Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1104: Three pioneers (first)

"Dangdang Dang." Guan Heng knocked on the door with his fingers: "Fortunately, it is not too thick, break it open."

"Bang!" Guan Heng used a leg of a chair that he picked up and knocked **** the lock of the door of the machine, only to hear a crisp sound, and the door of the machine was smashed.

"This is the three types of dragon-destroying weapons?" Open the door of the machine, close the horizontal and take out a rectangular metal box more than two meters, open it at will, there are more than a dozen grooves in this box, most of them are empty, only A pair of claw-shaped gloves on a hand, a stilettos and a weird metal pipe.

"Gloves and daggers ... Nothing fancy, but what is this metal pipe?" Guan Heng took out the metal pipe and murmured in his mouth: "Is it a short stick that can slap a dragon? "

Guan Heng was curious, and he couldn't help but twist the metal pipe, only to hear a click, the metal pipe was pulled apart, so Guan Heng tampered with the object.

After a while, Guan Heng assembled the disassembled metal tube into another pair: a tube more than two feet long, with a metal handle and a trigger on the back, which are covered with countless mysterious patterns, which looks extremely delicate.

"Magic guide ... huh ?!" Guan Heng spit out these words gently, and then he thought of what he had heard in the street before a patrol soldier said that the city of Saiting was a human and mountain dwarf. A fortress built by the tribe, and there are things left by the mountain dwarves ...

"They're probably talking about this magic guide." Guan Heng looked at the guy in his hand, whirling around in the palm of his hand, and then took aimingly: "The invention of the mountain dwarf, said Maybe it can really kill the dragon. "

"Okay, when the thing is in your hand, leave immediately." Guan Heng took the magic guide around his waist, and then carried the metal box behind his back. Otherwise I won't have to carry the box. "

Fortunately, the door of this warehouse has an opening device in the house. He does not need to climb the ventilation duct when closing the door, but when he walked out of the warehouse carrying the box, he suddenly encountered a situation.

"Oh!" Four or five slaves lurking at the gate flew from the corner to Guanheng in a blink, and they seemed to be waiting there for a long time.

"Yeah—" Guan Hengshun took off the rectangular metal box on his shoulder, waved his arms a step forward, and immediately swung the slaves away. Then he swept again with the metal box, "Bang!" The forehead was suddenly crushed.

"When did these guys ambush here?" The metal box in Guan Hengzhang made a sharp turn, and threw the rest of the beasts to the ground, his heart secretly said: "Well, Okan doesn't Will something happen? "

"Okan-answer me when you hear it!" Guan Heng shouted, "things are here, let's go quickly."

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now since Guan Heng ’s voice came from a corner not far away, Guan Heng heard that it was the voice of Aokan, and was about to run through it, and Leng Buding stabbed suddenly He was intercepted by a shadow.

"Hoo!" The giant fist was like a bombering missile, and the wind blasted Guan Heng's heart, Guan Heng had no time to fight back, hurriedly crossed his arms to block, "Bang!" Yokohama took three consecutive steps.

"Good boy, you can hardly stop me from hitting hard. You must be one of the most powerful people in the human race." The man who shot was very strong, wearing armor, and curling his mane on his head. It was the appearance of a lion.

Before Guan Heng had time to speak, a figure flashed next to him. The guy had a mottled pattern on his face, thick fluff, and a tiger face.

At this moment, someone was ridiculous, walking from a distance, Guan Heng could see clearly, this guy was covered with black mane like steel needles, his pupils were red, his teeth were tussled, it turned out to be a werewolf.

In the hands of the werewolf, a human race soldier whose life and death were unknown, was the Okan who had just disappeared.

Guan Heng was not afraid of these three guys. He asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

The lionhead smirked: "I'm a wild lion pioneer of the Sixth Legion of the Dark Dragon Tribe."

The tiger-headed man sneered by pressing the handle on his waist. "We are the pioneers of the tiger army."

"And me." The werewolf reached out and touched a handful of blood from Okan's face next to him, licked his red tongue, and shot bloodthirsty in his eyes: "I am the bloodwolf pioneer of the Slave Legion . "

After the three pioneers of the Slave Legion introduced themselves, they have slowly formed a siege trend and locked them in circles. "Well, now that you have met, let's do it." Guan Heng's voice did not fall, and he flew to the Blood Wolf Pioneer without hesitation.

Because Guan Heng felt that Okan still had a faint breathing sound, he decided to rescue the person from the other hand before talking.

The blood wolf pioneer saw Guan Heng rushing towards him, and the insidious and sly blood wolf immediately waved Aokan in his hand and fell towards Guan Heng.

"Hoo—slap!" Guan Heng leaned slightly to one side, and immediately clamped Okan's body under his armpit, and then punched him in front of the blood wolf vanguard.

"Huh." The blood wolf pioneer sneered, his figure suddenly passing Guan Guan's side, and while Guan Heng embraced Okan, he slammed **** his shoulder.

"Oh!" A splash of red blood flew, "Uh ?! This grandson is really cunning." There was a burst of pain in his shoulder, and Guan Heng cursed secretly, but at this time, the sword flashed behind him, crazy tiger The thick-backed long-blade has struck lightning.

"I still have Okan in my hand, avoid it!" Guan Heng thought of this, and tiptoed his feet a few meters forward, and between the light and the flint, he threw Okan to a nearby corner, where there was a Idle haystack.

"Roar!" The wild lion pioneer burst into a rage, and he suddenly pulled a chain of meters from his waist and rolled it to Guan Heng's waist.

"Well, that's awesome!" Guan Hengyun swayed back, dodging the chain from his waist, but he did not expect that the tiger's vanguard's long blade had already struck his neck.

"Pop!" Guan Heng suddenly flew up and kicked his heels. He did not lean on the wrists of the mad tiger, with five fingers loose, and the mad tiger almost gave up his knife.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly showed a sneer. He still had a rectangular metal box in his hand. He slaps the wind and slammed at the mad tiger. The other side was shocked and was about to dodge, but he did not expect another Guan Heng. The hand had pulled out the dagger like lightning, and his wrist flipped past the vein of the mad tiger's knife-hand.

"Big-click!" A broken hand and long blade fell to the ground at the same time. "Uh-huh!" A scream from the mad tiger, his broken wrist with his **** blood will be retreated and dodging, who knows the last It was late, and Guan Heng's long metal box had slammed on his head. "Pop!" His forehead was shattered, his skull was flying, and the tiger was killed instantly.

—— [2016.4.23 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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