Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11598: Treasures under the beast bones (the fifth one broke out)


Between the lightning and the fire, dozens of swift shadows sprang up from the bottom of the gully, and rushed towards Shi Jingwei. Some of these guys are strange monsters, some are roaring evil spirits. There are many kinds of evil spirits, and they can even get together to attack the same target. , Is also a rare thing.

In the next moment, Shi Jingwei, who was not afraid of danger, suddenly grabbed his spirit-attracting stub, and said, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Suddenly covered by these auras, the evil beasts howled miserably and rolled around on the spot. The evil spirits were also shaken by the light so that they could not see things. At this moment, Little Earth Toad, Black Stone Guard, and Wuhai The ancient mosquitoes have been killed nearby.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


More than a dozen large and small evil beasts were immediately knocked to the ground by Mo Shiwei. Seeing this scene, the other evil beasts and evil spirits felt that something was wrong. These guys were so terrified that they planned to break through the siege and escape.

But at such a time, the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog have rushed over, releasing a large cloud of thick fog, enveloping it.




Trapped in the thick fog of invisible five fingers, the evil beasts and evil spirits were panicked and involuntarily screamed and wailed, but Mo Shiwei and Xiao Tuchan had already taken the opportunity to cover them up and carried out devastating blows according to these guys.

It was just seven or eight breaths, and most of the evil beasts and spirits with poor strength were eliminated. Shi Jingwei only let Mo Shiwei catch some guys who were not bad enough and could be imprisoned in the Toad Cauldron Fire Pond and brought back. The little earth toad teleported back.

"Buzzing—buzzing—" At this moment, the ancient mosquito king of the sea of ​​fog fluttered towards the remote area at the bottom of the front ravine. It is now taking everyone to a place where the "treasure" is buried. Soon , Everyone came here with the ancient mosquito king.

It turned out that there is a huge remains of an ancient beast that looks like a hill. The ancient mosquito king wandered around here, and then whispered to Shi Jingwei a few times, which meant that everyone should move the bones away because they buried precious minerals. The entrance to the cave is directly below the bones of the ancient beasts.

Hearing the call of the ancient mosquito king, Shi Jingwei waved his hand and motioned to Mo Shiwei who was holding a tool to surround him. Everyone immediately swung their shovel, pick, hammer, and shovel, knocking them on the bones one after another.

To say that the remains of this ancient beast may have been a very strong thing in the past, but after years of wind erosion, it has made this thing very decayed, just a few hard hits, it will immediately collapse and shatter.

"Boom, boom, wow!" In a short time, all the remains of the ancient beast were scattered and turned into dusty fly ash. But at the same time, more than ten whistling shadows sprang out from the gaps in the bones of the ancient beasts, and rushed towards Shi Jingwei and Mo Shiwei.

This is not the body of evil spirits, but a kind of beast soul that has received severe evil infestation. Seeing this, Shi Jingwei waved his hand to signal the Mo Shiwei to step back, intending to personally oppose these guys.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh each


There were screams of extreme screams, and the evil spirit beast soul wanted to break out like crazy, but it was a useless struggle. The slightly weaker beast soul was suddenly crushed, collapsed and disappeared, and the remaining beast souls were also lost. The consciousness.

In the next instant, they were absorbed by the little earth toad and moved to the ethereal toad cauldron.

"Huh!" At this time, the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog, led by the ancient mosquito king, plunged into the treasure hidden under the bones, followed by the rock-piercing apes and the small earth toads, Shi Jingwei and Mo Shi Wei followed closely, and soon everyone reached their destination.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this time, the ancient mosquito king suddenly landed on a huge rocky area, and then whispered at Shi Jingwei and nodded again.

Shi Jingwei immediately understood, and then he greeted the Mo Shiwei to step forward and began to clean up the lying rocks.

"Boom boom boom!"


"Boom, dong, dong!" Mo Shiwei kept breaking the rocks, swept them away, and cleared a path. Shi Jingwei let the rock-piercing ape sit on his shoulders, and then headed towards Wuhai Ancient Mosquito King. Go ahead.

"Pop!" After a few breaths, Shi Jingwei raised his foot and stepped on a rock blocking him, and came to the area with pale golden light flashing in front.

The ore here exudes a peculiar light, which attracted the attention of the rock-piercing ape. The little monkey rolled to the edge of the ore with a whirl, and stretched out his claws to stroke the ore.


But at the next moment, the rapid crawling sound suddenly sounded, and the monkey jumped. Shi Jingwei immediately stretched out his hand to copy its body and put it on his shoulders, and then Huo Di slammed his fist to the ground in front of him, "Bang!" It suddenly appeared, and a big hole was blasted out beside the ore.

"Wow!" In an instant, a long and narrow shadow jumped up suddenly. This guy was agile and barely avoided Shi Jingwei's fist. At this moment, he leaped against the wind and wanted to continue his attack, which immediately angered Shi Jingwei.

"Hey!" Shi Jingwei quickly touched the giant axe on his back, and fiercely chopped it on the body, cutting it into two pieces.


The screaming gray-spotted poisonous anaconda was not dead for a while, and the two remnants kept jumping on the spot, shaking the wounds and splashing blood mist all over the ground. Shi Jingwei stayed unmoved, stepped up and lifted his foot. Boom, squeak!" In a flash, he crushed the opponent into minced meat.

"Squeak, squeak!" At this moment, the ancient mosquito king of Wuhai made a sharp scream in the air. Shi Jingwei and the others raised their eyes and saw that hundreds of poisonous anacondas came out from all directions. It turned out to be this mystery. The area filled with pale gold ore is a snake cave!

Shi Jingwei did not put these little venomous snakes in his eyes at all. He waved his big hand, and the ink stone guards immediately shook their weapons and rushed over. At the same time, the little earth toad released a large amount of mysterious aura towards the ground. In an instant, the ground within a radius of several meters turned into mud.

The poisonous boars and poisonous pythons just rushed forward, but they did not expect that the ground had already caused the enemy to move their hands and feet.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhch , I can’t tell where the way out is.

At this time, it was time for Mo Shiwei and Shi Jingwei to kill them.

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