Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11599: Axe Chopping Black Horned Poisonous Boa (first more)

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Shi Jingwei, who wields two axes like a ghost and lightning.

At the same time, the Black Stone Guards had already rushed forward, surrounded the panicked poisonous anacondas, and continued to behead and kill each other.


"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

In the blink of an eye, the little earthy toads blasted mud bombs on the edge of the thick fog, and forcibly repelled a group of poisonous pythons trying to escape from the thick fog. They were hit by the mud bombs, and they suddenly sank and fell on them. On the ground, the whole body was trembling, and there was no way to get up and continue to escape.

"Puff!" Shi Jingwei's double axe flew up and down between the electric light and stone fire, suddenly cutting off the bodies of two huge poisonous anacondas, turning them into six corpses.

Seeing this, the Rock Wearing Ape squeaked and clapped its claws, and seemed very happy, as if it had won by itself.


"Boom! Boom, plop!" The Mo Shiwei who flew out suddenly fell out of the thick fog. Fortunately, their bodies were strong and sturdy, and they didn't suffer any physical damage.


In a short time, the huge black horned poisonous anaconda suddenly spewed out a big breath, forcibly blowing out most of the dense fog, because this guy came very fast, so the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog did not have time to release more fog, they were blacked. The poisonous boa blows far away.

Fortunately, the ancient mosquitoes in the sea of ​​fog have usually absorbed a lot of wood mysterious aura, so although the breath of the poisonous boa is very poisonous, even if it is dizzy and a little confused by the breath of the other party, they can recover in just a few breaths. normal.

At the same time, the two Moshi Guards who were hit by the Black Horned Poisonous Boa shook their heads and stood up. Obviously, the Black Horned Poisonous Boa had no effect on their attacks. Seeing this scene, the Black Horned Poisonous Boa's eyes suddenly flashed. Now he looks vicious and vicious, but also a little jealous.

Because it had clearly exerted its full power, but it hadn't even killed an enemy, so this guy knew well that these powerful enemies in front of him were not so easy to dismiss.

But at this moment, Shi Jingwei didn't pay attention to this guy, slammed, Shi Jingwei raised his left-handed giant axe, and signaled his companions to continue killing other poisonous anacondas, Mo Shiwei, Little Earth Toad, and Ancient Mosquitoes in the Sea of ​​Fog. Immediately launched a swift attack.

Seeing that his subordinates were slaughtered, so angry that the black-horned poisonous boa shuddered like sifting chaff, this guy suddenly stood up, trying to stop it.

But in the next moment, Shi Jingwei had already stretched out his hand to block the opponent's path with a double axe. Its meaning was very clear: "Your opponent is me. If you want to pass from here, you must first defeat me!"

With the instinct of a fierce beast, the Black Horned Poisonous Anaconda naturally felt that Shi Jingwei was one of the strongest enemies among the enemies, so he could absolutely not kill it by himself.

However, Shi Jingwei's provocative intentions really made the Black Horned Poisonous Anaconda couldn't restrain the killing intent in his heart. After all, this guy is also the king of the group. How can he bear the ridicule and excitement of the other party?

"His--" It was too late, then soon, the king of the poisonous anaconda roared wildly, and flew towards Shi Jingwei. This guy seemed a little impatient, planning to dominate the enemy with pressure to gain the upper hand.

On the other hand, Shi Jingwei, raising his hands and feet with full confidence, can be described as easy and easy to deal with the black-horned poisonous anaconda in front of him.

"Bang!" Between the electric light and flint, the poisonous anaconda king's big mouth suddenly bit at Shi Jingwei. After being avoided by it, it hit the ground, causing earth and rocks to splash in all directions.

However, Shi Jingwei was unharmed, swiping a double axe and violently rubbing the opponent's body, "Heh! Hey!" Suddenly, this black-horned poisonous anaconda immediately added a few blood scars on the surface.

"Roar!!" The black-horned poisonous anaconda and Shi Jingwei suffered a big loss as soon as they met each other, and it suddenly screamed hysterically in pain. This guy was horrified and fearful in his heart, and immediately shook his body and backed away. During this battle, once he felt timid , Is the prelude to defeat!


Shi Jingwei saw that the opponent was weak in fighting spirit, and suddenly attacked with a double axe, "Kaka Kaka!" The end of the poisonous anaconda in Zhang Yu was forcibly chopped off by Shi Jingwei and strangled. This guy was so painful and even miserable. The calls are all vigorously sent out.

"Bang!" In an instant, the black horned anaconda's back suddenly leaned against the rock wall. It turned out that this guy had no way out!

"call out!"

The double axe quickly fell under the wind, and it was about to give the King of Poisonous Anacondas a blow. Seeing this, it was already unable to dodge and closed its eyes in despair, but Shi Jingwei unexpectedly did not give the opponent a fatal one. Instead, he slapped the axe viciously on the forehead of the black horned anaconda.

"Pump!" The unconscious black-horned poisonous anaconda fell to the ground. Maybe soon, when this guy wakes up, he will find himself **** somewhere, and then a group of black stone guards will open his stomach with a sharp weapon. , Skin cramps, but also cut off the fangs and glands...

Captured the King of Poisonous Anaconda alive, and asked Little Earth Toad to transfer it to the Ethereal Toad Cauldron. Shi Jingwei nodded to the Ancient Mosquito and Little Earth Toad in the Sea of ​​Fog, and then signaled Mo Shiwei to continue digging out those shining pale gold rays. Of rare ores.


At the same time, the fire-hunting puppets on the other side also encountered a large group of strange beasts.

Most of these guys have been attacked by evil spirits and have fallen into a completely evil state. The puppet soldiers have rich experience and know that when they encounter this kind of thing, there are only two choices.

At the moment, the puppet captain issued an order, and the fire-hunting puppet soldiers behind him immediately divided into two teams, surrounding them in the left and right directions.

"Ping pong pong!"


"Boom boom boom!"

In the blink of an eye, there were repeated violent sounds, and the evil beasts that were killed suddenly fell to half of them. These were the guys with poor strength and little use value, so they were all killed by the puppet soldiers in the first place.

The rest are guys who can withstand the first round of flame attacks by the puppet soldiers in a short period of time. Their strength is not bad, so they are all locked as valuable targets that can be "captured alive".

After more than ten breaths, a large number of evil beasts were captured. They either had blue noses and swollen faces, or lacked arms and legs. They all lost their ability to fight. At the same time, the puppet captain called several small earth toads in the same group to let them Transfer all the prisoners back to the Ethereal Toad Ding.

After completing this round of work, the puppet captain looked left and right, and started looking for a new target. At this moment, more than a dozen black marsh evil flies suddenly flew nearby. They were sent by the earth palace toad to contact the hunter. The "poster" of the fire puppet soldiers.

At this moment, the black marsh evil fly headed by him suddenly landed on the shoulder of the puppet soldier.

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