Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1050: Goddess Fountain (first)

Merty suddenly called out, "Brother, I feel it. The mysterious power that summoned me came from this hole!"

"What are you waiting for?" Guan Heng laughed. "The green dragon and the scorpion have done great work this time. Let's follow along and see what happens."

"I'll go down first," Guan Heng ran to the big hole opened by the pool and said, "you'll follow."

The two of them rushed into the hole one after the other, and saw that the inside was a winding winding road that descended steeply. Guan Heng and Melty were like slides, and they slipped down.

"Patter, patter!" Guan Heng and Merty landed on a stone platform after half a minute of gliding. When they looked up and looked around, they suddenly exclaimed: "My God Now, what is this place? "

Looking around, the two are in an extremely large flower garden, with countless strange flowers and grasses in front of them. In the distance, there is the sound of flowing streams from the stream, clear and beautiful.

"It's so beautiful here," Merty said involuntarily. "Who would have thought of such a fairyland under the ruined temple garden."

"Yeah ..." Guan Henggang uttered these two words, and suddenly heard the shouts of the green dragon and six-eyed monster scorpion nearby. He beckoned to Merty, and they hurried over in a hurry.

At this time, the green dragon and the six-eyed monster scorpion were having a good time with a small beast full of blue and gray scale armor, and when they saw Guan Heng and Merty, they stopped.

The little beast looked like a pangolin, but it was slightly bigger, and it didn't respond to Guan horizontally, but immediately saw Merty ran over from behind.

"Well, who are you?" Merty saw the pangolin crawling towards himself, so he leaned down and patted the pangolin's head gently: "What a funny little thing."

This turquoise pangolin seemed to like Merty. After making two turns at her feet, the pangolin suddenly made a crisp cry. At this moment, the sound of the soso sounded in the nearby flowers and grass, and then explored There are countless little heads, all of them are small animals.

"Wow, I said that there was nothing in the dilapidated garden above. It turned out that everyone had moved here." Merty picked up a white rabbit and laughed: "I see that your life is so comfortable and comfortable, I I'm really happy. "

"Hey, pangolin, let me inquire about you." At this moment, Guan Heng squatted and asked, "Do you know where the water in the garden pool flows?"

"Squeak ?!" The pangolin looked at Merty, looked at Guan Heng again, then turned and ran.

"Wait, where are you going?" The two looked at each other and immediately followed the pangolin.

It turned out that on the east side of this huge flower garden, there was a ten-meter-high hill, and a silver-like waterfall was rushing on the mountain beam. The pangolin ran here, turned around and called twice to Guan Heng and Merty. .

"Brother, the water here ... gives me a very kind and nostalgic feeling." Merty said slowly looking at the waterfall at this time: "It's as if this is a gift from the closest people. "

"Really?" Guan Heng looked at the water source and said, "Maybe this is the spring water left by Her Majesty the Goddess, and we'd better take some."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng took out two huge puppets from the space ring. After opening the lid, he pours two puppets of clear water. At this time, Guan Heng pricked some water with his hands and tasted. He suddenly cried out. "It's so delicious, it's superb."

"Thump, thump." At this time, the little green dragon and the six-eyed monster scorpion plunged into the water, groaning and satiated, especially the green dragon propped his little belly round like a ball.

"Hahaha, haven't you ever drank water in your whole life?" Seeing this scene, Merty couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, and then she asked: "Brother, is it enough to take away two cups of water? Now Thousands of tree elves infected with the plague are near the canopy city. "

"It's okay, I think two tadpoles are enough."

Guan Heng received the space ring and said, "Mr. Daha told me that as long as I use the summoning rain cloud mantra, it is sufficient to incorporate these goddess springs into the rain cloud. The first plague was hundreds of years ago. Elders did just that when it broke out. "

"The animals here must have been nourished and blessed by the Fountain of the Goddess to survive. It ’s really lucky." Merty just felt here, pangolin suddenly dragged her placket, and she wanted to bring Merty to the water. Lead above.

"Merty, this little guy must be trying to show us something important."

Guan Heng said, "Follow it." So, under the guidance of the pangolin, the two went up along the edge of the water source, and came to a small high **** with something similar to a **** on it.

"What is this?" Guan Heng saw a small metal box on the shrine and immediately stepped forward and picked it up. Putting the object in his hand and holding it for a while, Guan Heng said to Merty: "There are no heavy objects in it, it is better to open it."

Merty nodded in agreement: "Okay, just look at what's in the box." The box was unlocked, and Heng just opened it with a flip of the lid, and then he took something out of it, and Erti shook in front of him: "Look, it's a notepad."

"Well, it seems to be a common elf text a long time ago. It's strange. I never knew it before wearing the turquoise flower crown, but now I can read it clearly."

Merty flipped the notes and notes and said, "This is written by a person called 'Lelezar'. She is an elder of the first elven tribe, and has been a close maid to her eldest goddess before."

Guan Heng asked, "What else was said above?" Merty continued, "Also, after Elder Leilezal fell asleep under Her Majesty, she entrusted the four treasures to the elders of the four races, north and south, east and west, Let them wait for the arrival of Her Majesty. "

"Soon after Her Elf Goddess slept, a large-scale weird plague erupted in the Elven Forest. Elder Lerezar led other people to find the Fountain of the Goddess and used them to contain the spread of the plague, but ..."

Merty said a little pause here, and she continued: "Elder Lelezar inferred that the plague had something to do with some dark matter sneaking into the elven forest, and she decided to let all the clans and twelve elders in the four territories Work together to make a huge magic circle that seals the Elven Forest and prevents the dark breath from spreading beyond the Elven Forest. "

—— [2016.4.5 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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