Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1092: Conquer (the first)

"Yeah ?!" When Chason saw the iron gun flying, he hurried his head in shock, and the iron gun flew past his ear. "Don't!" Suddenly, Charson's snare fell. On the ground, the three golden coffin corpses were no longer bound by the sound of drums, and immediately began to circle in situ, looking dizzy.

"Abominable." The old man in the green robes fluttered forward, hurriedly hugging the lost bongo, and said secretly in his heart: "This thing is not to be lost. I still rely on it to control the golden coffin corpse."

"This is a good opportunity to see me." Guan Heng was not idle at this moment. He had quickly and unscrupulously moved to the position where the armored corpse fell to the ground. He reached out and pulled the sheathed pass from the strange corpse's waist. National treasure sword.

"Woohoo." The sword turned sharply in Guan Hengzhang. Then he reached out and held the hilt, and pulled out the blade from the sheath with a bang. It was like a sharp flash in the air. Can be scary.

"Well, the national treasure sword has fallen into his hands." Chasen was shocked when he saw the scene, he slaps the snare drum in his hand, and yelled loudly, "Three corpses, fast, besiege! ! "

"Huh, it's up to you?" Guan Heng sneered, and then rushed up with a sword. "Hoo!" The sword tipped at one of the ancient corpses' face door. Stirred.

The remains of the ancient corpse dangled in place, and a sudden breeze blew past it, and it was immediately blown to the ground.

"This is the first ..." Guan Heng said coldly in his mouth, but his men did not slow down at all, and the sword of the national treasure swept across immediately. "Oh!" It was just passing the neck of another ancient corpse, the dried corpse Suddenly, he reached mid-air, and then fell in front of Guan Heng in an arc.

"Go to you!" Guan Heng waved the sword's body as a stick, hitting the dead skull without any bias. This thing flew out in a sudden wind, "Bang!" The third ancient corpse in the middle The face of the door, the two skulls bumped into each other, smashed without suspense at the same time.

"Yeah, this boy is too powerful, and now he has the national sword of the State of Yueyue, and the four ancient corpses have been reimbursed. Let me run." Thinking of this, the old man in the green robe Chason turned around and ran He secretly said: "This account is written down first, and we will find it again the next day."

"Bang!" At this moment, Guan Hengfei kicked the last golden coffin corpse out. He saw the evil wizard Chason ran away and said secretly, "You are the least thing, and you can't let you say anything. Run away and kill others elsewhere. "

Thinking of this, Guan Hengyun slammed the sword in the palm of the hand into the ground, then picked up the iron bow around him, "嗖 嗖 嗖 ——" The last three carved eagle arrows cut through the space, directly into Chason's neck, 100 meters away, Back heart and waist ribs.

"Uh-huh!" The old man in the green robe in the middle of the arrow sprayed a red mist from the sky, and a cricket fell forward, Guan Heng feared that he would not die, and drew up his sword and rushed forward.

When he walked in front of Chasen, the guy was already breathless, Guan Heng looked at him with a grunt, and saw the old robe of the green robe tremble suddenly, and a dark breath wrapped in the evil wind came out of him.

"Sure enough, ghosts and ghosts can gather, just see what message your guy has in his memory." Guan Heng then let the evil eye of the ghost swallow it into a stone of the soul, and then began to read the memory.

It turned out that the old man in the green robe, Charson, was just a third-rate wizard with no skill, but his ancestor was the guy who helped the enemies of the Moon Kingdom to make seven corpses, and died in the hands of General Saipan. Sen kept thinking about it, and wanted to hold the seven golden coffin corpses and the armored corpse General Sepen in his hands.

So Charson sent people to look around the village where the corpse was seen, and found that the village held a "corpse ritual" every year, and sacrificed with living people, and then he brought his pygmy servant Downs to the canyon. Here, I didn't expect to encounter Guan Heng, and made a stealing chicken to prevent eclipse.

In the hormonal stone in Guan Heng's hand, there is the complete memory of the green robe old man. Chasen originally planned to use the golden coffin corpse to capture the armored corpse General Sepen, and then turn it into a powerful corpse servant. When Guan Heng obtained this When the message came, the eyes suddenly lighted up.

"Is this a powerful corpse servant? I might use this one." Guan Heng thought of this, and turned to look at the groundless armor corpse, and then said to himself: "But if there is no ghost in the body, this armor The corpse can't move, just give it back the soul stone. "

Guan Heng reached out and took out another soul stone, this is the armored corpse, which is the soul stone of General Saipan. Guan Heng thought for a while, and then went to the armored corpse with the soul stone, he found that the mouth of the strange corpse was Half-opened, so gently put the soul stone into the mouth of the strange corpse, "click it ... grunt ..." Then the soul stone rolled into the armor corpse's belly.

"Well, according to Charson's memory, it's not too difficult to make this guy into a corpse servant."

Guan Heng took out a few things found from Chasen, and then bit his finger and drew three red arrays on the armor's head and left and right cheeks. At this time Guan Heng nodded: "Okay, The next step is to use this handle to pass the national treasure sword. "

Because the sword of Chuanguo has a powerful restraint against evil corpses, all you need to do is to hold thirteen sword marks on the body of the monster, and you can completely suppress the evil spirit of the ancient corpse and make it an obedient corpse servant.

"First of all, forehead, neck throat, and shoulders." "Then arms, under the ribs ..." Guan Heng carved the thirteen sword marks with a **** and finally relieved: "Okay, you're done Now. "

Within half a minute, the corpse of the corpse smelt played a role, and the strong armor corpse trembled, and a deep, dark atmosphere suddenly surged.

"Well, it's time." At this moment, Guan Heng stepped back and waited quietly, holding his shoulders.

After a short while, I saw the armored corpse sitting slowly up from its place. It twisted its stiff neck and looked around blankly. Although the ancient corpse could not see, the smell was still there. Breathing, it roared up and climbed with a roar, and was about to rush towards the position where Guan Heng stood.

Seeing this scenario, Guan Heng just spit out a word with a lot of time: "Stop!" The burst of red light on the armor corpse's face suddenly appeared, and all the sword marks around him suddenly burst, sore that it screamed immediately. Of course, at the foot of the armored corpse, he did not dare to take a step forward.

"You know how terrible?" Guan Heng smiled slightly holding his shoulders: "Hear me honestly, it won't embarrass you, otherwise, hum, you also tasted the consequences just now, didn't you?"

—— [2016.4.19 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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