Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1105: Rebirth

Guan Heng shot to defeat the mad tiger, and everything happened in a few seconds. The two pioneers, the lion and the blood wolf, had almost made no response, and they had lost a companion.

"Abominable, return my brother's life." The wild lion pioneer was grumpy, and at the sight of the mad tiger's tragic death, he suddenly became furious and rushed to Guanheng with madness, and was about to avenge the mad tiger.

"Taste this." "嗖 ——" Guan Heng suddenly released his short sword in his hand, and the sword instantly broke into the face of the lion's face, but the lion had covered his eyes with fire and faced the flutter The short sword that came did not hide, and allowed his uncle to penetrate into his eyes, he still went to Guan Heng without slowing down.

"Lion wild iron fist !!" Iron fist, who is full of life force, is running through Guan Heng at the speed of tearing air. It seems that the lion pioneer has seen the other person's bones and bones broken under this punch. "Bang!" It's true that the Iron Fist hit an object impartially, but unfortunately it wasn't Guan Heng.

It turned out that at the moment when the opponent's offensive struck, Guan Heng picked a mad tiger with his toes, and the pioneer of the wild lion gave him a punch and broke the body of the dead companion.

"Ah ?!" After the wild lion lost his hand, he was so confused, Guan Heng waved a metal box and hit him under the ribs, only to hear the sound of the crack of the cheekbones, the outer lion of the wild lion was broken, and the ribs were not broken. How many, the guy sprayed red mist and crashed against the wall.

"Hey, the last one is you." Guan Heng ordered the slightly scared blood wolf pioneer with a rectangular metal box in his hand. "Your kid is the most damn. I just dared to scratch my shoulder. Now I am going to let you die. It's ugly. "

"It's bad." The blood wolf pioneer murmured secretly: "Why is this guy so powerful that even the wild lion and the mad tiger are not his opponents, I'm afraid that these two will be enough ..."

Guan Heng didn't give the blood wolf time to hesitate, his figure disappeared in place, and he came to the blood wolf immediately: "Wolf cub, you can finish playing now."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I have fight with you!" The blood wolf glared with red eyes and he left a glove with three narrow thorns in his left glove. Just now he was secretly attacking Guan with this object. The blood wolf was desperately desperate, howling and wielding a stabbing fist ring, and slamming to Guan Heng's heart nest.

"Huh, the eagle bug trick." The metal box in Guan Heng's hand slammed upward, "Bang!" The blood wolf's arm suddenly struck in the opposite direction.

"Cuck it!" This made the blood wolf's arm suddenly twisted into a twist, and his pain was so distraught that he screamed like a heartbreaker: "Ah!"

"Yeah." Guan Heng reached out and grabbed the blood wolf's wrist and twisted it. "Yeah!" He sent the thorny fist ring forward. The blood wolf only felt a pain in the lower abdomen. This time, it was really a self-effect. Guan Heng then pulled out the magical maggot on his waist and held up the blood wolf's head: "Hey, go to death."

"Click, click ..." But at this moment, Guan horizontally pulled the trigger several times in succession, but the magic guide was silent.

"Is there such a thing, how did this happen?" Guan Heng was somewhat inexplicable, he mumbled to himself: "Is this thing a scrapped product ?!"

"Hah ... haha ​​..." The blood wolf who was held by Guan Heng's collar showed an ugly smile at this time: "It won't sound anymore, it's great ..."

"What a fart!" Guan Hengqi snapped up. "Even if it doesn't sound?"

"Woohoo--" The magic guide turned suddenly in Guan Hengzhang, and one end of the metal pipe fell on the blood wolf's face severely. "Bang!" The blood wolf's heavenly spirit exploded, and red and white sprayed the ground.

"Huh, how?" Guan Heng wiped the dirty thing on the blood wolf, and said coldly, "Even if this thing doesn't work, it will still kill you." . "

"Hey, Okan, wake up quickly." Guan Heng shook the other side for a long time, but Okan was still groggy and didn't wake up. Guan Heng's face sank suddenly: "This asshole, obviously there is no serious injury on the body, why is that? Don't wake up? "

"Papapapapang!" Impatient Guan Heng slaps O'Kan four times. "Hey, wake me up soon."

"Oops! Uh ... where am I?" Okan finally woke up under Guan Heng's slapped "kind care", and he muttered hard: "Is my face so painful?"

"Wake up? Then hurry up." Guan Heng stunned Aokan fiercely: "The dragon-destroying weapon is also available, and everyone is still waiting at the huge teleportation array."

"Are things in hand? Great." Okan said touching the hurt face, "I was hiding in the corner just waiting for your news. I don't know who it was, and suddenly gave me a head. After I fainted I don't know anything. "

"Your kid's life is really big," Guan Heng said with a lip, and said, "It can survive under the hands of the three pioneers of the Slave Legion, and this luck is not for ordinary people."

"Okay, let's go." Guan Heng said: "The time is too long, I am worried that something will happen, and no one knows when the Dragon's reinforcements will surround the city of Saiting."

Upon hearing Guan Heng's remarks, Okan also fought a chill, and hurriedly followed Guan Heng in the direction of Shenghui's Gospel home.

A few minutes later, a tall black shadow suddenly plunged down from the air at the entrance of the center street warehouse. "Bang!" A large pit sinking in the ground suddenly appeared.

This dark shadow saw the three pioneers of the lion, the mad tiger and the blood wolf lying in a pool of blood, and he roared angrily: "Kill the guys under me, no matter who you are, I swear by Rekamo Tear you to pieces !!! "


On the street, a few ugly Yalong beasts surrounded a group of three people. "Hoo!" A unicorn Yalong beast suddenly rushed down and slammed into a strong man wearing leather armor. The man threw away the steel sword in his palm with a tragic sound. Can't live.

The other two were a man and a woman and two young men. They shouted in unison: "Aron ?! You ..." But before they finished saying this, the rest of the Yalong beasts roared and rushed again. .

"Miss, beware!" The young swordsman waved his weapon in front of the girl. He gritted his teeth to meet a Yalong, but before his blade fell, Yalong turned abruptly, and a thick tail swept young. The swordsman's body only listened to the sound of the cleft bones, and the swordsman rolled away suddenly for more than ten meters.

"Mr. Salian ?!" The young girl was wearing a samurai uniform. She turned out to be a rare boxer. Although she saw her companions fall, the girl was not timid. She gritted her teeth and said, "Come on, evil Dragon, let you **** power. "

—— [2016.4.23 second update, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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