little green dragon behind. "Merty, here I am."

Guan Heng had already rushed over at this moment. He said with a blame: "Why aren't you obedient? I have already said that I must be by your side. After we are sure there is no danger, we can go to the temple together to investigate. . "

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm good at advocating." Meltti said this, then pointed to the end of the hallway of the temple: "I feel a mysterious force over there calling me, let's hurry over and see Right. "

The little green dragon immediately jumped onto Merti's shoulder, and the two walked into the temple, through the long corridor, the broken side hall, and they came to the atrium full of flowers and wormwood. There is a dozen diameters here. Huge pool of square meters.

"Uh, the pool has really dried up ..." Merty looked at the bottom of the pool with disappointment, there were spider-like cracks on it, and it seemed that there was no moist water for a long time.

"Brother, what should I do?" Merty said to Guan Heng with a sad face. "Did you say that the tree elves were not saved?"

"It's too early to draw conclusions," Guan Heng said after thinking for a few seconds. "Did you just say that there is a mysterious power calling you? Can you still feel it?"

"Uh? Yeah, I just remembered you saying that." Merty said inexplicably. "When I first stepped into the atrium garden, the feeling suddenly disappeared. It was strange."

"It seems that the weird one is in the garden." Guan Heng turned his eyes, let out the queen and said to him, "It's time to see you again. I will gather the bees and insects in the garden and let them detect. Every corner, I want to see what secrets there are that can't be found. "

"Buzz." The queen queen, who was commanded by Guan Heng, flew into midair and issued a command to summon flying insects.

Originally, the queen's ability to control flying insects, insects in a range of several kilometers will quickly arrive. After listening to the queen's deployment, but a few minutes passed, the queen only gathered dozens of colorful flying around. Insects seem to be missing a little from Guan Heng.

"Strange, since I walked into this atrium garden, I found very few signs of life nearby." Guan Heng thought to himself: "It's like a dead grave. Why do I feel this way?"

"Buzz ..." A dozen flying insects fluttered around under the direction of the queen, thoroughly searching the broken garden, and the queen conveyed what the flying insects saw to the customs one by one. Horizontal head.

After a few minutes, Merty asked anxiously, "Brother, did you find anything?"

"Not yet." Guan Heng slowly shook his head: "But I always think there seems to be something in this garden that we can't see, so let's look it up carefully."

The two said they were looking for it, so they searched separately in the ruins, wormwood bushes, and rubble piles near the garden, but after a lot of toss, they still found nothing.

A little disappointment appeared on Merty's face, and she was about to speak, but the little green dragon suddenly slid down from her shoulder and wondered what she wanted to do.

"Little dragon? What's wrong?" Merty was a little surprised. At this moment, the six-eyed scorpion in Guan Heng's sleeve and the queen in the air all ran behind the green dragon. Guan Heng and Mel Tee looked at each other and felt inexplicable.

"Yeah." Green Dragon and Six-eyed Demon Scorpion ran fastest. Both of them jumped into the dry pool one after the other. Guan Heng asked loudly, "Hey, what do you want to do?" what?"

At this moment, the green dragon squawked twice at the six-eyed magic scorpion, which immediately picked up a pair of scorpion stalks and began to hit the bottom of the pool severely.

"Ka-cha, ka-cha ... Boom!" The decaying bottom of the pond couldn't withstand the scorpion's hard blow, and finally collapsed into a large hole. The green dragon and the six-eyed magic scorpion didn't say hello to the two either, they jumped in with a stun.

—— [The third update of 2016.4.4, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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