Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12389: Ape Soul Fighting Wolf Spirit (First Update)

"Roar!!" In the next instant, King Jia Yao suddenly roared and swooped towards the double-headed wind evil wolf spirit.

The other party found out that King Jia Yao had changed his conservative attacking method and became more open-minded and had no scruples. He knew that he was about to suffer bad luck, so the cunning two-headed wolf spirit suddenly turned around and scurried, intending to escape.

"Want to run? Grandpa won't let you go like this!"

"Den deng deng, deng deng deng!" It was too late, but it was fast, King Jia Yao shook his body and chased after him like lightning, "Huhuhu!" The two-headed wolf spirit suddenly felt the evil wind behind his head and he was not good. It was too late to dodge.

"Bang!" In an instant, King Jia Yao's headbutt had already slammed into the opponent's spirit body, and the two-headed wolf spirit flew directly into the air while screaming.

"Hey! Pfft!" In the blink of an eye, the two-headed wolf spirit was penetrated by the flames. This guy felt the fiery fire aura bursting out of his spirit body, and he couldn't help screaming: "Ow woo woo—"


"Boom--" In an instant, the defeated two-headed wolf spirit exploded into powder at a low altitude, and was then completely swallowed up by the rapidly spreading fire aura, and disappeared.

"La La La... La La La..." At the same time, King Jiaxu heard the surrounding rock walls shaking and making harsh noises, so he raised his head and looked left and right, for fear that his mighty attack just now would knock the surrounding area around. The rock wall collapsed, blocking the road and it was troublesome.

But taking a closer look, King Jia Yao found that the rock walls only trembled a few times, and then nothing abnormal happened.

Guan Heng said calmly at this moment: "Don't worry, didn't I tell you just now? Just do it, I'll be responsible for strengthening the firmness of the surrounding rock walls, no problem."

"Yes, yes, or Master Guan, you are amazing, my admiration for you is like a surging river..."

"Stop, stop, if you are flattering, don't talk about it." Guan Heng waved his hand, and then continued: "Let's move forward, maybe a more powerful guy is waiting for us to clean up."

"Hahaha, I think so too." King Jia Yao was full of joy after hearing this, and he said loudly, "Aren't we here to have a big fight with that guy? I'll open the way!"

After saying that, King Jia Yao has already sprinted towards the front. At the same time, Gu Huang shouted: "Count me in, let's go together!"


Saying that, the ancient wild roars have already fluttered their wings and swept at a low altitude, rushing in front of the Jialu Dynasty, and Guan Heng said behind them: "Remember, if you encounter any little guys or the like, you will immediately exterminate them. , but the stronger ones have to be captured alive.”

"Yes, Master Guan!"

At the same time as hearing this, Guhuang Houlu and Jia Yao Wang agreed in unison, and soon, they encountered an oncoming enemy.



"Whoosh whoosh!" In the blink of an eye, the swiftly moving wind evil wolf spirits were wrapped in strong winds, uttering piercing whistles, and surrounded them one after another. Roughly estimated, there must be at least a hundred of them.

"Hahaha, good time!"

"Crack!" King Jia Yao suddenly took a step forward and shouted: "Hulu, this time let you come first, I will be responsible for blocking their retreat, don't let any of them go."

"Okay!" With a promise in his mouth, Gu Huang Roar swiftly moved and turned in the air and on both sides of the ground, and suddenly more than a dozen afterimages swayed, and the eyes of the evil wolves were dizzying and dazzling, and could not be captured for a while. to the exact trail of the enemy.

"Look at the move, Insect Bone Sword Dance!"


"Crack clap!"

In an instant, the clones of the roars swirled one after another, slashing out one after another sword glow that was as fast as a shower, and forcibly smashed half of the wind evil wolf spirits into pieces.

"Okay, this is a powerful move, not bad, not bad." Seeing this scene, King Jia Yao was very excited and praised loudly.

"Huh!" With a sudden flick of the sword blade in his palm, Gu Huanghou stagnant in the air, said casually, "Fat, I'll give you the rest."

"Hey, no problem, just a mouthful of flames."

"Whoo- hoo hoo hoo--"

At the moment when King Jia Yao finished his words, Huo Di inhaled and bulged his cheeks, spit out a large amount of original fire, and in the few breaths of the raging fire, most of the wolf spirits had been burned to ashes, except for a few distances. The leader-level wolf spirits, who were far away and were much stronger than ordinary ones, barely died.

"Okay, that's them. These guys can be caught alive, roaring the scorpion, and let the ape souls do it."

"Okay." Hearing Guan Heng, who was watching the battle, issued an order, Gu Huanghou roared immediately: "Little ones, give it to me."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" said it too late, then soon, hearing this, the aggressive fire claw ape souls rushed forward.

Those wind evil wolf spirits who had just escaped the catastrophe were so frightened that they lost their souls.

"Hoohoo-hoo-bang--" In the flash of lightning, several leader-level wolf spirits immediately rose into the air, planning to flee towards the depths of the cave.

"Swish!" But at the next moment, the fire claw ape souls actually joined end to end in the air, and then swirled incoherently, which generated a powerful suction, and several wolf spirits who wanted to escape immediately was sucked back.

"Hehehe, this trick was learned from the Seven Ghosts' 'Ghost Wind Circle'."

Guan Heng said with a smile at this time: "It seems that the ape souls have indeed tried their best to contact each other. Although it is relatively rough, the power has been improved a lot."

"That's true." Gu Huanghou Lufei flew down beside Guan Heng and said in a low voice, "This is also thanks to Guan Heng and you letting the seven ghosts guide the ape souls carefully, otherwise how could they progress so fast? what."

"Not much to say, but also because of their own efforts."

Guan Heng saw that the ape souls returned happily with the captured wolf spirits, so he said casually: "You guys did a good job this time, I will choose some fire spirits that you can absorb and ingest, and let you fuse them together. Improve your own fire power, this is a reward."


"Oh oh oh!" Hearing this, the fire claw ape souls were overjoyed, and Guan Heng said: "It's alright, if you want a reward, you have to wait until you go back. Now, we have to find this hole. The most powerful wolf spirit inside."

"I think this guy can't hold back anymore and wants to jump out on his own." Guan Heng said casually: "Fat, mother bug, do you feel each other's existence?"

"The stench of the wind evil wolf spirit king has drifted from not far away, and I can smell it." King Jia Yao said, twitching his nose a few times, and continued: "Master Guan, it seems that the other party Will show up soon."

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