Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1061: Volcanic Hinterland (third more)

The two men in black looked at each other, and then quickly ran to Carsenk's bedroom to check. Only two beaches were smashed and smashed in the same place. It took them a long time to tell that it was Carson. The wreckage of Ke and Leigang.

"Brother Ferro," the short black man frowned. "It seems that the second brother and the fourth child ... haven't died long, shall we go after the murderer?"

"Jonah, haven't you got any water in your head? The murderer has killed the second and fourth brothers, and they can kill us naturally, why bother to touch that mold?"

The tall man in black snorted, "Furthermore, Lei Gang's **** is very innocent. He learned about Long Bao's whereabouts but did not notify us. If he was drunk, his housekeeper asked for information, you and me. Is it still worth the revenge for him? "

"It's not worth it, but would you say that the people who killed them were also targeting Long Bora?" Jonah whispered, "In case that's the case, we can add a rival."

"Well, what you said is not unreasonable." Ferrow turned his eyes and said to Jonah, "Let's rush to Xihaihuohai immediately, we must grab the mutant dragon in front of everyone."


In the early morning of the next day, a ray of morning light shone on Guan Heng's face. Then he stretched out and sat up beside the roots of the tree. He flew to the woods last night with a golden-eyeed bird, and Guan Heng slept here. For a while, until dawn.

"Big bird, how's the rest?"

Guan Heng looked at the golden-eyed bird that was quietly lying on another tree branch. The latter quacked and seemed energetic. Guan Heng nodded: "Let's go, this morning before , You must rush to the active volcano east of Xihaihuohai, where the witch **** sleeps. "

When Guan Kuan turned on the golden-eyeed bird, he was still thinking, "The fifth Qinghuang remnant soul, eight or nine, is on the body of the witch **** Halag, and he must be found quickly."

The volcano to the east of Xihuo Huohai is not too far from the position where Guan Heng is located. Under the speed of the golden-eye finch, it took only more than an hour to reach the destination. Circle, find a cliff to land.

This place is located in the core of the active volcano. The surrounding temperature is extremely hot, but for Guan Heng and the golden-eyed finch, there is nothing uncomfortable.

Guan Heng said to the golden-eye finch, "Go to a nearby cave to rest nearby, and take some magma high temperature to temper your own fire." The golden-eye finch nodded, and flew into the air after a hissing, and flew in a blink of an eye. Far.

Shortly after the gold-eye sparrow flew away, Guan Heng was about to jump down the cliff and dive into the belly of the active volcano. At this moment, his ears suddenly moved and he heard the sound of someone walking in the distance.

"Someone is here?" Guan Heng couldn't think too much. First, he hid behind a large rock nearby. At this time, he heard someone say, "Boss Ferro, is this place in the end? Why did I find it for a long time, or not?" Find the entrance to the mountainside? "

"Well, Jonah, you've been talking these words more than ten times." Ferrow said impatiently: "If you're not interested in Long Bao, get out of here immediately, don't stop Rory here."

"Yes, yes, who made you the boss, I don't bother to talk about it anymore, right?" Jonah secretly slandered, but said nothing more.

At this moment, Guan Heng secretly observed the two tall and short black men behind the rock, and when they heard about Long Bao, they concluded that they were the brothers of Carsonk and Leigang.

"In Leigang's memory, there is only a rough guess of the active volcano's belly where the mutant dragon is located. Wouldn't these two guys find a way to find a needle in a haystack?"

Guan Heng looked at the back of the two and slowly shook his head. He secretly murmured: "I don't care about the two people's gossip, but when I look at them, they are not good, and I can just kill them as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng quietly took out the evil pupil's strange sword, and then jumped out from behind the rock and started to do it, but at this moment, in the nearby mountain stream, a weird noise suddenly came out.

It was a savage roaring sound similar to that of Warcraft, and it was not just one or two Warcrafts. There seemed to be hordes of pairs, and the roaring one after another, this voice apparently alarmed Ferro and Jonah.

Ferro and Jonah each took out their long-handled staffs. They were both holy order magicians, relying on the bravery of the masters, and they ran quickly in the direction of the beast roar, but no one paid attention. Arrived, Guan Heng quietly followed them in secret.

Running downhill all the way, Ferro took the lead to the corner at the foot of the mountain. He took a look at the probe and immediately retracted his head. Then he grabbed Jonah who wanted to run over: "Fool, don't go there first. "

Jonah was startled. He shrank behind the rocks and asked nervously, "Boss, what's wrong?"

"Look at yourself, be careful," Ferro reminded. "Don't let the other party find out where you are."

Jonah was somewhat inexplicable, but he still looked up from behind the rock quietly, and saw that there was a tall cave entrance in front of it, and a group of howling Warcraft was wandering around the cave.

Suddenly, a stinky wind blew out of the cave, and the two or three Warcrafts closest to the cave suddenly became unstable and were sucked into the cave.

Immediately after, a few screams of Warcraft screamed out from the hole, and the sound of cracking bones sounded. Within a few seconds, the Warcraft that was swept into the hole disappeared.

Seeing this, Jonah had some hair in his heart, and he whispered, "Boss, what is going on?"

"I didn't see it too clearly." At this moment, Ferro Tieqing said with a deep face, "When I was about to turn over, I suddenly saw a vaguely large mouth in the cave entrance. I guess it was that. There are huge monsters inside, which are devouring Warcraft at the entrance of the hole. "

"Are all these Warcraft fools?" Jonner muttered: "Just let the monsters eat it casually, they don't even know to escape ..."

"No, something is wrong." Ferro's brain spins quickly, he suddenly flashed, and then said: "Maybe those Warcraft don't want to run away, but they can't run. The monster in the cave may have a special deterrent, which can make WoW's thought of losing resistance and running away is 'Long Wei' !? "

"You mean the mutant dragon in the cave?" Jonah heard the words, his heart thumping, and he whispered, "The dragon is really not dead, it's the strength of the two of us. , Can you successfully kill the dragon? "

"Stupid, we are famous sacred step powerhouses." Ferro gasped Jonah. "What's so great about a mutant dragon? You and I can join forces to kill it."

—— [The third update of 2016.4.8, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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