Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1108: Battle Dragon Recamo

"Wow, do all the leaders of the six dragon clan commanders have such unpleasant rough voices?" Guan Heng said with his little thumb and his ears, "I almost deafened me."

"Woohoo !!" Furious Recamo twitched the mace in his hand, scratched his head and shot at Guan Hengtianling: "Boy, die!"

The mace itself is an unusually heavy weapon, coupled with the powerful power of Recamo itself. This strike is extremely powerful. Guan Heng is now defenseless, where he is willing to connect it, so he stuns and hides from the distance. .

"Bang!" The mace slammed the ground into a deep pit, smashing the ground into a deep pit. Recamo fled away at the first sight, immediately waving his weapon and yelling after it.

"This invincible battle dragon really fought like a madman." Guan Heng knew that he didn't have the strength to fight with the other side now, and his eyes turned to his heart. He glanced at him, and there was a scared and paralyzed beside him. Yalong, "Hoo!" Guan Heng grabbed Yalong's thick tail, and ran to Lei Kamo.

"Bang!" Recamo slammed the slammed object to the ground with a wand, and fixed his eyes on his own Yalong.

Who knew that at this moment, the Yalongs who were lying on the ground were thrown over by him, and flung at Recamo without a thought, and this group of guys had scared the **** flow. Yalong shot down, but those dirty things had already covered his face!

"Abominable, how can this be true!" The roar of Recamo rang through the world: "Dare to tease me, I will kill you and tear you to pieces!"

Although Recamo was so angry at this time, Guan Heng could not care which one. Yalong everywhere said there were still dozens of them. Guan Heng kept non-stop and threw these Yalongs in a volley to Recamo. Let him struggle for a while.

"Hoo!" Another huge Yalong split his head and slammed his face at Recamo. The head of the angry dragon clan waved a mace and slammed it to the ground.

But at this moment, Recamo was dimly drowsy on his head, and a group of dark shadows sprang out in a gap. Originally, Guan Heng threw Yalong even if he shrank behind. Recamo only looked at the Yalong in front of him, but I didn't notice that Guan Heng was close at hand.

"Eh-hhhh!" Han Guang flashed suddenly, and the heavy armor of Recamo's predecessor cracked. "Hhhh!" A sudden surge of blood spurted out!

"Uh ah-what kind of weapon is this?" Blood continued to flow, and Recamo covered his wound with his hand, and cried out, "This thing can not only cut through my heavy armor, but also dragon scales and skins. Can't stop its edge ?! "

"Hey, it seems that this dragon-killer weapon is quite useful." The short sword in Guan Heng's hands whirled between his fingers, he sneered sneer: "Recamo, now I can use it to play with you Now. "

"Now it's my turn to fight back!" "Alas!" Guan Heng teleported in an instant. Six or seven afterimages suddenly appeared around Recamo. Recamo's eyes were overwhelmed for a moment, and his face appeared. Panicked expression.

"Good opportunity." Guan Heng saw this situation, stunned to pass over, short sword edge forward, it will penetrate into the opponent's heart.

"Boy, you've been fooled!" There was a flash of faintness in his eyes, and Recamo's mouth opened wide, exhaling a hot breath, sweeping Guanheng's body unbiasedly.

"Uh ah ah-so hot!" For a while, Guan Heng was burned into a huge fireball. He shook in the flames, and he was about to turn to ashes.

"Hahaha, this scorching dragon's breath compressed in my throat is one of my last killers."

Recamo laughed proudly: "Although I am only a Yaron, I am indeed the strongest Yalong warrior, because I can use Dragon Breath just like the real Dragon Clan, although my Dragon Breath can only be used at a critical moment. Once, and then slowly build up again. "

"Oh, is that it? It could only be used once." Guan Heng, who was still screaming in the flames, laughed out loud: "Recamo, it's a pity that your dragon's breath only has the power of a flame, and As for me, I am immune to all fires! "

"Slap." Guan Heng suddenly gave a ringing finger, and the flames around him slammed into his body, unlike when he was on the Ashton continent. These flames did not turn into simple fire elements and scattered all over the body. Instead, they all penetrated into the group of crimson dragon's breath beside Guan Heng's heart, and unexpectedly and unintentionally, slowly increased the power of dragon's breath.

"Recamo, I don't have time to consume it with you now." Guan Heng's mouth turned up and a smile appeared: "Remember, the one who defeated you is called-Guan Heng !!"

"Yeah!" The dagger in Guan Heng's palm suddenly turned into a shadow, and rushed directly towards Recamo in front of him, and Recamo yelled and waved a mace to greet him with all his strength!

"唰-锵!" The two figures crossed suddenly, "噗!" Guan Heng landed first, his shoulders flew a blast of blood for a while, and his wounds were blurred by the mace.

"Dang!" At this moment, Recamo fell suddenly, and a red line suddenly appeared at the center of his eyebrow, extending obliquely from his forehead to the cheek. The next moment, Recamo's left eye The part of the left ear suddenly separated from the entire head, "Oh!"

Reaching to cover the wound on his head, Recamourn yelled at Heaven: "Uh ah ah-abominable level, you ruined my eyes and ears."

"Hey, am I supposed to scream, right?" Guan Heng looked at the blood on his face, but Recamo, still angry and roaring, said helplessly: "Half of my head has disappeared, but I haven't. dead?!"

"Alas! Guan Heng! This feud is written down today."

Reikamo, who was severely injured, used a roar to attract a beaked dragon that was entangled in the sky. The strange dragon suddenly extended his two claws to grasp Recamo's shoulder and took him to midair. Recamo yelled: "I swear, I must defeat you, regain the dignity of the soldiers, wait, I will use these hands to tear your throat, and use your blood to wash my shame-"

"Recamo, stand still!" Guan Heng wanted to ask Recamo about the whereabouts of the Lord of the Abyss, so he hurried after him. Who knew that Recamo suddenly clenched his left fist in the air, an immense force in an instant Gathering on Recamo's arm, a wounded invisibility was raised on the palm of the severely wounded Dragon.

"Ah-fighting dragon fighting gas bomb! Go!" The fighting gas bomb with a big fist was thrown down by Recamo, and it flew towards the chasing Guan Heng instantly.

"Good fighting spirit!" Suddenly, Guan Heng decided not to pick up the fighting gas bomb, so he staggered back and grabbed more than ten meters.

—— [2016.4.24 second change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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