Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1062: Dragon's Cunning (first more)

"Okay, my brother also makes sense, and the dragon is nothing great." Jonah clenched his staff tightly, sweating in his palm, he asked softly, "How can we do this?"

"Observe again, if the dragon is full, it should go back to rest." Ferro said while watching the movement in front of the cave, "At that time, it would be much more convenient to take advantage of it."

At this time, a majestic roar came out of the cave. The Warcraft at the entrance of the cave was so scared as to be a chicken, and it was like an amnesty in an instant.

"Okay, it seems that the dragon is full." Ferro took out two scrolls at this moment and handed them to Jonah: "This is a stealth magic scroll that I have worked hard to get. After tearing, the user can completely disappear for fifteen minutes. Let us take this opportunity to kill the dragon in one fell swoop and seize its dragon treasure. "

"Hey, I still think that Brother is thoughtful." Jonah took the scroll and said flatly, "It can actually get such a good thing. It seems that Brother has done a lot of preparations to successfully kill the dragon."

"Well, that is of course." Ferro said in a deep voice: "Killing this dragon to win the treasure is the biggest wish of our family for hundreds of years. I must plan carefully, don't hesitate, prepare for action. "

After saying this, the two looked at each other, tearing the stealth magic scroll at the same time, only listening to the two beeps, Ferro and Jonah's bodies suddenly faded.

This invisible magic scroll is said to completely disappear, but it is still a bit exaggerated, because their shadows can still be clearly seen in the sun, but the two are almost transparent. If you walk into the dark cave, it is estimated that the dragon It would also be difficult to find their whereabouts.

Behind them quietly stared at Guan Heng, who had a clever idea to control their whereabouts. Guan Heng secretly instructed the queen queen to control the two small flying insects. When they became transparent, they quietly fell on Ferro and On Jonah's clothes, in this case, any words and actions of the two will be immediately transmitted to Guan Heng's mind through the queen.

The two people in front of themselves had walked into the cave with their stealth magic support, and Guan Heng followed in a hurry.

When Guan Heng passed the entrance to the cave, he found that there were a lot of huge footprints on the ground. He thought to himself, "It seems that this is what the dragon left. These two people want to kill the dragon. Should I control it? Does this gossip stop them? "

Thinking about the countermeasures, Guan Heng has followed Ferro and Jonah for a few minutes in the cave. Seeing that the martyrdom here is getting wider and wider, the atmosphere and temperature in front are getting hotter and hotter, it seems that he is walking into an active volcano The hinterland.

"Snoring ... snoring ..." Not far ahead, there was a burst of snoring sounds. The two people in front didn't respond, but Guan Heng snickered secretly: "The dragon that is sleepy and sleepy, Wonderful, but the dragons seem to have this virtue. "

After walking a dozen steps further, it turned out that a dragon covered with gray scale armor lay down on it and slept soundly there. Ferro whispered to Jonah: "Hands on!" Your strongest magic.

"Death Hurricane!"

"The Serpent of the Flame!"

All of a sudden, a hurricane like a blade suddenly gathered and swept away fiercely toward the dragon's head. At the same time, a seven or eight-meter-long demon flame and fire snake also rushed to the dragon.

"Hum—the stupid human race dare to attack me!" When Ferro and Jonah slammed, the dragon opened his eyes violently, and his head growled loudly: "But you have been fooled Come, die! "

"Hoo-ooh-bang!" Facing the death hurricane and the flames of the fiery serpent, the dragon chose not to hesitate to rush straight up. After hard shaking, the two magical attacks were collided instantly, and the giant The impact of the dragon was unabated, and "嘭, 嘭!" Hit Ferro and Jonah again.

"Oh!" Two holy magicians who attempted to kill the dragon did not steal the chickens. They blasted the blood mist, and fell down.

"Hey, hey, let's pass!" Ferro and Jonah were already seriously injured when they hit the stone wall. They were frightened and forced to release their invisibility. "Eh!" Jonah spit another blood, He struggled and called, "Boss, what's going on?"

"I don't know, it may be that we have been exposed for a long time." Ferro also broke several ribs at this time, he grinned and said, "But this **** dragon, but we waited until we approached ... "

"Hahaha, don't underestimate the keen sense of smell of our dragons. When you two pigs walk near the valley, I already noticed."

The mutant dragon laughed proudly, "In the past few centuries, it hasn't been that no human race has come to fight the dragon's idea, poisoning, sneak attack, siege, they have used all the tricks, but unfortunately they have become my mouth. Meat, you are ready to die. "

Speaking of which, the dragon slightly raised its head slightly, and a strong oppressive force suddenly formed around it, and Fero shouted in panic: "No, it's the dragon's breath erupting, run away!"

"Hey--" Ferro finished the sentence, and before Jonah had a reaction, he ripped off a short-range instantaneous scroll to escape.

"Boss, don't throw me away!" Jonaco didn't move the scroll in his hand for an instant, and in a hurry he flew up and hugged Ferro's thigh: "Take me away."

"You!" Ferovan didn't expect that Jonah hugged himself like crazy. At this time, the magic scroll had started, but the dragon's breath of the mutant dragon had also erupted to them, "Boom--" In the loud noise, the incomparable energy erupted in an instant, causing the entire cave to collapse.

At this moment, I had long been hiding outside to watch the lively Guan Heng, but I was also surprised: "The power of this dragon outburst is not small, there are two hits!"

"Wow, wow!" At this moment, two wolverine figures suddenly fell from the air, fell on the flat ground in the canyon, and sprayed countless dust, just Ferro and Jonah.

At the moment of being bombarded by Dragon Breath, the two guys finally got away by relying on the instant movement of the scroll, but it was not innocuous. One of Ferro's eyes and half ears has now disappeared and replaced by a large blockbuster. Bloody rotten meat.

And Jonah, one of his legs was directly hit by Dragon Breath. Under the strong corrosion, there were only two thigh bones of Bai Sensen, which made him scream.

"You bastard." Fero shouted angrily and kicked Jonah's face: "If it weren't for you, how could I be so embarrassed?"

—— [First update of 2016.4.9, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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