Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1093: Setin city

"Woo ..." The armored corpse knew it terribly. Although it had little intelligence left, it also knew that resistance to Guan Heng would bring great pain to himself, so he immediately became honest and stood obediently at Guan. Horizontally.

"From today, you are my corpse servant." Guan Heng whispered, "In the future, your name will be‘ general corpse ’.”

The corpse general stood honestly in his place, and under the reflection of the moonlight, the torn armor on his body shone with a radiant light.

"You look like this, walking in the crowd will scare a lot of people." Guan Heng glanced at the corpse general, and then took off the green robe of Chasen and threw it to him: "Don't put it on, otherwise Winking. "


A few days later, on the street of Setin City, a giant city fortress bordering the north-south area of ​​St. Lomprum mainland, two figures came, one was Guan Heng carrying a five-footed epee, and the other was wearing a green robe , The silent general followed him behind.

"This city, with its wide walls, is the forefront of the resistance against the Dark Dragon." Guan Heng, who mumbled to himself, looked around the street. Soldiers from all over the world were covered in uniforms, which should be called the "Anti-Magic Alliance" That's right.

Forced by the great power of the Dark Dragon tribe to destroy it, and their cruel methods of destroying all human kingdoms, more than a dozen countries that survived in St. Lompland finally abandoned the country-to-state barrier and formed the largest human race in history to fight against Invasion of the Dragon Race and the Demon Abyss.

In addition to the regular military forces of various countries, the Seting City, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, is also home to hundreds of mercenary groups and various church forces. The interpersonal relationships are complex.

In a word, if you want to gain a foothold here, you must either be strong enough, or find a big tree to enjoy the cold, without the help of friends, don't say that you have survived in Saiting City, even if you want to simply eat a meal, it is difficult .

"Seeing that the one-month deadline has twenty days left, you must quickly find the whereabouts of the Lord of the Abyss through the Dark Dragon Race, otherwise you will not be able to return."

Guan Heng thought about it and glanced at the corpse general behind him: "It's almost the same with this guy these days. I should now think about how to get the information of the Dark Dragon tribe."

"It is strange that although there are many churches and churches in this land of St. Lomplon, it is quite chaotic and there are also conflicts between each other. But the gods here have not responded, can it be said that they have fallen asleep? ? "

Guan Heng sighed involuntarily: "Well, it's so complicated, I really don't know how to solve it."

"Brother Guan Heng." A young girl in a white robe came suddenly from a distance. When she saw Guan Heng, she hurriedly greeted, "I can find you."

"Zowei ?!" Guan Heng felt a headache immediately when he saw the girl. He asked casually, "What are you doing?"

The girl named Zuo Wei had just met Guan Heng near the outskirts of Saiting City a few days ago.

Zuo Wei's life is very poor. A few months ago, her hometown was burned and destroyed by the Dragons. Zovi herself begged and wandered near the city of Saiting. However, outside the city, she encountered some dragons. Slave beasts are all Warcrafts that were forcibly wiped out by the Dragons, and they have become tools that only know to kill humans.

Zuo Wei, scared of soft legs, saw that she would be torn to pieces by the dragon slaves and became their mouth food. At this time, a passing elderly priest repelled the slave and rescued him. Zuo Wei.

The so-called priests are middle-level clergy members of certain deities and churches. They are proficient in spells and have two brushes.

The elder clergyman belongs to a sacred group called "Shenghuizhigo". The division of the sacred mission is located in the city of Saiting City. Officials accepted Zuo Wei as a registered apprentice of the Order.

Who knows that after a few weeks, when the shepherd was casting the healing magic, she suddenly found out that Zowei could also produce the same magic light unintentionally. The shepherd was overjoyed, so he taught him a lot of primary magic, like something low. A single person heals the light curtain, defensive iron walls, a rain dew enze to heal multiple people, and a primary light arrow attack type.

When the shepherd found that Zowei had a very high talent, she became extremely happy, so she wanted to recommend herself to the headquarters of Shenghui's Gospel Mission to continue to learn advanced magic. Who knew that at this time, suddenly changed Suddenly born.

The elderly shepherd has a sudden emergency and cannot afford to be ill. No matter what kind of healing magic is, it is useless for the old **** shepherd's ill health. In this way, Zuowei's teacher shepherd died forever Already.

The power of the Holy Order of the Holy Order in the city of Saiting belongs to the end of the stream. After the death of the only clergyman, he was immediately excluded by other churches and the Holy See forces. Many people could not bear the difficulties and left the Saiting. city.

But Zuo Wei was an orphan girl and had nowhere to go, so she had to stay in the empty Shenghuizhige Missionary Division, venture out of the city every day, hunt some weak slaves to the mission hall in the city, and receive Weibo pay barely days.

Who knew that such a shabby life didn't last long. A group of menacing mercenaries suddenly came to the door with an IOU. They insisted that the shepherd officer owed a large sum of money to the mercenary regiment before his death. Deed of the Ministry of Debt.

The debt-collecting mercenaries only gave a three-day period, and when the time came, they would come to get the deed. If that was the case, Zuo Wei would be homeless again.

In the absence of other methods, Zuo Wei had to take a risky task in the task hall in the city of Saiting, that is, hunting and killing ten adult Yalong beasts.

Yalong beasts are the most powerful of the dragon-slave beasts outside the city. They are amazingly brutal, and they pose a great threat to the anti-demon alliance of human races, so they have always belonged to the World of Warcraft with the highest reward.

After accepting the task of hunting the Yalong beast, Zuo Wei headed out of the city, but encountered a huge Yalong beast on the plain on the outskirts of the city. Although the girl was frightened, her legs trembled, but she clenched her teeth to challenge.

It's a pity that the rookie little clergyman who has just learned spells for a few months is really powerless. Zou Wei's light and arrow technique not only did not hurt the thick and thick Yalong beast, but it provoked this guy into a rage and a fierce collision. , And hit the little girl flying!

However, the Yalong Beast did not want to stop there. Madly, it moved his sturdy limbs and fell to Zuo Wei who fell to the ground. At a critical moment, a strong figure suddenly rushed out and hit the Yalong Beast with a huge rock. Head.

Suddenly hit hard, the dizzy Yalong Beast roared back and forth, but did not expect someone to wield a heavy sword to shoot out from the oblique stab, and penetrated the Yalong Beast's head with a sharp sword.

—— [2016.4.19 Second update, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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