Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1107: Arrival of strong enemies (first)

"Thank you both." Imila was about to return to Guan Heng with her gloves in her hands, and the latter waved her hands and said, "Now this glove will work best for you, Okan, are you okay? "

Okan nodded: "I don't care, Miss Yimila's ancient martial arts skills are very good, and she should be fine with the gloves."

"Okay," Guan Heng said. "Let's go and continue to the house."

The three men kept at their feet and started running towards the street ahead. At this moment, Guan Heng, who was running in front of him, thought to himself, "Strange, how do I have an unpredictable feeling in my heart, what seems to be happening."

Suddenly, Guan Heng suddenly felt a coolness on his back: "Not good, it seems that some strong enemy has followed me."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng stopped suddenly and suddenly startled Okan and Imila behind him: "Mr. Guan Heng, what's wrong?"

"Okan, this storage belt is filled with holy light stones." Guan Heng took off the belt and handed it to Okan: "You and Imila hurried to the house of St. Huige's Gospel, one step ahead. "

"Mr. Guan Heng, what about you?" Okan subconsciously took the storage belt, only to realize that something was wrong: "What do you want to do?"

"In the back, there is a tricky guy who seems to be chasing him. I will stay here to hold him." Guan Hengshen said, "You take the Holy Stone first, go to the ancient teleportation array, first put the formation method. The holy light stone is set up. Within ten minutes, if I haven't rushed back, I will immediately start the teleportation team and leave first. I can find another way to get out. "

"Mr. Guan Heng, we have to go together, or else we stay together and defeat the guys who follow us." Even though Imila is a young girl, her courage increased greatly after she killed Yalong with her bare hands. So she wanted to stay and help Guan Heng.

"No, Zouwei from the teleportation team is waiting for the Holy Light Stone." Guan Heng shook his head and said, "And I can easily get out even if I can't beat the opponent alone."

With that said, Guan Heng took down the rectangular metal box and opened it. There was still the magic guide and the sheathed dagger quietly. Guan Heng Guanheng took out his dagger: "I will use this first, Okan, You take the metal box and the magic guide, move fast, don't hesitate! "

"Okay, listen to you." Okan knew that everyone was now on the verge of extreme danger, so he no longer hesitated, immediately picked up the metal box, and took the reluctant Yi Yi Meera ran desperately to the distance.

"锵 ——" Guan Heng drew a sharp edge of a short sword and turned to look at the distant sky. He murmured to himself: "Well, let me see what kind of guy is about to appear."

"咚咚咚 —— 咚咚咚 ——" In a few seconds, countless heavy footsteps suddenly sounded, and the streets in the distance suddenly swelled with dust, and Guan Heng looked carefully. There was a large group of Yalongs running wildly. Come.

"Just try the momentum that can make the Yalongs fear." Guan Heng thought of this, suddenly exuding invisible coercion throughout his body. However, to his surprise, the Yalongs running across didn't slow down. Still surging.

Guan Heng frowned slightly. "What's going on? Couldn't Yalong's fear disappear?"

At this time, the rushing Yalong group had reached a hundred meters away, and Guan Heng's heart suddenly beat quickly, the sudden coercion suddenly scattered towards the opposite side!

"Oh!" The dozen or so Yalongs running in front of them suddenly rolled their eyes, and the white foam in the mouth fell down one after another. The Yalongs in the back seemed to feel that the situation was wrong. The whole body trembled, and the limbs were paralyzed.

"Well, it succeeded ?!" Guan Heng moved, and he secretly whispered, "Is it possible to release this invisible coercion, which has something to do with the speed of the heart beating?"

With this question in his mind, Guan Heng put the short sword in his palm into the sheath, and at this moment, a roar suddenly came from behind the Yalong group: "Wow!"

This sound seems to be rebuking the Yalong group for not advancing, but the low-level Yalong grouped in front of them has long been frightened by Guan Heng's murderous spirit. Even if they are made 10,000 times, they dare not deceive Beside Guan Heng.

"Interesting, if there is anyone in this city that can be called a strong one at the moment and is more powerful than the three pioneers, it should be the owner of this roar."

Guan Heng looked at the trembling Yalongs around him and said with a smile, "He should be your boss."

"Patter, patter ..." There was a sound of huge wings flapping in the air, the wind was pulsating, something suddenly flew, Guan Hengning looked closely, it was a beak monster with red scales. It should also be a kind of Yalong.

The red claws of the beaked dragon are holding the shoulders of a sturdy man, and driving him to fly.

"Hoo!" The beak monster dragon's claws were loose, and the heavy-armored big man immediately fell from the sky. "Bang!" When Han's feet fell to the ground, the ground trembled suddenly, and he was immediately pressed out by cracks of several meters.

"Roar!" With a big rage, the big man suddenly raised his head sharply: "Why are you so timid, so dare to sweep the prestige of my army of slaves!"

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ... yy timid voices coming out of the throats of these dragons, they look like pitiful and ridiculous as they tremble and shake their bodies.

Guan Heng saw the shape of a big man at this time. This guy was more than two meters tall and was heavily armored. A blistering strange face was covered with cracked scales. Bai Sensen's fangs protruded from the lips. Shined by the sun, shining with Han Han's light.

"This guy is a dragon, but he doesn't look like an orthodox dragon ... Is it Yalong?" Guan Heng wondered: "But the general Yalong has absolutely no such arrogance, this guy is a strong enemy!"

"Hey, big guy, what's the use of angering these poor little lizards?" Guan Hengyu said sarcastically: "Don't ignore me, we'll wait here for a long time."

"Boy, who are you?" The dragon lord asked in a deep voice: "what evil trick did I use to make my men horrified like this?"

"Before asking someone else's name, please tell your name," Guan Heng said, holding his shoulders together, and said, "Is this basic etiquette? Do you understand it? It's a rude guy."

"Lao Tzu is the leader of the Slaughter Legion, one of the six major legions of the Dragon clan-the invincible battle of Dragon Recamo." The dragon-shaped big man suddenly yelled, "Is the rude kid of the human race, did you kill my third Pioneer? I want revenge for them! "

—— [2016.4.24 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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