Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12390: self-exploding rock

"Well, let's go, let's meet that guy." Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly, and a playful smile appeared on his face, while walking forward, he said: "I hope this wind evil wolf spirit king can please us. Strength, don't be beaten down too easily."

"Hahaha, I have deep doubts about this." King Jia Yao said with a grin: "From the analysis of the strength of the young minions and the leader-level wolf spirit, this wolf spirit king will not be much stronger, at most is a waste. ."

"Hehe, don't be careless." Gu Huang Houlu blinked beside him and said with a wicked smile, "Be careful of capsize in the small river ditch."

"Bah, how is this possible? Lord Yao is never careless." King Jia Yao held his head high and said as he walked, "Master Guan said a word before, saying that when a lion fights a rabbit, we must do our best, we have always Believe it and do it.”

"Hehe, in my opinion, you're flattering in front of Master Guan." After Gu Huang Houlu said this, he suddenly landed on the head of King Jia Yao, and then continued: "I don't believe your brain. So good, I will always remember Guan Ye's words..."

"Hmph, who made you believe me, I..."

"Fat, be quiet!" Suddenly, Guan Heng said this sentence suddenly. Seeing this scene, Guhuang Hulu and Jia Yao Wang were taken aback, thinking that the way they were arguing with each other annoyed Guan Heng. .

But Guan Heng didn't say anything else, just raised his finger and pointed to the tunnel in front, and then made a gesture of listening.

King Jiaxu and Hulu immediately understood, and then narrowed their eyes slightly, listening carefully to the movement on the other side.

"Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo--" It was too late, but it was too fast, and the sound of the swift wind in the tunnel quickly gathered, and the sound became louder and louder, which surprised King Jia Yao, he turned his head and whispered. Said: "Master Guan, this wind is..."

"It should be a gift prepared by the Wind Evil Wolf Spirit King for us. If this thing is not handled properly, it may cause the tunnel ahead to collapse and block our way."

After a little analysis, Guan Heng said: "This is also the purpose of the wolf spirit king, it is to prevent you and me from finding our own traces."

"Hehehe, it's just a gust of wind, it's nothing special." At this moment, King Jia Yao said loudly: "Master Guan, let me try the opponent's power first."

"Okay, let's go." As soon as Guan Heng's order came out, King Jia Yao suddenly ran away with the wind, "Boom-boom-huhuhu-" In the flash of lightning, it already ran more than ten meters away, Just in time, there was a swift and incoherent whirlwind turning sharply.

"Roar!" The next moment, the roaring King Jia Yao rushed over with big strides, "Bang!" In an instant, it had a head-to-head with the strong wind.

"Squeak, squeak—" In an instant, King Jia Yao's incomparably hard outer armor squeezed with the whirlwind, making a harsh sound, and then it sneered: "Is that enough power? Tickle is not strong enough, go away!"

"Boom!" After saying that, King Jia Yao just took a step forward and used his incomparably majestic body to crush the whirlwind, causing it to move back several feet, and finally couldn't bear Jia Yao. The power of the king collapsed and disappeared!

"Oh oh oh!" The next moment, King Jia Yao roared and roared: "Feng Xie Wolf Spirit King, you trash, if you think that a little trick can make you die a little later, it is a dream, just wait, Grandpa will definitely find you and tear you to pieces!"

The roar of King Jia Yao continued to reverberate and extend in the tunnel, causing the surrounding rock walls to tremble continuously, and many small pieces of earth, gravel and **** fell to the ground, appearing majestic and majestic. Your voice is so loud, are you not afraid of scaring our prey away?"

"Hmph, don't be afraid, don't be afraid." King Jiayao replied nonchalantly at this time: "Master Guan also said that there are few forks in this cave, and it is basically certain that there is no other way to escape here except for the front exit. There is a scorpion watching, so the prey can't escape no matter how good it is!"

"Well, that's right."

Hearing this, Gu Huang Houlu nodded subconsciously, and at this moment, the King Jinzhang, who was flying fast in the air, swept over its head, and said, "Old third, why are you so stunned? Hurry up, let's follow. Go ahead and check the situation."

"Understood, second brother, wait for me!" As soon as these words came out, the ancient Huanghou Cauldron immediately flew into the air, hurriedly chasing the evil slug mother and the golden sting king in front.

"Hey, I'll go too." Having said that, King Jia Yao also rushed over.

"You guys, don't you know to wait for me?" Guan Heng sighed at the end, and then chased after him in a hurry.

After a while, the three worms and the king of the eagle suddenly stopped the castration, because in front of them was a huge black rock, which happened to stop in the middle of the road.

"Is this another ghost trick of the Fengxie Wolf Spirit King? God-killed beast, don't you have the guts to fight this uncle? You bastard!"

Seeing this rock, King Jia Yao suddenly became furious, his eyes were splitting with anger, it roared wildly, and then slammed into this huge rock, "Bang! La La La!" The extremely high head hammer of the king of the king eagle left deep concave pits on the rock surface, and then, countless cracks appeared...

"Fatty, Mother Insect, all of you back off!" At this moment, Guan Heng, who suddenly appeared behind them, roared, and subconsciously, King Jia Yao and San Zong immediately followed his words and retreated seven or eight back. step.

"Huh!" It was too late to say, but it was fast, Guan Heng had already flown and stopped in front of everyone, "Crack!" He casually patted the short sword Xuanbing Guyue at his waist, "Huuuuuuu!" More than ten ice evil tyrants The soul flew out like lightning.

Guan Heng said casually: "Three... No, five ice shields, freeze the surroundings for me by the way!"

"Huhuhu—咻咻咻—" Hearing these words, the tyrannical souls acted immediately, quickly spitting out countless ice mysterious auras, forming layers of ice shields, and freezing all the surrounding rock walls.

"What is Master Guan doing?" Seeing this scene, Guhuang Houlu and Jia Yao Wang looked at each other, looking a little puzzled.

"Boom!" But at the next moment, the huge rock in front of Guan Heng with countless cracks shattered with a sound, and countless fragments of shattered stones rushed towards him with an incomparable impact.



"Ding ding ding!"

In an instant, the gravel hit the front of the ice shield under the burst of impact force. This impact force could actually crush the first three layers of the ice shield condensed by the ice mysterious aura, until the fourth layer of ice shield showed some cracks. , which completely cancels it out.

"It's so dangerous!" Seeing this scene, King Jia Yao and Gu Huang Houlu couldn't help but gasp.

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